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ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Love Fight (Bad Boy College Alpha Male Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Romance Short Stories)

Page 82

by Aubrey Moyes

  Gemma laughed awkwardly and raised her head. “I’m actually having a hard time thinking right now,” she said as she shook her head. “Not to make your ego any bigger, but you do magical things to my body.”

  And she to his, but he didn’t tell her. Instead he let her slide her body up his. Already, he was stirring for her.

  This time it was slow and easy. There was something so intimate about what they were doing, and it wasn’t just the sex. He locked eyes with her. He held her hand. He didn’t just want to make her feel special. He wanted her to know that she was special.

  He couldn’t find the words to tell her, so he spent all night trying to show her.

  Chapter Four

  Gemma stuffed her wig in her bag and slid her sunglasses up on her face. “It’s a good thing you live in a gated community,” she muttered as she gathered the catering bags under her arms.

  “It’s not really a scandal. I’m not married,” he pointed out as he leaned against the wall.

  “True. It might even help my career,” she joked as she gave him one last look. “Last night was fun.”

  “Are you going to suggest that we do it again some time?” he said with a smile.

  It took her breath away, and she could only shake her head as she turned to open the door. As it swung open, dozens of light bulbs went off in her face, and people began to scream at her.

  For a moment she could only stare at the press. What the hell? Terrified, she slammed the door shut and whirled around. “Are you kidding me? You fucking called the press?”

  He straightened, and his eyes darkened dangerously. “Me? You were the one who just said it might help your career!” he growled.

  “It was a joke!” she hissed. “Why would me being here with you be any good to my career!” She ran her hands through her hair and stared at the door. “Is there another way out of here?”

  He just stared at her, and she snapped her fingers to get his attention. “Charlie. Is there another way out?”

  “Do you really think that a night with me would destroy your career?” he said coldly. “You’re nothing but spoiled little girl who’s gotten everything because of a pretty face. I give hundreds of thousands of people jobs. I run a multi-billion dollar industry!”

  “Yes. And you sleep with half the fucking the city,” she snapped. “I don’t really want my name tied to that.”

  “Only prefer married men?” he said smugly. “You’re so hypocritical. There’s a fire escape out the back. The sooner you get out, the better.”

  His words drenched her like cold water, and for a moment, she couldn’t breathe. Was that what he really thought of her? Was that what the world thought of her? Without another word, she moved to the back and flung open the window. Surprisingly enough, there were no reporters waiting for her out there.

  With a pained heart, she turned to face him. “I thought Spencer Harker was my friend. When he invited me over that day, he did so out pretense of a job. He invited the press. He set me up. He’d discovered that his wife cheated on him, and he wanted to humiliate her. He later claimed that he had no idea what it would do to me, but he refused to deny our fake relationship. I lost my career because I trusted the wrong person. And now I can count on one hand the number of people who really know who I am. I thought that you, of all people, would know not to believe everything you read.”

  She climbed out the window and shimmied down the ladder before he could respond. Tears burned in her eyes as she slipped through the park in the back and called Lizzie for a ride.

  For some reason, the accusations of Charlie Connor hurt worse than the accusations of the rest of the world.

  * * *

  Charlie stood dumbfounded as he watched the breeze blow through the curtains of the open window. Of course she wouldn’t have called the press. Why would she have wanted that attention after what she had been through?

  And how could he have stood there and accused her like that? As soon as the words had left his mouth, he’d regretted them. But he didn’t want her to think of all the other women that he’d been with. He didn’t want that to be an issue between them.

  He didn’t want there to be any issues between them.

  Moving across the room, he hit the button on his intercom that connected him to security. “There are more than a dozen reporters at my door!” he barked.

  “I’m so sorry, Mr. Connor,” the bewildered voice stated. “But you authorized clearance to anyone who wanted to come in today.”

  “I sure as hell did not!”

  “I took the call myself,” the guard insisted. “You said to let everyone in between the hours of four in the morning and noon. You gave me the password.”

  Password. Only a handful of people knew Charlie’s password for the security gate. And since he didn’t think his family would pull a stunt like this, that only left one person.

  Frustrated and angry, he grabbed his phone and dialed his public relations agent. “What the hell have you done?” he snapped.

  “Charlie?” the man said sleepily.

  “You know damn well who this is. Why are there reporters at my door?”

  “What did you expect would happen? You didn’t show up at your party. They wanted to know why.”

  Charlie pinched the bridge of his nose. The man sounded drunk or hung over. “But no one knows where I live, Jackson. You gave them my address. You called the guard to let them in. Why the hell would you do that?”

  “I planned the biggest party of the year for you, and you didn’t even attend,” Jackson snarled nastily. “I had to get something out of it.”

  “For me?” Charlie snorted. “You didn’t do it for me. I didn’t even know half the people there. You did it for you, and you didn’t once ask me what I wanted. You’ve risen to the top of your company on my back, and you couldn’t even give me one night of peace and quiet? You’re fired, Jackson.”


  “Fired. And I’ll be sure to let your boss know what kind of stunt you pulled!” He hung up on Jackson’s protests and leaned against the wall. He felt a fist close around his heart, but it had nothing to do with Jackson or the press.

  He’d been so quick to judge her, and now he regretted it more than anything else in his life. For some reason, his one night with Gemma meant more to him than anything else.

  He had to fix it. And it would take more than just an apology.

  * * *

  Harkers Recants Story. Says He and Model Gemma Darling Never Had Affair. Gemma nearly dropped the magazine as she read the story. “What?” Photographer Stephan Harkers admits that Gemma Darlings was an unwitting accomplice in scheme to make his wife jealous. “I made a horrible mistake that has ruined the life of a friend. I let my own feelings get in the way of logic, and I never meant to hurt anyone.” Stephan goes on to explain that after finding his own wife having an affair, he set a plot to publicly humiliate her. Only it was America’s Sweetheart Gemma Darlings that suffered the consequences. Darlings could not be reached for comment.

  “That explains why my phone was blowing up yesterday,” Gemma said as she dropped the paper down on the counter. “I can’t believe Stephan would admit the truth. After all this time, that’s just so bizarre.”

  “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Every company that fired you is going to look like assholes now. They’ll be beating down your door to have you come back,” Lizzie said as she yawned. “Coffee?”

  Gemma shuffled across the tile to make her friend a pot of coffee. “I wouldn’t have even seen this had you not brought it over. Since when do you read these kinds of magazines anyways?”

  “Since months went by before I knew that my friend was in trouble,” Lizzie said as she wrinkled her nose. “I get so wrapped up in work that I sometimes forget other things are happening in the real world.”

  “I know exactly how you feel.”

  “So Charlie Connor called me and told me that there was a problem with his processed payment. Apparently he
wanted to tip more for the extra service that was provided,” Lizzie said casually as she watched the coffee. “Exactly what service did you provide for him?”

  Gemma’s ears burned with embarrassment. Four days had passed since her night with Charlie. She certainly didn’t want to talk about it now. “He mentioned that the delivery included extra service. Tableside service. Since I’m not sure of your operations, I didn’t want to get you in trouble. So I plated the food, and I cleaned up when we were done.”

  “Uh-huh.” Lizzie’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “Gemma, that’s not included. All you had to do was drop it and leave. And Mr. Connor was well aware of that.”

  Asshole. That was one more thing she would add to his list of sins. “Well, too late now.”

  “Right. And when you said that we were done, you meant what exactly?”

  Oops. She’d walked right in that one. “He mentioned that it was his birthday, and that he didn’t want to spend it alone. He insisted that I join him for dinner,” she muttered as she ducked his head.

  Lizzie abandoned her post at the coffee machine and grabbed her purse. “So that would explain this headline?”

  A streak of panic went through Gemma as she reached over and snagged the article. Gemma Darlings Spends Night with Charlie Connor.

  “Shit,” she moaned. The picture showed her with tousled hair and bedroom eyes. “From the frying pan and into the fire.”

  “Catering deliveries also don’t include over night stays,” Lizzie said as she poured herself a cup of coffee. “What happened?”

  “Sex happened.” Gemma tossed the magazine to the floor and sighed. “We had a few beers, and we were talking. He seemed lonely. I was upset. And suddenly we were naked and making out like teenagers.”

  “My god. You slept with Charlie Connors. Tell me it was good.”

  “It was more than good,” Gemma admitted. “It was better than anything that I’d ever had. But it doesn’t matter because it’s never going to happen again. I’m such an idiot that I actually felt like we’d connected that night. But when the press showed up, I accused him of calling them, and then he accused me of calling them. Things got dirty quick. He’s one of the biggest jerks I’ve ever met.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t say that just yet,” Lizzie said. Gemma watched in disbelief as she pulled yet another magazine out of her purse.

  “What else do you have in there?” she demanded.

  “This is the last one. I swear,” her friend laughed.

  “It better be,” Gemma grumbled. Unrolling it, she realized that it was a reputable women’s magazine. This type of magazine did more than just troll celebrities.

  The hook was right there on the first page. Charlie Connors Reveals All. Apparently, he’d written a letter to the editor. Her legs shaky, she sat down as she began to read.

  Recently there have been rumors circulating my involvement with model Gemma Darling. Because she has already been scrutinized enough by the public, I thought I would come clean with our so-called relationship. Ms. Darlings, wanting to help out her friend Elizabeth Towney, arrived at my doorstep with my order from Towney Catering. Amazing food, by the way. I was hiding from a birthday party that wasn’t really meant for me, and she was hiding behind a public judgment that had been unfairly cast on her. She and I had more in common than I could ever even being to imagine. The only difference is that she is one hundred times better than me. My label as a scoundrel is well deserved, but she lost everything trying to rise above a ridiculously humiliating situation. There is a pureness in her that I can’t even dream of ever achieving, and I have to admit of being attracted to that. More than attracted.

  I’ve upset people in the past, and those ghosts have come back not only to haunt me but also to haunt Gemma as well. One night with her, and the public has already written her off as a harlot. She’s anything but.

  My time spent with her meant more to me than I could ever imagine. And I very much hope that perhaps she’ll want to award me with even one more moment of her time.

  So before you take a look at the picture that’s circulating and start to whisper, keep in mind that I’m the scoundrel in all of this. And this scoundrel may have just finally met the person who could make him better.

  Gemma’s lips trembled as she finished reading the letter. “They’re calling it the sweetest love letter every written,” Lizzie said gently. “Of course, you’d know that if you’d turn on the television.”

  “Do you think it’s just a PR stunt?”

  Lizzie came over and took the magazine from her hands. “I think Charlie Connors is very powerful. I think he’s powerful enough to get Stephan to tell the truth. And I think he’s powerful enough not to give a damn about one picture floating around. He didn’t do this for him, Gemma. He did it for you. You said you thought there was a connection? Well here is your proof.”

  “What do I do now?” Lizzie said as she looked up.

  “Ball’s in your court. If you want to turn that spark into a flame, then I suggest you let him know.”

  Lizzie didn’t need any more prompting. She didn’t bother with her usual disguise. She didn’t even bother changing out of her pajamas or throwing on make-up. She raced across the room and flung open the door.

  And ran straight into a hard body.

  “Whoa.” Charlie’s hands shot out to steady her. “Are you okay?”

  “You’re here,” she stuttered as she looked up. He was clearly dressed for work. His dark grey suit was cut close to his figure, and she wanted nothing more than to slide her fingers between the buttons of his crisp white shirt.

  “I am here,” he said awkwardly. “I did this thing yesterday, and I thought you might get in touch with me. And when you didn’t, I thought you might be mad at me. So I came over so you could yell at me.”

  “You came over so I could yell at you?” she repeated stupidly. She was getting lost in those blue eyes.

  “Yes. Are you going to yell at me?”

  “What?” She shook her head as she tried to regain her composure. “No. I’m not going to yell at you. I just got the article. Literally. I tend to avoid everything these days. Lizzie brought it over.”

  “Thanks for the exposure,” Lizzie called from inside the apartment.

  His shoulders straightened, and he smiled. “Well, you don’t want to yell at me. So what do you want to do?” he murmured.

  “Did you mean it? What you said? Or were you just trying to be nice?”

  “I meant every word.”

  Gemma took a deep breath. “I felt something that night, Charlie. And I’d like to see where it goes. But I don’t think it’s going to be easy. We both attract way too much attention.”

  “I don’t need it to be easy, Gemma,” he said softly. “I just need you to be on board with me.”

  “I’m on board,” she said as she smiled. She thought her heart would burst from excitement. He bent down to kiss her, and it felt right. As she wrapped her arms around him, she knew that this was only the beginning. They could forge something truly beautiful together.

  She’d started the week broke, depressed, and in the arms of the most notorious rake in the city. And now she was about to give him her heart, and she knew that she’d never look back.


  Untamed Highlander

  Chapter 1

  “Aiden, you do know who that is right?” Bain McDowell said to him.

  Aiden looked over at the girl who had just left his father’s blacksmith shop with her father. Her long brown hair hung down between her shoulders. “Of course I know who it is. We’ve been friends for years.” Aiden looked back at his friend.

  “You can’t be friends with the princess. Well not the way you are looking at her right now anyway.” Bain stated.

  “I’m not looking at her in anyway.” Aiden protested.

  “I’ve seen that look before, hell felt that look before when I’ve seen some girls. You are 16 years old; I know what that is like!” Bain said. />
  “What you only 18 right now how can you know all about life by now?” Aiden asked.

  “Listen I want to tell you I know you think you have something with her.” Bain started to say.

  Aiden cut him off. “Look we’ve been friends since we were both little. Anyway, I wasn’t looking at her in that way as you said it.”

  “Look don’t get upset at me. I don’t see how you didn’t figure it out before. You know the princess isn’t going to marry you. You’re just a blacksmith’s son after all. She would need someone who was at least a prince. You, well, you don’t count in their world.” Bain said.

  He had already known that all, but hearing it out loud was hard anyway. Aiden had known Kyla Fleming for years now. Since they had been around 4 years old, the two children had played together. The one thing he had been holding onto for all these years was the fact they still hung out. Even though he knew she was important, she would still come to him and hang out.

  “Hey come on buddy, I’m sorry if you thought you had a chance. Better to find out now though, instead of saying something to her and finding out!” Bain cupped his shoulder. He was as close to a big brother that Aiden had in life.

  “Yeah I know, thanks Bain. Really I don’t know what I was thinking anyway.” Aiden said, still staring off towards where she had gone. With the admission out he felt lonely and cold. He thought his life had no more meaning. What could he do now? He had always hoped that maybe she would break the mold. That she would come to him and claim that she loved him and wanted to marry him.

  Or perhaps one night he could have taken her some flowers, and she would have confessed how she felt at that time. He didn’t care, but in the end the story had always ended the same way. He would win the girls hand and marry her, princess or not!

  “So you know what I’ve finally decided?” Aiden looked over at Bain and said.

  “That I’m the best at combat?” Bain teased.

  “Aye, I’m still as good as you. But that isn’t it; I’ve decided to join the King’s army. My father and mother have raised me well, but it is time I give back to the country and clan.” Aiden announced.


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