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Biggles And The Black Peril (06)

Page 13

by Captain W E Johns

might even drift away and leave us stranded if we left her. I don't even know whether the tide is going in or out, so inside ten minutes the machine may be either afloat again, or high and dry."

  "Someone might stay with the machine and keep in touch with the others by shouting."

  "Useless ! It's hopeless to try and locate a sound in this sort of stuff; one moment it seems to come from one direction and the next from somewhere else. We can't afford to lose the aircraft. I'm afraid we shall have to sit tight until the fog lifts. How long is our anchor line? We might tie someone on to the end of it and let him do a bit of exploring."

  "About fifty or sixty feet."

  "Get it out, will you."

  "I'll do the exploring," suggested Ginger.

  "No, you don't, my lad, not this time. Tie the rope round your waist, Algy, and we'll pay it out from here. You give a tug when you want to come back—we'd better not do any shouting. Go straight ahead and try to find out if we're on the shore. If we are, we've nothing to fear from Blackbeard, because we could make a bolt for it if it came to the worst, although I should be sorry to have to leave the machine." Algy tied the rope to his belt and disappeared into the darkness on the shallow side of the machine. He remained away for so long without any sort of signal that the others began to get anxious, for the line was out at its full length. At last the expected tug came, and he reappeared, soaked to the skin, and his teeth chattering with cold. "I can't make it out,

  " he said as he scrambled aboard. "There's dry sand a few yards ahead, but I can hear water on the other side. I'm afraid it's a sandbank. I went up to the right afterwards, as far as the line would permit, and I

  heard someone talking. It sounded like two or three people having an argument."

  "How far away?" asked Biggles quickly.

  "It's impossible to say, but not more than a hundred yards at the outside, I should think. The fog, when you are out in it, is simply appalling. I got so giddy that I fell down two or three times."

  "That's Blackbeard, and if you could hear them, then they've probably heard us."

  "I don't think so. What little breeze there is is blowing this way, and we've kept our voices fairly low."

  "Great Scott!" muttered Biggles irritably. "I shall go crazy before this trip is over. I've been in some funny jams, but I've never seen anything so absolutely footling as this. I've been lost before, but this is about the limit. You say you could hear water the other side of the sand? "

  "It sounded like it to me."

  "Then we must be on a sandbank."

  "I'm afraid you're right, but why take it for granted that the voices are those of Blackbeard and his passengers?"

  "Because it stands to reason that we should drift at the same rate. The machines weren't a hundred yards apart when the mist blotted us out. If Blackbeard shut off his engine for fear of colliding with us, as he probably would for fear of smashing his prop, we should both drift along at the same rate and come ashore pretty well at the same spot."

  "Yes, I suppose we should," admitted Algy, "but if that is the case they must be as helpless as we are."

  "Of course they are. They've got an engine, but it isn't much use to them, and it won't be until the fog lifts. They couldn't hope to find us in this stuff, and there would be a good chance of their getting out of the locality alto-gether. They are bound to wait until it gets light before they do anything."

  "In which case we shall be in a nasty mess. They'll shoot us up with their machine-gun," muttered Ginger. " Machine-gun? "

  "Yes, didn't you see it? The fellow in the cabin shoved it through the window just as the fog came."

  "That puts a different complexion on matters," said Biggles slowly. "I see the idea now. I was wondering how they proposed to take us back with them if they did catch us, but, of course, it would be easier to sink us. We might have expected it. They wouldn't have bothered to follow us if they hadn't decided on drastic action. Unfortunately, they must know we are out of petrol, too, or have had a breakdown, otherwise we shouldn't have landed where we did. It will be interesting to see what happens when the curtain goes up.


  "Did you say interesting?" asked Ginger incredulously. "Sitting here and being shot by two killers with a machine-gun isn't my idea of an interesting performance. Why stay here, anyway? Why not attack them now while they are unprepared?" Biggles smiled. "That sort of thing may be all right in books," he said, "but it doesn't work in real life. What on earth should we do with them if we caught them? Kill them?

  That's murder. No, we can't do that, and we can't take prisoners, even supposing we had the opportunity. On the other hand, if they happened to be wide awake, and met us with a tune out of their gun, we should look pretty foolish. Suppose we found that we couldn't reach them, after all, and then found that we'd lost the amphibian, what four silly asses we should look in the morning on a sandbank with the tide coming in."

  "I wasn't thinking of anything so daft as leaving the amphibian," answered Ginger. " We could take her with us."

  "That's an idea," agreed Biggles quickly, "but this attack scheme is no use. All the same, we might try towing the machine in the other direction, keeping in shallow water. If we find it runs deep, we can climb aboard and let her drift, although there would be a risk of being blown out to sea, but the farther we get from our Russian friends before daylight, the happier I shall feel. Well, if we're going to try it, we may as well make a start, or it won't be worth while; it seems to be getting grey already, so it can't be far off morning. Towing a flying-boat through this stuff without knowing where we are or where we are going is just about the maddest thing I ever heard of, but it's better than doing nothing. Come on; get that rope over her nose. She's only just resting on the sand, so we can easily haul her off."

  The task of towing the machine proved to be more awkward than fatiguing. Once afloat, she moved easily through the water, but without a visible mark to guide them they often floundered into deep water as the machine swung from side to side at the slightest uneven pressure on the tow-rope. Gradually the mist turned from grey to white, but still it showed no signs of lifting, so it was impossible for them to judge the progress they were making or how far they had travelled. From time to time they halted, while one or the other tested the depth of the water on either side; but the sandbank seemed to run on for ever.

  "I may be mistaken, but I'm beginning to feel that we're going round in circles," panted Algy at last. "I suppose it isn't possible for us to work our way right round this sandbank or island, or whatever it is, and barge into Blackbeard's machine from the other side."

  "My word, I should think there is a jolly good chance of it!" muttered Biggles. "It's easy enough to travel in

  circles in a fog like this. I'm getting perished, anyway, so let's lay up for a bit. We must have travelled quite a distance, although whether we've got farther out to sea or nearer to shore is more than I can say. I think it's getting lighter now—well, I'm With a suddenness that seemed impossible the great fog-belt had lifted. It was almost as if an unseen hand had raised the curtain of a mighty stage, exposing the scene that lay beyond it. The effect was stupefying, and for a full minute all four of them remained rooted to the ground in sheer astonishment, whilst the amphibian floated lazily towards them under the impetus of the last pull on the rope. Biggles began to laugh, and the others joined in as the strain of their vigil ended abruptly and the humour of the situation struck them. They laughed and laughed again until Biggles leaned against the hull and sobbed.

  "That's enough," he pleaded at last. "Well, I've done some fool tricks in my life, but this is about the frozen limit. It just shows what you can do in a fog." There was good reason for their humour, for they all stood in the middle of a narrow river up which they had been towing the amphibian. Within thirty yards of them on either side were the banks, one steep and thickly wooded, but the other fairly open, although dotted here and there with stunted pine trees. About a mile behind them, in the direction from w
hich they had come, the river widened into an estuary that opened out into the open sea, now ruffled by the slight breeze that blew away the last vestiges of the mist, and left only the blue sky above them, from which the sun shone brightly. In the clear light of day it was easy to see what had happened. They had struck the sandbar, such as one so often finds at the mouths of rivers, just beyond the estuary, and following it blindly had dragged the aircraft up the

  river itself. As a matter of fact, the sandbanks actually ended a few yards farther on, so had they persisted in their efforts, they would have struck deep water, and, climbing aboard, drifted back to sea.

  There was no one in sight, not a house, or any sign of human habitation; nor could they see Blackbeard's seaplane.

  "Wade across to the bank and take a look out to sea, Ginger," said Biggles. Ginger obediently splashed his way through the shallow water, and scrambled up the sand-dune that formed the bank on the open side. Near the top he dropped on all fours and peeped over. Simultaneously, the roar of an aeroplane engine shattered the silence from somewhere near at hand, the sound coming from a point so close that they all started and rushed towards the amphibian in confusion. Ginger took one peep and then tore back to the machine. His eyes were round with wonderment when he reached it, and for a moment he seemed to have some difficulty in speaking.

  "How far away is it?" asked Biggles.

  "It! Not so much of the ìt,'" gasped Ginger. "There are two of 'em. Blackbeard's machine is one, and the other


  "Go on."

  "It's one of the giant bombers, and there's a crowd of people aboard."

  " What? " Biggles sprang round as if he had been stung.

  "It's a fact and it isn't more than a mile away. Black-beard has just started his engine, and he's only just on the other side of the hill. The sea comes right in again round the corner."

  "But how on earth did the big machine get here without our hearing it? " exclaimed Algy.

  "I should say one of the other machines called it up by radio as soon as we were spotted, and we didn't hear it coming for the noise of the other machines. The fog forced it down, no doubt, and it drifted in on the same current as ourselves. The thing is, what are we going to do about it? We can't hide the amphibian, and they'll spot it the moment they take off. I think our best plan is to moor up to the bank and then make for the nearest town. For the life of me, I can't see what they can do now. After all, we're in Sweden, and they can't kick up a rumpus here without the authorities taking a hand. But let's get ashore."

  It was the work of a moment to pull the amphibian to the far bank and tie her securely to the nearest tree.

  "Are we going to leave somebody with the machine?" asked Algy.

  "Not on your life," retorted Biggles. "They're not interested in the machine; it's us they want. The machine can't tell tales—we can. Anybody they get hold of will go back to Russia in the big machine; that's probably why they brought it. No ! Safety-first is the motto. We stick together this time; the machine will have to take care of itself—look out


  The crescendo bellow of Blackbeard's engine warned them that he was about to take off, and they ran up the slope into the wood just as the seaplane zoomed over the opposite bank. The pilot saw them—or it may have been that he saw the amphibian only—

  instantly, for he banked sharply and then circled above the spot. Then he straightened out and, heading off in a straight course over the wooded hill, disappeared from sight.

  "Now what's his game, I wonder?" murmured Biggles from the cover of the trees. " Where's he off to? No matter; let us push on and try to find a village of some sort. I cannot see that he can do any mischief now, but you never know," he went on as they breasted the steep, timber-covered slope, and then stopped dead as the landscape beyond came into view. In front of them, but slightly below and about two miles away, were the outskirts of a large seaport-town. The streets were thronged with traffic, and a fleet of small boats, with one or two large deep-sea craft amongst them, were at anchor in the harbour.

  "Well, there's our destination," he continued, "although I hardly expected to find such a big place so handy. Hullo! There's Blackbeard's machine just taxying in; it will be interesting to see what his next move will be, although I have a nasty feeling that he has something up his sleeve. All the same, if we can get petrol here, I don't see why we shouldn't ask for police protection if necessary. It might be difficult to get away while he is hanging about here with that gun—but let us take one thing at a time; ,we'll deal with that difficulty when it arrives. A square meal is the first thing we want; if I don't soon get some food I shall pass out. After that we'll see about the petrol."

  "You've sure said it," declared Ginger emphatically.

  "Come on, then; let's go and see about it," returned Biggles, starting forward. They soon struck a road, and, following it in the direction of the town, came out about half an hour later on the waterfront near the harbour. It was with mingled relief and curiosity that they once more mixed with the sights and sounds of civilization, but they did not pause to enjoy them; they were all far too hungry. They hurried along the street, and although they were rather self-conscious of their untidy condition they attracted no attention.

  Biggles turned into the first restaurant they reached and seated himself at a table with a smile of satisfaction;

  it was not a very prepossessing place, but they were in no mood to be particular.

  "We shall have to report to the Customs Office, shan't we?" inquired Algy.

  "Certainly. As a matter of fact, we ought to go straight there, but we'll leave it until after we've eaten. I shouldn't be surprised if we are asked some awkward questions. Where's Ginger, by the way? " he added, looking round.

  "He stopped at the shop outside to buy a postcard; he said he wanted to send one to his father," replied Smyth.

  "But he hasn't any money, has he?"

  "He has some; he said he thought the people in the shop would change it into Swedish money for him."

  "I see. He's a good kid to think of writing home; it's the last thing a good many would think of at this stage. Well, what are we going to eat? Strewth! Look who's here." The glass-topped door of the restaurant had opened, and Blackbeard, with a heavily built man beside him, entered. Two other men, who may or may not have been with them, followed them in, and seated themselves at a table just inside. Blackbeard, without the slightest hesitation, walked over to the table at which the three Englishmen were sitting, and pulling up a chair from the next table sat down at Biggles' elbow. The other man did the same.

  Biggles did not so much as glance at them. He studied the menu carefully, and then gave an order to the waiter by the simple expedient of pointing on the card to the dishes he chose, although, as he confessed to the others, his selection was largely a matter of guesswork.

  "There are two things you can always get easily when travelling abroad, whether you speak the language or not,"

  he said slowly. "One is food, and the other is the unwelcome attention of strangers."

  "But you wouldn't call me a stranger," protested Blackbeard evenly.

  "I certainly shouldn't include you amongst my friends," replied Biggles casually. "My memory is getting bad, I'm afraid, but I cannot recall inviting you to join us at breakfast."

  "No! I thought you might overlook it, so I invited myself," Blackbeard told him, with a curious smile.

  "Then I hope you will enjoy watching us eat. We are not really inhospitable, but we are very hungry, so we may be some time. You'll forgive us, I am sure, if we proceed."

  "We are in no hurry. I'll wait for you to finish and then show you what our hospitality is like. Make a good meal; we have a long way to go."

  "Really! In that case, why not start?"

  "No, we'll wait for you; you're coming with us."

  "Don't you take rather a lot for granted?" observed Biggles, coldly, as he attacked his soup with gusto. Then, with a change of tone, "Drop the bl
uff; it won't work here. We're in Sweden now."

  "Bluff?" murmured Blackbeard, raising his eyebrows, and glancing significantly towards the two men just inside the door, and then at several others who could be seen on the pavement outside through the plate-glass windows of the shop-front. "Really, Bigglesworth, you do me less than justice."

  Biggles smiled, but inwardly he knew that the position was more serious than he had at first supposed. It looked as if the crew of the big flying-boat had come ashore to support Blackbeard, and if that was so the crew of the amphibian were by no means out of the wood, for Biggles

  did not need telling that their enemies would stick at nothing to silence them. He saw Ginger walk past the shop-front, swing breezily through the door and start towards them, and then hesitate as his eyes fell on Black-beard. He altered his course abruptly, and without another glance in their direction went straight on through a door at the back of the dining-room that appeared to lead to the rear of the building. Not by a flicker of an eyelid did Biggles betray that he was one of his party, and Blackbeard, whose back was turned towards the room, did not see him. Neither Algy nor Smyth had so far taken part in the conversation; they had concentrated their attention on the food that was being set before them with an interest that was by no means feigned. Algy now looked up. "This is a good pie," he declared.

  "Eat it while you may, my friend," returned Black-beard suavely; "it may be your last." Then his manner changed. "I think this has gone on long enough," he went on coldly. "In case it is in your minds to do anything foolish, I warn you that it is quite impossible for any of you to leave this room alive except in my company."

  "But you can't

  " began Biggles.

  Blackbeard waved his hand in a deprecating gesture. "Can't," he sneered, "can't? What word is this? Pish! The issues in which I am interested, and in which you have so illadvisedly meddled, are too big for such words, or to permit a small matter like your removal to stand in the way. Whatever may be demanded as a result of the subsequent investigation, whether it be compensation or merely an apology to the Swedish or even the British Government—these things can be dealt with by those whose work it is. Our object will have been achieved. What has been done cannot be undone. You know too much, Bigglesworth. Incidentally, it may save some unpleasantness if you will return the documents you took from my office."


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