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Alphas Gone Wild

Page 46

by Unknown

  Lucas was beating the shit out of her second abductor, the one who was still conscious. He had fallen to the ground, and still Lucas was pounding on him. She smelled blood in the air, and there was more on the car… she rushed forward.

  “Lucas!” she shrieked. “Stop! You’ll kill him!” She flailed for his arm as it pulled back for another strike, just barely catching hold of it. But her touch seemed to break through his rage. His chest heaved, and there was blood on his hand. She couldn’t be sure if it was his or not, but he took a step back. The man was down, moaning, cowering on the parking garage floor.

  Lucas blinked several times, still looking at her attacker, then he turned to her. For a moment, his face was blank, but then he slipped his hand around her waist and hauled her away from the limo.

  “My purse!” she said, tugging against him to stop so she could retrieve it from the floor. She didn’t want them having anything of hers. He bent quickly to scoop it up, then locked his hand around hers and towed her away. They ran down one ramp of the parking garage and then another, down to the next level. Her legs were unsteady with the adrenaline of the fight, and her heels clicked a jittery echo throughout the garage, but the sound was mostly drowned out by Lucas’s heavy, pounding heels. They reached his car—it was some kind of Audi, red and black and sleek, but she would have preferred something less like a race car and more like a tank. Lucas practically yanked off the door getting it open for her, and she dropped into the low passenger seat as fast as she could. He raced around to the driver’s side, and within moments, they were screeching out of the parking garage. She caught a final glimpse of the two kidnappers by their limo.

  They were still human lumps on the ground. Only one was moving.

  Chapter Eight

  It wasn’t until Mia and Lucas were well away from the parking garage that he slowed to a speed that would keep them out of jail. Even then, neither of them spoke. Lucas’s grip on the steering wheel was the same white-knuckled one she had on her purse. She clutched it to her chest as if that would somehow help. She didn’t ask where they were going. She didn’t care, as long as it was away from them. She could still feel their hands on her, grabbing her, hauling her away.

  “Why didn’t they shift?” was all she could manage to say. Her voice was strangely mechanical.

  “They couldn’t fight me in wolf form,” he said, just as stiffly.

  She supposed that made sense, given they had submitted to him once before, although her brain still wasn’t working well enough to put all the pieces together. They must have found out where she lived. They must have tracked the limo service that picked her up that morning. A chill seeped into her stomach, wondering what had happened to the original driver. Maybe they killed him. Maybe they stole the limo.

  All so they could come after her.

  She blinked and looked at Lucas. He had known she wouldn’t be safe at the dorm. He knew more about this than he was telling her. But at that moment, all she could see was the blood that still covered his knuckles. The fury on his face.

  He had saved her. Again.

  They pulled into another parking garage, a high rise near the outskirts of downtown. She wasn’t sure exactly where they were going until they were inside the building, and a gray-uniformed doorman greeted Lucas with, “Good evening, Mr. Sparks.” By the time she and Lucas reached the 15th floor, she figured he must be taking her to his apartment. He still hadn’t spoken a word, just held her hand in an iron grip the entire way, not letting go for a single moment since they left the car.

  His electronic key opened the door. He closed and locked it behind them.

  She barely had a glimpse of his glass-and-black-leather décor, before he grabbed hold of her face and consumed her with a kiss. They stumbled two steps back until she was flush up against the front door, his body pressing her into it, hard in every possible way: his fingers pushing insistently into her hair, his tongue invading her mouth, his erection pressing into her side. She dropped her purse and grabbed at his shoulders, trying to bring him closer, even though he had already welded her body to the door with his.

  His hands left her hair and slid down her sides, feeling every curve until he reached the hem of her sweater. He leaned back and pulled her slightly away from the door, enough to quickly lift her sweater over her head.

  Her breath caught, suddenly half naked in front of him. He paused for a moment, looking at her, and she had that sensation again, like his gaze was a hot stroke over her exposed skin.

  “I thought this wasn’t a good idea,” she said, breathless, hoping he wasn’t suddenly changing his mind.

  “I’m tired of trying to resist you.”

  His words were another sweep of heat across her, this one running straight down between her legs. He ripped off his jacket and lifted his shirt over his head in one fast swipe. Then he pinned her to the door again, this time his bare chest open to her hands. They roamed across it and ran up his shoulders. His mouth, hungry for her again, devoured her neck in small nips. His touch was electrifying her, every nerve sending hot races of pleasure to the parts that yearned for more contact with him.

  He growled, tasting her more aggressively as he worked down to her chest. He gripped her bra with both hands, and she felt his claws come out and shred the fabric away from her body. The pieces of it dangled to her sides as her breasts fell free. Lucas dropped to one knee, and his face nuzzled in between them. One hand rolled her hardened nipple between his fingers, wringing shocks of pleasure from it, while the other cupped her breast to his mouth. He sucked and nipped all over her heated flesh, each small, circling bite causing more wetness to pool between her legs.

  Her wolf whined with pleasure, and she dug her fingers into his hair while she watched him feast upon her. Then he slid his hands down her body again, feeling every inch as he went. When he reached the bottom of her skirt, he slipped his hands underneath and shoved up the fabric. Her underwear was torn from her body before she could suck in a gasp. With her skirt up to her waist and her underwear gone, she was bared to him. Another growl rumbled in his chest, and he dropped further, lifting her knee over his shoulder and burying his face between her legs.

  Her head fell back against the door as his tongue slipped into her folds. She called out his name and some other unintelligible word, as a haze of pleasure washed over her. The tip of his tongue worked her, and she held on as he brought her wave upon wave of pleasure. It built a pressure deep inside that felt like it might make her burst. Just as she thought she might come, he pulled away. She panted and clung to the door, weak with pleasure, watching as he kicked off his shoes and unzipped his pants. When he freed his erection, it was even larger than she remembered, shining in the moonlight, the embodiment of everything masculine. It made her even more weak in the knees.

  He cradled her against the door. She had never seen such pure desire in a man’s eyes before—such animal lust combined with an eagerness that was pure wolf. He claimed her mouth again, plunging inside and sharing the taste of her own flesh. He slid his hands down to her legs, behind her hips, then quickly lifted her from the floor. She held on tight to his broad shoulders, his muscles flexing under her hands, and quickly wrapped her legs around his back. She could feel his cock hard and ready against her and could hardly catch her breath. Hardly believe this was happening.

  His hands gripped the flesh of her bottom, and he thrust into her. He was so large and ground so deep that what breath she had escaped her. The hard muscles of his chest pressed into the deep softness of hers and held there for a moment. Joined deeply, his face buried in her hair, he moaned, Mine, so softly, with so much growl, that she almost didn’t hear it. Then he thrust again and again, each time rocking harder against her and sending waves of pleasure shooting through her. His grip on her tightened, and each thrust brought a noise of pleasure from him that pushed her closer and closer. As he took her, owned her body against the door, she could feel his claws coming out, grasping onto her, holding her tight to hi
m. Her wolf whimpered in response, whining for more, and her own claws raked across his back, holding on for the ride.

  As her claws dug into him, his breath hitched, and she was afraid for a split moment that she had hurt him. But his moans and thrusts just came harder and faster, finally pushing her to the edge. Her body pulsed, pleasure whiting out her vision, her sound, even her sense of smell, and there was nothing but him, filling her, joined with her, bringing her a pleasure she didn’t even know was possible. It possessed every sense in her body. He growled with his final thrust, and his body shook, as his climax seized hold of him. Aftershocks of pleasure kept rippling through her. He moved more slowly now, his thrusts gentling, his hold relaxing. Finally, after a long moment of stillness, he pulled out and eased her to the floor. But he still held her, tenderly pulling her from the wall and planting a hundred soft kisses on her face and neck.

  As they came down together, he kissed her once more on the lips, then pulled slightly away. He had a slight frown and reached behind his shoulder to swipe at the marks her claws had no doubt left behind. He came away with blood on his hand, looked puzzled for a moment, then peered harder over his shoulder. Her claws had scored a dozen red lines on his back and upper arms. His eyes went wide, and he whipped his head back to her, a storm gathering on his face.

  Oh no.

  “You’re a shifter,” he said, his voice filled with betrayal.

  “I didn’t think… are you okay?” She scrunched up her face and tried to peer at his back, but she knew it wasn’t the marks that bothered him. It was the lie.

  He stepped back from her, standing naked, but with clenched fists and stiff shoulders. “What’s your pack?” he demanded.

  “Pack? I don’t… I don’t have…” Her heart was wrenching in two. The air was still rich with their lovemaking, but it had chilled ten degrees with the angry stare he was giving her. He reached out, but his touch was no longer gentle. He held up her arms, searching them, grabbing hold of her shoulders to spin her, checking her back for something.

  She twisted her head toward him. “What are you doing, Lucas?” The fear in her voice must have reached him, because he turned her back to face him, but more gently this time.

  He continued search her body with his eyes, his face still angry, but it had tempered a little. “You’re not marked. Why aren’t you marked?”

  “I don’t know what that means!” Tears were closing in on her.

  He closed his eyes briefly and drew in a breath. When he opened them, he pointed to the tattoo on his chest. “Your pack mark. Where is it?”

  “I don’t have a pack,” she said. “Or a mark. You’re… you’re the only one who knows.”

  Realization dawned on his face, and he took a step back. The anger settled further, but she could tell it still boiled under his skin. “You’ve been hiding it. All this time.”


  “From everyone. Your family?”

  “I only have my mom,” she said, a defensive bit rising in her. “But yes. From everyone.”

  “From me.”

  “Until now.” She peered up into his eyes. Could he forgive her for that? He knew now. He was simply the only one she had ever felt safe telling. Couldn’t he see that?

  But his expression was still cool. “You don’t have a mate or a pack,” he said again, as if triple confirming it wasn’t enough.

  “I swear, Lucas.” She hesitated, then pressed on. “I want to be with you,” she said softly.

  His dark brown eyes hardened to bitter coal. “You do not want to mate with me.” Then he turned away from her and stooped to pick up his pants from the floor. The anger was back, judging by the vicious way he pulled them on.

  “But… I thought you…”

  He glared at her again. “I thought you were human.”

  It was a like a stab through her heart. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” she said, fighting tears. Her wolf was crying, a mournful whine that echoed through her head. “I would have. Eventually. I just didn’t know…” She gestured at the pile of clothes at their feet. “Things just moved so fast.”

  “Wolves do not just have sex, Mia. Wolves mate,” he said, the anger flaming back. “If you had a pack, you would have understood this. But since you don’t, let me be very clear about it: you do not want to mate with me.”

  She crossed her arms over her bare breasts, suddenly feeling naked. But the anger in her voice rose to match his. “Maybe I do! You don’t get to decide everything for me!”

  He turned away from her, and his back stiffened. “My mate is dead.”

  She sucked in a breath. This was the thing—the pain that his family wanted to help him heal. The darkened office at SparkTech flashed before her eyes: T. Sparks. His mate. She had died, and he was struck down by it. Devastated. She could see it in his stance, and in the fierce protection he had for her. How much more would he have had for the woman he loved? Had mated with? She wasn’t even sure what that meant, but it sounded… like family.

  She edged closer to his turned back. “I’m sorry, Lucas.” What could she say that would ease his pain? “I don’t want to… take her place. I just want to be with you.”

  He sighed, long and deep. “You don’t understand, Mia.” He paused, then slowly turned to look back over his shoulder to her. “I killed her.”

  Lucas and Mia's story is only getting started: their greatest fears, and hopes, still lay ahead of them.

  Get the next episode, Guarded (True Alpha 2)—or get the complete True Alpha box-set (Vol 1-6)!

  Or try Alisa’s Dark Alpha serial, starting with the first episode: Torment.

  Alpha Lovers Newsletter

  Get a True Alpha Christmas (a standalone novella) FREE when you subscribe!

  Alisa Woods lives in the Midwest with her husband and family, but her heart will always belong to the beaches and mountains where she grew up. She writes sexy paranormal romances about alpha men and the women who love them. She enjoys exploring the struggles we all have, where we resist—and succumb to—our most tempting vices as well as our greatest desires. She firmly believes that love triumphs over all.

  TRUE ALPHA is Alisa's first New Adult Paranormal Romance serial. Her DARK ALPHA will be complete on March 30th 2015.

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  Alphas Gone Wild © March 2015

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

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  Table of Contents

  Touch of Alpha

  Pack Justice

  A Cat’s Tale

  Wild for the Lion

  Masked Desire

  Dragon’s Dewdrop

  Cat Lover


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