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The Choosing tbabs-1

Page 22

by Jeremy Laszlo

  Carefully, deliberately, Garret opened his eyes, all the while focusing inward, keeping the power contained. He located Ashton with his eyes he realized his friend had stopped chanting and now sat before him staring at him intently.

  “What now?” Was all Garret could mutter while retaining his focus on the power.

  “Now if you have it focused, immerse yourself within the power, try to control it with your mind, command it to do something then release it.” Ashton instructed quickly seeing that his friend was struggling.

  Garret again closed his eyes allowing himself to focus once again wholly on the task at hand. Mentally locking the barriers that held the power Garret was assured they would hold. He focused into himself and sent his consciousness to penetrate the barrier and be consumed by the power. Pure pleasure consumed him, gone was any traces of pain or sorrow, gone too was the uncomfortable body that contained his mind. He was one with the power within him, or perhaps one with the power he was within. Following his instructions Garret imagined himself aglow with the power like he had seen his friend become several times. Pushing this image mentally throughout the power surging around him he let the barriers fall and unleashed the power at his command.

  Seth sat watching his brother looking for any sign of emotion. For long minutes Garret sat unmoving, his face like a stone statue showing no sign of emotion. Everyone in the room at this point was leaning nearer Garret anxiously awaiting any sign that he still lived. Slowly as if in answer to their curiosity, Garret opened his eyes. As Garret’s eyes focused on the man in front of him, his face bunched up in concentration. Garret had said something then but too low for Seth to hear only a few feet away. Ashton had heard his words and had relayed some new instructions, and Seth’s twin immediately closed his eyes once again. With the closing of his eyes his face once again relaxed into a statuesque expressionless mask. A moment passed and nothing happened. The trio sat watching and waiting intently for something, for anything to happen. When it did none of them were prepared.

  A thunderous boom exploded through the room followed by a shockwave that shook the building. Ashton was knocked on his back from the force of the sound and all of them locked their eyes on Garret. Immediately following the deafening sound Garret began to shimmer, it started first at his extremities and worked down their lengths to quickly encompass his entire body. He shuddered as his body seemed to become something without substance, almost as if he were a liquid conforming to no specific shape. The thunderous explosion again shook the building and Garret sat wide eyed with a smile from ear to ear where a moment before he had only been as solid as smoke.

  “Garret are you ok?” Seth asked his brother.

  “That was incredible.” Garret stated while nodding a response to his twin.

  Ashton pulled himself up off of the floor, all the while his gaze remaining on Garret. He brought himself back into a kneeling position where he had moments before coached his friend to wield magic.

  “Well I would have to consider that a success.” Ashton stated, a smile coming to his lips.

  “But I have to know, when I told you to mold the power to do something you wanted it to do, did you intentionally attempt to turn yourself into an explosive device?”

  “No, actually I tried to make my body glow like you do. However I don’t think that part worked out.” Garret stated with a grin.

  “No kidding brother, for a second there I had thought you were a goner.” Seth stated earnestly. “How did it feel? Do you feel any different?”

  “I can’t really describe how it felt, it was more difficult than I had imagined. At least it was at first. It was hard for me to isolate the power and concentrate it. I guess over all it felt great though.” Garret told them. “You have got to try it, it’s amazing.” He added as an afterthought.

  Sara listened to their conversation, still overwhelmed by the entire display. She realized then that if Garret was able to wield magic, than it was also a good chance Seth had the ability as well. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the realization, but she didn’t imagine it would change anything between them if he could.

  “You still want to try Seth?” Ashton asked, afraid Garret’s near explosion might have changed his twin’s mind.

  “Well, Garret seems to be fine so I don’t see any reason not to.” Seth answered as if trying to convince himself.

  Seth gave Sara’s hand a light squeeze before he released it, silently telling her he loved her. He then sat forward in is seat awaiting his friends instructions.

  “Ok Seth, now relax and clear your mind. You need to try and focus on nothing, leave yourself open and wait until you feel the power. When you do feel it, you need to isolate it from the rest of your mind, and then you can control it.

  Seth nodded and quickly closed his eyes. Relaxing his body he too tried to relax his mind. Images of memories past flooded his mind’s eye and he shut them away. He could faintly hear his friends whispered prayers and he quickly worked to tone it out along with any other noise that might disturb him. Only a moment had passed and Seth found himself shrouded in darkness, alone in his mind. It was a peaceful feeling, yet somehow empty. The emptiness inspired a feeling of unease within him and he tried to banish it, but it remained no matter how hard he tried. Not knowing how much time had passed, Seth realized he needed to find a way to relax, to ease himself into a state of openness where he would be receptive to the magic. Seth hurriedly tried to force himself to relax to no avail. Then it occurred to him, he could allow the memories to return momentarily and seek one out that was relaxing. Once he became relaxed again he could simply banish it away as he had done before, and then he would be prepared to accept the magic. This in mind, Seth released the memories he had temporarily locked away, and they flashed through his mind in a flood of pictures and emotions. As each memory presented itself he dismissed it looking for something relaxing. A few memories were close, but did not quite give him a complete feeling of ease and so he too discarded them. The memories flashed one after another until one appeared that he could not release. Seth held the memory of Sara sleeping in his arms for the first time, the morning they spent in the grove of trees, his back pressed to a tree, her curled in his arms. Peace flooded through Seth’s mind, he had found the one thing that put him at ease. Seth berated himself mentally for a moment, realizing it should have been an obvious choice. Sara always made him feel comfortable, relaxed, Sara made him feel whole.

  This image in mind Seth went about once again locking away any stray thoughts and memories. Finished with the mental exercise, he was once again shrouded in the empty darkness of his subconscious, only this time he was focused on his memory of Sara.

  As soon as he had locked away any stray memory that might interrupt him he could feel something tugging at the edge of his consciousness. Thinking it was another memory, or perhaps even a stray emotion Seth sought it out with his senses. Much to his surprise it was nothing belonging to him at all. He could feel the power more than see it, though it was visible. Not as one would see with the eyes, but something more ethereal, something like smoke or water churning this way and that. It pulled at his mind as if seeking a way to escape or a weakness that would permit it to leave. It twisted and churned in incoherent patterns, and as it did so Seth recalled his instructions and went to work. The ethereal being that was the power had found no way of escape and so it had eventually made its way through Seth’s mind to where he waited in the darkness alone with Sara’s memory. Seth monitored it’s every movement, he watched it come. The smoke like substance reeled away from his consciousness when they nearly came into contact trying to escape him. Seth did not let it go, instead he tightened the walls of his mind, decreasing the area the darkness filled and so making it darker. The smaller Seth forced his subconscious domain to become the nearer the power was forced to him. Seth squeezed and squeezed mentally until there was no more space between him and the power and he could feel it whirling around him.

  Seeking a means of escap
e from the non worshipper, the Goddess’s power struck at the only thing it could find in the darkness. With smoky tendrils the power grasped Seth’s memory of Sara nestled in his lap and wrenched it away from him.

  Seth, The power swirling all around him, did not anticipate the attack. With a mind tearing assault the power attempted to rip away Seth’s memory of Sara, the memory he had used to calm himself. Seth felt the mental attack as if it had left a physical wound. Realizing the power’s intent, Seth grasped his cherished memory of the woman he loved with his consciousness and held it firmly. With the memory secured he focused his mind once again, and this time heaved his subconscious into itself with all his mental might. The empty darkness that was his mind folded into itself submersing Seth within the Goddess’s magic. He opened himself to the power and let it flow into him. As they became one Seth could feel his body once again, could feel the power pulsing in his veins, beating in his heart. Seth reveled in the sensation, allowing himself to slip deeper into its depths, feeling it caress his mind when only a moment before it had tried to escape him. The sensation sent feelings of pleasure through his body of the like he had never known before. The magic was fulfilling, satisfying, and intoxicating. Seth loved the thrill of it in his body and thought briefly about how he had come to this enchanted bliss. He disconnected his consciousness from the blackened space of his subconscious where he remained one with the magic. Concentrating once again upon the image of Sara to focus himself, he molded the power to his will. The power strained against him momentarily, but Seth was able to overcome it quickly forcing it to follow his purpose.

  Assuring himself he was in control of the power Seth once again reconnected with his body. He opened his eyes to reveal his companions around him, watching him intently. Seeking out Sara, he focused his gaze on her. Seth raised his hand before him, and turned it palm up. He found it easier to focus now that he could see Sara in person, and so did not have to strain to keep the power contained. Focusing on the woman he loved, he could see she now regarded his raised hand. Seth mentally checked again on the power contained within him, assuring himself it still remained bent to his will. Finding his control on the power intact, Seth’s lips parted into a wide smile as he released the magic.

  Garret, Ashton, and Sara sat watching Seth intently. Long minutes had passed since Ashton had stopped chanting, yet Seth remained unmoving showing no sign of the battle being waged within his mind. The group sat motionless as well, waiting, refusing to blink until something happened. When nothing did happen they remained, still unable to take their eyes off of the motionless boy before them. Many more minutes passed and Sara began to worry something had gone wrong. She watched the man she loved hoping for any sign, besides his breathing, that he was still alive. As if in answer to her plight Seth’s expression changed. The change was miniscule, but it was better than nothing. Another moment passed and Seth’s eyes fluttered open. Sara watched breathlessly as Seth turned his head to face her. She locked eyes with him momentarily and then left his gaze as he raised his hand toward her as if holding out something for her to see. She looked upon his empty palm and then back to his face. Seth smiled. Sara did not understand what was going on and so looked back to his hand to see if maybe she had missed something.

  Seth watched as his palm was consumed in blue flames. The fire twisted and slithered around his hand as if it were alive. It swirled upon his skin, ever moving, ever burning, but left his flesh unscathed. The blue flames licked at his fingertips and finally settled into his open palm. The unnatural blue fire then expanded upward from his palm in a short pillar of fire. The pillar twisted then, and split in two. Each half of the pillar flared and sputtered as they twisted around and over, back upon themselves to meet once again at the base of the pillar in Seth’s palm.

  Sara gasped when she noted the flames consuming Seth’s hand as did Garret and Ashton. She again looked to his face, sure to find there pain and torment. She beheld his face again only for a second and was amazed to find he was still smiling at her. Returning her gaze to his open palm she now saw the flame growing into a pillar of fire reaching skyward off of his hand. The flesh of his hand she noted, was unscathed, unburned. She no longer watched in horror as the flame again began to change and split into two halves. A look of pure wonder stood on her face as the two halves of the fire pillar bent back upon themselves to once again meet at the palm they had risen from.

  Extended towards her as if in offering, Seth held in his hand a perfect heart formed of blue flame. Sara had barely enough time to see the flame, and note its shape and intended meaning when it disappeared with a sizzle. She sat in awe, her mouth open, and her eyes wide in astonishment.

  Ashton sat at Seth’s feet clapping like a child who had just watched a play. His mouth hung open with disbelief, and his eyes sparkled with wonder. Garret too clapped loudly at the spectacle he had just witnessed. Accompanying his clapping, Garret laughed heartily at his brother’s success.

  Seth took a moment to regain himself, lost momentarily in shock of the fact that he had consumed all of the power lent to him by Ashton. He had enjoyed the feelings it had inspired within him, and now that it was gone he missed it terribly. Pushing the feeling aside, Seth focused on the woman he loved, sitting in open mouthed wonder before him. He reached out and took her hand, and as he did, she was again able to compose herself.

  “What did you think?” Seth asked Sara.

  “It was amazing. It was beautiful. But at first it was a little scary.” Sara admitted.

  “Sorry if I frightened you angel, I just wanted to tell you in a special way that I love you.” Seth said with a tone of sincerity in his voice.

  “Well you succeeded my love. It is a moment I shall never forget.” Sara replied honestly.

  Ashton and Garret had finally settled down, and listened to the couple speak. Seeing that their short, lovey dovey conversation had come to an end, Ashton had some questions he wanted answered.

  “Well Seth how did it feel?” Ashton asked.

  “I don’t know.” Seth began his reply. “It was hard at first for me to focus, but when I finally found a way to, it really wasn’t hard.”

  “Well each time you use the magic it gets easier.” Ashton stated.

  “It felt good though, almost natural.” Seth added.

  “How do you feel now?” Sara asked her concern evident in her voice.

  “I feel terrific Sara. I promise I was not harmed in any way.” Seth said to reassure her.

  “Well then.” This time it was Garret who spoke. “It seems to me that we both passed the test, so what do we do now?” He asked honestly unsure.

  “Well, there really isn’t anything to do I suppose.” Ashton said and then thinking further on the subject added. “It will all depend on what you are chosen for, and which god you should choose to worship. Even then you aren’t guaranteed a blessing from the god. Even if you are, each god only lends their power with a predetermined purpose, and that purpose will be the only way you will be able to wield the power. Some of the blessed are able to perform various tasks with their blessing, but most often someone is only able to perform one thing specifically.”

  “So that means the only way I will be able to do that again is if I swear myself to a god and worship them like you do?” Seth asked

  “Yes and no.” Ashton answered. “Like I told you once before, there are many gods, and each require from their follower’s different things. I would suggest waiting until after the choosing, and learn which god or gods fits the best with what you are chosen for, and what they expect from their followers, then choose which one of any you want to follow the teachings of.”

  Sara sat quietly listening to the conversation, trying to learn all she could about the ability Seth possessed. She knew he held no intentions of worshipping any god. This much she had gleaned from him in past conversations with Ashton. She too realized that the only way he could use the gift is if a god blessed him and allowed him to summon their power. She found
that she was happy about the fact that he was likely to never worship a god, and so was likely never to use the gift he had been born with. Sara was unsure why it made her happy, and she felt guilty about the feeling. She pondered both her happiness and her guilt when a knock sounded from the door.

  They all rose from their seats at the sound and curious about the interruption, they approached the door together. Sara was the first to reach the door, and unlocking it, she pulled it open wide. Sasha stood in the hall, and looked at each one of them briefly. A look of relief washed across her face as she noted their condition, and she quickly replaced the look with a smile.

  “Sorry to interrupt you.” Sasha stated. “I have just returned from visiting my husband. In my absence the servants said they heard an explosion. I assumed it was the God’s tear, but it appears to be intact, and so I’m checking on our guests.”

  The group nodded their understanding, unwilling to admit the source of the explosion. Sasha invited them to come and eat, as the evening was growing late, and the companions assured her they would come to dine shortly. Accepting their reply, Sasha turned and strode down the hall, her hips swaying in her near transparent gown.

  Sara quickly closed the door on Sasha’s retreating form and turned to face her companions. They all shared a knowing smile and Sara couldn’t help but giggle a little at what had just transpired.

  Chapter 8

  Seduction and Temptation

  The companions arrived at the dining hall shortly after their conversation with Sasha. This time the hall was not empty as it had been earlier in the day. A few random tables were occupied, however the one they had sat at earlier in the day was vacant, and so they again resumed their places around the table. They spoke quietly for a time, a bit uncomfortable with others in the room. Before long the same man who had served them earlier appeared in the same outlandish white clothing he had worn before.


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