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Page 20

by Claire Marta

  Her breath came out in white puffs. Light shivers had begun to grip her body. Any lust she had been feeling was being frozen away.

  “Who was he working for?” Rubbing her face against his polo T-shirt, she felt the firmness of the muscles beneath.

  “CIA.” The vampire’s breath barely warmed her neck.

  Not even her clothing now felt like it provided any warmth. The cold was working its way through the layers into her skin. It was almost painful.

  “I’m sorry they murdered your friend,” she said, rubbing herself further against the hard male body. Maybe if she made some friction it would help.

  Eric arm’s tightened around her. “This business is full of risks. Nothing is ever certain.”

  “Not for you though, right? Vampires are immortal.”

  The light flickered above them threateningly. Tilting her chin, she gazed at it, silently pleading with it to stay on. Total darkness was something they did not need.

  Eric’s eyes followed hers upwards. “Even we can die, kitten. Not so easily, I admit, but we are not indestructible.”

  Jasmine squeaked as her feet left the ground. Eric had scooped her up. With unnatural grace he sat down on the floor, his back to the wall. She found herself sitting on his lap. Muscled, firm thighs supported her bottom as he kept her from the cold, hard floor.

  “You'll get frostbite this way,” Jasmine warned. It was a strangely comforting position, one she didn’t want to admit she enjoyed.

  “I have already told you—the cold will not affect me.” An amused smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Eric cuddled her close. Arms around her waist, he drew her nearer against him.

  “Are you comfortable?” she asked settling her head against his chest.

  His chin nuzzled her short, coppery red hair. “I am indeed. Are you?”

  “Yes. You make a good pillow.”

  “I am glad this position pleases you.” She could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.

  The shivers increased and she couldn’t stop them. They rolled through her uncontrollably. She tugged down the coat sleeves over her hands and kept her hands balled into fists while gripping the material. It wasn’t much protection, however. Jasmine was so cold now, everything throbbed and stung with the glacial temperature in the little space. Her legs and arms had started to go stiff. She had never felt so cold in her life.

  They sat in silence for a while as Jasmine struggled to stay warm and awake.

  Eric was leaning back against the icy white wall. He seemed completely unaffected by the freezing environment around them. His body felt as cold as hers, though. As cold as ice. The heat was being sucked right out of them.

  With a soft moan of pain, Jasmine tried to snuggle impossibly closer to him. “I…I don’t want to f-fucking d-die.” Her teeth were chattering. She had no control.

  The vampire’s lips brushed her forehead. “Jasmine, I promise you will not.”

  Angrily she raised her head to glance at him. “H-how can y-you promise that?”

  A raw and tender look graced his handsome face she had never seen before. He actually looked like he cared.

  “I have yet to have my wicked way with you, so I refuse to let you slip through my grasp,” he answered softly.

  “W-icked w-way with m-me?” Her laugh trembled more with cold than anything else. Every muscle on her face was starting to go numb.

  “Indeed.” Eric stroked the curve of her cheek. “I confess, it is the only thing I have thought about since setting eyes upon you.”

  “I-I’ll try n-not…to ex-expire any time s-soon then.”

  The corners of his lips twitched. “Are you making fun of me?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Y-you do say some old f-fashioned words sometimes.”

  Eric tried to cuddle her up closer against him. They were already pressed body to body. The only way to get nearer was if she crawled inside him. Concern poured from his eyes. Jasmine gathered from his expression she was in a bad way. How long before hypothermia set in? Would she slip into unconsciousness first?

  “W-why do I affect y-your control?” She wanted to know. If these were going to be her last moments, then she was pushing the embarrassment aside.

  Eric hesitated, like he was picking his words. “Your mere presence seems to influence my moods. I do not know why.”

  “S-sorry I’m m-messing with your m-mojo.”

  The heaviness of her body becoming tired was weighing her down. It would be so easy just to close her eyes and let it take her. Maybe the coldness would end quickly.

  Eric dropped his forehead to hers and exhaled. “Jasmine, I can place you in a state of suspended animation. Very much like hibernating animals do.”

  “Hu-humans can’t h-h-hibernate.”

  Lips brushed against her cheek, distracting her. “With my help you will be able to achieve this.”

  Jasmine tried to keep focused. Her eyelids were starting to feel increasingly heavy. “H-how?”

  “I will regulate your body temperature so that you do not die,” the vampire explained.

  The shivers were racking her body now. Even snuggled up again Eric’s big body was not helping any more. What choice did she have? She would have to put her life in this vampire’s hands. The energy was seeping from her body.

  He took her chin in his forefinger and thumb. Gently, he tipped her head up so she could meet his gaze. His cold eyes were tender.

  “Trust me, Jasmine.” The words were soft and deep. No power of persuasion lay behind them. Eric, she realised, was leaving the choice up to her. Life or death, it was in her hands.

  “F-first I w-want to know why y-you can go out in th-the sun.” Tiredness was sweeping over her. Her teeth were rattling in her jaws now. It was painful.

  Eric stared down at her in silence with a look of exasperation. His dark eyebrows inched up slightly in surprise.

  She sighed wearily. “L-look I’m guessing I m-might come out of this dead. P-p-please just share with me a little h-here.”

  He raised his hand and ran a finger lightly down her cold, pale cheek. “You are a most stubborn woman. I am a vampiria.”

  Jasmine stared at him blankly. The word meant nothing to her.

  It was his turn to sigh. “A born vampire. I have never been mortal.”

  “Oh. Th-thanks f-for telling me. L-let’s do what n-needs to be f-fucking done then.”

  His expression did not change, apart from the slight crinkle at the corners of his smiling eyes. Jasmine recognised she had pleased him.

  “Kiss me, Jasmine.”

  Chapter 20

  Eric could feel the convulsive shivers rolling through the girl’s body. Her face was pale. Those green eyes of hers held confusion and a growing drowsiness. All these were sure signs of increasing hypothermia. He had no wish to see her die. Definitely not in his arms while they waited for rescue.

  He had not lied about the state of hibernation he could put her in. Other vampires with similar abilities to his had achieved this, even though Eric had never done it before. Jasmine was nervous enough and did not need this knowledge, however. He was concerned if he told her she would reject his offer. That was something he would not allow. Keeping her alive was now important to him, although he did not examine why.

  The only regret he had was that this was going to be their first kiss. Something Jasmine would not enjoy.


  Jasmine brushed her lips shyly against Eric’s. She had dreamed of kissing him, of getting to know that sinfully sexy mouth. It was something she had started to crave badly. They were soft, warm and lush, just as she had imagined they would be. In fact, they were even better. His tongue traced her cold lips, teasing them until they parted. Jasmine did this willingly with no other thought in her head. She moaned as he thrust his tongue inside her mouth. Warm, moist, and oh so tempting.

  Her heart started an excited pounding in her chest, beating like a drum against her ribs. One of Eric’s hands slid up to cup her face. His tong
ue danced with hers, rubbing, sucking. Hungrily, he explored every crevice as he tasted her sweetness. The kiss went on and on, as if Eric craved the connection between them. He consumed her. Devoured her. He seemed to savour every little moan, every sweet sigh. It left her feeling dizzy, breathless. Craving more of what he could give her.

  Jasmine placed her hands on his chest, where his heart thumped wildly. She could feel his excitement. When his breath blew into her mouth, Jasmine stilled. Frozen from the outside she was not prepared for it within. The frosty sting of ice surged down her vulnerable throat. It burned but not with heat. This was a cold so raw it felt like it was peeling away her insides.

  Panic exploded in her head. Tensing like a board she tried to escape. Twisting, turning, she fought. As if he had been prepared for this, the vampire would not allow it. Eric's lips were fused firmly to her own. They no longer gave her pleasure but were now a source of torture.

  One of his hands held her to his lap like a steel clamp. The other had slid under her jaw controlling her movements. His grip was almost bruising.

  Jasmine clawed at his arms, his chest, but he was immovable. The beautiful eyes that stared into her own were remote and ruthless. Any trace of tenderness snuffed out. She whimpered, screwing her eyes shut. More of his wintry breath entered her body. It sliced through her. Back arching, every inch of her spasmed with the pain.

  Eric breathed through his nose and exhaled through his mouth.

  An arctic chill poured agonisingly into her lungs, like ice water pumped into her veins. Body convulsing, she was not sure how much more it could take. She was suffocating inside. Jasmine desperately tried to draw in oxygen, but everything was blocked. Solid.

  Pain filled her chest, making her heart beat achingly behind her ribs. It was slowing. She could feel it with every frantic thud.

  Eric’s fingers caressed her jaw. His lips left hers and gently trailed down her cheek.

  “Forgive me, Jasmine. I know it hurts, but it is part of the process.”

  She thought she could hear regret and sorrow in his words.

  Her lips moved, but nothing came out. She couldn't make any sound. Jasmine’s vocal cords felt like they were fused together. It was too hard to open her eyes now.

  Gradually the pain began to change. An empty numbness took its place. She could feel it expanding through her system, shutting her body down. Was he really helping her? Or had he decided it was better to put her out of her misery?

  She tried to struggle against it. Darkness threatened to drag her down to what she feared was nothingness. She didn’t want to go there. Didn’t want to die.

  “Do not fight it. Trust me. Let yourself go.” A pleading note was laced in Eric’s tone. “Trust me, Jasmine.”

  The vampire was nuzzling her cheek, her neck. His lips were loving, gentle against her frozen skin. She heard soothing words and noises whispered in her ear. She knew she had already made the choice when they started this. Eric now had her trust. She just hoped he would not let her down.

  Jasmine was too tired now to fight. Without a second thought, she let herself go to the coldness.


  Eric didn't know how long he sat there with Jasmine on his lap, enfolded in his arms. The weak rhythm of her pulse beat in his ears. How long could her body endure something it was not meant to bear?

  She was mortal after all. A fragile thing. Eric began to consider his options. If he left her like this for too long, he feared it would damage her brain. He could not wake her to watch her die of the cold, although if he withdrew his power now she could slip away in peace.

  His arms tightened around her protectively. He knew in an instant he could never do that. The other avenue open to him was to turn her. Eric had never turned another living soul into a vampire before. It was something he had never considered doing up until now.

  She would not be as strong as him or as powerful. Never again would she see the light of day. Being turned would force her to sleep during the daylight hours. She would not be like him. Not a vampiria. That was something she could never be.

  Eric relaxed as he reached a decision. If he had to, he would make Jasmine into a human vampire to save her from death. It was the only solution.

  The click of the door dragged him from his thoughts. Raoul stood in the doorway. One fine eyebrow rose as he regarded his friend with astonishment.

  “What are you doing down there?”

  “Trying to keep Jasmine alive,” Eric snapped. “Help me! Quickly!”

  As gently as he could, he placed the little female in the other vampire’s arms. She did not stir. She was limp and deathly still. Her lips were blue, her face pale. A frosty covering of ice coated her skin. She felt frozen.

  Raoul was staring down at her in alarm. “You managed to place her in hibernation?”

  Eric rose gracefully to his feet and made his way to the door. The freezing temperature had done nothing but lower his body heat. This would quickly correct itself on its own. Apart from that, he was unaffected.

  He wanted to be the one to carry Jasmine out, but knew Raoul would warm her better at this point. And she would need heat.

  “Indeed, my first attempt and it was most successful. I fear we must take care to wake her.” They moved out of the freezer. “She must be brought out of this in the correct manner or I fear we may lose her still.”

  They encountered no one on the way back up in the lift. Eric could sense there was no longer anyone in the building. Had Marcel given the staff the rest of the day off? It would make sense if he had not wanted them found. By the time the staff arrived tomorrow Jasmine would have been dead. Eric himself would have been stiff but mostly unaffected.

  Rage rolled through him.

  Marcel had a lot to answer for. Now, trying to hurt Jasmine had been added to the list. He would have great pleasure repaying it all tenfold.

  He glanced at Jasmine's limp body in his companion's arms. They had to hurry. It was imperative he begin the process to raise her body temperature. If not she would likely die.

  Raoul had left the car parked on the street right outside.

  There is a blanket in the back of the car, Raoul’s voice informed him quickly in his head.

  Eric jerked open the back door and grabbed the blanket. As the other vampire drew closer, he wrapped it around Jasmine. At that moment, he would have given anything to see the flash of her lovely green eyes.

  Once Raoul and Jasmine were safely installed in the back, Eric rushed to the front and slid behind the wheel of the car. He prayed the Paris traffic would not impede them too much to the hotel. If it was clear, the journey would not take long.

  His gaze flicked to the back seat. Raoul had the little female on his lap. The blanket was swaddled around her. She still had not moved. The heartbeat he could hear was still thready and weak. He feared it might give out at any moment.

  She was strong and stubborn, though. He was certain she would make it through this ordeal. He would not let her go.

  Eric ran through several red lights in his battle to get back to the hotel. Like a racing driver, he vied for space. He drove aggressively, dominating the road. Twenty minutes and they were there. Eric was actually surprised they had not been stopped by the police.

  Raoul remained silent. He did catch Eric’s glance a few times in the rearview mirror. He seemed faintly surprised Eric was taking such risks. His friend was normally so careful.

  After throwing his car keys at the valet, Eric helped Raoul, still holding Jasmine, from the car. As the trio hurried past, he could sense the looks of those in the lobby, but he ignored them. None of them mattered. The need to see to Jasmine was much more important. Raoul kept up with his fast pace knowing the urgency. They didn’t speak.

  Eric growled with impatience when the lift seemed to take forever. His normal discomfort at the small space inside the lift was forgotten. Running a hand through his tousled hair, he glanced at the girl. She looked the same. Blue lips, pale skin, fragile, and still
unconscious. Not good.

  We are almost there, Eric, Raoul told him quietly in his head. Patience, my friend. Her heart still beats. We have time. Calm yourself.

  Eric spoke aloud instead of responding telepathically. “When Jasmine is the correct colour, we will wake her. And not before.”

  Eric strode into the suite and straight to the bedroom. He wasted no time thrusting open the door.

  As Raoul made it to his side, Eric finally took Jasmine back into his arms. It felt strangely right to have her there. Calmness washed through him.

  As quickly as he could, Eric began to strip off her clothes. Eric knew he would have to warm her slowly. If her body went into shock now it could kill her. She had placed her trust in his hands. He would not fail her.

  “Raoul, I require hot water bottles and many more warm blankets.”

  Nodding and without a word, the other vampire sped from the room. It was moments like these Eric appreciated his friend. He obeyed now without question.

  Eric hastily removed her underwear. She lay naked—pale and limp on the mattress. His body stirred at the sight of her, but he ruthlessly pushed the feelings aside.

  Eric avoided the urge to rub her arms or legs. This could stress her body more than it already was. It was something he could not allow. Instead he covered her quickly and completely with the heavy duvet. No inch of her apart from her head was left bare.

  Raoul returned swiftly with three, filled hot water bottles and two more blankets. They were quick to add the covers to the bed.

  Eric took small towels from the bathroom and wrapped one around a hot water bottle. He tested it was not too hot with his hand. A grunt of satisfaction left his lips.

  Her rushed to the bed, pushed back the duvet, and settled the prepared hot water bottle carefully on her chest. He wrapped the second one and placed it on her groin. The third he wrapped and put against her neck. He then flipped the duvet back over her and stacked the extra blankets on her, making sure she was warmly covered.


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