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Love in the Afternoon

Page 19

by Alison Packard

  “Obviously you overcame that.”

  “It took a while,” she said, remembering the horrible bout of nerves she’d endured before each class.

  “How do you do it? Disappear into your character so easily?”

  “I don’t know,” she said with a shrug. “It was weird the first time it happened. I felt like I’d gone into some sort of trance. I knew what was happening around me, and I was engaged in the process, but suddenly I wasn’t me anymore. I was Juliet.”

  He lifted his hand to brush his hair out his eyes. “I see Romeo and Juliet is a high school staple up north too.”

  “I think it’s a state law that every high school has to perform it,” she said with a smile as she stepped over a small piece of driftwood. “Why did you choose acting? Because of your father?”

  “In spite of him.”

  “What do you mean, in spite of him?”

  “As I’m sure you’ve figured out. My father and I don’t get along. Following in his footsteps was the last thing I wanted to do because it’s what he does. But I guess acting is in my blood. When he found out I was into it he tried to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do.”

  “Did he give you advice?”

  “No. But there were very specific guidelines he tried to get me to adhere to. He didn’t want me to do television. He said it was beneath me. When I told him I was auditioning for a part on a soap opera he ordered me not to do it.” His voice was grim. “And you can see how that turned out.”

  “Did you accept the role because you really wanted it, or to thumb your nose at your father?” A few weeks ago she wouldn’t have dared to ask him such a question, but things were different now. He’d mentioned his father to her several times. Maybe he was beginning to trust her.

  “I wanted the job. But if I’m being honest, I think the main reason was because I knew my father would hate it,” he said after a brief silence. Stopping, he turned toward her, his gaze thoughtful. “I’ve never told anyone that before,” he added as she halted next to him.

  “I won’t tell a soul.” Touched that he’d confided in her, she gave him a reassuring smile. “I mean it. TMZ could torture me and I still wouldn’t talk.”

  Amusement flickered briefly in his eyes. “Why is it I can tell you things I’ve never said to anyone else?” The intimate sound of his voice reverberated through her like a lingering caress. Her skin prickled with excitement.

  Good Lord, even his voice turned her on.

  “I’ve been told I’m a good listener,” she said, trying hard not to be affected by his blatant masculinity. She wasn’t trying hard enough. Every nerve in her body was on full alert.

  A hint of a smile played on his firm lips. Lifting his hand, he brushed his fingers over her cheek. His touch was gentle, yet its effect was potent; a bolt of fire lanced through her. The air grew taut between them and the smoldering look in his eyes caused her breath to catch in her throat.

  “I think it’s more than that,” he said, trailing his hand to her neck and cupping her nape. “Much more,” he added huskily and then, not breaking eye contact, he lowered his head and captured her mouth with his.

  Instantly, his demanding lips set her body aflame with desire. She melted against him, not caring that they were on a public beach, and that anyone in the immediate vicinity could be watching them. Parting her mouth, she returned his deep, soulful kiss with a longing unlike anything she’d ever felt or imagined. She wanted him, of that there was no doubt. And if they were anywhere else she would let him do anything he wanted to her and love every second of it.

  But they were in a public place, and Sean suddenly seemed to remember that. He dragged his mouth from hers and took a ragged breath. Dazed, Kayla opened her eyes, saw the heat in his and trembled at its intensity.

  “It looks like I’m breaking all the rules today,” he said with a wry grin. She felt his fingers on her ponytail and then he pulled the elastic band from it. Her hair, released from the band, cascaded over her shoulders and back. “I like your hair down.”

  Still pressed up against him, she could feel his erection straining against his jeans. His other arm was wrapped tightly around her. She’d been so lost in his kiss, she hadn’t been aware of anything else.

  “We should probably go,” he said, but made no move to loosen his hold on her. She could feel every inch of him and it didn’t do a damn thing to cool her arousal. Her body was primed and ready to go. “Except everyone on this damn beach is going to be able to see how much I want you.” His grin was so sinful she felt her cheeks start to burn. “You’re blushing again, sweetheart,” he said.

  She nodded, not bothering to deny it. “It’s a curse.”

  “It’s actually kind of cute, and it makes me wonder…” He trailed off as his eyes roamed over her face.

  “Wonder what?”

  “Do you blush all over?”.

  Distinct warmth pooled between her legs at the implication of his words. “You’ll have to find out for yourself,” she said and smiled.

  A wicked gleam lit Sean’s eyes. Butterflies danced wildly in Kayla’s stomach, leaving her almost breathless.

  “Trust me, sweetheart. I intend to.”

  * * *

  Driving north on Hillhurst, Sean found himself thinking about what was going to happen when he and Kayla arrived at her house. Despite their scorching kisses on the deck above the ocean, and then on the beach, he’d learned a long time ago not to assume anything when it came to women. They were as unpredictable as the weather, and just when he thought he’d figured them out, something would happen that made him realize he didn’t understand them at all.

  But there was one thing he did know. Kayla wanted him every bit as much as he wanted her. The physical attraction between them was intense. Too intense for either of them to ignore for much longer.

  The sun would be setting in less than an hour. The day was ending, the night just beginning. With every fiber of his being, Sean wanted to spend the night with her.

  But despite her passionate kisses and sexy banter, he wasn’t sure she was ready to take things to the next level.

  He, on the other hand, was more than ready. As each day passed, his need for her grew stronger and more powerful—he wanted her so badly he ached from it. But whatever happened tonight would be up to her. He could take a few more cold showers if he had to.

  Stopping at a red light, he felt the weight of Kayla’s gaze on him and turned toward her. Just looking at her took his breath away. She had eyes a man could drown in, and her lustrous dark hair flowed over her shoulders like a silken waterfall. It felt as soft as it looked; he’d discovered that today on the beach.

  “Are you hungry?” she asked.

  “I could eat,” he replied. “It’s been a while since brunch.”

  “Cheech’s is on the next block. We could pick up a pizza and take it back to my house.”

  He held her gaze, knowing he wasn’t imagining the crackle of awareness between them. A spike of heat caught him low in his gut, and it wasn’t until the car behind him honked that he realized that the light had turned green.

  God, how he wanted her.

  Spotting an open spot near Cheech’s, he pulled into it and reminded himself that being invited in for pizza didn’t automatically mean they would end up in Kayla’s bed. But if they didn’t then tonight he’d be taking the longest—and coldest—shower of his life.

  * * *

  Sitting next to Sean on the sofa in her living room, Kayla almost felt bad for him as they watched the sports channel’s coverage of the Dodgers’ loss to Philadelphia. But, as a true Blaze fan, she found it hard to muster up any sympathy for her team’s most hated rivals.

  “Don’t say it,” Sean said as he crumpled up his napkin and tossed it on the empty pizza carton on the coffee table.

  “Did I say anything?” She tried her best not to sound too happy. The Dodgers loss, combined with a Blaze victory had edged San Francisco into second place in the standings. They
were one game behind the Dodgers but Kayla was confident her team would overtake his before too long.

  “No, but you want to,” he said with a slight grin as he leaned back against the sofa. “At least Matt didn’t get thrown out of the game. It’s looking more and more like he might be traded. And if that happens, I’m afraid it may send him completely over the edge.”

  “You know I’m not a Dodgers fan.” Kayla shifted sideways, adjusting the hem of her dress so she could curl her bare feet underneath her. “But I’d have to be living under a rock not to have seen the change in him. Two years ago he was the National League MVP, and now every time I see him in a highlight reel he’s getting into a fight or being ejected from a game.”

  “I’ve known Matt since we were kids. He’s like a brother to me, and I have no idea how to help him. He suffered a terrible loss last year. It’s something that’s been kept out of the press, thank God, because he doesn’t want anyone to know about it.” Sean looked at her; it wasn’t hard to see the worry in his eyes. “I’ve tried to talk to him but he won’t even admit he’s hurting,”

  “Maybe he’s not ready,” she said, thinking of Kelly and the issues she’d faced several years ago. It wasn’t until her sister admitted she had a problem that she would let anyone help her. Moving her hand to his shoulder, she squeezed it gently. “Just be there for him when he needs you. That’s all you can do until he’s able to face whatever it is that’s troubling him.”

  Sean grimaced. “In theory, I know you’re right. But it’s hard watching him throw away everything he’s worked for.”

  “You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped,” she said. “I know that’s not what you want to hear, but it’s the truth. He knows you’re his friend, he’ll find you when he needs you.”

  “So just wait.” Sean sighed. “Is that what you’re telling me? I’m not very patient.” His gaze lowered to her lips, lingering long enough to send a lurch of excitement through her body. “When I want something, I’m not fond of waiting for it.” His gaze lifted to hers. The blazing intensity in them sent her heart racing.

  “We’re not talking about Matt anymore, are we?” Kayla asked. Ever since they’d left Pacific Palisades, her thoughts had been focused solely on this moment, when they would be totally alone and able to give in to their desire.

  And she so wanted to give in.

  Turning, he moved closer. Their eyes locked. “No, we’re not,” he said, making no move to touch her, “I want you, Kayla.” The husky tone of his voice sent a delicious shiver up her spine. “And I’m not telling you something you don’t already know.”

  “It was kind of hard not to miss.” She cast a quick glance at his lap, unable to keep from smiling.

  “I tried thinking about baseball, but,” he shrugged, “it didn’t work. All I could think about was you.”

  Her smile faded and her heart started to pound when she saw naked hunger flicker in his eyes. Aching to feel the heat of his body against hers, she leaned forward. “I must be doing something right if I beat out baseball,” she said softly.

  “Sweetheart, you’re doing everything right,” he said just before he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her with a tenderness that made her whole body quiver. Sliding her hand down his shoulder to his strong bicep, she leaned into him. He deepened the kiss, his mouth demanding a response. She gave it to him, holding nothing back as the blood in her veins ran hot and molten.

  Long seconds later, stunned by the primal feelings he’d evoked within her, she tore her lips from his. Taking a deep breath, she met his heated gaze. He put his hands on her shoulders, his warm touch raised goosebumps on her flesh. “We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.” Sean’s voice was gentle, which was amazing considering the ferocity of their kiss.

  “I’ve been ready all day,” she blurted out before she could stop herself and then snapped her mouth shut and felt her cheeks start to burn when he grinned with masculine satisfaction. “Don’t say it,” she said. “I know I’m blushing.”

  “I won’t say it. But I will say that I’m fine with whatever you want to do. If you want me to leave, I’ll leave.” He squeezed her shoulders gently. “And if you want me to stay, I’ll stay. It’s totally up to you.”

  “I want you to stay,” she whispered.

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” he said huskily, and then, lifting a hand to her chin, he tilted her head up and leaned forward to press his mouth to hers. His kiss was light—teasing almost—as he brushed his firm, sensual lips over hers. He slid his hand to her nape. She shivered at the light touch and swayed toward him, longing to be in his arms again.

  His lips grew more insistent, and then, without warning, he pulled back and uttered a muffled curse. “What’s wrong?” she asked when she opened her eyes and saw his dark expression.

  “I don’t have any condoms,” he said in strained voice.

  She stared at him more than a little surprised. “Not even one?” She thought all men carried at least one in their wallet, just in case they got lucky some place other than their own bedroom.

  He shook his head. “But if I did, you’d probably think I planned for this to happen.”

  “Probably,” she said and then smiled. “I kind of like that you didn’t expect this.”

  “I expected it.” Sean’s grin was cocky. “Just not tonight.”

  “Confident much?”

  “Sweetheart, our chemistry is off the charts. And not just in front of the cameras.” His eyes lowered to her lips and lingered. “I’ve been thinking about making love to you for weeks.” His lifted his eyes and held her gaze. “But I can wait until we have protection. You’re worth waiting for.”

  Kayla’s chest tightened at the tenderness in his gaze. She was on birth control so pregnancy wasn’t an issue, but after Greg, and his numerous affairs when they were together, she swore to never have sex without a condom unless she was in a committed relationship and the man she was with had a clean bill of health.

  “Come with me,” she ordered, unfurling her legs and rising from the sofa. She reached for his hand.

  “Where are we going?” he asked, getting to his feet.

  “To the kitchen.” He didn’t say a word as she led him into the kitchen and around the granite island to a row of drawers. Letting go of his hand, she reached for the handle of the one she called her ‘junk’ drawer and pulled it open. “I went to an AIDS awareness benefit with Lance a couple of months ago,” she said retrieving a multicolored plastic bag from within. “They were giving out goodie bags.” She closed the drawer, held the bag up and smiled. “One of their goals is promoting safe sex.”

  Sean grabbed the bag from her outstretched hand and opened it. “Jesus, they’re not only promoting safe sex, but a lot of safe sex,” he muttered, peering into the bag. “There’s every brand of condom known to mankind in here.” He looked up, his grin wolfish. “We never have to leave your house again.”

  Kayla couldn’t contain her burst of laughter. “I hate to break it to you, but we have to be at work by seven tomorrow morning.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I’ve already memorized my lines.” He set the bag on the countertop and slipped his arms around her waist.

  “Why’s that?” She smiled up at him.

  “Because I plan to be very busy tonight,” he said, his voice low, suggestive. “All night.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “All night?” she echoed.

  He nodded solemnly. “And maybe in the morning too.” He paused, tilting his head. “If you’re okay with that?”

  If she was okay with that? Yes, she was definitely okay with that.

  He dipped his head and covered her mouth with his. She opened her mouth, eager for the feel of his tongue stroking hers. As if sensing her need, he dove in. Their tongues met and then tangled in a sensuous duel that sent a jolt of sexual need straight to her core.

  As their mouths mated hotly, luscious anticipation curled through her. Lifting her arms,
she wound them around his neck and arched against him. She felt his hands slide down to her buttocks. His fingers dug into her soft flesh and he ground her against his hips. His erection pressed into her, letting her know that he was every bit was turned on as she was.

  Pulling his mouth from hers, he trailed his warm lips to her cheek, and then to her jaw. Tilting her head back, she gave him access to her neck. He took full advantage of it, finding a sensitive spot near her collarbone and then sucking on it. The effect was instantaneous; every nerve ending on her body tingled with awareness and her mind went blank. All she wanted was Sean. Nothing else mattered.

  “Let’s go to your bedroom,” he whispered against her throat. Before she could utter a word, he lifted her effortlessly, sliding his hands underneath her so she was cradled in his strong arms. Stunned by his quick move, she hung on to his neck. “We can save the counter for later,” he added with a wicked glint in his eyes.

  Glancing at the smooth granite, Kayla imagined what Sean could do to her on it. Arousal coiled in her core as several different scenarios came to mind.

  “Wait,” she exclaimed as he turned toward the living room. He stopped and gave her a confused look. “We forgot the condoms.”

  Relief flickered in his eyes as he pivoted back to the counter. “Can you grab them? My hands are kind of full right now,” he said with a brash grin.

  Unclasping her fingers, she reached for the bag with one hand and held on to his neck with the other. As soon as she had the bag, he swung around and carried her out of the kitchen. As he strode down the hallway, her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest.

  After carrying her into the bedroom, Sean gently eased her from his arms. The minute her feet touched the floor his hands spanned her waist and he pulled her against his body. The bag slipped from her grasp as he crushed his mouth to hers. Her body was on fire, and there was only one person who could douse the four alarm blaze burning inside her. The man who started it.

  When his lips left hers and seared a scorching path from her jaw to her neck, Kayla was breathless. As he kissed the throbbing pulse at the base of her throat, she felt his hand tugging on her zipper, pulling it down. Her dress loosened. When he lifted his head, their eyes locked as he hooked his thumbs under the straps of her sundress and pulled them over her shoulders. The dress slid down her body and pooled around her ankles.


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