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An Assassin's Redemption: A New Adult Urban Fantasy Romance Novel

Page 18

by Tanya Kennedy

  Darius nodded as he backed his way from Trey’s office and let the door shut between them. He jumped as someone tapped him on his shoulder; he spun to see Cade standing behind him.

  “I’m pretty sure Trey is close to snapping. Arna seems to blame him personally for Brendan’s disappearance.”

  Darius shook his head. “She acts like he’s on vacation! I saw Keena’s memo myself. We didn’t cut any corners, so what is she so miffed about?”

  “Couldn’t be the fact that Eylsa kicked her.” His eyes shifted from the closed door to Darius. “I thought you were going through your and Brendan’s houses?”

  “I was.” He pulled Cade along with him down the hallway. “We have to stay away from our houses. There were at least two men waiting for me at Brendan’s. They were looking for Eylsa.”

  “I dropped in on them this morning. Gregor may prove to be a problem. He wants to distance himself from the questioning. He was gone again.”

  “We can’t save them all.”

  Cade’s eyebrow rose. “I was thinking more along the lines of exposure. He has never expressed any interest in leaving his chosen profession.”

  Darius stopped at the elevator and turned to face Cade. “Our worry is only Eylsa. As long as he doesn’t cause trouble for us, we leave it alone.”

  * * *

  Brendan could feel the brush of Eylsa’s arm against his sleeve as he stared out the window over the sink. She watched him with her sharp eyes, back leaned against the counter. “Do you intend to worry here all day?”

  “I’ve only been standing here a few minutes!”

  “But you’ve been distracted since Cade left.”

  He dropped his head before moving his gaze to her face. “Shouldn’t I be worried?”

  She shrugged, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. “I don’t see why.”

  “My friends are in danger and I am stuck here, impotent!” He turned to face her and found himself staring at her full lips. He had caught himself doing that often today. He could see why she had been such a good assassin; it was like she was bred to look endearing and disarming.

  “You think your friends weak?”

  He coughed a laugh. “I know they are strong, but knowing they are in danger makes me worry.”

  “Would you worry about me if I were in danger?”

  He made his way back to the table. “I never stop worrying about you.”

  “Should I worry about you?”

  “Are you telling me you don’t?” He watched her from under his eyebrows as she thought.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Cade said you were pretty upset when I left.”

  “That wasn’t worry, that was anger.”

  “Why were you angry?”

  “Because you didn’t listen to me when I was right!”

  He tapped her shoulder, waiting for her to turn back to him. “That was worry.”

  “Are we done with this yet? I am bored!” She threw her hands into the air.

  He shuffled through the pages they had filled and tapped them into a neat pile before his eyes returned to hers. “I guess it’ll do for now.”

  She jumped and clapped. “Good!” She grabbed his hands and pulled him from the table. “I want to do something you consider fun!”

  He laughed as she turned back to face him in the living room her eyes alight with expectation. “Fun, huh?” He glanced around as he pulled her toward his chest. His lips curled as he waved his hand toward a radio sitting on an end table filling the room with sweet buzzing music. “That school of yours, they teach you anything about dancing?”

  She laughed as he spun her by the hand then tucked her back tight to his chest. Her eyes sparkled as she slipped her hands behind his neck easily keeping step with him as he twirled her around the room. His fingertips cupped the small of her back. She slipped her hand down his arm as she spun out to his fingers and twisted back to him in a flurry of giggles. His head was swimming as she smiled up at him, fingers tangled in his shirt.

  Then the world went black.

  chapter 9

  Something dripped onto her forehead and trailed down into her hair. Her brow wrinkled as she twisted but her body refused to follow. Her eyes opened, glancing around the room as she tested the limits of her movement. Her arms were pulled tight above her head wrists shackled together. A strip of stiff leather ran across her temple to secure her head. The shackles around her ankles allowed her to do little more than twist her feet. She drew a deep breath and strained her arms hearing the chains clank as they shifted. Her legs moved little more before she relaxed back onto the table beneath her.

  The room was brick, dimly lit. Eyes closed, she stilled her breathing but the only sound to reach her ears was the dripping that had drawn her awake. The ceiling above her was earth with roots hanging down toward her.

  She closed her eyes as she caught footsteps approaching. Somewhere to her left a door opened. The footsteps stopped at her side. “You always were good at faking sleep.”

  Her eyes rolled open to focus on the man beside her. “I was taught well.”

  Gregor sighed. “Not well enough, it would seem.”

  She moved her eyes to the ceiling. “Why bother putting me through retraining? Surely I have earned execution?”

  He pulled a thick metal rod from beneath the table. “You already know you have.”

  “So what are we doing here?”

  He twisted the rod in his hands, inspecting its length before resting it crosswise atop her shins. “Do you know how much money and effort went into training you?”

  He rolled the bar up her shins, stopping her breath short.

  “I chose your parents myself.”

  He jerked the bar back toward her feet.

  “You were my special project. My perfect”—up—“little”—down—“protégé.”

  He set the bar aside.

  “And my punishment will change that how?” She worked hard to control her breathing.

  Smiling, he moved out of her sight. “I do not intend for all my efforts to come up empty.”

  He returned with a tray behind him and lifted a cloth to reveal a bottle and a funnel. He grabbed her chin, forcing her jaw open and wedged the funnel in her mouth. Her jaw stretched wide as she struggled against the obstruction. Sweetness bloomed across her tongue as he poured the contents of the bottle into the funnel. A painful spasm tore up her throat as the liquid pooled at the back of her mouth. Her chest heaved as she tried to cough up the familiar taste, but even as the liquid spilled around her lips and down her jaws, she could feel it trickling down her throat.

  She could swallow or drown.

  The liquid burned and tickled along her windpipe but her lungs held no more air to expel it. Her throat opened and drained her mouth. He cupped her cheek as she tried to clear her lungs.

  “We’ll give that a little while to work before I return.”

  * * *

  Brendan paced his tiny cell, his mind a riot of anxiety. He woke up in this cell with no memory of how he had gotten there. Hours had passed with no contact. He dropped to the floor and rubbed his face with his hands. What had happened? A hand ran back through his hair as he leapt to his feet and continued his trek.

  He jumped as the lock turned in his cell’s door. Back to the wall, he tried to focus his power but it wouldn’t heed his call. Two large muscled men rushed through the door, slammed him hard against the wall, and dragged him by his arms to his knees. One tangled a fist in his hair to jerk his head up.

  A third man stepped through the door, an evil grin across his face. The man pulled a vial from his robes as he wrenched Brendan’s jaw down and poured its contents into his open mouth. He struggled to cough but the liquid slid down his throat anyway. By the time his throat cleared, he lay face down on the floor alone.

  “I did tell you what you were doing would brand her traitor.”

  Brendan dragged his arms under his chest, pushing himself up off the floor. His eyes bu
rned white rage. “Had I known it would be by you, I would have killed you where you stood.”

  Gregor’s smile crept wider as he leaned over Brendan. “Well, you would have tried.”

  “If you are so sure I couldn’t best you, why are you drugging me?”

  “Just a little cocktail, something to keep you from breaking up the furniture plus a little extra just as a surprise.” He stood inspecting Brendan as he remained propped on his arms. “I will admit you are stronger than I dared hope when Eylsa first told me about you.” His eyes became distant as he stared off at the wall. “She was amazing. Probably one of the best to leave these halls.”

  “Until we got a hold of her.”

  His eyes snapped back devoid of his previous amusement. “Before you poisoned her mind with your moronic drivel. From inside the Trinity she could have wreaked a havoc not even dreamed possible!”

  “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  “You have no idea the time and effort that was put into her. You don’t care what we are losing. I do not intend to waste all that effort.”

  Brendan shook his head. Sweat gathered on his forehead and his breath quickened. “What…” He licked his lips. “What did you give me?”

  Gregor smiled as he shut the cell door behind him. “Have a good evening, Brendan.”

  Brendan lowered himself to the floor of the cell his hand trailing along his neck. His fingers tangled in his shirt pulling it away from his throat. Skin flaming he rolled onto his back, every muscle tensed and aching. His body raged with need as he curled into a fetal position and shook with an impotent fever. Soft, helpless moans slipped past his lips.

  * * *

  Eylsa screamed as the water slid along her skin. Every touch sent waves of sensation throughout her body and twisted her limbs against their bonds. The pressure alone wracked her senses.

  “You’re looking a bit rough.” Gregor ran his fingertips along her cheek, smiling. “I do think you are ready for a second hit.”


  He dropped the funnel into her open mouth. “Come now dear, it could be worse.”

  More liquid filled the funnel, its insistence stronger as her body weakened to the draught. Tingling still convulsed her chest but her throat pulled the liquid down despite her protests.

  She blinked as he pulled the funnel away. Her mind followed the path of his fingers as they trailed along her throat, between her breasts, and along her stomach, arching her back up off the table. Every nerve was alive with a tingling spark.

  “How are you feeling my pet?”

  Her eyes burned with rage. “This will never work. My body will give out long before you get what you want.”

  He threw a cup of water across her naked flesh. She screamed, fighting against her bonds as her skin flared with sensation.

  “How long before your mind snaps?”

  He lifted a bowl and stirred its contents with a brush.

  “It would be easier if we just had to deal with your body.”

  He trailed the liquid across her stomach and down her legs, coating her skin to her feet.

  “I have much practice breaking minds. Is that what you would have me do? Do you want me to break you?”

  He moved the brush to her neck and chest, coating every expanse with the liquid. He bent low, brushing her ear with his lips.

  “You could always just cooperate. Give in. I can stop the pain. You don’t have to suffer. You were always my favorite. If you cooperate, I will make the end fast and painless.”

  He watched her face as she fought the potion, her jaw tight and shaking.

  “You cannot fight this, I will crush your mind and use your body for my own ends.”

  He trailed his fingertips down her forehead.


  White-hot agony flared across her body and rocked her up off the table, a scream tearing from her lips.

  * * *

  Brendan clawed at his door as he fought to ignore the overwhelming need of his body. Terrible high-pitched screams crashed over him as he threw himself against the stubborn obstacle. “Gregor!” He slammed his foot against the hinges, rattling the door back and forth.

  He jumped back as the lock clanged and Gregor stepped inside. “You called, Brendan?”

  Brendan’s muscles twitched, still deep in the potion’s effects. “How can you do this to her? She was your friend!”

  He held up a finger. “No, she was my protégé, one that you ruined. You have no way of comprehending the intricacies of the Union. To attempt to try to explain it to you would be beyond pointless.”

  “What are you doing to her? Why is she screaming?”

  Gregor tilted his head back with a smile and closed his eyes. “She has quite a lovely scream, don’t you think? So much fight left in her. It could take quite a while to break her to where I want her. I’m sure you don’t want her to endure that.”

  Brendan felt cold fear flood through the longing. “What do you want, Gregor?”

  “So short with me? Does our hospitality not suit you? You could save her some pain, you know. End her immense suffering, and it is immense, let me assure you.” Hands in his pockets, Gregor began a languid circle of the cell. “Save yourself as well. Why should you suffer at her side? She is one of us, not you. Why suffer for her?”

  Gregor studied Brendan’s flat stare for a moment before nodding. “No easy way for you either.” He ran his thumb along Brendan’s jaw smiling at the sweat he found there. “No problem, the hard way is much more fun for me.”

  Gregor pulled an arm length wooden rod from his belt and cracked it hard across Brendan’s jaw. His arms and legs were pinned before his vision cleared and more liquid poured down his throat. The cell was empty when his coughing finally stopped and he sat up. Eylsa’s screams still rattled the walls. Their mixture of intense pleasure and excruciating pain both excited and enraged him.

  The potion worked faster now and he tore his shirt off, unable to stand the sensations it caused. Even the feel of the floor on his skin was too much. His hands were on his abdomen though he didn’t remember moving them. His tongue worked to wet his panting mouth. His hands had worked themselves into his hair now and he let his frustrated screams run free with Eylsa’s.

  * * *

  Her eyes refused to focus as hands ran teasingly along her body. Her voice had given out long ago, leaving her no way to vent her helpless frustration as the stranger’s touch roved her flesh.

  “Why even bother with this? She is chained and drugged; I could give you what you want! I am strong, sir; let me show you.” The rough voice was unfamiliar.

  “No. He took her from me; he will replace her.”

  Her tongue lapped at the finger that trailed across her lips. “Seems like an awful lot of work.”

  “Some things are worth the effort, young Enan. Step aside.”

  She tried to scream as she felt her ribs snap but nothing came out.

  “If you refuse to follow instructions, you will be replaced.”

  A pitiful moan slipped past her lips as the ribs on her other side gave a loud snap.

  “Dose her again.”


  “You heard me.”

  “I’ve never seen so much given at once. I don’t know what it will do to her.”

  “I didn’t ask for your opinion. Just do it.”

  Her mouth opened hungrily as lips brushed hers. A bottle was pressed against it and she gulped the liquid eagerly, her body trying to follow as it was pulled away. She writhed as a hand rested itself on the swell of her breast.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  The restraints fell away from her wrists and ankles and she curled herself into a ball, muscles screaming from abuse. She was lifted from the table and the motion jabbed her broken ribs into her lungs. Each step was a confusing mesh of agony and ecstasy. A door opened and she was flying through the air, crashing into a wall as she landed in a heap on the floor.

  When the world returned there
were gentle hands on her face. “Eylsa, Eylsa, are you okay?”

  She tried to swat him away but her arms wouldn’t move. His warm breath caressed her skin as he kneeled beside her. Her hand twitched and bounced into his leg, her pulse quickening at the tight muscles beneath her fingers. She could see him bent over her, his face tense. His hands gripped her shoulders as he eased her away from the wall and onto her back. His eyes ran the length of her body.

  “You really need new friends, little El.”

  She smiled as his head dipped toward her his soft lips like satin on her neck. She focused hard to raise a hand to his chest and weakly push against him.

  “No.” The word was a weak rasp into the charged air.

  His mouth pulled away from her skin, his cheek rubbing against hers. “I know, I’m sorry. It’s just so strong.”

  She met his lips eagerly and her back arched from the ground, sending a jab of pain through her broken ribs and pulling her from his kiss.

  “Move away.” It was barely a whisper.

  His heart pounded beneath her fingertips. “But you’re hurt, I have to help you.”

  “Brendan, please!”

  A growl rushed from his lips as he bolted across the room. “What does he want? Why give me this potion then beat you half to death?”

  “Because I can withstand the potion.” Her chest wracked with the effort of speech.

  “What?” His voice was incredulous.

  Her head lolled toward him. “I’ve had at least three.” She gasped, forcing air into her lungs. “The pain makes them harder to fight. Keeps me from focusing.”

  He risked a glance at her but the sight of her trying to force air into her bare chest made his mouth go dry. He dropped his head back to his knees. “I can’t just sit here and watch you suffer!”

  “I’m fine. Just stay away.”

  He scanned the room through slitted eyes before he jumped to his feet and snatched up his discarded shirt. Back pressed into the wall, he focused on stilling his breathing. He took a slow step toward her. He kneeled, careful to not brush against her skin as he draped the shirt over her chest. Her soft moan sent him in a dash across the room.

  “This is madness! How is this supposed to make you an assassin again?”


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