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The Choosing tbabs-1

Page 13

by Jeremy Laszlo

  “Wake him.” Ashton responded to her unspoken command.

  “Whatever for?” Sara demanded in a hushed tone. “He needs his rest.”

  “Yes but we may be in danger.” Ashton responded, turning Sara’s face grim.

  “Again?” She asked

  “Yes, three men met Garret on the road, they follow him now, and they follow him here. They are all armed.” Ashton related as much as he could, without being long winded.

  That was enough information for Sara. She asked nothing further. Instead she leaned her face to Seth’s ear and whispered.

  “Seth darling, I need you to wake up.”

  Seth’s eyes popped open immediately scanning the room. He had perceived in Sara’s words a tone of fear, one she had not intended. No danger located he looked then to Sara.

  “Men are coming, with weapons, they found your brother hunting, and he leads them here.” Sara spoke quickly not knowing how much time they had if any.

  Seth nodded, and rolling to his knees, warily rose to his feet. Though knowing he was too weak to fight, he drew his sword, then reached to his belt and brought forth his dagger as well. Motioning for Ashton to follow, he handed the dagger to Sara, and led them towards the opening of their small cavern. As they neared the entrance Seth could hear voices and motioned the others back. Seth paused a moment to listen. Men were talking and there was the sound of a sword being drawn. Next the sound of bones breaking, followed by a hollow thud, the sound a body might make when it hit the ground. He listened a moment longer, his heart filled with sorrow, his brother was probably dead. Unable to dwell on what might be happening outside their hiding spot, Seth listened for a moment longer. Straining his ears, he could hear someone approaching the entrance. He turned and this time led Sara and Ashton to the farthest corner in the back of the cavern, where the shadows were darkest. If they could surprise the men who had followed his brother, they might stand a chance. Seth, knowing this may be his last chance to do so, looked at his Sara. She did not notice his gaze. Instead she watched the entrance, unblinking, shaking, fear in her eyes. How it pained him to see her this way, yet she had every right to fear. He would be unable to protect her in his weakened condition, and Ashton was not even armed. Her dagger would not be enough to protect her, and after the men disposed of him and Ashton who knows what they might do to her.

  This in mind, Seth quickly formulated a plan, he was too weak to fight, but he was sure he had enough energy to put up a good show. He could rush the men as they neared the entrance, hopefully startling them, giving Sara and Ashton a chance to escape, and make a run for it. If he could live long enough to give them at least a few moments head start, they might be able to lose the men in the thick ocean of brush that went on for miles in every direction. Seth knew he would die, but he would gladly sacrifice his life if Sara would live. He turned to tell his plan to Ashton, seeing Sara’s look of fear mirrored on his friends face, and suddenly froze before he could speak.

  A footstep sounded in the cavern, echoing across the stone. Seth dropped to a kneeling position, preparing to lunge if the opportunity presented itself. Another step, then another and another echoed through the open cavern. The steps came in fast succession, but Seth noted that it was only one person who came into their small ambush. He waited tensely, watching, hoping he could catch this enemy off guard. The approaching footsteps slowed and then a large shadowy figure emerged into the dark room, something large in its hands.

  Garret remained frozen in place, as the horses and their riders surrounded him.

  “Young man.” The rider in front of him said in an even tone, eyeing first Garrets face, and then sliding his gaze to land sternly on Garret’s hands.

  Without realizing what he was doing, Garret too looked down at his hands. He realized then that he had forgotten momentarily that he was carrying Sara’s crossbow, drawn and loaded. He had it pointed instinctively forward, towards the rider in front of him. He lowered it quickly, not wanting to provoke the men, if they would even need provoking.

  Seeing the weapon lower, the first rider, presumably their leader, continued to speak.

  “Who are you and what is your purpose on this road?” It was a demanding tone, but not quite menacing.

  “My name is Garret Derringer, and I was hunting.” Garret tried to control his voice to sound unafraid.

  “Hunting indeed.” The man replied through his helm, again turning his steel gray eyes to the crossbow. He then continued; “Did you happen to notice any Goblin tracks during your hunt?”

  “No.” Garret replied honestly.

  “Hmm.” The man grunted, eyeing Garret as if considering something. He leaned forward in his saddle, scrutinizing Garret, and presumably decided, he continued to speak. “We are knights to the Kingdom young hunter, sent to track down a goblin raiding party spotted in these lands. Two nights ago we found them, and ambushed them in the night. A single goblin escaped our attack, and we were not immediately able to pick up his trail. Yesterday we found his tracks, heading in this direction. Be careful young hunter, even a single goblin can be a deadly encounter. If you see him, note his location, and report it to a member of the Valdadorian guard as soon as you might meet one.”

  Garret thought quickly of how to respond, and deciding honesty was best, spoke to the Knight before him.

  “I spoke true about the tracks sire, as I have seen no markings of the Goblin. I have however seen the goblin itself.”

  At that point all three riders leaned in their saddles to listen closely.

  “Last night, as my companions and I slept, the goblin attacked us.” Before Garret was able to continue, the large knight with the steel eyes interrupted.

  “Yet you stand here.” He stated, and then waited as if to let Garret continue.

  “Yes Sire, the goblin was wounded in the attack, with this very crossbow.” Garret raised the weapon for them to see, however the knights had no interest in it and so ignored it. Garret let it fall to his side again.

  “Then I managed to finish it off with my sword.” Garret said.

  “And what of your companions?” This time the question came from the rider to Garret’s left, his voice trailing off as if already assuming the answer.

  Without turning to face him, still looking ahead to the Knight before him Garret continued.

  “My brother was wounded in the fight, he now rests to recover. Our other companions were unscathed.” This revelation from Garret seemed to take the knight in front of him by surprise, as he reeled back in his saddle in response. He nodded his approval after a moment and leaned once again forward to speak.

  “Where is the goblin’s body, I must see for myself if it is the same one we have been racking.” This he once again said in an even tone, and then as if in afterthought asked. “And what of your brother, how comes his recovery?”

  “My brother remains weak after the ordeal, and we have run out of food. That is why you have found me here on the trail. I was hunting, hoping to help him regain his strength so that we may complete our journey to The Choosing ceremony.” Garret spoke, fearing he may have offered more details than they wanted and added. “I’ll show you the goblin.”

  The knight atop the horse in front of Garret only nodded in response. Then as if a command was given that Garret was unable to hear, the three knights dismounted their steeds, and holding the reigns to their horses, stood facing Garret waiting for him to lead. Garret walked quickly back into the thick brush, not wanting to make them wait. He did not look back to see if they followed, there was no need. The Knights’ heavy armor creaked and groaned as they walked, and their feet pounded the ground nearly as loud as their mounts. Garret led the small procession towards the stone outcropping where his brother and Sara still rested. Entering the small clearing around the giant stones, Garret motioned towards the goblin’s body for them to see. It still stood, as Garret had left it, impaled upon a stick that he himself trust up beneath its ribs, out its collarbone, and into the base of its skul
l. Two of the knights remained at the entrance of the clearing, the third who Garret assumed was the same one he had spoken to, approached the goblin, still leading his horse by the reigns. When the knight was sure it was the same goblin as he had followed, he drew his sword and with one mighty swing cleaved the base of the branch where it was stuck in the ground. The goblins body tumbled to the ground held stiff by the pole that remained thrust through its body. Returning his sword to its sheath, the knight tied the goblin’s leg to his horse, planning to drag it away with him. After the goblin was secured, the knight turned and nodded once to his peers. He then turned his steel eyes to Garret.

  “You have done the Kingdom a service, Garret Derringer, and so you shall be rewarded. Drawing his steed to him, the knight untied a large sack from his saddle, and walked to where Garret stood. He handed the bag to Garret, then reaching to his waist, slipped his mail covered hand beneath his breastplate and pulled forth a coin purse, this too he handed to Garret.

  “The sack is food, it is fairly fresh, and there should be enough to sustain you and your companions until you reach Raven’s Hold. From there use the coins to rent horses to make up lost time. The inn will be expecting you, tell the keeper Sirus sent you, he will have a room and horses waiting. You still have plenty of time to make the journey on foot, but if you wish to participate in the festivities in Castle Valdadore I suggest you use the horses.”

  Garret tried to thank the knight, but the man raised his hand in protest. The knight joined his two companions, and they began to lead their mounts back out to the trail. Garret watched them go, and just before they were out of sight the Knight he had spoken to turned around and looking back to Garret said:

  “I shall hope to see you at The Choosing young hunter.” He then turned and walked out of sight.

  Garret could hardly believe what had just happened. All their problems were solved. They now had food, and now too had much more time to let Seth heal before continuing on. Garret turned to walk across the clearing, a huge grin on his face, impatient to tell his companions of their new found luck.

  Garret entered the cavern quickly, not allowing his eyes time to adjust to the deep shadows inside. He walked into the area they had slept the night before, already forming words of greeting on his lips, and came to an abrupt halt. No one was here, his and Seth’s blankets remained, as well as Ashton’s bear hide, and he even noted Sara’s pack against the one stone wall. But Seth, his girlfriend, and Ashton were missing. Garret took another step forward into the dark room, to see if anything else remained, and was struck hard in the stomach. The force of the blow knocked the air from his lungs and hurled him over backwards landing with a thud on his back, his head bouncing off the stone floor. Stars erupted before his eyes. Something was upon him then, pinning him to the ground though he could not make it out. Garret struggled to free himself vigorously, abruptly stopping as he felt a blade pressed to his throat. Garret moaned in defeat.

  It was that moan that saved his life.

  Seth had seen his opportunity and taken it. As his enemy took one final step closer Seth lunged with all his might, hurling himself bodily at his opponent hoping their collision would knock the man off his feet. Seth impacted the man knocking them both sprawling across the stone that made this portion of the cavern floor. Seth had nearly expended what little energy he had in the lunge across the dark room. Sweat already beaded on his head and arms. His legs trembled, and his vision darkened. He could see movement to his right, and untangling his feet from one another was able to drag himself on top of the man. The man struggled as Seth remembered his sword, and reaching for it, he was nearly unseated. He grasped the sword and dragged it across the stone. It seemed so heavy, he was unsure if he could even lift it. He pulled the blade to him, and careful not to kill his enemy, at least not before he had answers, rested the blade on the man’s neck.

  Garret moaned in pain, and Seth realized his error. Barely able to lift the sword any higher, Seth pushed it with all his might, over his brother’s head and released it. It fell to the floor with a clatter. Completely and utterly spent, Seth could not even lift his own body enough to remove himself from his brother. Instead he just leaned to one side allowing gravity to do the work. Seth fell off his brother, landing with a thud on the hard stone floor. He lay there panting, hardly able to see when Sara reached him.

  Ashton too had recognized Garret’s groan of pain, and had assumed the worst. Thinking Garret was impaled upon his own brother’s sword, Ashton rushed first to Garret to immediately begin his prayer and his healing. Reaching Garret, and assessing his body he found no wound other than a lump on his head. He then remembered Seth’s tumble to the floor and realized that Garret must have defended himself in the attack and injured his twin. Ashton twisted around on his knees, already in the position to pray and looked to Sara, who now was lifting Seth’s head and torso to her body to hold him tightly like a parent might hold an injured child. She shook her head, letting Ashton know that Seth had not been injured. Ashton, not knowing what then to do, turned back to Garret and smiled.

  “Welcome back.” Ashton said cheerily to Garret, his child like face gleaming at the jest, yet knowing as he did that this was probably all his fault.

  The remainder of the evening went better than any of them could have expected. Seth had blacked out again for a while, but rested peacefully in Sara’s lap. Garret was unharmed, besides a large knot on his head which he refused to let Ashton treat. After Garret had been able to regain himself, and gather his bearings, Ashton and Garret exchanged their versions of the events that had just taken place. Garret was not upset with Ashton in the least, telling him he had done exactly what Garret would have done had the roles been reversed. After telling his tale, Garret brought out the large sack of food, and the small pouch of coins. Curiosity got the better of them, and wanting to see how much they had been rewarded, Garret drew loose the strings of the small pouch and poured its contents into his hands. Garret and Ashton leaned their heads together, peering into Garrets palm. Sara watched from a few feet away unable to see what it had contained, but instead watching her friend’s faces to see how they would react. Garret sat silently blinking over and over again at his palm. Ashton however gasped in disbelief. Regaining his composure Garret poured the contents of his palm back into the pouch, and pulled the strings tight. He leaned towards Sara, and extending his arm held the pouch out to her. Sara shook her head silently to Garret’s gesture, not wanting to speak for fear she might wake Seth. Instead of retracting his arm, Garret spoke.

  “It’s yours Sara.” Garret smiled as he spoke the words quietly. “Sirus said it was a reward for killing the goblin. If you had not wounded it we would all be dead, so it only seems fair to me that the reward should be yours and yours alone. The only stipulation Sirus gave with the money, like I said a few moments ago, was that we use some of it to rent horses when we reach Raven’s Hold.” Garret gestured again flicking his wrist to swing the pouch in her direction.

  Sara’s expression darkened and her face twisted with a look akin to pain.

  “I’ve never actually had any money.” Sara admitted, her cheeks flushing slightly. “I don’t really understand how it works, you know, what piece is worth how much. I don’t want to mess up and give away more than I’m supposed to, and then we don’t have enough for the horses or something else we might need.” Sara finished her eyes on the floor, ashamed of her ignorance.

  “That’s no problem.” Ashton chimed in. “We will teach you.”

  Garret nodded in agreement, and the two boys scooted closer to Sara forming a loose circle. Garret poured the contents of the pouch onto the stone floor beside Sara, and sorted the coins. As he sorted them Ashton told her their names. The small brown ones were copper. They were the least valuable. The same sized gray ones were silver. One silver was equal to one hundred copper. Next was a large brown one, which Ashton explained was worth twenty five copper, it was made of the same metal as the first one, just larger. The ne
xt coin was a large silver coin, valued at twenty five silver. Again this was the same metal as the smaller silver coin, and was larger therefore worth more. Finally the Last coin, which neither boy had ever seen before, was a small gold coin. It was the same size as the other smaller coins, but was made of gold, and had a crown stamped into its surface on either side. This one was valued at one gold, or one hundred silver.

  Sara committed it all to memory. Pointing to each coin she would state its value, and the boys would nod. They played a short game with her then, placing various coins together and asking her the total worth of the coins. She was an apt student and quickly learned the lesson and was able to calculate the value of varying piles of coins without any mistakes. The final pile they gave her to calculate was the entire contents of the small pouch. There were seventeen small copper coins, and three large copper coins. There were also eleven small silver coins, and two large ones. Finally there were the two gold coins. It took several moments for Sara to calculate, but her mother had taught her math at an early age and she was quite good at it. She figured after several moments that the total value was twenty six thousand one hundred and ninety two copper, or two hundred sixty one silver and ninety two copper, or two gold, sixty one silver and ninety two copper. The boys congratulated her graduation from their course, and assured her that the money that was now in her hands was a small fortune.


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