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Page 5

by Fawn Lowery

  “My favorite color is yellow—like the pale yellow of your hair. I’ve already told you my favorite thing to eat. I like to sleep late on weekends. I like fast cars. I detest pickles. And I’m ready to marry and settle down.” He picked up his glass and drained it. “Did I leave anything out?”

  Duh? Cara thought, her eyes growing large. But on second thought — maybe she shouldn’t voice her initial question of whom he thought he might marry. The subject made her pulse quicken though.

  “What’s in the brown bag?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “Condoms,” he answered simply.

  She giggled and shook her head. She had never been so open about sex — though she had always wanted to be. Always before — with other men — sex was experienced in bed, with the lights out. When she thought about their day out on the cabin cruiser, she became aroused all over again.

  She stood up suddenly and released the belt on her robe. The satin fronts parted, revealing her bare skin. She walked toward Gabe, a small smile on her face. She felt quite naughty all of a sudden — as though she should tease him a little — just to get the sex games started for the evening.

  He scooted his chair away from the table as she approached and pulled her onto his lap.

  Cara opened her legs and sat across Gabe’s lap, facing him, her robe slipping on her shoulders to expose one fleshy breast. She wound her arms around his neck, splaying her fingers in the auburn hair at his nape. Leaning into his chest, she pushed her breasts against him, as she lowered her head and kissed his lips.

  Heat swept through Gabe’s big body, rushing through every pore and organ, igniting his passion full throttle. Suddenly he took command of the kiss then, possessing her lips with his, tasting her mouth with his tongue. Her breasts, where they met his chest, beckoned to his hands, his mouth. A groan rose in his throat.

  She kissed him with such wild abandon that for an instant she almost surprised herself. She hadn’t eaten any oysters — damn! She didn’t even like seafood, yet she felt emotionally charged just being in Gabe’s arms. I’m falling in love with him, she admitted, totally aroused with the idea.

  Gabe slid the satin robe off her arms, baring her body for his hands. The soft material draped across one silken thigh and the rounded curve of one hip. The contrast between tanned skin and rich satin fabric brought his hand to inspect the tantalizing display. His palm skimmed along her side, smoothed along the curve of her waist and slipped beneath the robe, pushing it completely from her body. The fabric rustled softly, then spilled onto the floor at his feet. She was bare on his lap, straddling his legs, exposing her blond bush to his eager inspection.

  Gabe’s breathing had quickened considerably since Cara straddled his lap and began to kiss him. She ran her palms across his shoulders and onto his chest, then brought her fingers to the buttons on his shirt. Slowly, teasingly, one by one, she worked each button through its buttonhole, purposely touching his skin with her fingers.

  “Do you want me, Gabe?” she asked in a tiny whisper. “Do you want to make love to me?” Only after the words left her mouth, did she become aware of how she had phrased the sentence. She had asked if he wanted to make love to her — not have sex for the sake of having sex. She hoped the surprise she felt wasn’t displayed on her face.

  He opened his eyes.

  “I could hold you and let you kiss me all day — if my balls didn’t start to ache.” He pulled in a long breath. “Your eyes are the color of fresh leaves in the spring, with tiny flecks of amber and brown. They are the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen.” A shudder shook his body. “Baby, making love to you is my heart’s desire.” His hands rose to brush along her back. He clasped her neck, running one thumb along her jaw to stop beneath her chin. He tipped her head with the least of pressure. “We’re about to make love, Cara, aren’t we?”

  His question revealed he had read the message she unconsciously sent him. They weren’t just going to have sex — they were indeed about to make love.

  They were speaking about love! Holy cow!

  Her eyelashes closed and opened over her green eyes as she contemplated his words.

  “I don’t know,” she finally murmured, reluctant to reveal her feelings for fear they may not be returned in kind.

  “Don’t you?” he remarked, his breath fanning her cheek as he pulled her mouth against his. His lips covered hers completely, pressing firmly, yet with a gentleness that she readily identified.

  A new surge of something totally foreign wafted through her insides and for a split second she felt completely owned by Gabe Collins — his woman, his love.

  She almost fought against the feelings — her mind confused and muddled. Perhaps she had imagined it, she thought, trying to justify the situation. Perhaps it was the aftereffects of the champagne — or the big meal she had wolfed down. Or perhaps it had really happened. Would it be so crazy to believe? Perhaps.

  * * * *

  His hand skimmed along her flat belly, trailed down the length of her thigh to her knee, then began a sensuous path back up her body. His fingers caressed, gently stroked and felt her skin, so smooth and satin, so supple.

  Cara’s eyes slowly open. She’d never watched as a man caressed her body, never seen the inspecting fingers trailing here and there, arousing her or sampling her body.

  He seemed to be almost fully intent on his mission to touch every inch of her body. His dark head was bent, following his moving hand with his blue gaze. His caress was as light as a warm breeze on a summer day.

  There was love in his touch.

  Cara bit on her bottom lip. It was true. There was definitely love in Gabe’s touch — something she had never experienced with a man before. Sex used to be just sex — off with the clothes and in with the cock — no particular bout of foreplay.

  But this was more than foreplay.

  Cara raised her right hand and stroked Gabe’s bare back. Rippling muscles lay just beneath the warm smooth skin. He had ended her desire to tease him earlier — ended it in a surprising way. When love was mentioned, she lost all sense of being with him just to enjoy the sex act. A serious note sprang up between them. Even the joking about the condoms ended.

  “You have the most beautiful body in the world.”

  “Flattery will get you laid,” she countered.

  He chuckled slightly and lowered his head to pull one taut nipple between his lips. His hand made its way up her inner thigh and into the golden bush at her crotch. His fingers slid amid her moist folds and found her clitoris. He began stroking her, slowly, gently, while his tongue teased her nipple.

  “God, Gabe! You’re going to make me come!” she informed him in a hurried whisper, her hips pressing upward to apply more pressure to her clit.

  “Tear open a condom,” he instructed, but he didn’t stop his stroking of her or his sucking her nipple. And momentarily she was withering beneath his hand and grasping his shoulder, digging her nails into his skin.

  Cara reached for his hand. Gasping it, she tried to still it at her crotch. Her breathing was ragged, her breasts were heaving on her chest. Still, he moved his fingers on her clitoris, continuing the orgasmic sensations bombarding her body. Finally, when she realized he intended to play at her crotch regardless of her attempts to stop him, she gave up and pulled her hand away. Stretching her hands over her head, she gave him full reign to do with her as he wanted.

  A low growl came from his throat as he got to his knees and positioned himself between Cara’s legs. He took hold of her buttocks, lifting her from beneath, and raised her body to his mouth.

  She was arched, with her thighs over his shoulders, her upper body leaning on her shoulders and head, while he began a very erotic tending of her crotch with his tongue.

  He began by flicking the tip of his tongue along the slippery folds concealing her most sensitive clitoris, an action that almost drove her wild with want, then he purposely poked the tip of his tongue inside her hot passage, tasting her womanly juic

  A quick, strong orgasm crashed through her insides making her wiggle about furiously. Momentarily he lowered her body to the surface of the bed and reached for the paper bag sitting on the nightstand.

  A tiny giggle leapt from Cara’s throat when she realized his dilemma.

  “It’s not funny,” he admonished, then laughed in spite of things.

  He couldn’t reach the nightstand without crawling to the head of the bed and then he couldn’t open the damn package when he finally got a condom in his hand.

  “Son-of-a-bitch!” he muttered. He turned disgruntled eyes on Cara when her laughter rang out in the room. “You think I’m a pretty inept lover, don’t you?” he said, his fingers working furiously on the foil condom package.

  Cara tried to curtail her laughter. “I think you need to carry a pair of scissors with you, Gabe,” she advised, grabbing the package from him. She bit its edge with her teeth, and ripped it open.

  He took the condom from her fingers and rolled it on his engorged cock. Luckily his frustration with the condom package hadn’t dampened his desire to fuck — he was still hammer-hard and ready.

  Once he had the condom in place, Cara welcomed him into her body with open arms, ceasing her giggling fit the second he shoved his cock inside her cave. She sucked in a quick breath and clutched his buttocks with her palms as he began to move, thrusting deeply inside her.

  Their heat mingled as Cara’s tight passage wrapped around his cock like a warm blanket, bringing a long sigh from his lips.

  Within seconds they were both on the fringes of orgasm. Cara dug her nails into his buttocks to the point of sheer pain and when she crashed over the edge into full-blown orgasm, she bucked her hips erratically because the climax was so powerful.

  Gabe released a loud grunt as the climax shot through his body and exploded along every nerve ending, sending his senses reeling with the force. His heart hammered in his chest.

  * * * *

  Cara awoke when the sun streamed in through the window and shined across the bed. Why couldn’t she remember to close the drapes at night? She questioned, but then recalled the fact that since the suite was on the top floor, no one could see inside.

  She stretched and rolled to her side expecting to see Gabe when she opened her eyes. But he wasn’t in bed. Surprised, she sat up and looked around. There was no sign of him. She listened for sounds of the shower, thinking he may be in the bathroom, but heard nothing.

  “Maybe it is just sex between us,” she said, throwing back the sheet. She really thought he’d be there with her come morning — after their night of lovemaking.

  She got out of bed, stretching her arms above her head and yawning. Gabe was really gone, his clothes were missing from the floor in the living room and the chain lock was off the door. But why hadn’t he told her he would have to leave early?

  She couldn’t make sense of it. And perhaps she shouldn’t try. She headed for the shower. In two days she would be flying back to New York, her month long recuperation stay at an end.

  Maybe it would be the end of her affair with Gabe as well.

  She wrestled with the unsettled feeling she was left with during the time she showered and dressed. Then, preparing to go the hotel restaurant for breakfast, she found she was hoping to run into Gabe there. She found the thought gave her a bit of a lift, but once she entered the restaurant and saw no sign of him, her hope flagged miserably.

  Over breakfast she made plans for the day. She’d check in with Marie at Phillips Design Studio, and perhaps do a little shopping. Her associates would be expecting souvenirs of the island since all but Marie thought she was vacationing.

  She forced her mind to think of her return home, to things at the business she started on a shoestring five years ago, and not to think about Gabe at all. Apparently she had imagined things last night — his touch hadn’t meant as much as she wanted it to. After all, neither of them had confessed to being in love with the other.

  She returned to her suite and placed a call to the office. Marie picked up on the second ring.

  “I’ll be back on Friday,” Cara said.

  “Are you rested? Do you feel better? Is everything alright?” Marie babbled in a rush.

  “Yes. Yes. And yes, everything is fine,” Cara replied. “Is everything going smoothly at the office?”

  “Absolutely,” Marie quipped. “In fact, Jean finished the Compton apartment yesterday and the client is very satisfied.”

  “Fantastic,” Cara chirped. That was one less worry out of the way. “And how’s Leslie doing on the loft apartments?”

  “They’re coming along — though it will still take several months to complete.”

  Cara already knew that project would run long. Carl Weston was prone to changes — even nearing the end of a project — but he was always willing to pay for the Phillips’ services.

  “And Ray Dalton stopped in yesterday. He’s bidding on a contract to build a new strip mall and wants you to design its interior.”

  Cara wrinkled up her nose. Ray Dalton was an ass. He was difficult to work with and he had leering eyes. She suffered a case of goose bumps just thinking about him.

  “Tell Jean to handle it,” she instructed Marie.

  “Okay,” Marie replied, sounding a little skeptical.

  “She needs the experience,” Cara clarified in lieu of her decision. She let out a long breath. “If she needs any help, I’ll be around to lend a hand.”

  Marie brightened immediately. “All right. See you on Friday.”

  Cara put down the phone and shook her head. Sometimes she just grew tired of dealing with people. But she knew it was a vital part of being an interior designer.

  She gathered her purse and left the suite, intent on doing that shopping she had planned but when the elevator doors opened into the lobby, she saw Gabe heading her way.

  He looked contemplative, she noted, getting off the elevator. Was he headed up to her suite? Or maybe to his own, since she knew he was a guest at the resort.

  “Cara, honey,” he said, a smile spanning his lips when he saw her. He took hold of her hand and turned her back toward the elevator she had just gotten off of. “I need to talk to you.”

  She allowed him to lead her into the elevator without further explanation. A multitude of questions flooded her mind about his leaving sometime during the night or early this morning, but she kept silent, waiting to hear what he had to say.

  As soon as the elevator door slid closed, he gathered her into his arms and kissed her. “I’m sorry I had to leave so early this morning.” He kissed her again. “But I had a meeting with two of the owners of the project I’m beginning.”

  She let out a long breath as relief flooded her body. “I looked for money on the nightstand, but you didn’t leave any,” she quipped, giving him a wink.

  He gave her a little squeeze. “I left all the condoms so you’d know I’d be back,” he countered.

  “Touché,” she whispered, then rose up on her tip-toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “So what are you wanting to talk to me about?” she inquired, her curiosity aroused.

  The elevator came to a halt and the doors slid open. They were on the top floor where her suite was but Gabe took her hand and led her down the hall in the opposite direction. Momentarily he unlocked his own suite and ushered her inside.

  Cara scanned the large living room, seeing it was very similar to her own, except for the enormous desk near the glass balcony doors. A bevy of papers were scattered across its top and lying on the carpet near its base.

  “I’m pretty messy when I work,” he confessed. He walked over to the desk and made a half-hearted attempt to tidy up. “Of all the buildings I’ve designed, I’ve only worked with one interior designer that I really liked.” He glanced at her. “Most times we argue.”

  She cocked an eyebrow at him. Being renowned came with a price, she knew from her own experiences in working with architects. Personalities often clashed, making everyt
hing difficult.

  “I’m ready to start the basic design, Cara, but I need an interior designer to work with.”

  Cara’s heart jumped in her chest. Suddenly she needed to sit down.

  * * * *

  Gabe brushed his fingers across her cheek, tucking a blond wisp of hair behind her ear. “I promise, Cara, I won’t let you get over-worked. I promise I’ll take good care of you. I won’t ask any more of you than you’re willing to give, honey.”

  “Gabe,” she said, slightly confused. “What are you talking about?” She rested one palm against his chest, feeling the steady thud, thud, thud of his heart.

  “I want you to work with me, Cara. I want you to design the interior of the resort while I design the outside.”

  Her mouth dropped open in surprise. Never in her wildest dreams would she ever imagine Gabe Collins would offer her a job!

  “One of the owners has a house on the island that I’m going to live in while the resort is being built. I’m moving in tomorrow. The site is almost cleared and ready for the groundbreaking.”

  She should say something, she told herself. She should tell him how wonderful she thought the whole thing was —

  “Cara?” he said, clutching her by the upper arms. “Cara? Are you interested in working with me?”

  “Yes. Oh yes, Gabe,” she spewed, throwing her arms around his neck. “Oh yes. Thank you. It’s a dream come true.”

  “None of that adoration stuff, Cara,” he said, his tone stern.

  For an instant he held her very tightly, then he pushed her to arm’s length, his hands tight on her upper arms. His eyes bore into hers in a no-nonsense stare.

  “I love you, Cara Phillips,” he said. “And I seriously think you love me.” He continued to stare at her. “We may have lusted after each other in the beginning — but I think we’re past that.” He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. “I don’t mean that I’ve quit lusting after you, Cara, and I probably never will — but now love comes with the lust.” He chuckled out loud. “Am I making any sense?”


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