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Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series)

Page 11

by C. M. Owens

  My blood chills in my veins. Axle has severe issues with guy’s forcing themselves on girls. It’s one of the many reasons he rides with me. It’s why he pledged loyalty to me a long time ago, but he refuses to work directly under my father since Pop doesn’t stop his guys from being a stereotype.

  “Who the hell did he touch?” Sledge asks, a growl in his voice.

  He looks toward Liza immediately, but she shrugs, averting her eyes from mine the second they accidentally find my gaze. That’s when my pulse rattles around in my ears, and I feel heat climbing up my limbs when Liza’s eyes then move toward my closed door at the top of the stairs.

  I almost feel like I’m coming out of my skin as I stalk toward Jessie, who is pulling himself off the floor, calling Axle a string of names that don’t even make a damn bit of sense.

  Before he can charge Axle, I grab him back by the scruff of his neck, and toss him to the floor like he’s a weak shit instead of a raging bull. He turns, rage seething from him, but the second his eyes reach mine, fear instantly flicks across his features.

  “Who did you fucking touch?” I bark, barely keeping myself from reaching for Dash’s gun beside me.

  If he fucked her, I’ll kill him. There’s no question about it. I almost want to kill him for thinking of touching her.

  “She’s a fucking Marks,” Jessie growls, fear replaced by anger once again as he leaps to his feet, glaring down at me since he has at least a good two inches of height on almost everyone in the room.

  I snap. My fist flies and connects with his face, pummeling his cheek so hard that I feel something break under the contact. I’m not sure if it’s my hand or his jaw that just broke, but it doesn’t stop me from landing punch after punch.

  Every sound around us drowns down, and Jessie barely manages to connect a few weaker, less strategic hits on me. Either he hits like a bitch, or I’m too pissed to feel anything.

  “Enough!” Pop roars, but I’ll be damned if he stops me. This is my warehouse. My club. And that’s my fucking girl in my fucking room.

  Hands are suddenly grappling me, hauling me off Jessie as he falls to the floor. His eyes roll back in his head as he passes out. His jaw is definitely broken, but my hand is aching. It’s the only pain I feel.

  “We can’t even have a damn meeting without you assholes acting like dumb fucks,” Pop says, shaking his head as his furious gaze turns to me. “And, Drex, what the hell?” he growls.

  I glare over at him, and I see Rush has a cocked eyebrow, as if to say, “I fucking told you so.” But I ignore him and Pop’s disappointed face.

  “He touched what was mine, and you think I should just let him? I don’t let people disrespect me in my own house.” It’s all I can do to speak. I need to go check on Eve, but I don’t want anyone seeing her as my weakness.

  She’s not. At least, she shouldn’t be.

  Something about her delicate innocence seems to always make my protective instincts roar to life. And Jessie… That fucker needs to die.

  “Get Jessie home,” Pop says on a sigh, talking to one of his men. “And let’s wrap this party up before more testosterone is flying. We’ll resume this meeting at another time.”

  I shrug off the assholes holding me, and I walk over to Axle who is still glaring at Jessie like he wants him dead as badly as I do.

  “What’d he do?” I demand.

  Axle’s jaw tenses before he looks at me. “I don’t know. She’s terrified right now, and she freaked out when I tried to talk to her. I came up to find out what she wanted to eat since the girls brought so much food, but I found him behind her, her dress raised up, and his pants down.”

  My stomach lurches, and he pauses, bracing himself for me to explode. Somehow I rein it in, and he continues.

  “I didn’t see much before I was on him, knocking him off her. She’s not speaking.”


  I turn, ready to finish off Jessie, but Pop is right there, pushing me back as though he was expecting it.

  “I’ll handle Jessie. He’s mine. You go check on the girl; make sure she’s not broken.”

  For the first time in my life, I actually want to punch my own father. None of my guys would have tried this shit because I don’t allow it. I don’t tolerate that fucking shit.

  Instead of trying deal with Pop while I’m still fuming, I turn around and jog toward the stairs. I take three steps at a time, hurtling myself toward the room.

  The second the door opens, I hear a whimper, and my stomach sinks when I see her tear-streaked cheeks, red-rimmed eyes, and bruised arms. The need to fucking hit something almost strangles me, and I have to fight off the vibrating fury that is racing through my veins.

  She’s huddled in the corner, making herself as small as possible, and acting as though she can’t see me. As I walk into the room and shut the door, she burrows her head against her arm, slinking back as far as she can. Another whimper escapes her, and I’m forced to swallow a lump in my throat.

  I almost sprint toward her, but the second I touch her, she squeals and tries to wrench away.

  “Fuck. Eve, it’s me. It’s Drex,” I tell her, keeping my voice low, not expecting it to matter.

  But it does.

  The second she hears my voice, her head pops up, and those watery green eyes meet mine with so much relief. A small piece of something inside my chest breaks free, and an ache instantly forms.

  Rarely ever does someone look relieved to see me, and those protective instincts are suddenly on high alert.

  She throws her arms around my neck, almost knocking me backward since I’m off balance in this kneeling position.

  As I stand, she practically climbs up me until her legs are firmly strapped around my waist, and she’s shivering like it’s subzero temperatures in here.

  “I’ve got you,” I soothe, rubbing her back.

  She clings to me, digging her nails in as though she’s a cat in water, and it’s the only thing keeping me from going downstairs and blowing out Jessie’s brains right now.

  I don’t give a damn who her father is, she doesn’t deserve this. There’s no doubt in my mind that Eve had no clue about her dad’s dealings with us, just based on how terrified and unversed she is with the club.

  Even if she did know, even if she was a spy sent to take us down, I still wouldn’t allow something like this to happen to her. Fucking bastards.

  “What’d he do?” I ask, wondering if I can even allow myself to hear it.

  “He didn’t… He tried… Axle stopped him before he could,” she whispers, her voice tremulous and almost too quiet to be heard, and the words break until she can’t speak any longer.

  But I almost sag in relief. He didn’t get to touch her.

  Mentally, I remind myself to thank Axle later. Jessie should thank him too. As of right now, he’s the only reason Jessie is still breathing.

  “I have to get out of this. It smells like him.” The disgust and brokenness of her tone has my rage once again brewing close to the surface.

  She slides down my body, and I feel more anger surge through me when her eyes flick to the door, as though she’s worried someone else might be in here. Her nails dig into my forearms as she presses her shaking body against me.

  “I can promise no one is stupid enough to come in here.”

  Slowly, her eyes meet mine, and she blows out another relieved breath. Her hands are shaking so bad that she keeps dropping the hem of her dress, so I reach down and tug it over her head.

  I expect that to be enough, but it’s not. She immediately starts fumbling with her bra, and I reach around, undoing it with one hand to help her out.

  Her appreciative gaze meets mine. Normally when she’s stripping her panties down her legs, I’m hard as stone and ready to fuck. Not now. Not tonight. The fear in her eyes drowns out any sort of sexual air that might be here under usual circumstances.

  I take my shirt off as she climbs into the bed, and I pull my jeans down, leaving on a pair of boxer

  I’ll let her sleep with me, because no way in hell is she sleeping on the couch after that.

  As soon as I’m under the covers, her bare body is tangling around mine, wrapping up in me like she can’t get close enough. My arms go around her, tucking her against me, giving her the comfort she needs.

  “Can I please sleep with you tonight?” she whispers, remnants of fear still shaking her tone.

  I swallow thickly, feeling like the biggest son of a bitch in the world, because she feels like she has to ask. I realize I’m not exactly a good guy, but she should know by now I wouldn’t let anything fucking happen to her. I sure as hell wouldn’t shove her ass out of my bed after what she faced.

  “You’ll sleep in my bed from now on,” I tell her softly, and she burrows closer against me, hugging me as though she has all the gratitude in the world for me.

  This all started off with me wanting her more than I should have. It started with me lying to myself, telling my stupid, fucked-up mind that I wanted to make sure Pop was safe. When in reality, she’s been mine since I saw her.

  After this, I should send her home. She’s not made for this shit. But I’m a bastard, and I can’t seem to allow myself to let her go. I just need to do a better job at making sure she’s safe in my world, because I’m not letting her leave any time soon.

  “Thank you,” she finally says, her voice sounding stronger. She’s fucking thanking me. Now I feel like a bigger bastard.

  Instead of saying anything, I start tracing lazy circles on her back as she slowly grows more relaxed in my arms. But just as she’s about to fall asleep, someone bangs on my door, and she stiffens so tight that I’m worried she’s going to break.

  “Christ, baby. Nothing is going to happen to you with me right here,” I say softly, holding her a little tighter. She buries her head against my chest, and I pull the sheet up over her bare body, covering it from view before snarling at the door. “What?”

  Eve jumps in my arms, and I inwardly curse. Just raising my own voice has scared her. Fuck.

  “Coming in,” Pop says, and my eyes widen. I don’t want him seeing Eve.

  Like a kid hiding a girl in my bed, I cover her up completely, blocking her from view. I don’t think he’d try to do something as stupid as deciding I suddenly don’t get to keep her. And I can’t believe that I’m considering kicking his ass if he tries.

  The door opens as I sit up, leaving Eve under the sheet. I’d leave the bed completely if she wasn’t clinging to me so tightly.

  Pop walks in, along with Sledge. Fucking great. But what has the hairs on my neck standing up is the fact that Rush walks in behind them.

  The punk’s eyes dance with malice, and I swear I want to take out my murderous rage for Jessie out on him just because of that damn look.

  “The fuck is this about?” I ask while also pulling the comforter up, shielding the outline of Eve’s body from sight better with all the fluff.

  Rush’s eyes follow the movement, and a smirk appears on his lips. I really, really want to fucking hit him. But Eve is still clinging to me.

  “Heard the details about what Jessie did,” Pop says with a tight expression. His eyes move to the comforter, as though he’s trying to see what I’m hiding.

  “And?” I snap. It’s not my usual tone with him, and he startles because of it. Then his eyes narrow as though he’s about to lay into me.

  “And I came to see if she’s alright. She’s Death Dealer property—”

  “She’s mine,” I quickly remind him, daring him to say otherwise.

  This feels like a barbaric dispute over actual property right now. It’s ridiculous, but it is what it is. Eve walked into this knowingly. And despite the mess it has become, the end result is final: she’s mine.

  Her hands tighten on me, as though she’s suddenly scared. She doesn’t have to be. Pop knows better than to push me when I’m already pissed off.

  “Fine. She’s yours,” he amends, his eyes narrowing on me again. “But she’s still part of us. Which means no one touches her without consent. That’s not how we treat our own. I’ll see to it that this is never again an issue.”

  This isn’t the conversation I was expecting, but I’m thankful. I still don’t want him seeing her though. Hell no. He’ll see what he gave up, and he might change his fucking mind. He’s president. She’s not marked. But shit’s about to change.

  “I’m calling Drake tomorrow.”

  Pop’s eyebrows go up after hearing my words, and he frowns.

  “Drake isn’t your favorite person. You seriously gonna let him mark your girl up? He might do something just to piss you off.”

  Eve trembles against me, but doesn’t dare to make a sound.

  “He’s not that stupid. Eve is still upset, and you all being in my room isn’t helping out. We can talk about this later.”

  Before Pop can speak, Rush beats him to it, the smug tone ringing clearly. “Heard it was hard to speak to you without her. Considering you two are always locked up together.”

  Sledge growls something to him as Pop talks over him, drowning out the words. “Drex has completed a big deal and set up many more. It’s fine if he’s fucking his old lady on the side.”

  So it’s official. She’s mine on the serious level. That’s a good thing for them to think, because it makes her family.

  “Let’s see this girl so I can personally apologize. I’d rather not speak to a lump of blankets,” Pop says, and I stiffen again.

  Rush turns his attention to me, ignoring his father and mine. Eve shifts, growing rigid against my side. Shit.

  “Fine.” My lips tighten as I pull the covers back just a little.

  Eve pops up quickly, but holds the covers against her chest as she leans into me. Her hair is a mess, hiding most of her face, but I see Pop’s eyes widen as though he just realized how fucking perfect she is.

  Rush’s lips curl in a smile that I want to punch off his face. Sledge crosses his arms over his chest, unaffected. He’s seen her numerous times. Hell, he’s been at the table while I fucked her.

  Eve gingerly tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing more of her face. Her plump lips are even plumper, thanks to all her tears, making them look like a fucking wet dream. Shit, she looks like a fucking wet dream all mussed up.

  “Damn,” Pop mutters, then cuts his eyes toward me. “No wonder you’re so hell bent on keeping her locked away.”

  My arm goes around her shoulders, and she leans into me even more, as though she knows I’ll shield her.

  “Regretting your decision now, Herrin?” Rush says.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I snap, and then grimace when Eve gets even more rigid.

  My anger only seems to goad him, but Sledge speaks to him in a low rumble again before Rush can pop off like a petulant teenager.

  Rush glares at Sledge before walking out, mumbling something about priorities and pussy before his footfalls catch my ears. Stupid ass.

  Here I am, trapped in the bed in my motherfucking boxers, while Eve holds herself against me.

  “Done?” I ask, daring Pop to comment on Rush’s question.

  I’ve rarely ever challenged Pop. Usually I’m as loyal as a man can be. But I’d raise hell if he decided to take her back. Judging by the look in his eyes, he knows it.

  A slow, lazy grin blooms across his face, and I immediately relax. However, Eve doesn’t take the same comfort I do, because the girl feels like she might snap in two at any moment.

  Chapter 20


  This night is more traumatizing by the second. Drex, oddly enough, is the only thing keeping me together right now. My salvation is in the arms of a self-proclaimed killer.

  I’m twisted.

  And fucked up.

  And naked in a room with men I don’t want seeing me naked.

  Drex relaxes as his father grins, but it’s a creepy grin if you ask me.

  Herrin is a nice looking guy for a man who is old enough to be my f
ather, but I’m so freaking glad Drex wanted me instead. In fact, it makes me want to kiss him right now, because Herrin looks like a nightmare on legs.

  He’s just as tall and tatted as the others, but it’s the unsettling way he looks at something, as though he’s calculating its value—my value in this case.

  His eyes… I’ve never seen eyes so cold. The other guy’s eyes were the same—the one who asked Herrin if he regretted his decision. And I know Sledge called him son when he was scolding him, even though I didn’t hear all of what he said because he was talking so low. Surely that can’t really be his son. Sledge is the nicest guy in the club.

  It half makes me wonder if Sledge and Herrin didn’t somehow trade sons. I’ve seen Drex cast cold glares to many people, but he has a warmth to his gaze when he looks at me. It’s reserved for me and me alone.

  Or maybe I’m just crazy enough to hope for something like that.

  The silence stretches on, and I grow all the more uncomfortable. The thick air is almost suffocating me.

  Herrin’s eyes hold mine, and that dirty, gross feeling invades. “You can have fun, son, but don’t forget what we originally discussed.”

  Something about that has Drex tensing again, and I really don’t like that.

  “We’ll talk about it later. But trust me, she had no idea. Tonight should be an indication of that. You didn’t see how scared she was.”

  Sledge looks over at Herrin and grunts, “I’m with him. Girl is clueless about all that shit.”

  Clueless sounds about right. I have no clue what they’re talking about, but I know who they’re talking about: me. I just don’t know why.

  Herrin frowns, then he looks at Drex. “Coincidences are rare. Keep that in mind.”

  Normally, that would make me curious. But tonight, my head might explode. In fact, I honestly don’t give a damn what they’re speaking in code about. I’m sure it’s another “spy” conversation.

  Herrin and Drex speak for a minute longer, but I tune them out. Until Drex nudges me, acting as though I’m supposed to respond to something, though I have no idea what.


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