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Legends Of Thamaturga The Guardian : The Guardian

Page 10

by HC MacDonald

  “Get your lazy but up.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “To bad. I hear you been moping around this place. You need to get out of here. Get a change of scenery.”

  “What are you talking about? I don’t need a change of scenery.”

  “Really, these walls are growing mold from your stink. I’m talking about dancing and meeting new men, and dressing up.”

  “No! Absolutely not. I don’t feel like a party.”

  “To bad. I already RSVP’d for you. So you are coming.”

  “No, you can’t make me go.”

  “I can and I will. Besides, Alastair said he would help if I needed him. Come on. Raoul will be there. Robyn is going. You need to come to.”

  “I can’t, who will watch the kids. I can’t leave them alone with Alastair. He can’t keep up with them. What about my job? Who will tend the market?”

  “First, I have it all covered so no excuses. I figured you would try to get out of it. Ethel will watch all the kids, her and Sasha are already at the school waiting to pick them up, and Robyn’s okay with the store being closed for a few days while she’s gone. Now get up.”

  “You brought Ethel with you.” I said exasperated. It was bad enough to have Sanna here ordering me about, but Ethel too. They would surely gang up on me and I would have no choice but to go.

  “Yes, I brought Ethel with me, I needed reinforcements. Anyway, Ethan is waiting for us.”

  “Oh, in that case, NO!” I yelled.

  “Tough! The children were to excited about seeing each other. I am not taking that away from them. You are coming! Whether you like it or not, I am packing your things and dragging you back.”

  “Back, you mean to Ladow? I can’t go back there, to many memories. I can’t handle it.”

  “You need to work this out. I am giving you tough love and making you face your ghosts. If I was in danger would you shy away. No, you would not. You would go running into battle. You need to move forward. This will help you. Now where is your bag.”

  I sat in bed watching her grab my belongings. She then turned to me, “You have five minutes then I drag you all the way to Ladow.”

  I knew she would. Stubborn she was. Always got her way. I fell out of bed and threw something on from off my floor. I was ready. I would go, but I wouldn’t be happy. She could make me be there, but I didn’t have to participate. We headed out the door only to run into Ethel.

  “You look terrible. Sanna you didn’t tell me you looked this bad. This will not do. You don’t have much time to get her ready. You may have to ask them to postpone a day or two.”

  “Thanks Ethel, I missed you too.” I said sarcastically. She hugged me and winked at Sanna. What were they up to? This would be fun, not.

  We traveled to Ladow. Ethan talking to me of all the new changes the council had made. Sanna telling me the latest gossip. Ethan inquired of my powers and healing. I explained I still didn’t have them. It was a mystery. Alastair and Robyn could not figure it out. They had gone thru every record of my ancestry to uncover the change and how to put things back in harmony. They had no luck. So I demonstrated my few parlor tricks along the way. Ethan was still impressed.

  “So, you can’t just disappear like before.” He asked looking at Sanna.

  “No, I get around like everyone else these days.” I rolled my eyes as I said it.

  “That’s to bad. So if you ran into Leon, you couldn’t up and leave. You would have to walk out the door like us?” He continued.

  “Yes, that is correct. Why? Why would I run into him? I realize he may be at the dance, but I thought I would be able to avoid him, like I try to do with you all.” I said with a sarcastic smile.

  “Well, the party is for Leon. So, you may run into him.” Ethan said, as he ducked from the punch I threw at his head.

  “You should have told me. I wouldn’t have come. I don’t want to see him.” I yelled. Upset at this trick. How could my friends do this to me?

  “Well, to be perfectly clear, it is a betrothal ceremony for Leon.” Sanna said hiding behind Ethan.

  “I can’t believe this. I can’t go. I can’t see him with someone else. I’m not ready for that.” I slumped down in my seat of the carriage and sat with my head down and hands folded in my lap. Emotions welling up. It hurt. I knew he was seeing someone, but this. It hurt. I would rather not of known.

  Sanna moved next to me and put her arm around me. “You still love him, don’t you.”

  “Yes. Don’t make me do this.” I pleaded with her. “Just turn around and take me back home.”

  She kept her arm there. I could hear them talking in their wolf language. Due to my changes, my branded shoulder no longer worked either. I shrank into myself thinking of Leon. I didn’t want to him to see me with all these scars even though I knew it wouldn’t matter. He hated me then, I doubted that changed. Before the war, he looked at me with disgust, now with the scars, I knew it wouldn’t be much different. I didn’t think I could handle the look of hate and pity from him.

  We arrived in Ladow. I followed them back to their home. Keeping myself hidden in my hooded cloak. The paths were empty, I was happy not to run into anyone else. When we arrived, I was escorted to Sasha’s room. I laid down on the bed, threw her blanket over my head and quietly sobbed to myself. I didn’t want to be around anyone. My mind was turning. Slowly I let myself sleep.

  It was past noon when I strolled out of Sasha’s room. Ethan and Sanna were in the kitchen talking. Both stopped to look at me as I wondered over.

  “This is not going to do!” Sanna started.

  I held up my hand to stop her. I didn’t want to hear what she had to say. I would head back in the next caravan. That was that. Before I could tell her my plan, Ethan gently pulled my hand down to the counter. I looked up to stare into Sanna’s eyes.

  “You are not this person. You are a strong willed, vibrant woman. What happened to you? You would never let anything as trivial as a loss of magic put you down! This needs to stop now!” She let go of my arm and walked into the main room. Ethan put his arm around my shoulders and gently pushed me behind her.

  “A lot has happened, you don’t understand.” I softly said back at her.

  Sanna turned on her heels and grabbed my shoulders. “Don’t understand? Don’t understand? How can you say that? I have had my share of disappointments and death. You do not get to tell me I don’t understand. You made Leon forget you, so don’t pity yourself.” She let go of my shoulders and blowing out an exasperated breath she was holding sat on the chair.

  Ethan gently sat me across from her and went to stand behind Sanna. I felt as if I was about to be interrogated.

  Ethan began in a matter of fact voice, “We have allowed you for over two years now to wallow in self pity. But no more! You have a chance to win him back.”

  My eyes widened at the statement, “I don’t want him back.”

  “Nonsense! You love him and have been pining over him ever since. There are things you need to know. You will listen to me with no interruptions. You will do as I say!”

  He stood firm. Arms folded, eyes unblinking. I felt as if I was being scolded by my father. I knew they had my best interests at heart, but that didn’t stop the pain and heartache of his betrayal, or the vulnerability I felt from my weaknesses and scars. I sat unmoving, unspeaking with my head hung down looking at the rug on the floor. I waited for him to finish speaking.

  Ethan pulled a chair closer to me and lifted my head so our eyes met. “Leon has chosen a mate. Our traditions do not allow for him as chief to be able to choose his wife. There is a challenge that must be met by his chosen and all eligible candidates.”

  I didn’t understand. I didn’t care. He had chosen, what did it matter. There could be a hundred other candidates, but if he singled out someone already, then it didn’t matter. I remembered the last ceremony. I shook my head out of his hand. Let my eyes drift down to the rug. I needed to not care. It hurt less that way.<
br />
  “She doesn’t understand.” Sanna mentioned to Ethan. “You need to be clearer.”

  “Raina, look! There is a series of challenges all potential mates to the chief must go through. You are signed up to participate.”

  At those words he stood and stepped behind his chair. My head flew up to look at him, then at Sanna. How could they do this to me? Sign me up. Sanna jumped in to explain further.

  “We know you still love him. This is your chance to win him back.”

  “He hates me. Why would I want to win someone who has obviously chosen someone else? To what, torture myself for the rest of my life. Be with someone who wants somebody else? Why did you do this? I was trying to forget him.” I put my head in my hands and tried to keep my tears in check.

  “Because, we think he still loves you. We think something else happened that night. We need more time.” Sanna pleaded.

  “Why do you think that?” I asked looking from one to the other.

  Ethan began pacing. Sanna began talking to him again in their language. “Stop! Stop with the secrets, just tell me already.” My anger coming to the forefront.

  Ethan began explaining again, “Three women are chosen to compete for his hand. One Leon chooses, one the council chooses and one that wins the village challenge. We need you to win.”

  “I still don’t understand. If he has chosen, then why the others, why would he want to be married to someone not of his choice.” It didn’t make sense. None of it did.

  It was Sanna’s turn to talk and explain. “The women he has chosen wears your necklace. Partly why we think something else is going on. Why we need time.”

  Legends of Thamaturga

  © Copyright 2016, H.C. MacDonald

  Rights Reserved.

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