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Alphas Gone Wild

Page 3

by Unknown

  No, they’d never dated, but Denver had always found her attractive, and if he hadn’t been young and foolhardy, he would likely have fallen madly in love with Violet years ago. Maybe he still had a chance with her now, but between the politically charged environment he was in the midst of and the fact that he was going to be forced into a decision and didn’t want her to think that was the reason he’d chosen her, he couldn’t imagine anything working out between them now.

  Feeling sheepish and almost awkward, he looked up at her. “I don’t have a mate.”

  Violet’s heart skipped a beat, but she showed no outward sign of being flustered by that statement. It was something she already knew, and she was well aware of the rules the council had in place. She also knew they were for the protection of the Alpha and the pack. A mated wolf looked nowhere else for fulfillment, but his or her own mate, and that meant there were no distractions in terms of love or sex to keep the Alpha preoccupied. It made sense, but she didn’t need to regurgitate that information to Denver.

  “Neither are any of the others on the list,” she replied calmly. “You would all have to announce a mate and finalize the bond in order to accept the offered position. How does that put you at a disadvantage?”

  Now, Denver stood and began to pace, his steps more agitated and longer, bringing Violet up short as she stood and watched him. He shook his head. “Parker and Gina have been together for years. It’s a non-decision for him. Trevor’s young, but he’d just set up shop with Lauren. They’ve been sweet on each other since grade school. And as for Eli, he started dating Maria about three months ago. He doesn’t have much work to do, either.”

  Violet felt like her heart was in her throat, about to choke her. “And what about you? Are you going to tell me you aren’t seeing anyone? There’s no one who interests you as a mate?”

  He turned and locked gazes with her, his stare intense, and he held her captive. He couldn’t tell her that the last person who had interested him had stepped out of his life long ago, and he wasn’t sure he could win that person back. “I haven’t dated in a very long time, Violet. And while there may be a lot of good women in the pack, there aren’t a lot of women who interest me. I’m behind the curve because I don’t have an immediate answer as to who my mate would be.”

  Something in the air changed, something in Denver’s demeanor, and Violet sniffed at it, trying to place it. He was angry, that was a given. But there was something more, and as she tried to place it, her insides warmed, her chest heaving with the effort, and her vision sharpened again, her eyes changing to wolf. She watched as Denver’s followed suit, and it was all she could do to maintain her gaze with his. When she spoke, her voice was deeper, with a rough tone to it. “If you aren’t particularly interested in anyone, then you might want to consider a political affiliation that would assure you the position.”

  The low growl that rumbled from him as he bared fangs sent a shiver down her spine. “Sacrifice for the good of the pack, is that what you’re saying? Because that would make you the second person to allude to that today.” He was hard to understand, his voice so gravelly and affected by the wolf coming out that Violet had to strain even her animal hearing to comprehend what he was saying.

  She shook her head, her gaze never wavering. “I want what’s best for you, Denver. I always have. But in order to assure the best for the pack, you need to choose someone. With no other emotional ties, wouldn’t you want to make this an easy transition?”

  Denver couldn’t really process what she was saying, his rage at the whole situation overwhelming at the moment. He didn’t want to make decisions that he wasn’t qualified to make. And when it came to choosing a mate, he wasn’t qualified. He had never actually been in love, and he had no interest in the person who would assure him the Alpha appointment. And dammit, he was too proud to put himself out there to try to change the past and risk rejection.

  Suddenly, Violet was there, right in front of him, and she put a soothing hand on his shoulder, her eyes softening to human with that slight preternatural glow. “I trust you, Denver, and everyone I know feels the same. You are an amazing man with strength and power and intelligence, as well as a sense of altruism that can’t be beat. Whatever choice you make, it will be the right one.”

  He felt his anger dissipating with her gentle words, the delicate touch of her fingers, and the look of complete confidence in her eyes as they continued to bore into his. Without thinking, he reached up and caressed her cheek with the back of his knuckles, and he watched as her eyelids fluttered, falling closed for the briefest moment as he did. It intrigued him. “You know, Violet, you’ve always been the only person to put such complete faith in me. And in turn, you’re the only person I’ve ever respected and trusted completely.”

  Violet almost bit her lip to keep it from trembling. She wouldn’t cry, wouldn’t get emotional. He’d come to her for strength, and that’s what she’d give him, even if it meant holding her breath until she passed out to avoid showing any weakness. “Thank you, Denver. That means a lot to me.”

  The feelings that tore through Denver’s chest were unfamiliar, a raw ache of emptiness that was instantly followed by heat so great it threatened to blow up his heart. He couldn’t breathe as it surrounded his lungs and squeezed, and for some ungodly reason, he thought he could relieve the pressure if he just sipped from Violet’s lips. Cupping her cheek, he leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers, letting them linger for several seconds as fresh oxygen flooded him and lessened the painful sensation.

  Violet’s heart thundered, and her stomach churned, and while it wasn’t a heated, passionate kiss, something was exchanged that made her feel as though she were floating. But just as suddenly as he’d come to her, Denver backed away, rubbing the back of his neck as he began pacing again. The shock was enough to make her need to sit back down, and as she did, she watched him, his shoulders slumped and his face contorted with what looked like pain.

  “I’m sorry, Violet. I didn’t mean to put you in any kind of awkward position. Thank you for listening and being supportive.” Before he risked giving into his desire to stay and hear her response, he dropped to all fours, shifting instantly, and took off through the woods toward his home.

  Blinking several times, Violet tried to make sense of what had just transpired, but all she could think was that, for one brief moment in time, she’d glimpsed the wonderful future that was possible, just to have it ripped away with the reality of rejection. How cruel life could be, she thought as she allowed the tears to fall freely down her face. Wrapping her arms around her knees and pulling them to her chest, she huddled there, on the log, for a long while before shifting and making her own way back through the reservation to her place.

  She knew for a fact, sleep would evade her tonight.

  Chapter Five

  For a kid who should have teenage angst and overwhelming emotions, Ravenna found her younger sister’s even keel as they sat down to dinner a bit suspicious. After all, even Ravenna herself was a bit sad at the loss of her grandfather, who had been a loving old man. She eyed Serena curiously as the girl’s appetite seemed unaffected, the girl ravenous and shoving her pork loin down her throat as fast as she could while they watched some young adult soap opera Serena had recorded during the day.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked, needing to assure that the younger girl wasn’t hiding anything or using any substances to kill her emotional pain.

  Serena smiled up at her with wide, innocent eyes. “I’m fine, Ravenna. I wasn’t that close to Granddad, you know that. I mean, it’s sad, but I don’t feel the need to go through any sort of intense mourning process.” She nudged Ravenna. “What about you? I know he looked to you because he didn’t have any grandsons, and the two of you were close. How are you holding up?”

  Ravenna didn’t answer right away. She’d never been the overly emotional type, and that was something that worried her about Serena. So far, she’d been an average kid, but this s
udden coldness reminded Ravenna too much of herself. And considering the direction she was headed, she didn’t want to have to concern herself with the possibility of her kid sister having personality issues that she’d have to help the girl figure out. This was going to be her time to shine, just like her grandfather had wanted for her.

  “I’m doing okay. I’m really going to miss him.” Serena offered her a sympathetic look before changing the subject. “So, what’s the council going to do now? Are they keeping things in the family, or do they have someone else in mind to follow in Granddad’s footsteps?”

  Turning away so Serena wouldn’t see, Ravenna curled her lip in disgust. “Trevor’s the only option still in the family, and there’s no way he’s capable of running a pack this size. It’ll be someone else.”

  But there were other ways to keep things in the family, to have influence, and to assure that the bloodline stayed clean. She’d seen her grandfather as a King, not just a leader, and that’s what an Alpha should be. Her bloodline was royal, and while that didn’t carry over into any of the candidates chosen, she could keep the line pure by making sure the council chose the right man for the job.

  And at the same time, she’d get what she wanted. She could only imagine the kind of lover Denver would be, and the kind of leader. He was everything she wanted in a man, and all she needed to do was convince him that he’d be making a decision that was right for the beloved pack. Ravenna could always make him fall in love with her later. She’d seduced many a man into at least believing for a short time they loved her. She was more than confident she could create that particular emotion in true form in a man like Denver, who was the strongest male in the pack and yet still had a heart of gold.

  This time when Serena spoke up, her voice was more timid. “Who do you think it’ll be?” Like Ravenna, Serena had never even considered the idea of having a different Alpha until recently. When you were born into a pack with a leader as young as her grandfather had still been, it wasn’t at the forefront of your mind. In fact, there were hundreds of members who were a little concerned at new leadership, having only been under one ruler.

  But Ravenna offered her sister a comforting smile. “I’m sure whoever the council chooses will make a great leader. He’ll be different because every leader is different, but they’ll make the right choice.” Ravenna was determined to make sure it was someone that cared for the good of the pack…and someone she could control through her own wiles. It was why she had pinpointed Denver many months ago and brought him to the council’s attention, as soon as her grandfather had fallen ill the first time.

  Yes, things were going smoothly, and she simply needed a little time to concentrate on her plan so that her secret desires became a reality. With that in mind, she finished her dinner and headed for her room, picking up the phone to call Denver.

  Chapter Six

  Denver stared down at the furry hands Austin held out to him. The boy was embarrassed, and he hated to see that. “I practiced last night like you told me to, but this happened about an hour before I went to bed, and I can’t get them to change back.”

  Nodding, Denver asked, “Have you tried shifting into your wolf form and back again?”

  Austin nodded, looking glum. He was thirteen, and he’d been having a little trouble from the start with the whole idea of shifting at will. He managed to do it most of the time, but it was never a smooth transition for him. Of course, he was in the throes of puberty, and Denver knew he had a lot of stress otherwise, helping his single mother care for the rest of her pups. He was the oldest of seven, and he carried a lot of responsibility.

  With a deep breath, Denver took hold of the boy’s hands. “I can fix this, but it’s not going to feel good. I just want to warn you about that.” Again the boy nodded, and Denver’s heart went out to him. “Breathe in and count to three.” He watched as Austin followed instructions, then sent a surge of his own energy through to the boy. Austin jumped as if he’d been zapped with a heavy jolt of electricity, then shook his now-human hands. His expression was one of awe and gratitude, and Denver smiled at him. “It’s something you’ll eventually learn to do for your children, as well. Now, I want you to take a break. No more shifting until the full moon hunt this weekend, okay? Your body needs to rest sometime, and since you’ve got so much going on, I think that’s the best way to do it.”

  Disappointed, Austin nodded. “Do you think I’ll be okay for the hunt?”

  Ruffling his hair, Denver laughed. “If you have any trouble, you find me, and we’ll do it together, okay? We don’t have to tell anyone. It’s not like you can’t do it. There are just outside factors involved.” He nudged his student along, out of the gym and toward class, and Austin took off running down the hall. Denver’s first class was due in the next fifteen minutes, and he’d decided it would be a field day, with all the kids taking wolf form and wrestling or chasing each other.

  “You weren’t home last night.” The sultry voice stopped Denver, and he turned to find Ravenna decked out in a red dress that showed off her slender body to full advantage, her hair twisted up on top of her head with tendrils falling around her face. “I tried to call you.”

  He cleared his throat. “Yes, I had somewhere I had to be last night. What are you all dressed up for?”

  She shrugged, her expression a simpering pout. “I have to go over to Doc Lindstrom’s today to help my father with the arrangements for my grandfather’s funeral.”

  Somehow, the bright red and the high heels didn’t seem appropriate, but Denver kept the comment to himself. If he went through with the idea of naming a mate solely for the purpose of pleasing the pack and keeping the bloodline, he would tame this wild beast after he claimed her. “Well, I hope everything goes smoothly for you. It would be a shame for anything to make this harder on you and your family. Will Serena be going with you?”

  Ravenna shook her head, making the curls bounce. “No, she opted to come to school. I think she’s grieving in her own way, letting it out by surrounding herself with her friends.” She took a few steps in his direction, striding in a way that crossed one leg in front of the other. “Have you considered what we talked about yesterday? I mean, the council is a little under the gun, and the elders are really leaning toward you as their top candidate. It’s just the one little detail standing in your way.” She punctuated each word of the final sentence with a gentle poke of her index finger in his chest.

  Her touch burned with seduction, and Denver could almost feel the words dripping from her tongue. This was a woman who knew how to handle a man, and she had no qualms about letting you know it. At the same time, she had a reputation for also proving her abilities, and that didn’t win her any points with him. “I’ve thought about it a little. Listen, Ravenna, I have a class that’s about to start, and I have a lot on my mind because I do have things to consider. Why don’t you go take care of your personal business and, maybe, we’ll talk more later?”

  She raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow and gave him a salacious smile. “Talk, huh? Well, then, I’ll look forward to speaking with you later.” She blew him a kiss as she strode away, and he shook his head. The truth was, last night when he’d left Violet, she was the only thing he’d thought about. There had been no consideration of how to handle the nomination, no weighing out the options in terms of choosing a mate. He’d simply held onto the feel of her lips against his and the way it made his body react.

  He truly didn’t understand it. He had thought perhaps it was the quickening, the recognition of a mate he was destined to be with, but from what he knew, that didn’t hurt in any way. This had been painful, a dull ache in his chest, as if someone had reached inside and tried to rip his heart out, leaving a big, gaping hole to be filled. Only then had the pleasure consumed him, and that was what had sent him running. It had been such a cowardly thing to do, and even at a distance, he could feel Violet’s pain, a pain he knew he’d inflicted in his rash behavior.

  This afternoon, he woul
d seek her out and apologize, and he might ask her what she’d felt in that one moment where things had sparked between them. He needed an explanation, for both the sensation and the fact that he couldn’t get her out of his mind. It was as if nothing else mattered, and she was his lone focus. He hoped talking to her would ease that for him so he could continue about his life in a normal fashion.

  There was too much at stake for him to shirk his responsibilities.

  Chapter Seven

  Out of Denver’s sight, Ravenna stalked through the halls, angry and out for blood. He was blowing her off, and that was completely unacceptable. She pulled her sunglasses out of her handbag, and put them on, hiding the raging wolf in her eyes. She hated hiding her true nature. It didn’t make sense that she had to do it here, on their land, away from regular humans where nosy people couldn’t barge in and discover their secrets.

  In her haste, she all but shoved students out of the way, and as she rounded a corner, she forgot to look where she went and smacked straight into Violet. She backed up, starting to offer a sweet smile and an apology, but when she realized who had gotten in her way, she snarled.

  “Sorry, Ravenna, I’m running late and should have been watching more closely.” The puttering nonsense made Ravenna glad she was wearing her glasses, and she rolled her eyes at the pathetic excuse for a wolf.

  But then, she realized that, if anyone in this building held sway over Denver, it was Violet. Maybe they didn’t talk much, but they used to, and they still exchanged words from time to time, more so than Denver did with the other teachers here. Her interest piqued, Ravenna pasted on that winning smile, her voice dripping with sugar.


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