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Page 24

by Claire Marta

  The higher she climbed, the more she got glimpses of the twinkling sight of Paris by night. The snow now was almost thick as soup, which kept most of the city hidden from view. Jasmine was thankful it was not the middle of the day. She was not sure how she would have felt with the height if she could see it more clearly. She knew she had to keep moving to keep her momentum going. If she stopped her jello legs would probably fail. Stopping now was not an option.

  Jasmine’s senses started to tingle with something new. Eric’s familiar power was emanating from above, yet she could feel something else, too. It was another energy, which felt slightly different to his.

  Her legs were on fire by the time she reached the second level. This seemed to be split into two sections. She could make out what looked like darkened shops. The whole place looked like more of a viewing area.

  The sound of scuffling distracted her momentarily from her physical anguish. Blinking, she saw movement through the hard driven flurry of snow.

  Eric was grappling with a bald man. Arms locked together above their heads, they were both fighting for dominance. She could see them straining together in vicious combat.

  Sixth sense on full alert, it told her he was another vampire. That was why she had felt the difference, she realised. Their energy was slightly different. She was sure it had something to do with Eric being a vampiria, a born vampire.

  Jasmine stood still, not quite sure what she should do. She glanced towards the darkened, empty shops. Should she help or carry on up to the last part of the tower? Time was ticking down. Maybe if she found the bomb first, it would save some minutes.

  When the vampires pushed apart, they both bared their fangs. They were like feral things—hissing and snarling as they snapped their teeth together.

  The bald man slid a hand from beneath his puffy jacket. Metal caught and glinted in the light. A knife. In the next instant, Eric had withdrawn his daggers from their hiding place in his jacket.

  Mesmerised, Jasmine watched as they circled each other in the open space. Snow was pelting them in a vortex of swirling silvery-white.

  The man’s knife lunged out. The movement was so quick it was a blur to her eyes. Eric was faster. Dodging to the left, he avoided the blow. With a sweep of his arm, he thrust with a dagger. A hiss left the other vampire's lips. A long gash gaped open his puffy jacket.

  Eric’s mouth curved in a cold, merciless smile. It looked like he was enjoying himself. Enraged, the bald male charged forwards. They slammed sideways together, hitting the protective fencing with an incredible force. It shuddered, vibrating dangerously with the force of the blow. The vampires didn’t seem to notice.

  Slowly, Jasmine edged forwards. She had already decided she needed to find the next set of stairs up. When her scalp tingled perceiving a werewolf, she stopped. It prickled against her sixth sense. The breath she had been holding escaped her through the clench of her teeth.

  Fuck. This was trouble.

  A low, warning growl rumbled behind her. Every single hair on her body rose at the spine-chilling sound. She swung round swiftly and saw a man just below her. She recognised him instantly: the werewolf from the boat. He was wearing jeans and a forest green polo neck. Wolves didn’t feel the cold the same way humans did. They generated their own heat, which not even winter could suck away.

  From the light of recognition in his look, he had remembered her, too. An evil grin spread over his rugged features. His eyes flashed yellow. She sensed his beast lurking just beneath the surface of his skin. Savage, ferocious, and straining for release.

  Suddenly her aching legs were forgotten. Never taking her eyes of the male, she backed up nervously. She continued to go backwards, shaking slightly as the wolf moved forwards.

  Peeling back his lips, he growled again low in his throat. The teeth he flashed were pointed and becoming sharper by the second.

  “Fuck.” Jasmine sent a panicked look towards the vampires.

  They were still in a deadly dance. Blows were being traded with speed and grace. The metal of their blades gleamed like silver in the illuminations of the tower. Eric was too busy to help. She wasn’t even sure if he was aware of the werewolf. This was the one he hadn’t been able to sense before.

  She had only one option. Turning, she dashed away down the long walkway. The snow hugged the uncovered ground and she tried not to slip.

  The thud of footsteps followed. She didn’t know where the hell she was going. Escape and hide. Those were what her instincts were screaming. If Eric could finish the other vamp quickly, he would soon come to her rescue.

  Heart pounding in her chest, she could feel adrenaline kicking in. Skidding on the slippery surface, she smacked into the safety fencing at the end of the causeway. The hard mesh dug into her back. Fingers clinging to it for a moment, she caught sight of Paris once again.

  Breathing hard, she immediately sprang to her left. The sound of ripping and rendering metal filled the air. Jasmine’s head snapped back to look. The fearsome claws that now tipped the guy’s hands had sliced through the metal mesh like butter.

  Eyes large and round, she swallowed hard. He was so close she didn’t have time to run.

  Grabbing her arm, his claws bit into her bicep. A shriek left her lips. It had more to do with surprise than the slicing pain in her flesh. Without hesitation, Jasmine wrenched the knife from its sheath on her hip. She jammed it into the werewolf’s side and pushed it in with all her might.

  Shock widened his pitiless eyes. “You fucking bitch.”

  Shoving her sideways, he clawed at the knife. It was bedded deep, right to the hilt. A darkening stain had begun to spread through the material of his polo shirt.

  Jasmine stumbled to her hands and knees. The snow was cold and stinging as it pressed into her bare, open palms. Its rawness seeped into her unprotected skin. She winced.

  The dagger suddenly skidded across the floor. The movement registered in the corner of her eye.

  Shifter magic rippled frenziedly over her and she knew he was about to change. The sound of clothes ripping filled the air. She didn’t want to watch. Fergus, the wolf she worked with, had once shown her, so she knew it took only a handful of seconds to achieve.

  A deep and menacing growl sounded right next to her head, sending a vibration through her body. Her eyes slid sideways. It was the only part of her she dared to move.

  The beast was huge and scary as hell. She had seen Fergus in his fur before, but it was nothing like this. This werewolf had messy, sandy-coloured fur. The body was long, muscled and sinewy—and three times bigger than a timber wolf. The longest black curved claws she had ever seen tipped his paws. Snout long and lean, it bared rows of sharp, pointed teeth, which glistened with strings of saliva. When it snarled, its lips peeled back, revealing even more terrifying teeth.

  She could barely get her lungs to function. Her heart froze and her stomach turned to ice. The wolf held her immobilized, her mind blank of all else.

  The beast stuck its snout in her hair. She could feel its hot breath scorching the back of her neck. It inhaled deeply, as if drawing in her fear, tasting it, on its now lulling tongue. Its teeth were so close to her vulnerable flesh.

  Adrenaline was doing double time blazing through her veins. Preservation slapped her in the face the moment one massive paw was raised. Dodging to the left away, she avoided his blow by inches. Her sudden movement seemed to have taken him by surprise. Clambering to her feet, Jasmine fled. A snarl echoed from behind and she knew he was loping after her.

  His hunting instincts were probably now in place. He had her scent, too. There would be no giving up. The only thing she could do now was put something between them. If he couldn’t get to her, he wouldn’t be able to tear her apart.

  A disturbance in the air warned her when to move. Leaping out the way, she dodged the werewolf, who hit the fencing instead of its intended target, her back. She heard the barrier shudder with the force of the blow.

  Sucking in frigid cold breath
s, she dashed blindly forwards until she hit a wall that didn’t seem to be there. She suddenly found herself standing on a glass viewing platform. Her hand was pressed flat against the glass partition. Beneath her was darkness, snow, and the twinkling lights from below. Vertigo hit her hard.

  Propelling herself sideways, she headed inwards towards shelter. Taking a chance, she glanced over her shoulder. The beast was nowhere to be seen.

  Breathing hard, her eyes whipped around her surroundings. A souvenir shop, locked up tight, lay in darkness. Unless she had something to get the door open, that was a no-go. She could see more walkways, a telescope bolted to the floor.

  Her eyes, though, fastened on something against the wall.

  Jasmine grabbed hold of the fire extinguisher. It felt heavy but reassuring in her hands. She had never used one before but prayed it was easy. It was the only option as a weapon she had left.

  Her knife was still out in the open where the wolf had thrown it. Going back out was too exposed. It was also what he could be waiting for her to do.

  Hands shaking, she checked the cylinder over. Pulling the pin at the top, she knew it was primed and ready.

  Prickles danced over her skull. She knew the wolf was getting closer. Trying not to hyperventilate, she tried to calm her mind. Inhale, exhale. Jasmine breathed, as Eric had taught her. The fear, which had crowded her mind, began to ebb as a sense of calmness washed over her.

  The prickling sensation had increased. It tightened her skin almost painfully beneath the hair on her head. He was stalking her.

  The clicking of claws on metal met her ears.

  Flattening herself against the wall of the shop, she waited. She wasn’t about to go meet it head-on. If she could catch it at a disadvantage, she would.

  Continuing to breathe slow and even, she slid her finger to the lever. Aiming the nozzle she squeezed as the monstrous shape emerged around the corner.

  A stream of white exploded outwards with blinding force, hissing all the way. A howl of pained shock left the werewolf’s lips. Jasmine directed it right at its eyes. White billowed around them in thick, heavy clouds. It was choking, making her eyes water. Holding her breath, she tried not to breathe it in. She was barely able to see.

  Keeping her hand jammed down, she let the wolf have it all. The foam spluttered to quickly an end. As the discharge cleared, everything became clear.

  Yellow eyes burning with rage rose to hers. Saliva was gushing from its mouth, as if the foam had managed to work its way down its throat.

  Fuck. It looked like she had just enraged it.

  A hoarse growl emanated from its hairy muzzle.

  Holding the spent fire extinguisher aloft, she threw it at its head but missed and bounced off one of its fur-covered shoulders.

  The werewolf snarled, peeling back its lips so far she could see the pinkness of its gums.

  Jasmine turned and ran. Her heart was once more thundering agonizingly behind her ribs. She needed to get her arse back to Eric.

  She slipped on the snow, sliding back out onto the open walkway before she could stop herself. It took her a second to right herself. The next thing she knew, the werewolf was up on its hind legs towering over. Its hot stinking breath panted against her cold, pale face.

  He had shifted from full wolf to the form in-between–a mix of man and wolf.

  His clawed hand closed around her neck. Before she had time to make a strangled scream, Jasmine found herself airborne. The platform spun in front of her eyes. In horror, she realised she was going to hit the broken protective barrier.

  A scream burst from her lips. Something hard painfully ripped into her shoulder. The broken links of the fence. The barrier did not hold but instead fell outwards. Then she was falling. With flailing arms, she tried to grab onto something solid. Her hands found nothing but empty air.

  When her fingers did seize something, she clung for dear life. Panic was trying to swallow her alive. She knew if she looked down, it would only get worse. Jasmine realised, she was hanging from the broken fencing. It now lay flat, jutting out away from the platform. Her feet were dangling with nothing below but air.

  The falling snow had turned into a white, swirling blizzard. Jasmine was blinded, unable to see anything further than her broken latticework she clung to.

  She wasn’t sure how long it would hold her weight. If she fell, it would mean certain death when she hit the ground below.

  Her heart was beating manically against her ribs. The harsh sound of her own frantic panting breaths was loud in the silence that enveloped her. Nails trying to dig into the metal, Jasmine knew she was not strong enough to pull herself up. Pain was shooting up her limb already. Her arm felt like it was being wrenched from the socket. If she could get a better hold, she could support herself better.

  The cold night was biting painfully into her fingers. Her leather jacket was little protection against the sharp winter wind. The snow was harsh and stinging. Taking deep breaths, she tried with desperation to pull herself up. When that did not work, she reached up to grip the broken fence with both hands. Her fingers grazed the cold metal as she strained up.

  The fencing shook ominously. She was positive it was about to give out. Once it ripped free, it would all go down, her included.

  Jasmine felt her hand slip. Fuck. She was going to fall. Die.

  Heart thudding excruciatingly swiftly, it drowned out the deafening silence.

  Her numb fingers slid free. With a cry of shock, she fell.

  A hand flew out of nowhere and locked forcefully around her wrist. Grimacing in pain, she hissed.

  Jasmine’s eyes clashed with Eric’s, where he hung above her. Blue eyes burnt unblinking into hers.

  Pulling her up effortlessly, he placed her hand on his firm shoulder.

  “Take a hold of my neck and climb onto my back.” It was a clipped order, which she readily obeyed. “Do not look down.”

  Clutching at his leather jacket in a desperate grip, Jasmine hauled herself up and over him.

  Like a baby spider monkey, she wrapped her legs around his hips. Her arms hugged his neck. Jasmine could feel the fencing shaking beneath their combined weight.

  “I’m too heavy for you,” she gasped anxiously against his ear. “It’s going to break.”

  “You will never be too heavy. Now hold on tight,” the vampire replied.

  With surprising graceful ease, he began to scale upwards with swift speed, as if he had done this many times before.

  “What happened to the vampire and the werewolf?”

  “The vampire is dust. As for the werewolf, we will see how quickly he can heal from a snapped spine.” Eric’s words were low and grim. “What possessed you to think you could take on one such as he?”

  Advancing over the outside of the fencing, they were soon back on the second platform.

  Jasmine slid carefully from Eric’s back. “You were busy and he wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Her voice was wary and she could tell he was angry.

  Her legs were shaking badly, but she managed to stay standing.

  Turning instantly, his gaze raced over her. One big hand gently cupped the side of her face. Jasmine felt herself melt into the warmth. She wanted nothing more than to curl up into it and rest her aching body.

  Reaching out a hand, she braced herself against the vampire’s firm chest. She felt the muscles beneath bunch.

  “Are you hurt?” The concern in his voice warmed her.

  “Just sore and bruised. I think the metal gouged my back. That might be bleeding.” Jasmine moved her shoulders then winced. “We still have to go higher though.”

  She could feel the buzz of Twitch’s magic getting stronger. She could sense she was right below the bomb now.

  “I indeed do smell your blood,” Eric informed her gravely.

  Cradling her head in his hands, he angled his mouth over hers. It was a gentle kiss that made her knees go weak. He nibbled delicately at her lips, sipping at her in a strange, heady way
that made her ache.

  Her stomach clenched and her pulse skittered. If she was not careful she was going to fall for this vamp. The problem was she felt like she was halfway there already.

  His breath whispered against her mouth as he ended the kiss. With one gentle caress, he pulled his hands away.


  Eric’s breath had stilled in his lungs the moment he had seen Jasmine go flying. The sound of her panicked, terrified heart had filled his ears like a death toll. That she lived was a miracle. Yet again this little mortal had cheated death.

  The pain of believing he had lost her had been unbearable. It was also something he could not explain. He barely knew her. Yet somehow she was now important to him.

  Here she stood before him. Her large, jade green eyes, stared up at him with barely disguised discomfort. Snowflakes had settled in her short, coppery hair. Jasmine’s face was pale, apart from her rosy cheeks, her lips slightly blue-tinged.

  She had never looked as beautiful as she did right now.

  The sight of her watching him feed earlier had been more potent than any aphrodisiac. The scent of her arousal and excitement had been headier than any expensive perfume. His body’s response had been painfully instantaneous. His erection even now had only half abated. The thickness in his pants pressed uncomfortably against his zipper.

  Jasmine had stared into his darkness. She had seen him for who he really was, what he really was. He had shown her something no other mortal had borne witness to. And she had, apparently, liked what she had seen. There had been no fear, only an innocent lust. His desire, his need for her had almost incinerated him on the spot.

  Taking on the werewolf had been foolish of her but also incredibly brave. Eric could not resist giving her one last kiss. Leaning down he planted a hard, quick one on her lips. He bestowed it for luck.


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