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Dirty Ugly Toy

Page 19

by K. Webster

  Now, though, there’s something else I want to investigate. I start the shower and proceed to tug off all of my clothes. I’m just taking my socks off when she enters the bathroom. Her eyes take a leisurely stroll down my ripped body to my cock that has long since arisen to the task that lies ahead of him. The smile that plays on her lips is that ridiculous fake one she seems to think she fools people so well with. I can see right through her come hither bullshit grin because her eyes don’t lie. Her eyes flicker with doubt and worry. Whatever happened today has her pretty little head all fucked with and she’s trying her damnedest to hide it from me.

  I should have been with her today. Making love to her. Fucking her until she couldn’t walk. Kissing her. Touching her.

  Instead, I was with that fucker who I ended up beating the shit out of later. The thought boils my blood. A storm is brewing within; a complicated mess of possessiveness over protecting what’s mine, the need to punish Trevor, Jimmy, and the fucker who hurt her, and a desire to unleash the demon inside that craves to play with his toy.

  My eyes trail down her body and with each bruise I skim over, I become more and more furious. A part of me begs to fall to her feet and brush kisses over each purple mark on her ribs while telling her how sorry I am. Another part of me wants to seize her mouth with mine in an attempt to convey how impressed I am by her strength.

  But the dark part of me . . .

  The twisted, insane part of me . . .

  Wants to hurt her more.

  And that really fucking gets my dick hard.

  She’s managed to tame my inner beast lately and with everything that’s happened, he’s itching to escape and run amuck.

  “What?” Her voice is soft and the gentle, green eyes that have gazed upon me the last few months as if I’m her own personal savior, flicker with uncertainty. A glimpse of fear flashes in them.

  I stride over to her and stop just as the tip of my cock brushes against her belly. Raising my hand, I slide it into her hair and grip her tight. With a firm tug backwards, I force her to look up at me. Panic in her eyes chases away the almost loving way she looked at me before. Her quick loss of trust in me fuels my desire to give her something to fear.

  “I’m going to fuck you, Bunny. And it’s going to hurt.”

  Her eyes droop and she flutters her lashes. Quick rushes of breath exhale from her and she parts open her mouth. “I like it when you hurt me, master.”

  The fact that she senses what I crave, thrills me and pisses me off all at once. Recently, I’d somehow softened within her presence. And because of it, I’d brought her here with me. I couldn’t fucking bear to be without her and it ended up getting her beat up by some jackass. I allow the rage from that thought to fuel the need to handle my toy as I’d intended in the first place.

  “How do you want me to hurt you?” I question, my voice soft and broken. I’m afraid to speak as it might release the furious storm that’s whipping around inside of me. I’m greedy and selfish. I want the storm to devour me—I like the way I feel when I bend the toys to my will. When I discover their weaknesses and use them against them.

  “Tie me up when you make love to me,” she purrs, running her fingertips up my bare chest.

  I smirk at her. She’s playing me—knowing that I’ll start off fierce and end up whispering sweet nothings into her ear by the end of the night. Yesterday, that’s exactly what would’ve happened. But she doesn’t sense the hurricane of hate that’s taken over me since my fist connected with that fucker downstairs. I remember the wild, surprised stares of those at the table—the eagerness she displayed to get away from those people.

  An idea forms.

  “Dubois,” I bark out as I release her to turn the shower off.

  Her confused eyes meet mine and I narrow my gaze at her.

  “Yes, sir?”

  I jerk my attention to the serious man standing in my doorway. “Bring our dinner guests up for dessert. Not that fuckwit but everyone else. I’m ready to play with my toy as she was made to be played with.”

  Dubois, used to my bizarre fetishes isn’t even fazed by my nakedness. In fact, now, his glum mood has lifted and a half smile tugs at his lips before he strides away to do as he was told. This is the me he knows and recognizes. This me isn’t weak or soft. This me is a force to be fucking reckoned with.

  Poor Bunny.

  Caught in the hunter’s trap.

  She won’t even know what’s happened until it’s too late.

  “B-B-Br . . .” She starts to say my name but when I snap my feral eyes to hers, willing her to release it from her lips so I can punish her, she wisely trails off before finishing. The questions and fear dance on her face, morphing her features.

  “Go lie down on the coffee table.”

  Her eyes widen and on wobbly legs, she stumbles away from me. Shock must still be running through her veins because she doesn’t question my sudden change of attitude. I follow after her and watch as she sits her ass on the edge. She lies back and hisses when the cold wood touches her skin.

  With each breath, her spectacular tits bounce and wiggle. She’s nervous and unsure but she trusts me. I war internally about what this will do in regards to her trust in me. Deciding that she’ll fucking get over it, I stride over to my suitcase and retrieve several neck ties. I start with her ankles and tie each one to a leg of the table on each end.

  “What are you going to do?” Her voice is that of a worried whisper.

  I grunt in response and knot the fabric tightly around her ankle. After I finish the other leg, I stand, my cock at semi-attention bouncing as I work, and make my way to the other end of the table.

  “Drop your arms to the floor on either side of the table,” I instruct.

  Her wide, darting eyes meet mine and I wait for the fear. I wait for the way she regarded James as if he were the devil—the way my past toys have always regarded me.

  But she smiles at me—no bullshit façade. All real. All Jessica.

  How is James fucking Dixon more terrifying than me? The thought baffles me and infuriates me all at once.

  “You’re not afraid of me yet, Bunny, but you will be. Mark my words.”

  She shivers but not in fright. My toy is turned on. If I had to guess, her slick pussy is dripping with the need to get fucked. I grow harder just thinking about it.

  Her long, mahogany hair hangs off the end of the table pooling on the carpet below. My fingers twitch to run through it but I instead tighten one of the ties around one of her wrists. I have to lie on my side on the floor to access beneath the table but I eventually manage to bring her other arm close enough to tie the other end of the tie to the remaining wrist.

  “Wait here,” I tell her with a dark chuckle, as if she has a choice in the matter.

  I find my slacks and slide them on before disappearing into the other room to call for room service.

  Tonight just got a whole lot more interesting.

  I made Bunny remain in the other room alone while I waited for Dubois to return. After some time, he eventually shows up with Jamal, Glenna, and their toys.

  “Sir.” Jamal’s greeting is casual, as if this sort of thing is normal.

  Glenna flashes me a wicked grin before lazily letting her gaze run down the contours of my chest to my still unbuttoned pants. I raise a smug brow at her that has her neck blazing crimson. She’ll have no problem joining in on tonight’s festivities. Neither of them are new to what it is I like. Everyone knows my preferences and fantasies. This whole hotel and casino is founded upon them.

  Flicking my gaze over to their toys, I smile wolfishly at them. Both seem to be veterans. Stallion and Caramel, their toy names, remain almost eager at their sides.

  This world is full of freaks. I’m the one who gives them a place to fly their flags freely.

  “As soon as dessert arrives, we will begin,” I announce and casually walk over to Dubois’ laptop to see what it is he was working on earlier.

  Anger blooms in my
chest when I see three pictures on his screen. Three fuckers by the name of Corgy. It’s enough that I almost send my guests away packing so I can chase this lead.

  For Bunny.

  I blink away the rage and shake my head. I’ll deal with this shit later. She unravels the tightly strung threads of sanity in my mind and one simple glance at the screen is already threatening to snip each string that will send me plummeting into the depths of her heart.

  She needs to understand that I’ve paid her to be my toy.

  That she isn’t my girlfriend.

  I suppress the urge to pretend that she does belong to me, for a little while longer, and stride away from the computer. “Dubois, bring the dessert into my room once it arrives.”

  He nods dutifully and I wave the others in behind me. They stand in a herd near the door as I go around flicking lights on. We’re missing a lamp due to my lashing out before dinner but Dubois has long since cleaned that up. The room is bright and everyone’s eyes fall on the coffee table.

  “Please, have a seat,” I tell them, ignoring Bunny’s searing gaze. She’s no longer worried—because it’s obvious that I’ve put her on display for these people—but she’s pissed.

  I take my place at the end of the table between her spread legs. Her musk intoxicates me and I crave to begin early. To lick between the lips of her pussy to see if she’s as sweet as the dessert we’re about to indulge in. Our eyes meet and she glares at me.

  “Is there a problem, toy?” I question as the others begin to kneel around her.

  Bunny narrows her eyes at me. “What are you doing?”

  Running my palms up her thighs, I rub circles with my thumbs on the inside of her legs. She shivers and I know it’s because she wants me to touch her despite the audience.

  “We’re having dessert. You can either be an active, willing participant,” I tell her with an evil grin, “or I can stuff Glenna’s panties in your mouth and you can remain a fixture. Your call, Bunny. It’s much more fun when you participate.”

  Her gaze flits to Stallion, to her left, and then to Glenna between him and I. She purposefully skips her eyes over me to Caramel and then to Jamal who is closest to her on her right. “I don’t want her panties in my mouth,” she seethes finally.

  I smirk and am glad to see Dubois pushing in a cart of treats. He rolls it over to us and raises a questioning brow. “The usual, sir?”

  When I nod, he sets to lifting lids from the bowls. My guests await eagerly while Bunny is wound tight. I should get her off with my mouth right now so she’ll relax but I’d much rather have her squirming and writhing with the need to orgasm.

  Dubois hands me a warm small metal pitcher that I know is filled with melted chocolate. The hotel staff isn’t new to preparing foods to the proper temperature for the guest’s needs. I take it and hover it above Bunny’s belly button.

  “This may hurt a little,” I warn.

  As soon as the heated chocolate hits her flesh, she jerks her head to glare at me. Ignoring her stare, I drizzle the chocolate up and down her body making sure to coat her tits heavily. Once she looks as if she took a mud bath, I switch the pitcher for another, this time white chocolate.

  Flicking my gaze to Bunny, I’m shocked to see her watching my every move with narrowed eyes. I’d expected her to squirm or fight. Instead, she seems furious at me.

  Not for long.

  Soon, she’ll be begging me to untie her.

  “This looks so fucking delicious,” Stallion says eagerly.

  A twinge of irritation eats at me at seeing the way his eyes fall on her pouty lips. Glancing over at Jamal, I notice the same fucking eager grin on his face as well. I guess I can’t really invite them to a dessert party with my toy and not expect them to enjoy themselves.

  “Let them help,” I order to Dubois.

  He sets to handing them different dishes and it soon becomes a family style meal of sorts as everyone passes their dishes around so that Bunny is evenly covered with whipped cream, sliced fruit, mini chocolate chips, and shredded coconut.

  “Dive in.”

  I watch as even the women enthusiastically bring their lips to Bunny’s dessert-covered body. A tiny gasp on her part has me jerking my gaze to her. Seconds before, she could have killed me with her glare. Now, she squirms as their tongues tickle her flesh. A pink flush has crept up her neck and cheeks. And her sweet little mouth is parted in shock or pleasure, it’s hard to tell.

  Bringing my mouth to her pussy where chocolate runs down, I taste her slowly at first. Her soft, telling gasp lets me know she’s definitely enjoying this. The chocolate mixed with her essence is an aphrodisiac and my cock throbs to be inside her. Unzipping my pants while I tongue-fuck her, I tug my thickness out and begin to stroke it. When her body begins to tense up, I pull away to check on her.

  Wild, feral green eyes meet mine. “Don’t stop,” she begs in a whisper.

  I’m about to go back down on her when my eyes graze over Stallion who is cleaning his “plate” up well. His mouth runs needy circles on her tit and a fire of jealousy explodes within me. He’d probably fuck what’s mine if I gave him a choice.

  “Mmm,” Glenna moans from beside me. “So sweet.”

  I drag my gaze to the woman beside me and stifle a grin. She’s always trying way too fucking hard to impress me. And now is no different. I watch with interest as she tongues her way down to Bunny’s hipbone.

  “You want to taste what’s mine?” I question with a raised brow.

  Glenna nods fervently, chocolate running down her chin and throat making her appear the prettiest she ever has since she’s worked for me.

  This game has become interesting and fun. Bunny is the perfect fucking toy.

  “Go on. I want to watch you taste her.”

  She swoops her long hair off to the side and leans forward, her tongue tentatively reaching for Bunny’s clit. The moment she connects, my toy shrieks.

  “I don’t want her touching me!”

  I chuckle and push a finger inside of Bunny. She moans and I look over Glenna’s bowed head at her. “You do want it though, don’t you?”

  She shakes her head but with the way I massage her from the inside and Glenna teases her from the outside, she chews on her lip and gives me a nod.

  My toy likes to play too.

  “Glenna, I want to taste her on you.”

  She nods and lifts her head, the eagerness dancing in her eyes. The woman is nice looking but nothing like the knockout Bunny is. However, I want to taste my toy on her lips. Sliding my free hand into her hair while I continue to work Bunny from the inside, I tug her to my mouth. Glenna moans loudly and I’m overwhelmed with kissing her with the taste of another mixed in with the chocolate kiss.

  “Oh, God!” Bunny’s yelp of pleasure is a precursor of what’s to come. I make sure to massage her clit with my thumb while my other fingers work her G-spot. Glenna lets me deepen our kiss and the moment I feel a hand on my cock, I nearly black out from pleasure. I’m not sure which woman is touching me but I’m not arguing.

  Whimpers coming from Bunny, drag me away from my kiss. I’m surprised to see Caramel working my cock while she kisses Jamal. And Glenna is working Stallion’s through his slacks while he massages Bunny’s tit. Jealousy flares through me but I quickly squash it. I wanted this. This is my fucking game and they’re all in it to play along. Even Dubois.

  My gaze flits to where he stands stoically off to the side, awaiting further instruction. Stallion drops his mouth to Bunny’s and whispers something only she can hear. Then, he places his lips on hers and kisses her softly. I’m about to tell him to get the fuck away from her pretty mouth when—speaking of mouths—wet, heat slides down around my shaft.

  Glenna has taken to sucking my dick, like she’s wanted to for years, and I groan at the sensation. Stallion moves his lips down to Bunny’s tit and I lock eyes with her.

  With each thrust of my fingers and swirl of my thumb, I draw her closer to the edge. And with each
bob of Glenna’s head, I get nearer to unravelling.

  My eyes roll back and I sense that I’m about to cum in Glenna’s mouth at any moment. I don’t want to cum in her mouth—my cum is reserved for Bunny. It sobers me up and I yank her off my cock by her hair.

  “Dessert’s over. Leave,” I snarl.

  Four sets of confused eyes meet mine. They look fucking ridiculous with chocolate smeared all over their goddamned faces. Bunny looks good enough to eat though. Her head is tilted back and her chest heaves with desire.

  “I said get the fuck out!”

  His barked order tremors through me and I’m vaguely aware of the other four people scrambling from the room. Squeaky wheels ring in my ears as Dubois follows behind them with the cart. My body tingles and throbs. I’m hungry for more.

  Brax’s dark brows are furrowed in concentration as he sets to untying me. I’m not sure what his plans are for me next, but I don’t care. My heart is racing and my skin is sensitive from every brush of his fingertips on my flesh.

  Red Hello Kitties.

  The moment Brax lost himself to tasting me that first time tonight, the good-looking “toy” named Stallion from dinner, asked me if I wanted something to make it feel better. Considering the ties were biting into the flesh of my ankles and wrists, I didn’t think it could hurt. Not to mention, I had other reasons for wanting to float away.

  Brax’s sudden mood change upset me more than I’d like to admit. I’d let my guard down with him and assumed he truly wanted me—for more than just a toy. But, even after everything with Jimmy, he showed his hand. I was nothing more than an investment for a short period of time. Despite the aching in my chest, it truly is better this way. When I have to leave at the end, so I don’t end up in Jimmy’s steely clutches, it won’t hurt a bit to leave Brax behind.

  But now, as the world around me seems louder, crisper, bolder, I wonder if I made the wrong decision in accepting his drug. I’d wanted to dip off into oblivion, not be hyper aware of every touch, scent, and sound.


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