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A Simple Autumn: A Seasons of Lancaster Novel

Page 10

by Rosalind Lauer

  “I hate when that happens,” he said earnestly.

  “And maybe I’ve said too much already.”

  “Don’t say that.” He understood how it felt to be at a loss for words. But right now, despite the thick beating of his heart, he was able to speak. Knowing that Annie cared for him, he found the words.

  “It’s okay. We’ll talk about it later,” he said, looking down at her and smiling from the heart.

  Even Jigsaw gave a blustery snort of approval as Annie clapped her hands together and sighed. “Oh, Jonah, thank you! My heart is singing with joy.”

  Mine, too, he thought. And it was a beautiful song.


  Hannah?” Annie called from the mud porch, letting the screen door slam behind her. The news of her talk with Jonah bubbled inside her, and she would have dashed right into the house if her shoes weren’t caked in mud. She slipped off her muddy shoes, lined them up by the door, and raced into the kitchen.

  Mamm stooped down at the oven, peering at a tray of biscuits. The table was covered with trays of cooling cookies. It was Lovina’s baking day for the tea shop.

  “Where’s Hannah?” asked Annie, slipping off her wet sweater.

  “She’s upstairs, fetching Mark from his crib.” Lovina straightened, hands on her hips. “And look at you, soaking wet. Don’t drip on the floor.” She took a dish towel from the counter and handed it to Annie.

  “Denki. I—I just got caught in the rain on the way home from Beth’s.” Annie dabbed at her shoulders and legs with the small towel.

  “I see that. And how is Beth?”

  “She’s feeling better. Out of bed.” She squeezed moisture from her dress into the towel. “This is still soggy.” Without looking at Mamm, she crossed the kitchen. “I’m going upstairs to change.”

  “Mind you and your sister head back down. I’ve got three dozen cookies to ice and only two hands.”

  Upstairs she found Hannah in the nursery, where Mark was toddling around carrying an armful of books while Levi sat on the floor, pretending to read to his cousin.

  Hannah’s brows shot up when she saw Annie. “You’re soaking wet.”

  “Ya, but I just had the most interesting talk with Jonah King.” With a grin, she bent over Levi and put her hands over his ears. “He seems very happy to hear that you’re sweet on him.”

  “You didn’t say that!” Hannah covered her mouth with one hand.

  Levi shuddered, pushing away Annie’s hands. “Your hands are cold,” he complained.

  “But my heart is warm,” she teased, turning back to her sister. “It’s wonderful news, isn’t it? And now that he’s going to be working for Dat, he’ll be around nearly every day. You’ll have time to get to know each other.”

  “It makes me a little jittery.” Hannah pressed a hand to her chest. “What do I say? I’ve never done this before.”

  “That’s why I’m here to help you.” Annie touched her sister’s shoulder reassuringly. “I’ve got to change, and Mamm wants us downstairs to help with the cookies. But tonight, we’ll talk. I’ve got lots of good ideas.”

  Hannah smiled. “I’m so grateful that you’re helping me, Annie. Maybe I won’t be an alt maedel, after all.”

  “Of course you won’t.” Annie squatted down so that she was face-to-face with little Mark. “Time to go downstairs. Do you want to help decorate cookies?”

  “Cookie, cookie,” he babbled.

  A pang of longing passed through her as she touched his smooth cheek. Would he remember his aunts after he was gone a year or so? It hurt her to think he’d be growing up without knowing this part of the family, but Gott had other plans for Sarah, Perry, and Mark.

  She would have to put her mind on other things, like helping Hannah. That was Annie’s gift. She enjoyed doing things for others, bringing soup to her aunt or keeping her little nephews occupied. She would put her mind on the good things that she could do, and trust Gott to heal the parts of her life that she couldn’t fix.

  That night, when everyone else was asleep, Hannah and Annie sat huddled together on Annie’s twin bed by the dim light of a lowered lantern. They had shared this room for a little more than two years, ever since Sarah and Perry married and took the larger room down the hall that used to be Annie’s bedroom.

  “You know, there are a few little tricks that you can do to bring out your natural beauty.” Annie reached over and tucked a stray hair behind her sister’s ear. They both wore nightgowns, long braids of hair hanging down their backs. Their prayer kapps hung on a hook on the wall, and Hannah had a quilt over her shoulders.

  “Like what?” Hannah asked. “Candy Eicher says you can pinch your cheeks to put roses in them. I tried, but it doesn’t last long.”

  “That doesn’t work,” Annie said. “But when you wash up in the morning, finish by splashing cold water on your face. It makes your skin nice and shiny.”

  “Okay.” Hannah pulled her braid over one shoulder and tugged it anxiously.

  “And your eyes, they’re such a beautiful shade of blue.”

  Hannah grinned, tapping Annie’s knee. “Your eyes are the same color.”

  “I know. And I’ve seen that our blue dresses are a very good match. They bring out the color of our eyes like nothing else.” Annie popped up from the bed and took the lantern to the closet. “Where’s your blue dress? You should wear it all the time.”

  “I think it’s down with the dirty laundry.”

  “Then we’ll have to wash it first thing tomorrow. You can borrow mine for a day, if you want.”

  “Denki, but I don’t mind wearing the green. Just for one day.” Hannah brought her knees to her chin, the quilt a tent over her. “Is this a sin, Annie? To try to look pretty?”

  “Of course not! We’re just trying to take care of the gifts Gott gave us. We’re not talking about painting you with makeup or anything. But you know, there’s a trick you can do with water. If you drink eight glasses a day, those little red bumps on your skin will go away.”

  “Just from water?” Hannah touched her skin. “I can do that.”

  They talked until they were both yawning. Annie promised to help her sister take advantage of any chance for Hannah and Jonah to be together. “Maybe you’ll just bring him lemonade. Or you can go out and groom one of the horses while he’s working in the barn.”

  “I’ll do as you say, Annie,” Hannah said as she spread the quilt on her own bed and ducked under the covers.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll help you every step of the way.” Annie turned off the lantern, staring at the light as it flickered to darkness. If this matchmaking was the right thing to do, why did she feel so hollow inside?

  She pulled the covers up to her chin, thinking that she was just feeling sad about Sarah’s family leaving this week. Ya, that had to be it.

  The next day, Annie didn’t have as much time as she had hoped for Hannah. Mamm and Rebecca were at the tea shop, and Sarah needed help packing for her big move.

  “This is a very strange feeling, to be putting my belongings in a tea box,” Sarah said as she and Annie pressed down on the linens and quilts to make room for more.

  Everything that didn’t fit in Sarah’s hope chest was going into cartons they had saved from the tea shop. Annie agreed that it seemed odd to see Mark’s little black pants and white shirts disappearing in boxes marked “Earl Grey” and “English Breakfast.”

  As Annie rose to gather more items, she saw Jonah outside near the barn. What was he doing? She paused near the window, and saw that he was rolling a wheelbarrow full of potatoes. Most likely on his way to the storage cellar.

  The man had to be working up a thirst. This would be a good time for Hannah to bring him a drink.

  “I’ll be right back,” she said, ducking downstairs to find Hannah minding the little ones. When she explained her idea, Hannah filled a glass with lemonade from a cooler on the counter.

  “Are you sure I won’t be bothering him?” Hannah asked.

/>   “Of course not.”

  “And what do I say? If he wants to talk or … what if he doesn’t have anything to say either? They call him the Quiet One, you know.”

  “Talk about the weather.” She put her hands on Hannah’s shoulders and steered her toward the door.

  “What about Mark and Levi? I need to watch them.”

  “Bring them along.” Annie motioned the boys toward the door. “Kumm. Hannah’s taking you outside for some fresh air.”

  Levi grabbed his hat from the low hook by the door, and Mark toddled after him.

  “See? It’s a piece of cake.”

  “I don’t see a piece of cake,” Levi said.

  Annie smiled. How she longed to run after him and give him a squeeze!

  Instead, she hurried back up the stairs. “Sorry! I just had to take care of—” She paused abruptly as she came upon Sarah standing against the dresser, a small object pressed to her chest. Tears ran down her cheeks.

  “Sarah! What’s wrong?”

  “This clock …” She extended her hands to Annie, showing her the timepiece with a square marble base. “Perry gave this to me when we were courting. An engagement gift. I was so happy when I got it, Annie. So sure that he was the man Gott intended me to be with. I still believe that, only …” Her voice quavered, and she paused to take a breath. “When I got the clock, I never thought it would travel so many miles from our home. I never thought we’d leave Halfway.”

  A knot formed in Annie’s throat, and she tried to think happy thoughts as she handed her sister a handkerchief from a pile that sat ready to be packed.

  “Sarah, honey! You’re going to make me cry, too.” Annie frowned, then took the clock from her sister’s hand. “Let me see this. How did Perry come up with the money to buy such a nice gift?”

  “He saved for months.” Sarah sniffed. “That made it so much more precious, to know he did that for me.”

  Annie nodded. “You got a fine man in Perry Fisher. I know it’s hard to leave your home, but you’ll make a home in New York, Sarah. Perry and Mark—that’s all it takes. Your own little family.”

  “You’re right. Look at me, such a crybaby.” Sarah dabbed at her eyes with the hankie. “Don’t think I’m sad, Annie, because that’s not it. My heart is full of hope over this journey. Our little family is going to be together in this new place. It’s a little scary, but I think it will make us a very strong family. In some ways, this feels more real than the day Perry and I got married.”

  Annie bit her lower lip to hold back her own tears. “This is a brave thing you’re doing.”

  Sarah shook her head. “Not really. We’ve got family to go to. And we’ll still be with Old Order Amish. It’s the life we’re committed to. Lots of things will be familiar.”

  “But your family won’t be there.”

  “That’s the hardest part.”

  “And I thought the hard part was getting all these things into boxes,” Annie teased.

  Sarah laughed through her tears, then opened her arms wide. Annie hugged her tight, feeling Sarah’s strength and hope like a halo that surrounded her.

  “Okay, then.” Annie pulled back and looked around the scattered clothing. “This will do.” She pulled out a pair of Perry’s socks and stuffed the clock inside them. “How’s that for padding?”

  When the packing was under control, Annie carried a box down the stairs and went to the kitchen. Where were Hannah and the boys?

  She peered out the window over the sink. Were they still outside? Maybe Hannah had struck up a good conversation with Jonah. She slipped on her boots and headed out to find them.

  They weren’t in front of the barn, so she wandered back past the silo and around to the storehouse.

  “Watch this!” Levi shouted. “This potato will go right in. Ready?”

  Annie rounded the corner just in time to see Levi throw something toward the storage cellar.

  Mark stood by holding a potato, and Jonah was tossing them fist over fist, down into the cellar. The boys seemed to be enjoying the game, but where was Hannah?

  “That looks like fun,” she said, joining them.

  “Annie …” Jonah tossed a potato straight up and snatched it out of the air. “We’re pitching potatoes. Want to give it a try?”

  She picked a potato from the wheelbarrow, squinted, and tossed it with all her might. It hit the wall of the storage shed with a clunk, then fell to the ground.

  “That must be a bad potato,” Jonah said.

  “More likely a bad throw. You’ve seen me play volleyball. I’m not very skilled.”

  His dark eyes were different today. There was a glint of humor there. “Ah, but you have a lot of spunk.”

  “A lot of spunk, and a bruised potato.” She picked up the potato from the ground and went to the edge of the shed to drop it into the bin. “Where’s Hannah?”

  “She went to find your dat.”

  “And she left the boys here?”

  “I told her I didn’t mind. They’re helping me get the potatoes into storage.”

  “But wait …” She looked around. “Did she bring you a drink?”

  “I sent her on to give it to Aaron. I saw him taking a break out by the woodpile, and he looked like he could use a little something.”

  Annie blinked. This wasn’t at all what she’d planned. And here was Jonah King in a talkative mood, with a few jokes up his sleeve. Hannah should be here to see this side of him.

  “Watch this!” Levi tossed a potato with his right hand, then another with his left. Both landed squarely in the underground bin.

  “Nice arm,” Jonah said. “This is good practice for baseball,” he told Annie. “And it’s good fun, too.”

  “Me throw!” Mark cried as he flung a potato in the air. It landed on the ground a few feet away.

  “A good try.” Jonah swept it up and lobbed it into the bin, and Mark ran to get another potato.

  Annie put her hands on her hips as Jonah stood at the wheelbarrow, shooting potatoes into the bin, one after another. The boys giggled and tried to do the same.

  “I think I should take the boys so you can finish your job,” Annie said. “But I don’t want to ruin your fun.”

  “They can stay,” Jonah said. “I’ll deliver them to the house when we’re done.” He paused, turning a potato in his hands. “Or you can stay. Practice your throw. We never did finish that talk yesterday.”

  “We didn’t?” She thought of her sister’s embarrassment that Annie might have revealed too much. Now poor Hannah was nervous. “Maybe I said too much yesterday. I hope you don’t think I’m pushy.”

  Jonah cupped the potato. “Not pushy.” He gave an easy toss and it landed in the bin. “But I hope you’re better at cooking potatoes than throwing them.”

  Annie smiled. Why did that seem like a challenge? “That’s for sure.”


  Bells jingled as Emma opened the door of the Country Store, glad to step in out of the rainy Thursday afternoon. Since her position in the schoolhouse kept her busy all week, she rarely worked in the family shop, but today Elsie needed her help. Dat and Caleb were off on a short buying trip, and the store was too much for one person to mind all day long.

  From the display window to the aisles of candy and fabric, the store was more dusty and gray than the original shop that had been opened by Emma’s grandparents. When Mamm ran it, the lively shop was a hub for tourists wanting craft supplies as well as crafts made by local Amish artists. But their inventory of art had dwindled over the years, mostly due to a decision by Dat after the bishop had forbidden him to sell art depicting Amish folk. Now the shop catered more to Amish women in need of dress fabric and tourists looking to pick up a quick pack of candy and bottled water.

  “Teacher Emma.” Elsie’s gap-toothed smile warmed her heart after a day spent dealing with children restless from rainy-day activities. “How was your day?”

  “Wonderful until a few little boys realized there would b
e no schoolyard activities after lunch.” Emma slipped off her wet coat and hung it on a hook just inside the back room. “I felt bad for them. It’s hard for children with so much energy to sit at a desk all day. Even when I break it up with activities, school doesn’t compare with the freedom of riding a plow with Dat or picking berries in the back fields.”

  “You are a wonderful good teacher,” Elsie said. “It’s not your fault that discipline is another lesson to be learned.”

  “Mmm.” Holding her canvas satchel to her chest, Emma took the stool beside Elsie. “That’s true. Some lessons are harder to learn than others.”

  “Did you bring papers to grade?” Elsie asked. “It’s been pretty quiet today, so you might get some work done.”

  “I have some student papers. And a project of my own that’s turning into an essay.”

  Elsie squinted, curious.

  “I’m writing a letter to Gabe. You were right, Elsie. It’s not fair of me to keep him at a distance because of who he is. He’s part of an Amish family in our district, and it’s not up to me to judge their behavior. That was the preacher’s message last Sunday, and I don’t know why it took me all this time to get it through my thick skull.”

  “You’re stubborn.” Elsie’s eyes sparkled as she reached out to touch Emma’s wrist. “But don’t forget the most important reason for that letter. You really care about Gabe and you want to be with him.”

  Emma sighed. “You have a way of getting to the heart of the matter.”

  Elsie shrugged. “When you see a flower bloom in the sun a dozen times, you figure out that sunshine helps a flower bloom.”

  Emma laughed at her sister’s comparison. “Are you saying that Gabe is my sunshine?”

  “I’m just glad you’re giving him a chance. Have you finished the letter?”

  “That’s the problem. I keep changing it, and changing it again. It’s become sort of like a poem and … well, that’s not Gabe’s style. He’s a man of the earth, strong and willful. A doer, not a thinker.”


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