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Love in the Afternoon

Page 17

by Alison Packard

  “All right, people. Pay attention.” Bill’s gaze swung around to encompass everyone on the set. “Sean, I want you over there.” He pointed to an alcove that served as a place on the set where people usually stood and eavesdropped on personal conversations that the characters on the show always seemed to have in public places where anyone could hear them. Sean rose from where he was sitting and moved to the alcove. Kayla watched him, unable to slow the frantic beating of her heart. “Kayla, you’re off set when the scene starts. You’ll come around the corner there.” Bill pointed to Sean’s right. “Sean, when she gets to the alcove, you’ll pull her in and start the dialogue.”

  Bill turned his attention to the day players. “Guys, you’re coming from the opposite direction. You know what line of dialogue is your cue, right?” They nodded in unison. As Kayla walked to her side of the set, the two actors rounded the other side of the set and disappeared. She heard Bill tell one of the cameramen where he wanted the camera when the scene was taped.

  Taking her place out of sight from Bill, Kayla felt her pulse racing. “You’re Shay,” she whispered to herself and shook her arms to loosen up. God, she was tense.

  “Okay, let’s do this.” She heard Bill’s voice. “Action.”

  Stepping around the corner of the set, Kayla moved stealthily, looking around as if she was apprehensive about being on the docks late at night. As she approached the alcove, Sean’s hand shot out. He grabbed her arm and pulled her inside with him.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he asked and she relaxed. He was Jared now, just as she was Shay.

  She tried to pull her arm from his grasp but he held tight. “Following you. What does it look like?”

  “I told you to stay put at home.” His tone was exasperated. Jared was exasperated with Shay a lot lately.

  “And I told you I don’t like taking orders.”

  He averted his eyes and let go of her arm before looking around with apprehension. “What part of ‘I’m on a stakeout’ don’t you understand?”

  “I can help you,” she said in a hushed whisper when he looked back at her. She gave him her patented Shay wise-ass smile. He shook his head in disgust, and then Kayla remembered Sean’s next line was the cue for the day players to walk by. Her body quivered in anticipation but she didn’t break character. “I’m good back-up.”

  “I have back-up,” he said through clenched teeth just as the two actors came around the other corner talking in low voices. “Damn it, Shay,” Sean said, and then slipping his hand around her waist, he pulled her roughly against his body and kissed her.

  Immediately, everything around her simply faded away. Bill, the crew, the day players—they were gone as if they didn’t exist. There was only Sean and the warmth of his body, his spicy masculine scent and the feel of his firm lips on hers. His big hand was splayed against the base of her spine, pinning her against him, holding her upright.

  His hot, moist mouth plundering hers caused her knees to buckle. She melted against him, clutching at his shirt with her fingers, returning his searing kiss with a fierceness she didn’t know she possessed.

  A crackle of raw electricity passed between them, hot and carnal, making her forget everything except how—in this moment—she wanted him more than she had ever wanted any man before in her life.

  “Very good.” Bill’s voice cut through the haze of her desire, forcing her to remember where she was. She pulled back to meet Sean’s green eyes, breathless. His eyes flickered briefly with something that looked a lot like what she was feeling—arousal—but it was gone the second he loosened his arm from around her waist. “Now do that at taping and I’ll be one happy director.”

  “I think we can manage that,” Sean drawled with a lazy grin and then looked at Bill. “Was that angle all right?”

  “Perfect,” Bill replied, giving Kayla time to get her bearings. “Good job, you two.”

  “Thanks,” Kayla said, turning from Sean and meeting Bill’s approving gaze. He wasn’t looking at her strangely so she assumed she looked like she normally did. But she sure didn’t feel normal. Her heart was racing and her body felt almost boneless. The only thing she wanted was for Sean to pull her back into his arms and kiss her again.

  Excitement curled in her stomach when she remembered that he would kiss her again. When they taped the scene later in the day. Her body had almost incinerated from the kiss they’d just shared, she could only imagine what the next one would do.

  * * *

  As Kayla walked off the set with Bill, Sean couldn’t take his eyes off her. Lifting his hand, he touched his lips with his fingertips. What the hell had just happened? And why was he the one so affected while Kayla marched off with Bill like it was just another scene?

  Because it wasn’t just another scene.

  Scrubbing his hand over his jaw, Sean walked off the set. After a late lunch, he left the make-up room and fought a grimace when he saw Rachel heading in his direction.

  “Hi, Sean,” she said and smiled.

  “Rachel.” He nodded, intending to pass right by her. He wasn’t in the mood to talk. He had one last scene to tape and kissing Kayla again was the only thing on his mind.

  “I had an idea.” She put her hand on his arm, causing him to stop. “I think we should go to Ken and tell him we want to work together.”

  “Why?” Was she joking? Oh, right. She rarely joked about anything, and judging by her confident demeanor, she must really believe he wanted to work with her.

  “Because our characters have never been involved and I think we have a good chemistry.”

  “Ken doesn’t take suggestions from the actors, Rachel. You know that.”

  “He will if both of us approach him.” She squeezed his arm, the ends of her long nails dug into his flesh.

  “I’m happy with my storyline.”

  Her eyes flickered with anger when he pulled his arm from her grasp. “You won’t even consider it?”

  “Ken is the head writer and he already has the story arc written for Jared and Shay. It’s not up to you or me.”

  “I’m sure I could get Ken to do some rewrites. I have more influence over him than you know.” She paused and flashed a smug smile. “Just ask Nikki.”

  “Save it, Rachel. I know you didn’t get Nikki fired. She called me while I was at lunch and told me they let her go to free up my character for a new romance.” Sean shot her a grin, then delivered a juicy tidbit sure to piss her off. “Oh, and she had good news. She’s been cast in the next Ryan Reynolds movie.” He managed not to laugh when Rachel’s mouth gaped open. “I’ve got to get to the set,” he said, and without another word stepped around her and continued on down the hallway.

  When he walked onto the set there were a lot more people milling around than there had been in the morning. On the far side of the set he saw Kayla talking to Bill. She was in full make-up, and wardrobe had once again found the most cleavage-revealing top to dress her in. She’d worn it during the taping of their first scene and up close he’d been able to see her black bra through the sheer black lace that hugged her body. It was as if the wardrobe staff was torturing him. They probably knew about the kissing scene and decided to find the sexiest thing they had for her to wear. Sean had always suspected that the women in the wardrobe department were sadists—now he knew it was true.

  Bill turned from Kayla and strode toward him. “You ready?” he asked, halting in front of him.

  “Yes.” He watched Kayla disappear around the side of the set to wait for her cue.

  “Just do what you did this morning,” Bill said, and then gave him a pat on the arm.

  Do what he did this morning? He could do that.

  “Okay, people. This is our last scene for the day. Let’s get this in one take.” Bill’s tone was upbeat. It always was when Kayla was in a scene. Bill seemed to have developed quite the fatherly affection for her. “Sean, take your mark.”

  Sean went to the alcove. The lighting was diffused to make it a
ppear like nighttime. The wind machine had been turned on to simulate an evening breeze. The artificial shrubs in planters along the dock ruffled lightly from the air.

  “Action.” Bill’s voice cut through the silence. Sean tried to pretend he was Jared but it wasn’t working. All he could think about was in less than two minutes he’d be kissing Kayla again.

  Just like this morning, she crept slowly from the corner of the set. As soon as she appeared in his line of sight he reached out, grabbed her arm, and hauled her into the alcove with him. “What the hell are you doing here?” he demanded, and still didn’t feel like he was channeling Jared. He held on tight as she tried to pull her arm from his grasp.

  “Following you. What does it look like?” she asked with a sarcastic edge to her voice.

  “I told you to stay put at home.”

  “And I told you I don’t like taking orders.”

  He tore his gaze from hers and let go of her arm before looking around. Jared would be concerned that his cover was about to be blown. “What part of ‘I’m on a stakeout’ don’t you understand?”

  “I can help you,” she whispered when he looked back at her. She shot him the sexy smile she used whenever Shay and Jared were engaged in their friendly and sometimes humorous bickering. He shook his head in disgust, trying to look pissed, but all he could think about was how much he wanted to feel his lips on hers again. “I’m good back-up,” she added in a saucy tone.

  “I have back-up,” he said with a scowl just as the two day players came around the other corner. “Damn it, Shay,” he said, and then slipping his hand around her waist, he crushed her to him and did what he’d been dying to do since this morning. He kissed her again.

  Under his seeking mouth, her lips were soft and pliant, and it was all he could do not to use his tongue and deepen their kiss. Her breasts were pressed against his chest; she fit against him like they were made for each other. He heard her soft moan and forced himself not to back her up against the alcove wall and devour her. But he wanted to, and his body knew it. Try as he might, he couldn’t control the effect she had on him. His heart pounded, his blood thick with desire. He was getting hard, and that hadn’t happened during a kissing scene since he was nineteen years old and new to the show. But it was happening now. With Kayla.

  “And cut.” Bill’s voice pierced the erotic vortex he was drowning it. He pulled his lips from Kayla’s feeling almost dazed. She opened her eyes and met his. Her dark gaze was sultry, and her full lips were moist and swollen from his kiss. She was as sexy as hell, and he wanted her with an intensity that astounded him.

  Realizing he was still holding her, he loosened his grip so she could step back. He heard the sound of cheering and clapping and looked over to see Amanda and Sandy standing at the edge of the set with huge grins on their faces. Kayla turned and laughed, a husky sound that didn’t do much to cool him off. “That’s how it’s done, ladies,” she called out, and both Sandy and Amanda made bowing motions in his and Kayla’s direction.

  Kayla turned back and met his gaze, a smile wreathing her beautiful face. “They’re crazy.”

  Still trying to regain some semblance of control over his body, he didn’t answer right away. What the hell was wrong with him? He felt like a horny teenager. He could barely remember his name past the pounding pulse in his groin.

  “Sean?” Kayla asked with a puzzled expression.

  “What?” He ran a hand through his hair and tried to gather himself.

  “You okay?”

  “Uh…yeah. I’m good.”

  “Kayla. Get a move on,” Sandy called out. “It’s margarita time.”

  Kayla glanced at Sandy. “I’m coming.” She turned back to him. “Sandy, Amanda and I are meeting Lisa for dinner.”

  “That sounds fun.”

  She smiled. “Girls night out. We do it every couple of months.” She paused. “Well, have a nice evening.”

  “You too,” he said. She turned and headed toward her friends. Without thinking, he called after her. “Wait.” Kayla stopped mid-stride to look back at him with inquisitive eyes. “Do you have plans on Sunday?” he asked.


  “I have to go to Pacific Palisades to check on my father’s house. Do you want to come along? It’s supposed to be a nice day.”

  What in bloody blazes was he doing? She was an actress, for God’s sake. He shouldn’t even consider taking things further with her. But the invitation had come out before he could stop himself, and now that it was out there he didn’t want to take it back.

  After a slight hesitation, she nodded. “That sounds fun. What time?”

  “Is eleven too early to pick you up?”

  “I’ll see you at eleven,” she said, her full mouth curving slightly.

  Sean stared at her as she left with Sandy and Amanda. Just like last night, he needed a cold shower. Getting turned on and then having to stop was not how nature intended for it to be.

  The next time—and there would be a next time—he kissed Kayla it wouldn’t be in front of a room full of people. It would be just the two of them. And he sure as hell hoped the next time he kissed her, he wouldn’t have to stop.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Shay: You didn’t have to kiss me.

  Jared: Yes, I did. It was the only way to shut you up.

  Looking out of her living room window as Sean pulled his Jeep into her driveway, Kayla couldn’t suppress the feelings of anticipation and nervousness running rampant through her body. On one hand, she was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning, and on the other, she wondered if she was crazy for ignoring the little voice in her head saying that accepting Sean’s invitation was tantamount to admitting her moratorium—as Lance put it—on dating actors was about to go the way of the dinosaur or the cassette tape.

  For a moment she tried to rationalize that a Sunday drive to the ocean wasn’t a date, but then she gave up and rushed to her bedroom where she grabbed her purse, took one final peek in the mirror and was back in the living room by the time Sean rang the doorbell.

  “Hi,” she said, after punching in the alarm code and opening the door. Immediately, her pulse spiked. Dressed in jeans and a white knit polo shirt and with his hair charmingly disheveled, he looked every bit the surfer he was—right down to his huarache sandals.

  Sean’s gaze roamed over her appreciatively. “Good morning.” His husky voice sent waves of tingles through her body as she stepped onto the porch to close and lock the door. “Do you want to get something to eat now or later?” he asked as they walked toward his Jeep.

  “I can wait until we get there,” she replied after he opened the passenger door for her. “I’m sure you know the best places to eat.”

  “I know the perfect cafe,” Sean said, waiting for her to get settled and buckle her seatbelt. “Your taste buds will never recover.”

  Kayla laughed. “Sounds like my kind of place.”

  He smiled, his gaze lingering on her bare legs before he shut the door. As he walked around the front of the jeep, she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. The man was seriously hot, and kissed like he knew exactly how to please a woman. Who could blame her for ogling him?

  During the short distance to the Santa Monica freeway, Sean asked about her evening with Sandy and Lisa. She didn’t tell him how Sandy had kidded her all night about the kissing scene, and how—in Sandy’s opinion—Kayla seemed to enjoy kissing Sean a lot more than she enjoyed kissing Marcus. Since it was true, Kayla hadn’t bothered to deny it.

  “Have you been to Pali before?” Sean asked, casting a quick glance her way before turning his attention back to the road.

  “No. I’ve never been there.”

  Greg had rented a place in nearby Malibu while they were dating. She’d visited him there, but only a handful of times. The last time had been when she’d broken up with him. He hadn’t taken it well, lashing out at her furiously. It turned out that he preferred to be the one who ended a relationship, not the other way arou

  “I was thinking after we check on the house we could go into the village and get something to eat, and then maybe take a walk on the beach.”

  Kayla looked at him, her curiosity peaked. “Why is it called a village?”

  “Pacific Palisades is actually a pretty small community. The locals refer to it as a village, and most of the people who live there have been there for years.”

  “Like your father?”

  He nodded. “From what I’ve been told, my mother always wanted to live in a house that overlooked the ocean. So he had one built for her.”

  “That sounds romantic.”

  “I guess so.”

  “Did your dad remarry after your mom died?”


  “Maybe he’s never gotten over her,” Kayla mused.

  “I wouldn’t know. We don’t talk much,” Sean said with a hard edge to his voice.

  Shifting in her seat, she studied him. The laid back man who had picked her up was gone. His posture was rigid and his grip on the steering wheel was tight. Still, she couldn’t stop herself from asking, “How did your mom die?”

  “The official diagnosis was a traumatic brain injury. She took a really bad fall,” he said, staring out the windshield, the strong line of his jaw tight. “Do you have the new alarm system worked out?” he asked, changing the subject.

  “Yes,” she said, following his lead. It was pretty clear there was bad blood between Sean and his father. She suspected it was more than James Barrett’s disdain for soap operas though.

  “I just have to remember that if I want to open a window I have to deactivate the sensor or the alarm company will get an instant notification and send someone out.” She hated that she was at the mercy of the unknown lunatic who’d fixated on her. It was creepy and unsettling. “I feel like a prisoner in my own home.”

  “It’s for your protection,” he said, hitting his turn signal to change lanes. “You have no clue who you’re dealing with. Whoever it is may never come near your house, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. And honestly, you needed to upgrade your system anyway.”


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