Horsemen of Apolcalypse Island: Sin

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Horsemen of Apolcalypse Island: Sin Page 3

by Layne Blacque, Taige Crenshaw

  Even divine patience wore thin. Sin glared at his angry hostess and shrugged. “I know nothing of perversion other than the vile sludge among you who use children and animals for evil purposes. All I know is that I offer pleasure freely and that I never forced it upon anyone.

  "You on the other hand, know mostly shame, judgment and condemnation. You know about what the women of your world are expected to do, feel and behave. You know anger and pity and gossip from those who disagree with your deepest desires. You and your people fear being mocked, persecuted and abandoned. You fear this so much that you hide anything special and unique about yourselves. You hide your core, your edge, your Kundalini—all the things that make you truly great."

  Alana glared at him with enough venom to put down a king cobra. “Must be great being you. Knowing that no matter what you, you'll never die. That you can do anything, anywhere, to anyone, and that it won't matter.” She moved forward until only a whisper separated them. “I don't care what you are or where you come from, Sin. You're still as big of a jerk as any human man!"

  "And you are silly and spoiled!"

  He watched her recoil from the harsh words. It pained him that he'd stung her so badly. After an eternity among others like himself, he'd nearly forgotten how sensitive human women could be. “I'm sorry, Alana."

  She lowered her head until her hair covered her eyes. “You're as bad as my father."

  "How so?” he demanded.

  "Well, that's his answer for everything when he and I don't agree on something. Spoiled. He always calls me spoiled!"

  Sin smiled at her outburst. “Maybe he's always saying you're spoiled because ... you are?"

  "I am so—"

  "For God's sake!” Sin pulled the furious young woman into his arms and held her wiggling form against his body. Immediately his cock stretched and grew, poking her in the belly. “You are spoiled! And badly. Terribly so. You're so bad, in fact that I'm going to have to give you a spanking."

  Alana stuck her tongue out, threw herself across his powerful legs and accepted her spanking, the way every truly bad girl should. PAGE BREAK

  Chapter Four

  On Angelic Rebellion and Human Bondage

  On days such as this, when the divine and the mundane collided and merged, time seemed like a great magician—speeding up or slowing down on a whim.

  Alana Dorchester's perception of time told her nine glorious hours had passed since she'd first been touched by such a magnificent angel. But for Sin, who knew time to be an irrelevant construct, every moment he passed with Alana felt like the first—endless, infinite, everlasting.

  He'd finally exhausted the hot-blooded human, stroking her out to a bone-tingling climax that left her whimpering and begging for rest. Now, as she reclined in his arms and slept the sleep of the truly satiated, he thought of his past and pondered his future. Before he thought too much, Alana murmured against him.

  She shifted and looked at him. “What's wrong?"

  He was shocked that she had sensed his uneasiness. “Nothing. Go back to sleep."

  Confusion touched her eyes, and Sin knew he'd hurt her feelings. Leaning over, he kissed her sweet lips. He drew back and saw the warmth and understanding in her gaze. Something about this woman compelled him to want more than a quick fuck. Sin did something he hadn't ever before. He shared what he'd experienced with a woman who he now viewed as more than a mere conquest.

  Touching her forehead, he whispered. “See through my eyes."

  Alana gasped. White light filled her eyes before they became glassy. Sin could feel her inside his mind reading all he had been before.

  Although he was eternal and could never die, Sin had never felt so powerless. Of all the Horsemen, he had been the only one to accept his fate—his banishment to the astral realms. For an eon he'd listened to his brothers carry on about the injustice of it all. He'd listened to them complain about how unfairly they had been treated.

  But how could that be so? Had they not disobeyed their master, setting down upon the earth like hungry, feral children, taking and eating their fill, seducing all the women of the land? Had they not listened to their rebellious cousin, Evil—that lovely demon, the beautiful and wily liar?

  Go, he'd told them. Go out and take them all unto you—make them tremble before your unmatched beauty. Show them why they should bow down and worship you!

  Sin had known of the coming war. He'd been told about the battle that would rip apart the heavens and spill out onto earth making it a battleground. He'd known of the plan to overthrow the Great King, but still he'd stood by and done nothing. Instead, he'd chosen to allow his jealousy of mankind and his wanton lusts to drive him to a most despicable act—turning his back on his race. He should have been there when the war began. He should have stood at his master's side battling the forces that sought to destroy his elder brother, the only Horseman who deigned to stand at their father's side: Love.

  Gazing through Alana's eyes, Sin saw his eyes become overcast, cloudy dark blue mirrors into his wounded psyche. The memories tortured him, the screams and the blood and the smell of rampant fear.

  When he and his brothers had first touched down on earth, they were mighty and terrible, displaying their great strength and power with an arrogance that even the Evil One had admired. They'd marched along the earth, making their way into villages and camps, forcing the men to hand over their wives and daughters. Oh, how the pretty girls had shaken and squealed in the faces of their husbands, begging to be let go, pleading to be allowed passage. Yet once their protectors were removed, all of these women had become like starving dogs—fighting over the Horsemen's powerful flesh, each demanding to be the first one chosen.

  Before the famine and disease afflicted the land, Sin and his brothers had each chosen lovers from the various tribes. These warrior women gave birth to the giants, the first men of renown. These great men—some as tall as ten feet—had commanded the first earthly armies and built the lands—literally moving mountains, shifting oceans and destroying any enemy civilisation in their way. Many of these same men later attempted to capture and destroy the Horsemen.

  The new creatures with their wispy hair, luminous skin and bright, empty eyes frightened their own mothers. In those days, it was not unusual for tribal elders to banish these children into the wilderness or place them in the desert to starve. Others were killed outright as a safeguard against them growing up to declare war on their own villages.

  Those of this strange, new hybrid who did survive became the fiercest of warriors. They were said to prefer fresh, hot blood to anything cooked, often ripping apart live deer and sheep for sustenance. Some were rumoured to be cannibals who stalked the tribes who had not yet scattered to safety. This race interbred and over time their offspring began to resemble humanity. Each generation grew shorter in stature and gained more human characteristics. Many of them were accepted into their ancestral villages though the wise men of the time watched their every move.

  But these warriors retained one attribute—the thing that still identified them today. They lacked empathy. These amoral beings possessed no love. They had no understanding.

  They became sociopaths and psychotics.

  When Sin and his brothers realised what they had done, after they finally understood what their hunger had unleashed into the world, they tried to make amends to their master. But it had been much too late.

  Angry that they would no longer be allowed to go back to their rightful home, the Horsemen ran roughshod over the earth. They purposefully seeded evil into communities, fathering terrible, soulless creatures. And for a while, at least, Sin felt justified. After all, he'd reasoned at the time, it isn't like they were the first to father tyrants onto mankind.

  While the battle raged, Sin and the others watched—but did nothing to stop the destruction.

  After several millennia, Sin grew bored. He had been everywhere that was anywhere and made love to more women than he cared to remember. Though still randy as eve
r, he still wanted to settle down a bit, perhaps find a permanent, earthly home. When he found Apocalypse Island with its comely women, unmarred nature and beautiful ocean, he and his brothers decided to settle there.

  And there they remained—until four angry men devised a spell to cast the Horsemen into the heart of a Cyprus tree.

  These holy men had not foreseen what the power of divine will could do. The Horsemen had been trapped, discarnate, with no way of getting free. Their master would not help them. Their evil cousin had only laughed at their predicament.

  Yet over time they'd found they were only bound by the physical rules of the spell. Though they'd displeased their master, he'd allowed them to retain their free will—a tactic used to cause great suffering and a longing for home, even in the midst of earthly delights. Once they realised they could project their spirits anywhere around the world, the Horsemen marched onward again, unmatched in their mastery over the race that had enslaved them.

  The entities sent forth energy to every inch of the globe, enslaving the people, whispering demands, and finally, possessing any and all who dared try to resist them.

  But a war soon broke out among the brothers, joining the elder to the younger, pitting the middle siblings against the world.

  Now, Sin and Lust—though amoral, insatiable beasts—stood together against Strife and Rage—for Strife and Rage schemed to do more than seduce the earthly populace. They meant to destroy it.

  The only way to stop the destruction would be to return to their master's grace. Sin and his brothers would have make amends.

  Had they not suffered an eternity already for the mistakes of their youth?

  Will our master never allow us to return home?

  Alana snapped back into her body. Tears streamed down her cheeks. He hadn't meant to make her cry. He was a being of pleasure, not pain.

  "Oh, Sin. I am sorry.” She placed her hand over the place where his heart should be.

  Her sorrow drenched his tongue like the bitterest wine. “Alana I do not mean for you to cry for me."

  "I must since you would not do it for yourself.” Alana's tears rained down her face, wetting her honeyed skin.

  She was right. He'd lost the ability to cry a long time ago. It was taken from him as so much had been. Watching this beautiful woman cry for him humbled him. As her crying slowed and stopped, he wiped the remaining tears with his fingers. Raising them to his lips, he blew on them. Then he opened his palm and diamonds rained down on her chest.

  The awe on Alana's face pleased him. Reaching for her, he kissed her. Alana murmured and fiercely returned his kiss. PAGE BREAK

  Chapter Five

  Unearthing the Soul

  Alana drew back and rolled away from him, getting off the bed. She looked at him, a gentle smile on her face he found intoxicating.

  "Let's take a walk outside."

  Sin looked out the window. It would be sunset soon. He hadn't stopped to see what changes had been wrought on Apocalypse Island. All his attention had drawn him to this woman in need. Now, he wanted to see if it was as beautiful as he remembered.

  Looking back at Alana, he replied. “Yes I would like that."

  She smiled and turned away.

  Standing, he asked. “Where are you going?"

  She looked back at him, confused. “To get dressed."

  Waving his hand he dressed her. Alana looked down at her clothes then back at him.

  "I don't think this is appropriate to go outside."

  Sin appraised the crimson scarves draping her body. They covered her and left glimpses of bare flesh that tantalised the eye. Alana walked to him, the scarves shifting over her body whispering seduction. She wrapped her hands around his bare waist, resting her fingers on the waistband of his loincloth. Sin lowered his head and kissed her. Stroking his tongue in and out, he gently mimicked the way he again wanted to have her. His cock sprang to attention. Alana gasped and stiffened.

  Holding her tightly, he whispered. “Shh ... hold me and you will be fine."

  He waited until he was sure she understood, then he glanced around. He looked across the way at the structure that was being built. The workers he had seen earlier were gone. He turned back to Alana and saw the awe in her face as he shimmered them out of the house. It thrilled him that such a paltry thing could give her pleasure. She reached out, touching the glass of her bedroom window as they floated past the house. Alana glanced down and he followed her gaze, taking in the floor way below. Lazily he floated them further away from the house.

  Alana laughed, a joyous captivating sound. Smiling down at her, he watched her take in everything as they floated above Apocalypse Island. He made them invisible and increased their speed. Alana gasped, then let out a rolling laugh as they whizzed around the island. Memories of the past filled him as he looked at the changes to the place he once called home.

  Rolling hills of lush vegetation dotted the land. Quaint villages stood in a glimmering backdrop against oceanic views, and exotic animals crept in the shelters of trees. An eagle flew past, pausing to stare at them. Screeching, it nodded its head in acknowledgement.

  Sin nodded and returned its greeting. “Sheeuuurrl."

  Alana looked at him startled. “You speak ‘eagle'?"

  He chuckled. “Sort of. Say it with me. Sheeuuurrl."

  Frowning, she repeated it with him. “Sheeuuurrl."

  The eagle screeched again and flew away.

  "That was fantastic.” Alana laughed.

  He lowered his head and kissed her. Alana's hands tightened around his waist. Kissing her lazily, his feet touched the earth. Raising his head, he looked into her slumberous eyes. Alana pulled away and ran laughing into the structure being built close to the water.

  Turning to gaze out at the crystal, clear water, the deity raised his face to the sun. He closed his eyes briefly and gave thanks for his freedom. Opening his eyes, he turned and started forward, only to stop when he saw Alana watching him. There was an intensity in her gaze he found disconcerting. Walking to her, he took her hand and led her inside the partially built structure. They walked for a time before finally stopping by an open area close to the water. Standing behind her, he wrapped his arms around her. She nestled against him. Silently, they gazed at the waves lapping against the shoreline. Alana continued to look intense as she turned to stare up at him.

  "I want to see you without all the power. I want to see the real Sin."

  His soul clenched. His tongue coated with something he'd first tasted the day he'd been cursed into the tree. Fear.

  She waited calmly for his decision. Trust was difficult for him. Trust had led him down the path he'd taken. It was that same trust that had imprisoned him and his brothers inside the tree for millenniums. This woman demanded a trust that he'd long ago vowed to never give again.

  Still, staring into her eyes, Sin could not find a way to refuse her.

  Slowly he tamped down his power. It scaled back like a soft breeze lowering until it was nothing but him. He watched her eyes and waited for her reaction. A feeling of vulnerability swamped him. It left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  Holding up a hand, Alana stumbled backward. Horror shone in her eyes. “Oh god, I don't want you."

  Sin's soul shuddered. He stood still as she walked back to him. Alana looked up at him. He waited for more of her condemnation. Suddenly, she laughed and hugged his waist.

  "The look on your face was priceless. Did you believe that you would be any less beautiful without the power that makes you who you are?” She looked at him searchingly. “Oh you did.” She reached up and cupped his cheek. “Sin what you are isn't about the power you wield. It's about what's in here.” She put her hand over his heart.

  A blast of heat filled him, warming his soul. Looking into Alana's eyes, he saw what she saw in him and again he was humbled. Alana stepped back and pushed on his chest.

  "Lie down and let me show you what pleasure really is."

  He sat on the wooden floor.
With a thought, he draped the area with plush pillows and spreads.

  Alana knelt beside him. Her hand pushed him down until he was lying on his back. Gently she pulled off his loincloth.

  Sin raised his hips then resettled as she removed his loincloth. Alana stared at his flaccid cock. She licked her lips and his penis stirred and lengthened. She leaned over, allowing her hair to tickle his stomach and his erection. She looked up at him as her hot mouth sank onto his raging arousal. Sin's head fell back as she sucked him inside her mouth. She enveloped him barely halfway in before the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat. Alana hummed, setting off sensations that made his cock quake and his toes curl. He grabbed her head holding her against him. He had been with many women in his lifetime but none had taken him in the raw. None had ever stripped off his powers.

  Alana murmured and sucked strongly on his cock. Her mouth created a sensual vacuum that pushed him toward fulfilment. His cock sank deeper between her lips. She hummed. Sin groaned, clenching his hand in her hair. Bucking his hips, he heard her choking. He stilled, dropping his hands to his side—shivering, fighting for control.

  Taking harsh breaths, he heard her let out a rolling purr. He arched off the floor, throwing his head back as harsh ecstasy filled him. Alana's strong suction coaxed the releases burning in the base of his cock. She slid her mouth off his cock, raking him with her teeth. Sin hissed. His hands scrambling for something to hold onto, he gripped the silken cloth below him as she continued her tortuous glide on and off of him.

  Alana stopped, with only the head of his straining shaft in her mouth. She released it with a popping sound. A gust of hot breath scorched across the tip of his penis. Sin roared and bucked in fever. Her heated mouth covered him again in one greedy gulp. She took him deeper into her mouth and Alana purred again deep in her throat. Pleasure scorched him, sending him over the edge into a rip-roaring orgasm. The little power he'd used to keep his cock size maintained burst under the blast of heat. He shuddered as he heard her exclamation of surprise. Looking down through bleary eyes, he realised his tool had shifted back to its massive proportion.


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