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Indiana: Stargazer Alien Mail Order Brides #6 (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

Page 14

by Tasha Black

  A big hunky guy stood at her side, carrying what might have been the cutest baby Nikki had ever seen.

  When two more women arrived, with two more unusually large and handsome men in tow, the pieces fell into place.

  “Brothers,” Indiana said happily, pulling her over.

  Nikki suddenly felt horribly nervous. She was an imposter. She had nearly blown their cover and given them all away. What if they hated her?

  “Don’t worry,” the familiar woman said, turning away from Honey to fix Nikki with a warm smile. “No one hates you. You’re part of the family now. I’m Posey.”

  Indy had told her that Posey could read emotions.

  “Nikki,” Nikki replied. “And this is Addy.”

  “Great to meet you guys,” Posey said.

  “I’m Rima,” said the shy looking girl with the dark curls, whose mate, stood protectively beside her. “This is Magnum.”

  The giant nodded at them.

  “I’m Georgia,” said the woman with strawberry blonde hair. “Good to meet you.”

  “I’m Rocky,” her mate said with a big grin.

  “This is unreal,” Addy said and then laughed.

  The others laughed with her and suddenly the atmosphere in the pavilion lost its awkwardness and became lighthearted.

  “So I guess we’re in-laws now,” Rima said to Nikki.

  “I have a feeling we’re going to have a lot of in-laws,” Nikki said.

  “You have no idea,” Rima said. “My mom is so worried that they won’t all find mates.”

  “Wait,” Nikki said. “There are more?”

  She wasn’t sure why it surprised her. Of course they would have sent more than one group out into the world. She’d just never thought about it.

  “I’ll tell you all about it, later.” Rima said.

  Nikki looked around at the men in the group. Their physical perfection was nothing compared to the purity of their hearts and the fierceness of their love. If the others were anything like their brothers, they should have no problems.

  “Nikki, come on,” Honey called. “We need a group picture.”

  Rima patted her shoulder and Nikki smiled as they joined the others for a big photo of their whole crazy family.

  But of course Nikki didn’t need a photo.

  Whatever happened next, this moment would be captured indelibly in her mind.

  Her eyes caught the sparkling water, the verdant lawn, the smiling faces of the people who mattered most to her already, and the ones, barely known to her, that she knew would soon be dear.

  Indiana held his hand out to her, his eyes shining with love.

  And if it was the last thing she ever saw, she knew it would be enough.


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  Lobo (Sample)


  In Veronica’s dreams, she was always running in a lush green field with the sun shining above.

  She didn’t have to look back to see if the dogs were following her. She felt their presence instinctively. The pack of sleek German Shepherds trailed behind her joyfully like an inky ribbon, their paws beating the dewy grass in a steady rhythm.

  Though the running order of animals behind her might appear to be random, it was actually an elegant physical manifestation of their intricate emotional hierarchy. The canine closest to Veronica’s heels was the matriarch of the group. And at the end capered the enormous omega, whose long legs would have put him rightfully at the front of any race.

  But this wasn’t about speed.

  Veronica was running as fast as she could, but the dogs were still in first gear. They respected their leader and chose to follow behind her.

  When she stopped, she knew they would peal away across the field, as sure as she knew the clouds would soon veil the sun, and the rain would fall hard and cold.

  Even in her dreams, the other shoe always dropped.

  But she loved to see the animals run. In the real world they had no opportunity to really open up and move they way they were meant to.

  She stopped on a dime and waited for the rush of canines to thunder past.

  But nothing came.

  A wash of cold panic came over her and she felt the hair on the back of her neck lift.

  She still sensed something behind her.

  Something… different.

  Slowly, she turned.

  The field was empty but for a mist that carpeted the blue-green grass.

  A shape rose from the wispy fog and moved toward her.

  Veronica stood frozen in place, her heart pounding.

  The figure was a man.

  He was tall, lean and muscular - handsome in a rugged way, with sharp cheekbones and deep blue eyes.

  Veronica trembled, fixed in his indigo gaze, as he strode toward her purposefully.

  At last he stood before her, inches away. She swore she could feel a simmering heat pouring off him, warming the air between them.

  He didn’t speak, only extended a hand to place it gently on her shoulder, as she would have done to calm a frightened rescue animal.

  Peace washed over her at his touch.

  She closed her eyes and felt warmth soak into every pore.

  When she opened her eyes again, he had moved even closer, his head tilted slightly as he observed her.

  He slid his hand from her shoulder to cup her cheek.

  Veronica waited with bated breath. She needed him to kiss her, craved it more than anything else she had ever wanted.

  But he only studied her with those clear blue eyes as her body shivered with waves of longing.

  He caressed her cheek with his thumb and she felt it between her legs, an ache of pleasure so strong it was almost like pain.

  She gasped in surprise and he pulled his hand away.

  Cold air swirled around her.

  The clouds had covered the sun as she stood hypnotized by this man and his seductive touch.

  The sky opened and the rain hammered down as if it were angry, so hard she couldn’t see an inch in front of her face.


  The familiar voice of her roommate confused her and for a moment she was caught between the real world and the one of her dreams.

  “Bad dream, huh?” Brooke asked.

  “That’s awfully rich coming from you,” Veronica groaned, untangling herself from her sheet and sitting up.

  Her roommate chuckled and tossed her blond braid over her shoulder.

  Brooke woke them all with her night terrors from time to time. It was a good thing their other roommate, Trinity, had a good sense of humor. She had trained the other two to turn Brooke’s occasional middle of the night scream-fests into an excuse to eat ice cream sandwiches on the fire escape while she regaled them with tales of the officers and their foibles.

  Trinity was the computer tech genius for the academy. Brooke trained the cadets in hand-to-hand combat. And Veronica ran the K-9 training program.

  The three women shared a dorm suite in the former police academy building. With its rusted casement windows, asbestos tile floors and lack of air conditioning, the building had been determined obsolete, and the students were moved into the old monastery the department had purchased from the city two years ago.

  The monastery was undergoing a huge renovation so that it could be a cutting edge training facility for cadets.

  But of course, the old dorms were good enough for the staff.

  The women were probably lucky the academy could offer them a place to live at all given the economy.

  But Veronica still longed for central air conditioning.

  “Hope you weren’t trying to sleep in,” Brooke said.

  “Nah, I forgot to re-set my alarm,” Veronica replied. “Thanks for waking me.”

  She didn’
t have student training sessions until nine today. But the dogs thrived on routine. They fretted if she was late.

  Anyone who thought the Shepherds couldn’t tell time was a fool. Maybe they had an internal clock, as Veronica suspected. But certainly they knew that when the national anthem played over the loud speakers they should be eating their breakfast.

  In any case, she did not like to be late.

  She headed to the shower. There was still time for her own breakfast if she hurried.


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  About the Author

  Tasha Black lives in a big old Victorian in a tiny college town. She loves reading anything she can get her hands on, writing paranormal romance, and sipping pumpkin spice lattes.

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