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The Choosing tbabs-1

Page 2

by Jeremy Laszlo

  The trees began to clear, as the path lead through the dense brush and over growth that would soon then lead them to the small farms of their village, to Vineleaf. All but the last traces of daylight had faded from the sky, carrying with it the last of the day’s warmth. Both brothers shared a sigh of relief, or was it a sigh of anticipation? Probably both. This was the last night they would see their home for a while, and both slowed their walk to take it all in one last time. The farm houses ahead were already alight from lanterns in the windows. Past that a few small houses stretched down the narrow road that ended at the inn. Vineleaf was a small community, self sufficient, and everyone got along well. There were only nine homes in the valley and everyone had a role to play in order to sustain the village. They pictured the faces as they passed wondering how long it would be before they might see them again. There were three farm houses all along the northern edge of the forest. The three families, the Briars all with red hair and freckles, the Stones dark haired and dark eyed, and the Golts with their brown hair and pale skin shared seeds, feed, and tools to keep their fields and herds growing. As it were the food was given freely to everyone who lived in Vineleaf, and any excess food was taken to the inn for storage, and to be sold to travelers or hunters. The first of the five remaining houses belonged to Julia and John Riser who had a small mill and bakery. The second belonged to Max the butcher and his wife Ellen and two young daughters Tina and Samantha. The third house belonged to Jack. He was the village blacksmith and handyman. The fourth house belonged to Emily and Rose, two middle aged sisters who had a loom and were excellent tailors. The fifth and final house belonged to Samuel Cobbler who could make anything out of leather, but specialized in shoes. The last building on the road was the Vineleaf inn. It was the only revenue the village had and so paid everyone’s taxes to the Kingdom, as well as used the funds to purchase anything that the village couldn’t make for themselves. The inn was Garret’s and Seth’s home. They lived here with their Father James, who had he been 20 years younger could have been the twin’s triplet. Their mother lived here once as well. The twins hardly remembered her face any longer but many in the village held fond memories of her. Those that lived here in Vineleaf weren’t just neighbors, they were family.

  Both Garret and Seth stopped at the bottom of the steps to the inn and shared a look of remembrance. This was their home, it was all they had ever known, yet tomorrow they would be leaving, not knowing when or if they might return. Light streamed through the front windows of the inn. Smoke rose lazily from the twin chimneys that jutted from the roof from either side of the common room. The large oak door was closed to hold at bay the chill of the night time air. From somewhere inside voices trailed mutely to their ears.

  “It seems we have guests.” Garret thought out loud.

  “Yeah, we better go see if dad needs any help.” Seth replied shaking the thoughts of dismay from his skull.

  They climbed the three steps to the door and Garret, grasping the large iron handle, heaved it open. Blazing yellow light swallowed them through the door, and a rush of warm air greeted them with the scent of stew enticing their nostrils. Both brothers paused a moment just inside the door to let their eyes adjust to the light.

  “Boys!” Their dad thundered from the back of the room, standing behind the long oak bar. “Come hang your catch in the kitchen and get cleaned up there are some folks here to see you.”

  “Alright.” Seth replied glancing to the seating area to see who had come, vaguely aware his brother was looking to see the guests as well.

  The guests were gathered around the fireplace at the far right wall of the room, their backs to the twins. Both brothers recognized them even from behind, and headed off to the kitchen. Walking around the bar towards the kitchen door, Garret leaned towards his father and with a smirk and said.

  “I beat him.”

  “I heard that.” Replied Seth, and continued with a slightly annoyed tone. “You always beat me but you'll never outsmart me.”

  Garret growled in response and shoved Seth through the door to the kitchen, flashing a smile towards their dad as he passed. They walked to the back of the kitchen, past the twin cooking fires to the back door. Both brothers unslung their rabbits and hung them on the pegs above the door, and placed their bows and quivers in the corner behind the crates of preserved foods. Garret’s forehead creased, and his eyebrows came together, obviously in deep thought about something. Seth knew the look; this was something his brother and himself did not have in common. For some reason Garret was unable to concentrate without mangling his features, it was not a habit he shared with his father so it must have been inherited from their mother.

  “Whatcha thinking about?” Seth asked after staring at his brother’s grimace for a moment.

  “Dad is cooking.” Garret replied. His face still entangled in thought.

  “And….?” Seth questioned hoping for a more enlightening answer.

  “Well, it’s kind of late… and only Jack, Samuel, and Emily are here. I’m sure they would have already eaten, and Dad doesn’t usually cook a large pot of stew for just the three of us.”

  “Well it is our last night at home; he probably wants to make sure we were good and stuffed before we head out in the morning. Besides, there are four of us that need to eat.”

  “Four?” Garret’s face scrunched back up in thought. “Who else needs to eat?”

  “So you didn’t notice the man at the dining table near the window?” Seth waited for his brother’s response though he already knew the answer.

  “No, I hadn’t noticed. Who is he?” Garret’s was still pondering, his eyebrows trying desperately to touch one another.

  “He looks our age, so I would guess he is headed to The Choosing. Dad probably figures there might be a few more kids headed this way too, hence all the food.”

  “That makes sense.” Garret’s face finally smoothed out before he continued. “Why do you think Jack, Emily, and Samuel are here?”

  “I would suppose they came to say goodbye, but there is only one way we are going to find out” Seth said.

  Seth shrugged his shoulders, smiling at his brother, slugged him in the arm before making a wild run back to the common room with Garret on his heels.

  Seth raced into the common room with Garret wheeling right behind him and danced nimbly around the bar trotting across the room towards the fireplace where their dad had joined their neighbors around the fire. Seth stopped abruptly as he approached the gathering and noticed the dark swelling around their eyes. Garret, right behind him, nearly barreled him over not expecting the sudden stop. Walking around his brother, Garret too noticed the ashen faces of the people whom he considered family. He and his brother, thinking much the same, both gave a half nervous smile to the small gathering.

  “We’re leaving for a while.” Seth said. “We’re not dead.”

  Garret nodded in agreement.

  This proclamation brought out smiles from the sullen faces of those loved ones that had gathered to wish them farewell. James waved the boys nearer the fire and it was then the twins noticed the bundles at their visitor’s feet. It was no surprise that they had brought the twins some going away gifts, they had done the same in the past for others who had made their eighteenth birthday and had to leave for The Choosing. The brothers looked at each other with a knowing glance and each gave Emily a hug, and each Jack and Samuel a stiff hand shake and thump on the back. Jack being, as always, straight to the point reached down and picked up the large leather bundle beside his feet. It was nearly four feet long, appeared quite heavy, and clanked as he picked it up.

  “I’ve made you each something that I hope will come in handy along the way boys. They say that beasts from the south have been found venturing even this far north." Jack said knowingly in his thick low voice.

  He raised the bundle into one arm, cradling it like a baby and reached over the top with one enormous calloused hand and gave a tug to the small leather strap that kept the
bundle wrapped up tight. The strap gave way and Jack quickly laid the bundle across both his arms allowing it to unroll down the length of his arms. It clanked like steel on steel as it unraveled and came to a stop just as it reached his palms. Upon the leather lay two exquisite swords, and a pair of twin daggers. The first sword was long and broad. Made from the finest steel it gleamed in the light of the fire as if it too were ablaze. Its surfaces so polished it reflected everyone’s faces back at them. To balance the enormous blade was a huge two handed hilt at the butt of which a large ball of gleaming steel held in place by a dragons claw with each of the talons facing down away from the blade, making even the hilt end of the sword deadly. The second sword lay beside the first. It was nearly as long as the two handed broad sword, but it was narrower, much narrower. The blade tapered starting at the hilt and working ever narrower all the way to the tip. Made of polished blackened steel, the blade looked menacing as if it were forged out of darkness itself. The hilt was a hand and a half allowing the wielder to use one or two hands. Slithering down and around the handle was a serpent polished silver. At the butt of the handle the serpent was coiled around and around itself with it tail sticking straight out the end and sharpened to a point. At the other end of the handle the serpent split into two long necks ending at wide toothed grins, these making up the hand guards. The daggers, lying end to end just above the swords looked as if they were a mirror image of each other. Both had blades polished to a mirror surface like the larger sword, and both had blackened steel handles wrapped in leather dyed black to match the steel. All four of the weapons were both beautiful and threatening.

  Both Seth and Garret smiled at Jack. These were by far the most amazing pieces they have ever seen, above and beyond anything else they had seen him craft over the years. It was obvious whose sword was whose. Garret would be more easily able to wield the broadsword as he was the bulkier, more massively built of the twins. Seth being thinner, perhaps even a bit lanky instinctively picked up the dark black blade. The brother’s both held and appraised their new weapons.

  “These are amazing Jack, you have really outdone yourself.” Seth said eyeing the intricately detailed serpent.

  “They’re made of Dwarven steel.” Jack proclaimed obviously proud of his creations. “They should hold an edge a long time and shouldn’t rust if I've tempered them correctly. I hope you like them.”

  Both the twins nodded in response unable to speak, still in awe of their spectacular gifts.

  “Well I should guess that makes us next. Samuel said gesturing to Emily “We have been working together on these projects so everything will fit and look just right.” Samuel continued.

  He reached down beneath the chair he had been seated in and slid from under it a large wooden case. He undid the clasp holding the lid in place, and grasping either side of the lid flipped it effortlessly over the box where it rested on its hinges, against the back of the case.

  Laying in the case was a jumble of objects, the top most of which was a long slender black leather scabbard. Dyed black to match the blade it was created to fit, and stitched with leather dyed silver, it was an amazing piece. As he stood to give the scabbard to Seth, Samuel flipped the scabbard over revealing a silver serpent embroidered down the side. Knowing the work, Seth flashed a smile at Emily, and as was her custom she nodded in response. Samuel held the scabbard out to Seth who readily accepted it, and slid his new blade into it to admire the two together. The blade slid effortlessly, silently in. A perfect fit. Garret shifted his weight impatiently eyeing the next item in Samuel's case on the floor. It too was a scabbard wide and long, dyed a midnight blue and trimmed in the same silver as Seth’s scabbard. On its face was embroidered a sky blue dragon, jaws opened wide to the top of the scabbard where the sword would enter, as if it would swallow the sword. Garret remained speechless as he accepted the scabbard and slid his enormous blade into it. Samuel was already leaning over to the case at his feet. He removed a sheaf for each of the twins' daggers and a leather cloak for each of them, one black trimmed in silver, the other midnight blue also trimmed in silver.

  "There are a couple of new outfits here in the trunk for each of you compliments of Emily and Rose, and some new boots as well. I’ve also made each of you a good sturdy pack for the trip south.” Samuel brimmed with pride. “I’ve given them to James to pack you some supplies for your trip.”

  "Thank you both so much." Seth said.

  “How could we resist for you boys?” Emily asked. “We can’t have you out traveling the world looking like beggars. As I always say, first impressions are the most important.”

  This indeed was something they had heard her say several times and so both returned her smile.

  “Rose and I have made you each two pair of new clothes, a heavy pair for the journey that should keep you warm and should not tear so easily, and a pair of dress clothes for The Choosing ceremony." Emily said with tears rimming her eyes.

  “Rose will see you off in the morning with the others.” Emily started a little shakily. “She didn’t want to have to say good bye twice.”

  The twins both nodded their understanding, each now with moisture clouding their vision. Rose and Emily had sort of taken the mothering role for the boys after their mom had passed away. Both boys knew they would miss their foster mothers when they left.

  “Well boys.” Their father began to say. “I guess that just leaves me. I was gonna wait until morning but what with all the gifts I sort of feel left out.”

  James walked out of the seating area and walked back behind the bar with all five sets of eyes following him. He bent his large body below the surface of the bar where no one could see him and rummaged around on one of the shelves concealed behind the bar. He stood back up bearing two packs, and two coin purses. Walking swiftly back to the seating area with his giant strides he stopped when he reached his twins and sat the packs down at their feet. Both packs were black leather one trimmed in blue the other in silver.

  “I got you all packed up with food.” He said to both of them at once. “And you each have a blanket and towel.” He then held out the coin purses to them and before releasing them into his sons hands added.

  “You each get ten silver from the community fund as with all the kids who leave for The Choosing. In addition to that I’ve added five silver each out of our savings.” This last part he said quite boisterously as he swelled with pride at himself.

  “I expect that should be enough to get yourselves a room at a few inns along the way, and keep you fed, and if there is enough left over…” he trailed off for a moment holding back the tears that a man of his age and size shouldn’t show. “Use what’s left if you can, to send message back that you made it safely.” James ended quickly trying not to lose his composure. The only time that he had ever cried in front of his boys was when their mother had passed, and that he was sure neither of them could remember. He didn’t want to think that this could be the last memories he would ever make with his sons. Quickly then, James thrust out his hands with the coin purses giving one to each of the boys.

  “Boys tell everyone thank you again, they have all worked very hard to make you these gifts. You need to be getting to bed you have a long journey ahead of you. I have to go attend to our customer.” James turned and strode across the room.

  Everyone else had forgotten the young man at the opposite end of the common room seated quietly against the window. He was now reading a book, aimlessly tracing absent symbols on the table with his free hand. Trying his best not to eavesdrop, He looked up suddenly when James came between the lamp on the wall and his book. They spoke in hushed tones and James picked up the man’s mug and returned to the bar to refill it. After it was full he returned it to the man, again they spoke quietly and James turned and walked back across the room to his friends and sons. As James walked up the twins were just finishing telling everyone good night and thanking them all again several times for the gifts.

  “The boy’s name is Ashton.�
� James stated. “He is from Glenvale. He says if you guys don’t mind he would like to hit the road with you in the morning, he too is going to The Choosing.”

  Both boys nodded to their father, and then to Ashton across the room, who was watching them patiently. Almost simultaneously the boys said:

  “Good night dad.”

  “You go ahead Garret. I need to speak to your brother for a moment.” James said.

  "Sure thing dad." Garret replied.

  James, Emily, Samuel, and Jack watched as Garret turned to walk down the hall towards his room, carrying with him all his new belongings. They all smiled at Garret’s retreating steps, knowing they would be missed, knowing they had given the boy all they could to prepare him for whatever might lay ahead.

  "Seth why don't you take a seat." James said pointing to the chair he himself had sat in just moments before.

  Seth looked around to the faces of his friends and neighbors before taking a seat, his father's tone frightened him and the fact that none of them would meet his gaze troubled him deeply. Preparing himself for the worst he sat down as his father had instructed and waited for whatever it was that his father intended to say.

  "I wouldn't do this if I didn't feel I had to Seth."James said taking a moment to get his emotions in check and focus his thoughts. "You know that everyone here loves you like their own child, we are all your family, and any one of us including your brother would lay down their life rather than see you in pain."

  Now Seth began to become afraid in earnest, he was not sure of where this conversation was leading, but nothing about his father's tone nor the grim faces in the room bode anything positive. Seth began to shake from nervousness but tried to hold on to some semblance of control to hear what it was that his father was trying to tell him.

  "Starting tomorrow it’s just going to be you and your brother looking out for one another, and the gods know your brother is going to need some looking out for with his grand dreams of battle and all." James said.


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