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Legends Of Thamaturga The Guardian : The Guardian

Page 5

by HC MacDonald

  He turned, “Is the end of the wall ahead?”

  I just laughed, “No it is behind you ten feet.”

  He walked back to me. We sat again, waiting. I heard him howl an unusual call. “Now we wait.” He said. I saw the blade come out of its sheath. What had he just done? Within the hour an Absjorn came crashing thru the woods. I stood, my blades in hand. Raoul was next to me. He put a hand on my arm. “Wait. It will test your dome.”

  We watched as it barreled into the invisible wall, causing it to bounce back a few feet. The tan colored Absjorn tried repeatedly. Its snout was bloody from the impact. “Send the Absjorn back where it came from.” Raoul instructed. I looked at him. I didn’t know I could do that or for that matter where it had come from. I couldn’t picture it. The Absjorn kept coming at us. Trying many angles. I tried to focus on the creature. I couldn’t place him. Then I heard the giggles of the kids. They were coming. I turned to look in the direction of the sound. The Absjorn heard them too. He began running in their direction.

  I focused on the creature. I focused on the fortress. I knew where that was. Wyatt ran around the corner. The Absjorn leapt in the air to attack. I heard Wyatt scream in fear. Desperate to remove him from danger. I closed my eyes one more time focused on the Absjorn being in a cell at the fortress. When Raoul touched my shoulder, I opened my eyes. I saw Wyatt running toward me, tears in his eyes. I met him with open arms, and soothed his fears. The girls and Leon came running around the bend just then. “Everything all right?” Leon asked looking around for danger. He focused on Raoul’s hand still holding the blade.

  “Yes. We were not expecting you. Gave us a fright is all.” Raoul replied. I looked at Wyatt. Stroked his head. Reassured him he was safe. I felt the pull of magic surround him. Within moments, he was up and running to the girls. I looked to Raoul, “Did I just manipulate his feelings?” I was scared to know the answer. Raoul laughed. “You can do many things my dear, but changing ones own feelings you cannot.”

  “How then does Nezra do it? You know, gain their loyalties?” I had seen men fight him then be loyal to him.

  “You can remove memories, but not the feelings someone has. Nezra manipulates men by removing the memory of hatred. Then the person must decide again how they feel.” Raoul replied.

  “Did I remove the memory of the Absjorn?” I questioned.

  “Maybe, maybe not. Children are very resilient. He probably decided playing was more fun than crying.” He smiled at me know.

  “Ready for a break?” Leon asked.

  “I think we are done for today.” Raoul replied.

  I had to agree. One good scare was enough. Off we went. Headed into the market place. It was a pleasant day. Come evening, we met up with Ethan, Sanna, and Sasha. Sanna informing us of all the village gossip. My mind had wondered. I was thinking of my childhood. I remembered the butterfly I was playing with as a child. The warmth, and love I had then.

  The chatter stopped. I pulled myself back to the group. All were staring at the ceiling. Above us were dozens of beautiful butterflies fluttering across the ceiling. Leon nudged my arm. “You did this.” He didn’t sound to happy. I didn’t even realize I had done it. The butterflies began moving through the house, landing on the kids, and each of us. As they landed on me, a warm blast of love filled my soul. Then the butterfly would disappear. Its task to bring love to those around it done. We sat in silence as they landed and disappeared. Sanna was first to break the solitude. “What just happened?”

  I realized then, Leon hadn’t told them. I hadn’t told them. Now what was I to do. I looked at Leon. He shrugged his shoulders. Sanna looked from Leon to me and back again. “Are you going to tell me or do I need to find Raoul. I will find out!” I knew she would. She always did. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to loose her as a friend. I remembered how Leon had acted at first. I looked to Leon again.

  “Your call.” He was no help at all.

  “Okay. If I tell you, you cannot tell anyone. You must know I didn’t know till recently. I don’t want you to hate me.”

  “I could never hate you.” Sanna reached out and took my hand. “Now, tell me what is going on.”

  I told her what we had discovered. Raoul putting the pieces together. My branding. Our practicing. Sanna and Ethan sat in silence. When I was done, I looked at them for confirmation they were still my friends. People I could trust. Sanna and Ethan looked at each other. Ethan nodded. Faces blank. Sanna turned to me.

  “I knew it.” She yelled. “You owe me big time.” She was smiling at Ethan. I just looked at them puzzled.

  “So, you're okay with this then.” I asked timidly.

  “Yeah, we had a bet going as to wether you could do magic or not. Given your stories, we knew you didn’t know. But, no one is as lucky as you. Now Ethan gets to clean the house for a month. I win.” Up she was, doing a victory dance.

  “Seriously, you're okay with me.”

  “Of course we are, this doesn’t change who you are, or are sisterhood. Now you can hook us up.” She was laughing now. We all were.

  We ended the evening and said our goodbye’s. The children in bed. Leon on the floor by the fire. I drifted off in his bed. It felt good not to have a secret between Sanna and I.

  Chapter 8



  I couldn’t believe how fast the month had gone. Raina was getting really good with her powers. Could do almost anything. This week her and Raoul would be working on transporting. She had done it once a few weeks back. Now they were focusing on developing her skill. I’ve been amazed at her tenacity and patience.

  Today was our scheduled weekly council meeting. Everyone but Raoul would be there. Raoul and I had convinced the council Raina had left weeks ago. They did not know she was still in the village. They never knew the children came back after her attack, so they weren’t even a thought. We were doing good at keeping the family hidden. I didn’t feel bad about it. I liked having Raina all to myself.

  I sat in the corridor waiting for the council to summon me. My mind had drifted to Raina. Then their she was. A big smile on her face.

  “What are you doing here?” I was concerned she would be seen. They would come any second.

  “We were seeing if I could find you. I will leave now.” She seemed upset that I was not happy to see her. I was, but I wasn’t. She knew as well as I did the council would not be pleased to find out she was still here. A moment went by and she vanished. I looked to the heavy wood door. It had not moved. Our secret still safe. Moments later I heard the door open. Erebos waved me in.

  “Where do we stand with the border to the South?” Gregory was asking. We had been discussing allies and strategy for over an hour.

  “They will help us if needed. They prefer not to engage in any battles unless needs be.” I responded.

  “The raider parties, how close are they to Ladow?” another council member asked.

  “Our scouts have found them within a hundred miles of Ladow’s border. They are currently traveling northwest. If they continue on this path we should expect them to cross our northern lands, but still be more then far enough away from the nearest home. I think when the time comes, we still evacuate the outer homesteads and increase the guards in that part.” I commented.

  “I am agreed.” Thibault said.

  “What do we know of the traveler?” Erebos asked.

  “I don’t know what you mean?” My heart stared to race. He was asking about Raina. I thought we had eased any doubts weeks ago. Erebos had a way of causing trouble. Something was up.

  “The girl that came with you from the fortress. You said she had left, but we have not seen any signs of her since. So I ask, what do we know of her whereabouts?” Erebos was looking me in the eye, waiting. I had to think fast on my feet.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t realize we were to track her after I walked her to the border.” I thought playing innocent was my best option. Anything more would create to many lies. Mak
ing it easy for a mistake to happen.

  “So you don’t know where she is?” Erebos asked.

  I knew something was going on. Had Ethan or Sanna slipped when talking with someone. Did Raoul say something. I answered honestly, “No I do not.” Truth of the matter is, today I did not know where she was. For all I knew she was on the sea shore, or bouncing around all of Thamaturga. Who knew? I stared down Erebos.

  “What do we know of her?” Erebos opened it up to the group.

  “Why does it matter?” I asked.

  “We still don’t know if she was a spy. This is the second time from my understanding that she has been to our village. Now we have raiders near our doorstep. Seems a bit coincidental to me.” Now the cat was out of the bag. Erebos was trying to pin the raiders to Raina, then probably to me, showing I lack the leadership to be chief. This would need to stop, but how much could I say without giving her away.

  “She was escorting three small children last time. I hardly doubt spy’s would have an entourage so young.”

  “And what of these children? Where are they now? Where they with you at the fortress as she was? Why are they no longer with her? Not to mention, how did she escaped at the same time as you? Did she really help you escape or lead them to us?”

  “I don’t know what you are implying, but I assure you, no spy would help others to escape the nightmares of the fortress. She didn’t even know I was their till we were out of the fortress and into the woods.”

  “So she did follow you back to us. I still find it convenient. Maybe she is not a spy, maybe she is a thief. Stealing from Nezra and bringing his wrath of raiders. What is she hiding here to make her come back?”

  “She didn’t hide anything. She is not a spy, not a thief, she just needed to pass through.” I was getting angry at Erebos’s insinuations. He knew how to get under my skin. I was trying not to let him.

  “How do you know? Where you with her the entire time she was in Ladow?”

  “Yes, for the most part. When I was not, Raoul was with her.”

  “Raoul has said he was not with her other than escorting her into Ladow.”

  “Yes, that is what I said.”

  “No, that is not what you implied. You implied you were not always with her.”

  “Yes, I was with her after Raoul when I was released from the healing center.”

  “Why not give the escort task to another? As chief, you have responsibilities, of which do not include escorting young females.”

  “I realize that, and assure the council that all my duties have been met. I felt a debt to her. This is why I chose to escort her out of our lands. Repayment if you will for her help.”

  “Why are you so defensive of this girl? Do you have feelings for her?”

  “No, she is kind, but what does this have to do with anything.” I ran my hand thru my hair.

  “I feel you do, making you incapable of looking at her impartially. She may very well be a spy or thief and you would not know it.”

  “I find your accusations insulting. I will not permit any more of this type of questioning. From what I know of her, she is none of those things. However, you must decide for yourself. As for the raiders, they have been in those parts before. This is not a first time. It is odd that they would be coming back so soon after the last pass through, but this could be signs of Nezra’s unrest. Not anything to do with Raina.”

  I had said her name, I knew the mistake as soon as I said it. Erebos raised an eyebrow and dropped the topic. I knew he wasn’t done with this. I feared he knew how I really felt about her. Both were dangerous topics to explore.

  Another couple of hours went by debating village problems. We were wrapping things up when Erebos made a final comment.

  “I request we send a small party to find the girl and bring her in for questioning. All in favor say I.” I stared at Erebos. The evil smile on his face. “The I’s have it. I will put the search party together myself. Meeting adjourned.”

  I sat in my seat for a few moments. What was I going to do? I needed to talk to Raina and Raoul. We needed a plan. We needed a story. This was getting out of hand quickly.

  I headed out the door and down to the Atheneum. I would start my search for them there. They were not there. I went to Raoul’s tranquil place in the woods. Not there either. I went to the house. No Raina. I needed to think this through. I took off to my meadow. Lay on the grass and looked up at the sky.

  I had been laying there for some time. I still didn’t have much of a plan. I didn’t know how exactly her teleportation worked. If she could put herself on the path to the South. Away from the raiders trail. Then our scouts happen to cross her path there, that should work. They hadn’t asked about the children. Sanna would watch them for us. I could lead the party that direction. Assuming Erebos would assign me to it.

  I was deep in thought watching the clouds when I smelt her scent. I stood up. Looking around, but did not see her. Then she appeared.

  “Are you still mad at me? I didn’t mean to go there.” She started.

  “I wasn’t mad, just worried. They are not all trustworthy. I fear what they want with you.”

  “What do you mean, want with me?”

  “Today, they decided it was best to track you down and bring you back. Answer there questions. Erebos insists you are a spy or have stolen something from Nezra and Ladow will be caught in the hunt to find you.”

  I ran my hand thru my hair. She looked so sad at that moment. I could see her mind working. I didn’t want her to run again.

  “I am working on a plan. I would like us to discuss it with Raoul. Can you ask him to come?” I asked her. I grabbed her arm to show some affection and let her know I was here for her.

  “I will ask. I...I don’t want any problems. Maybe it would be best if we just left. I could stay hidden, so you wouldn’t find us. Maybe that would ease the pressure off of you and satisfy the council. They never wanted us here anyway.”

  “No, but I did. I don’t want you to leave. If you go, how will I find you. How will I see you? We can figure this out. I can go with you.” I was holding both her hands pleading with her to stay. I knew if she left it would be near impossible to find her. I also knew I do anything to be with her.

  She looked up at me, “You cannot leave. You are needed here. You have a responsibility to this village. To these people. They need you. I appreciate the offer, but for everyones protection, I will go.”

  “No, we can figure it out.” She was gone before I could finish the sentence. I knew she would get the children first. I turned to run to the house. Standing at the edge of the meadow watching was Erebos. He looked at me and turned into the woods out of view.

  I couldn’t think about him right now. I needed to stop Raina from leaving. I ran to Sanna’s. The children were still there. I took them all to my home. Sanna insisted on coming with. Together we waited for Raina to appear.

  Chapter 9



  I could go anywhere I wanted. I just had to envision it in my mind. I stood on the seashore now. I had seen the place in my dreams and now here I stood. I would need to go back for the children. I just needed to decide where to go. Where I could to start fresh. Where no one would question us. I skipped the rock I was holding and sat in the sand. No one was around me. If they were, I didn’t care. I had fashioned a cloak around me. If anyone came by, they would not know I was there. I didn’t need to pick up Raoul till sunset. He had me take him to a village down south. Showed me pictures he had tucked in a drawer. Lead to what my other symbols may mean. I closed my eyes. Thoughts of the field by my home entered my mind. I focused my attentions to home.

  I sat at the edge of the woods looking at the empty home I used to live in as a child. Slowly I walked up to the door. It was still busted. The house piled with dust and dirt. Animals had made there way inside, making it a home for them. The stains of blood from all those years ago still painted the wooden floor and stone walls. Memor
ies of that day flooded back. My fathers’ death. My mothers’ capture, my friends and neighbors. As I stood I heard footsteps coming my direction. I turned to look. I recognized her. She was younger in those days, but I knew her. She would visit my mother regularly. She stood a few feet away now. Stopped in her tracks.

  “I know you.” She stated. “You were Rose’s daughter.”

  “Yes, I was.” I shyly answered back.

  She crossed the distance between us in two easy steps and pulled me into a hug. “We had heard rumors. When they had died down, I thought you all had been killed. We are so glad you survived. So glad you have come home.”

  I was thick with emotion. The feelings of being home. Seeing a familiar face was overwhelming.

  “Come child. We must get you something to eat. Will you be staying?”

  “Not tonight, is it safe to come back. Stay if we wanted?”

  “Of course, your home is waiting for you. We will get it ready. What can we do to help?”

  Again, here I was a stranger receiving kindness more generous then they should give.

  “Nothing for now. How many are you?” I asked, wanting to know if more friends and neighbors had made it.

  “A fraction of the town as you know it. Our small numbers keep us safe and off the radar. We received many attacks those first years when you had disappeared, then a few more some years later. The past few have been quiet. We haven’t seen any raider parties in the area or heard of any coming our direction. We have a much better system in place to warn us in advance. Allows us to hide.”

  “Oh, good to know.” I knew I could protect this small town, these people. They would not have to worry. If the last raid had been years ago, chances were Nezra was done with this small town.

  She feed me a modest meal. I saw her pantry was empty and her home modest in its setting. She did not live lavishly. Nor it looked had the means to. I could help with the harvest, the farming, the growth of the plants. I felt they needed me. Could I do magic and be accepted? Would I need to keep it a secret? Time would tell. I stayed in her company for some time. Then as the sun began to lower, bid her farewell. I headed to my home. One last look at the turned over table, broken door and things of my mothers. I wanted desperately for her to be here, guiding me. She was the one person I couldn’t find. No matter how hard I tried or where I went, she was not there. I let the loneliness fill me. I walked out of my childhood home and into the woods. I focused on Raoul.


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