Book Read Free

Love in the Afternoon

Page 12

by Alison Packard

  Shay: Not until…wait…you want be my coach?

  Jared: Of course. We’re in this together, Shay.

  “Kayla?” Ignoring the throbbing in his head, Sean bent over her, concerned by the dazed look in her eyes. She blinked rapidly but didn’t speak. “Kayla? Are you okay?”

  “I feel like I ran into a brick wall…” she paused, “…twice,” she said, her voice shaky. “You have a hard head.” She tried to smile, but then grimaced and sucked in a painful breath.

  “I’ve been told that a few times in my life,” he said, keeping his voice casual despite his worry. “Let’s go back in the house. I think we could both use some ice.” He reached for her hands and gently pulled her up.

  “I can’t.” She shook her head and then squeezed her eyes shut as if she was in pain. “I have to answer my fan mail.”

  Fan mail? She read and answered her fan mail? Damn, the woman continued to surprise him.

  “I don’t think you should drive,” he said when she opened her eyes.

  “I’m fine,” she insisted but her eyes were too unfocused for his liking. “The pain is going away.”

  Sean let go of Kayla’s hands and bent down to pick up her script. “I’ll drive you home,” he said as he straightened.

  “No.” She shook her head and raised her hand to her temple. “I’m fine. Really,” she said and then blinked several times.

  Sean frowned. “Sorry, but I can’t in good conscience let you drive. Atwater Village isn’t that far from here. I’ll drive you home and then tomorrow I’ll pick you up and we can stop by my house either before work or after so you can pick up your car.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but then rubbed her temple and nodded. “I can’t take a chance with the Mustang. If I totaled it, Dad would kill me.”

  “I’m sure he’d be more concerned about you than the car.”

  “But the car’s a close second.” Her slender fingers moved to touch her forehead. “I hope I don’t get a bruise.”

  “I’ve got an ice pack in the freezer. You can put it on your forehead. That should help with any swelling or bruising.” He put his hand on her shoulder, trying to ignore the throbbing in his head. “Let’s go back inside to get it,” he said as they walked slowly back to the house.

  * * *

  Twenty minutes later, Sean pulled the Jeep into the driveway next to Kayla’s quaint white stucco bungalow. As with most homes in the area, the garage was detached. However, unlike his home, the access to the garage was at the front of the house via a brick pathway that led from the front porch to the driveway. That bothered him. From a security standpoint, a rear access garage was much safer.

  “Stay put,” he said after he’d turned off the engine. Kayla lowered the ice pack from her forehead as he climbed out and rounded the front of the Jeep to help her out. “How are you feeling?” he asked, taking her hand to assist her after he’d opened the door.

  “Like I’ve been kicked in the head.” When her feet touched the ground, she swayed unsteadily. He put his arm around her shoulders. “Thanks,” she said leaning against him. “I’m dizzy.”

  “I wonder if you have a concussion.” Sean closed the door and then led her around the Jeep and toward the tiled porch. “Maybe I should take you to the emergency room.”

  “No.” Her quick response was vehement. “I hate hospitals. I just need some aspirin and a good night’s sleep.”

  When they reached the porch, he held her elbow with a firm grasp as they climbed the steps to the arched front door. She’d given him her keys earlier and he pulled them from the pocket of his jeans. There were about six or seven keys on the ring. “Which key?”

  “The silver one,” she said. He unlocked the door and pushed it open. “Thank you for driving me home.” She gazed up at him, and while her eyes weren’t as unfocused as they’d been earlier, she looked a bit shell shocked. “I’m sorry to be so much trouble.”

  “You’re not any trouble,” he assured her. “Let’s go inside. Your alarm is beeping.” She nodded and turned to enter the house. After she haltingly pressed the numbers on her security keypad, Sean followed her inside. She took several steps into the living room and then stopped.

  “I think I should sit down.” Her voice was almost a whisper. Sean closed the door and then helped her to a chair in the corner of the room. She sank down on the cushions and dropped her purse on the pale green area rug that covered the dark hardwood floor. She pressed the ice pack to her forehead and sighed. “I’ll bet Sandy’s going to have to use a lot of make-up on me tomorrow.”

  Moving to the chair, Sean hunkered down in front of her. “Let me see your head.” He reached for the ice pack and took it from her grasp. “There’s a knot forming.” He looked at her forehead. There was a lump, but it wasn’t as bad as it could be. The ice had helped. He reached around and gently touched the back of her head with his fingers. She winced. “I think I should call the advice nurse at the hospital,” he said, noting the pallor of her skin.

  “It’s just a couple of bumps on the head.”

  “You could have a concussion,” he said and rose to his feet. He turned, looking for the kitchen and saw that it was through the archway behind him. He held up the ice pack. “I need to put this in the freezer and get you more ice.” Without waiting for her to reply he moved to the kitchen.

  “I’ll call, and if they tell me to bring you in, you’re going,” he said as he opened the freezer side of her stainless steel refrigerator and tossed the ice pack inside.

  “Sean, you’re fussing over nothing.” She sighed. “Really. I’m fine.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart.” He shot her a grin. “I’m not convinced. If the nurse says there’s nothing to worry about then I’ll leave, but until then, I’m staying.”

  “All right then.” Kayla flopped back in the chair. “Make the call.”

  * * *

  Much later, sitting on Kayla’s sofa watching Sports Center, Sean checked his watch. Four hours had passed since Kayla had gone to bed. The nurse he’d spoken to hadn’t been unduly alarmed however she did suggest that Kayla be monitored overnight.

  Rising from the sofa, he headed down the hallway past the guest room and into her bedroom. He flipped the light switch by the door and saw her curled up on her side facing him. She was covered with a sheet and light blanket and her hair had fallen like a smooth curtain around her face. Her shoulders were bare except for the thin straps of whatever she’d changed into earlier. Moving to the bed, he touched her arm.


  She didn’t stir so he slid his hand up to her shoulder. Her skin felt like satin. “Kayla,” he said again and this time shook her shoulder. “Wake up.”

  Her body jerked and, lifting her hand, she brushed her hair away from her face. “What the…?” she muttered and then frowned. “What are you doing here?” she asked in a sleepy voice.

  “I’m supposed to wake you every four hours, remember?” He straightened. “What’s your name?”

  “You know my name,” she said and then rolled to her back. Looking sexier than hell, she smiled up at him. “You’re really tall. How tall are you?”

  “Six-two,” he replied. “You need to tell me your name. I’m supposed to ask you a few questions to make sure you’re thinking clearly.”

  Her hair fanned out on the pillow; dark against the crisp white pillowcase. It looked soft, silky and very touchable.

  “Kayla Anne Maxwell,” she said and then sighed softly. “Satisfied?”

  He would be if he could kiss her again.

  He held up three fingers. “How many fingers am I holding up?”

  “Two,” she said and then let out a delighted giggle. “Ha! Gotcha. It’s three.”

  Sean shook his head and chuckled. “Great. I’ve got a comedienne on my hands. When’s your birthday?”

  “December 25th.” She gazed up at him. “Can I go back to sleep now? I’m tired.”

  “How’s your head?”

�Better.” Her eyes were more focused now. “What time is it?”

  “A little after nine. I’ll wake you up in another four hours.”

  “Can’t wait.” She rolled over and closed her eyes.

  * * *

  The sound of something truly annoying jolted Sean out of a deep sleep. He silenced the alarm on his watch and then pushed himself up and climbed out of the bed in Kayla’s guest room. Yawning and rubbing the grit from his eyes, he made his way to her room and flipped on the light.

  His pulse kicked the second he saw her. The sheet and blanket were bunched down by her ankles. The sleep shorts she was wearing hugged her rounded bottom and exposed her shapely legs. She was sprawled on her stomach, her head turned to the side away from him.

  Tearing his gaze from her hot body, he leaned down and tapped her shoulder. “Kayla,” he said and tapped again when she didn’t move. “Wake up.”

  “Go away,” she muttered. “Sleeping.”

  “Just answer a few questions and then you can go back to sleep.”

  Kayla groaned and lifting her head, twisted around to her side. She rubbed her eyes and squinted at him. “What now?” she asked but Sean didn’t answer. His eyes were locked on the small portion of her nipple that was exposed just above the low neckline of her camisole. Temptation rocked through his veins; he had to force himself to look away.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Kayla Anne Maxwell.” She yawned and lifted her hand to cover her mouth. The movement covered her exposed nipple.

  Thank God.

  “Born on Christmas Day,” she said before he could ask. She wrinkled her nose at him. “Anything else, Sherlock?”

  “Funny.” He put his hands on his hips. “Favorite baseball team?”

  She laughed. It was low and throaty and made him wish he could join her in that bed of hers. “Not the Dodgers.”

  He shook his head and grinned. “How’s your head doing?”

  “It hurts,” she grumbled. “Can I take more aspirin?”

  “Enough hours have passed. Where’s the bottle?”

  “Bathroom.” She pointed to the open doorway in the far corner of her room.

  He rounded the bed and went into the bathroom. After grabbing the small bottle sitting on the counter, he returned to the bed and reached for the bottle of water on her nightstand. “Do you need me to help you sit up?” he asked.

  “No…fine…can do myself.” She pushed herself up and brushed her hair away from her face. “This really sucks,” she said as he handed her the water. He pried the top off the bottle. She held out her hand to let him shake two tablets onto her palm. She downed them quickly with a long gulp of water.

  “Thanks.” She handed him the water and then collapsed back on the bed, her breasts moving freely underneath the fabric of her top. Swallowing hard, Sean put the water and the bottle of pain reliever on the nightstand. “Are you gonna wake me up again?” she whispered with her eyes closed.

  He glanced at watch. “Probably one more time before morning.”


  “My sentiments exactly.” He stifled a yawn. “I’ll see you in four hours, sweetheart.”

  * * *

  The shrill beeping of her alarm clock startled Kayla from a fitful sleep. Forcing her eyes open, she reached across the bed and hit the snooze button to silence the annoying reminder that she had to get up and go for her daily run. Shoving the sheet and blanket aside, she pushed herself up on her elbow and stared at her running shoes sitting beside her armoire.

  Who was she kidding?

  There was no way she was running this morning. Not with the remnants of the worst headache she’d ever had still lingering in her head like a low lying fog. And certainly not after the worst night’s sleep she’d ever had.

  Seriously, how could anyone get any rest when someone was waking them up every four hours to check if they were still alive?

  Sitting up, Kayla swung her legs over the side of the bed and gingerly got to her feet. Brushing her hair from her face, she padded to the bathroom and hit the light switch. Peering into the mirror above the sink, she let out a sigh of relief when she saw that the only ill effects from her head butt with Sean was a small lump on her forehead, and dark circles under her eyes from her sleepless night.

  After using the bathroom, she went back to the bedroom and slipped on her robe. Since she wasn’t going to run, she could at least make some coffee. She definitely needed it, and Sean probably would too.

  On her way to the kitchen, she stuck her head in the guest room and saw him stretched out on the bed, dead to the world. He was still wearing his jeans and white shirt, but his feet were bare. He was on his back with one hand up near his head and the other resting on his stomach.

  Venturing into the room, she pulled a crocheted afghan from the back of a chair in the corner. Moving to the bed, she covered him with it. He stirred and muttered something unintelligible but didn’t awaken.

  Staring down at him, she let her gaze roam over his face. He was just as gorgeous asleep as he was awake. His powerful body seemed to dwarf the double bed. Everything about him was compellingly masculine, yet in sleep he seemed almost vulnerable. It reminded her of the look in his eyes when he’d briefly talked about his mother.

  Sean let out a light snore and shifted his head on the pillow. She couldn’t help but notice the yellowish bruise on his forehead. Grimacing, Kayla remembered the white hot pain that had seemed to explode in her head, and was amazed she hadn’t passed out. Sean had to have been in the same kind of pain, but he hadn’t shown it. He’d calmly attended to her without giving a thought to himself.

  Then he’d stayed all night, waking her up throughout the night to make sure she didn’t have a concussion. Not many men would do that. But Sean did.

  Unable to resist, Kayla lifted her hand, and with her fingers, lightly brushed his hair from his forehead. “Thank you,” she whispered, longing to feel his lips on hers again.

  Her schoolgirl crush now seemed so innocent and safe. When she was seventeen, he was someone she’d never dreamed she would meet. Her teenage fantasies were nothing more than him taking her to the senior prom, or escorting her to some big Hollywood premiere. But now, her fantasies were far from innocent, or tame. They had nothing to do with proms or premieres, and everything to do with hot, sweaty, knock-your-socks-off sex. That’s how sex with Sean would be, she was sure of it. If that kiss they’d shared was a preview, the main attraction would be hotter than hell.

  Her gaze wandered from his face to where his shirt was unbuttoned at his chest. Resisting the urge to touch his golden brown skin, she turned and left the room.

  After putting the coffee on to brew, and taking a very hot and much needed shower, she dressed in a pair of khaki cargo pants and a white tank top. She slipped into a pair of sandals, pulled her hair into a ponytail and left her bedroom intent upon her first cup of coffee of the day.

  Passing by the guest room she saw that it was empty and then heard the sound of the cupboard closing. Evidently, Sean had woken up while she was showering. When she walked into the kitchen, his back was to her and he was pouring himself some coffee.

  “Good morning,” she said cheerily.

  “Morning,” he said, turning around. “How are you feeling?” he asked as he held the cup out.

  “Much better than yesterday.” She moved toward him and took the cup from his outstretched hand. “Thanks,” she said as he opened the cupboard to get another cup. “How about you?”

  “Tired.” He poured coffee into the cup and then returned the pot to the coffeemaker. He turned and leaned against the counter.

  “Are you hungry?” she asked after taking a tentative sip of the hot coffee. “I’m not the world’s best cook, but I could manage some eggs, or toast.” She moved to stand next to him and set her cup on the smooth granite countertop.

  “I could eat,” Sean said. “Do you mind if I watch the news?”

  “Not at all.” She lifted her
gaze to his, very aware of his body just inches from hers. “You can watch it in here, or in the living room.”

  His gaze roamed her over her face and then focused on her forehead. “It didn’t bruise too badly.”

  “I know. Hardly at all. I think the ice helped with that, and with the swelling. Sandy should be able to cover it up for taping today.” She rested her hand on his forearm. A current of electricity seemed to telegraph its way from her fingertips straight to her core. Holy crap, if she felt this way just touching his arm she couldn’t imagine how she’d react if she were to touch him more intimately. She might actually explode. “Thank you,” she said, wishing her voice didn’t sound quite so breathless. But she couldn’t help it. He had that effect on her.

  He cocked his head. “For what?”

  “For staying here last night.” She let go of his arm and then moved past him to the refrigerator. “And for checking on me.” She opened the door and pulled out a carton of eggs and a quart of milk. “I vaguely recall not being very polite to you last night.” Using her hip, she closed the refrigerator door and turned to find his eyes on her.

  “I’d be pissed too if some idiot was waking me up out of a sound sleep.”

  “You’re not an idiot,” she said, her smile fading as their eyes locked and held. Her heart skipped a beat and then for some stupid reason her knees started to tremble. “You were making sure I was okay. Not many people would do that.”

  “You would,” he said and then took another sip of his coffee. He lowered his cup from his lips. “You’re kind of cute when you blush like that.”

  “I don’t blush,” she said and took the eggs and milk to the small granite topped island between the counter and the kitchen table.

  Sean’s laugh was more of a snort as he rounded the island and picked up the remote from the kitchen table. “Trust me, you blush,” he said as stood by the table and turned the television on.

  “It’s just very warm in here.” She pulled open a drawer and pulled out a small mixing bowl, silently cursing herself for being so flustered.


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