Horsemen of Apolcalypse Island: Sin

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Horsemen of Apolcalypse Island: Sin Page 4

by Layne Blacque, Taige Crenshaw

  Wrapped both hands around his tremendous cock, she sucked on part of the head. Her hot hands barely reached around its girth. Alana put her mouth over the eye of his penis and sucked down his thick cum—eating greedily. Guttural sounds tore out her throat as she worked.

  He watched the fierce ecstasy in her chocolate gaze. A wicked smile curled her lips. Sin groaned as she gently bit his tip. He spurted again and threw back his head. His hands fell weakly to his sides as his body pulsed. Alana continued to suck, demanding more.

  He collapsed against the silken sheets. She softly kissed his cock. Groaning, Sin tried to still the spasms still racking him. After sometime, he calmed. A cool cloth pressed against him and he jumped. Glancing down, he saw that Alana was washing him with his loincloth. The look of hunger on her face made him quicken again. With a thought he shrank his cock to her fit. Alana looked at him and shook her head.

  "No, this is for you. Enjoy,” she purred.

  Sin refused to be denied. Raising to his knees, he took the cloth from her hand and threw it to the side. He lifted her and impaled her again on his erect penis. Alana released a wanton sigh. Sin watched her, marvelling at how this human woman had given him heaven. Rolling his hips, he kissed her, swallowing her ragged gasp. Though she'd humbled him with her unselfishness, he was about to give her a thrill she would never forget.

  Locking his hands in her hair, he pulled her head back. Leaning in, he put his lips against the pulse fluttering in her throat. Then, he ran his tongue over it. Biting down, he flicked his tongue and zapped her with his Sinner's Delight. Alana screamed, shuddering uncontrollably. Her pussy clenched, undulated and tightened around his cock. Smiling fiercely, Sin set out to brand his touch into her skin, embodying his soul inside hers.

  Alana tried to think but pleasure bombarded her too fast for her to form coherent thought. At the feel of Sin's bite, she bucked. Suddenly, a sizzle licked from where he'd bitten her all the way to her clit. Alana gasped as her pussy contracted wildly around his shaft. The gorgeous god rolled his hips in a devastating motion that caused her heart to sputter. Alana screamed as pleasure such as she had never known hit her.

  "Ohhh...” She closed her eyes gripping his shoulders.

  Sin thrust upward and his hands tightened in her hair as he pulled her down. He murmured along the side of her neck, using words in a language she did not understand. He shifted, his hips moving in a faster motion. His cock scraped all her walls leaving nothing untouched. His hot breath wafted along her skin. He clenched his hands in her hair. There was slight pleasure-pain as her neck stretched. His tongue burned a path down her throat leaving liquid fire in its wake. Alana tried to understand the sensations bombarding her but they swept her under in a tidal wave. Sin rolled his hips again. Her pussy clutched at him, demanding more and more of his hard thrusts.

  Sin continued his sensual mastery. His rolling purrs tingled along her skin. Moaning, Alana clenched her hands into his shoulders. Sin hissed then thrust hard. Pleasure coasted through her. Screaming, she bore down, taking him deeper. Sin pumped feverishly. Shuddering, she rode the orgasm as it continued to pulse through her. His thrusts continued as he rode her pleasure. Slumping forward, she tried to relearn how to breathe. Distantly, she sensed Sin standing and lifting her. Then the feel of silk was below her back. Relaxing, she dimly realised she was in her bedroom. She grazed a kiss on her forehead.

  "Sleep, Alana,” Sin said.

  She was too drained to fight him. Sliding into sleep's comforting arms, Sin's body pressed along hers.

  * * * *

  Alana jerked awake as Sin lifted her. Murmuring, she sighed. Sin lifted her, bringing her down, with a gentleness that was more devastating than if he had impaled her. Alana widened her legs sinking all the way to the base of his cock. Sin's hands gripped her hips holding her still.

  "Don't move, Alana.” His tone was urgent.

  She remained still. Her eyes widened as Sin's cock twitched inside of her. Wetness flooded her, soaking them both. Still he did not move. Pressure built inside her. Along with it came the instinct to shift. Sin held her hips still.

  Frustration ate at her. “Move."

  "Tantric.” His voice was intense.

  Confused, the she looked at him, almost not understanding. Tantric sex. She saw the sweat beading on his forehead. He took a deep breath and released it, holding his body absolutely still. Mimicking him, she breathed with him. Before long their breathing synchronised. The pressure built within her. Sin rested his head on hers. They gazed into each other's eyes. He breathed deeply, his hot breath stroking her lips. She breathed with him. Their breath intermingled while their souls synchronised.

  Alana gasped as powerful orgasms flowed over her. His cock twitched inside of her pulsing with his release. Sin groaned a harsh rolling sound. Watching his eyes, she saw them go opaque and then blind as the pleasure pumped from him. Her pussy convulsed wildly over his cock. She closed her eyes letting the sensation of it fill her.

  Sin opened bleary eyes and watched her face go slack with pleasure. Breathing deeply, he allowed the release to overtake him. Alana moaned and tried to move. Pressing her body to his, he held her still. Within a moment, her keening wail filled his ears. Her pussy contracted against him wildly. Then, she went still.

  The amorous deity had never known a pleasure such as this. Being engulfed within this human who'd shown him so much in their short time together had shown him what true sin could be.

  As he watched her sleep, a dark dread crept through him.

  When he'd regained corporeal form that morning, he'd been so taken with Alana that he'd scarcely thought of what had become of his three brothers. If they, too, had resumed physical form, they were, doubtlessly, up to no good.

  Where in the world are they? PAGE BREAK

  Chapter Six

  Secret Pleasures and Other Realms

  Alana wriggled in his lap, grinning at the feel of his raging hard-on pressed against her ass. Sounding feeble, she'd begged for a time-out. “Please, Sin. Give me a little break. Tell me about heaven,” she prodded. “Tell me about hell."

  "All right. I'll allow you a brief rest.” He squeezed her closer, and any hint of his erection disappeared. “In fact, while you rest, I'll take you behind the veil. I'll show you whatever you like."

  "Really? How can you do that?"

  "The power to travel the astral realms is within all of you. Even your house pets have the ability to explore the galaxies.” He grazed a warm kiss upon her cheek before he continued. “The Father never intended for you to lose sight of Him. Early on your race was known for stepping out of your physical bodies to commune with the Creator."

  The more Sin spoke, the more relaxed and peaceful she became. Though his erotic skills were indeed supreme, Alana found she enjoyed talking to him almost as much as she liked feeling him inside her. In fact, the two sensations were almost the same. Sin had a way of making her feel complete with a touch, or a word. “Tell me what happened. Why can't we see the master anymore?"

  He sighed. “You may see Him whenever you choose. It's just that many of you have forgotten how to meet Him. So many of mankind's more spiritually attuned turn to drugs, alcohol and even sex addiction.” He chuckled. “Yet none of these things will ever compare to meeting the source of all."

  "How do we get there? How can we meet this source?"

  "Oh! Well it's the simplest trick of all—and a stronger drug than anything your doctors or dealers could prescribe.” Absently, he caressed her nipples. “The secret is breath. Breathing. Pranayama."

  Alana rolled her eyes. “You mean like yoga?"

  "From what I've seen, at least in the West, yoga has gone from a spiritual practice to an exercise regimen.” He smirked. “But yes, extreme forms of bliss and wonderful out-of-body experiences can happen during yoga and meditation."

  Alana stretched out on the bed and closed her eyes. “Will you show me how to do it?"

  "Where you do you want go? What do you
want to see?"

  Several moments passed before she was prepared to give an answer. Finally, her voice shaking, she whispered, “I want to go everywhere. I want to see everything."

  Sin leaned over Alana and kissed the very top of her head. Slowly, he traced his lips downward, administering the same kiss to her forehead.

  She should be feeling very drowsy, now, but wholly relaxed.

  Now that Alana's crown and third eye were activated, he continued the process, grazing steaming kisses onto every part of her body that enfolded the chakras: her throat, heart, solar plexus, navel and vagina.

  When he administered the last kiss Sin pulled Alana's hand into his. Her breathing had become deep and rhythmic; a cloak of shimmering lavender now surrounded her naked body. Without warning, Alana's hand twitched, or rather, Alana's etheric hand moved and clung tightly to his. He stood pulling the hazy vessel from its shell sending telepathic words of encouragement.

  "Sin?” Alana blinked twice, looked down at her body and began to cry. “What happened to me? Am I dead?"

  Humans not used to astral travel usually reacted with great fear when first parted from their physical body.

  "You're still very much alive."

  She looked down at her spirit-body. What she saw made her eyes grow wide as saucers. “I was naked when I feel asleep. Now I'm fully dressed!” Her face seemed to jump between confusion, fright and excitement. “How did that happen?"

  He drew her close and enfolded her hand into his. “Would you ever think of boarding a plane while naked?"

  "Hell, no!"

  "Then why ever would you assume that you'd travel through astral realms while nude? Most people imagine themselves wearing their favourite clothing—nice jeans, by the way,” he laughed. “Others, those who like to think themselves more spiritually attuned, prefer to project wearing robes or gowns, usually bright robes in hues of gold, purple or blue."


  "Oh,” he teased. “I've seen quite a few of your people—I think you call this type exhibitionists—traipsing through the veil in all states of dress. Or undress."

  "Yeah? Do you guys laugh at them? Not that you could get away with it, Mr. Loincloth."

  "Ha, ha,” Sin laughed. “I've never laughed at nude projectors. We usually ignore them. It's obvious they want to be seen. Some of my cousins, though—darker, nastier entities—have been known to mess with soul travellers."

  Her voice was a whisper. “How?"

  "Mostly practical jokes like transposing weird clothing or objects onto various body parts. But sometimes bad things happen. Just because you leave your body here on earth doesn't mean dangers can't find you. There have been a number of assaults, rapes and murders. Soul snatchings, too."

  Alana paled and instinctively looked down at her vulnerable body. “Could I ... Could I die up there?"

  He caressed her cheek. “Nothing will ever happen to you when you're with me. I promise."

  She reached out to touch him, and Sin could tell she was surprised when her hands didn't go through his body.

  "I'm kinda scared. But I'm excited, too."

  "You don't have to be scared. Just conduct yourself the way you would in life, and you should be fine. Be kind and polite to everyone we meet and ignore or avoid entities and travellers who give you bad vibes."

  They embraced, and for a moment, they stared into each other's eyes.

  Finally, Sin gave her one last tip.

  "The only thing that may worry you, at first, is this: In the astral, all your thoughts, all your wishes, all your worst fears, can and often will take shape. But no matter what happens, Alana remember that you have control over everything you face. You are not without defences. If someone, or something, attacks you, know that you can fight them off, sometimes with just a thought."

  Something akin to mischief danced within Alana's dark eyes. “All right, all right. Enough with the lecture. Beam me up, Scotty!"

  * * * *

  If your every idle thought could take form and come to life, would you try to stop thinking? Or would you go into thinking overdrive—wishing your will into action, conjuring up your favourite singer or re-imagining yourself as anyone or anything you wanted?

  Perhaps you might take a walk on the moon, make love atop the Statue of Liberty, or pop into the Hollywood Hills to sneak a peek at your favourite movie star.

  That night, Alana did all of these things.

  In her entire life, she'd never experienced such calm, such complete, whole peace, as she did when they climbed—or flew—onto Mount Everest's apex.

  Soon they flew higher, dancing among the stars, floating into the vast infinity of space.

  Eventually, they came to stand before a magnificent door that seemed to materialise out of the ether of the galaxy. When Alana reached out to touch the crystalline door handle, Sin shook his head and urged her back to his side.

  "We cannot enter, Alana."

  "Why not?"

  He looked upon the entrance with longing. “My father would not like it. I have not visited this place in a very long time and will not attempt to do so without permission."

  Before she could make inquiries, the door disappeared, and once again, the soul travellers stood among the stars.

  In a blink of an eye, they went around the world and other places in between. Though Sin had tried to explain how time worked—or didn't—in the astral, Alana couldn't grasp his meaning until she found herself standing in Disney World one moment and ogling the Eiffel Tower within the next.

  Often when they passed other travellers, she tried to reach out to them, to converse about this outstanding experience. “Why won't she talk to us, Sin? I said ‘hi’ like five times, but she won't talk to me."

  "She's a sleepwalker, Alana. She probably doesn't realise where she is.” Sin took her hand, and together, they approached the woman with the sleepy eyes. “See how slack her face is? She doesn't even know she's here."

  Moments later, she experienced something even more troublesome than the sleeping projector. For whatever reason, her subconscious had gone into overdrive, getting the better of her, taking her to a place she wouldn't ordinarily visit.

  Her mother's gravesite.

  "I didn't want to come here,” she whispered.

  Sin touched her arm. “Some part of you did."

  "No!” She flinched away and wrapped her arms around herself. She needed protection against the memories and pain.

  Alana looked around the cemetery and saw that not everything was as it appeared to be. Somehow, all of the other plots had disappeared, almost as if they had vanished into the soil. When she looked back at her mother's gravestone she saw that it had grown up and out, taking on epic proportions, morphing into more of a monument than a tombstone.

  An anguished howl lurched from her throat, and she fell to her knees. Slowly, she ran trembling fingers over the words etched into the stone.

  Here lies Mariel Lindquist Dorchester

  Beloved Wife and Mother

  Born July 28, 1952

  Died January 10, 1984

  Though Sin stood only a few inches behind her, a hollow loneliness seeped into her heart. “This is only the second time I've visited her grave."


  She closed her eyes, stilling herself before answering. Otherwise she would have choked upon the violent, unshed tears that threatened to erupt from the depths of her aching soul. “My father wouldn't let me. Mommy ... My mother died when I was five. She killed herself."

  "I'm sorry, Alana."

  "Yeah, me too.” Feeling steadier, she opened her eyes again and looked at the grave. It seemed to be shrinking as she spoke, returning to its true dimensions. “My mother killed herself on my fifth birthday because her German father refused to come to my birthday party."

  Sin approached. He reached out to comfort her.

  But she reeled back. “No. I'm all right. It's her. It's her fault. She wasn't all right. She hated the fact her family would never accept
her black husband and child.” She laughed, a nasty, maniacal giggle that kept her tears at bay. “Silly woman. She got mad because her daddy was finally visiting the States and wouldn't come to see her. She had a breakdown in front of me, my friends and most of the neighbourhood. Then, she locked herself in her bedroom with a gun."

  This time, when Sin reached for her, she didn't push him away. She stood and buried her face into his broad chest. “She didn't love me enough to stay alive. She didn't love my father at all,” she growled. “And my father still doesn't love me. He gives me everything I ask for, but he's never loved me. He can barely bring himself to look at me."


  "Don't try to console me, Sin. Please.” She pulled her head back and looked into his eyes. Her stomach bunched into knots when she saw the pure love shining in them. Every time he looks at me like that, I feel like I could die happy.

  Already, she loved him. And for once in her life, she didn't fear any repercussion or loss.

  Sin brought her palm to his lips. “Let's go home."

  "Sounds good to me."

  When Alana blinked again, she found herself lying atop her bed. Sin wrapped his arms around her, and she drifted into unconsciousness.

  Chapter Seven

  Astral Role-play and Sexual Delights

  Alana woke just after midnight.

  She snuggled her backside against the body behind her, but a difference of form and shape alarmed her. When she turned to see why Sin's body felt so different, she saw she'd been spooning with a woman!

  Alana stared at her, sure this was the same woman she'd bumped into during her trip through the astral realms. But something was different about her now. Something had changed.

  And where the hell is Sin?

  The woman opened her eyes and spoke. But the voice she used sounded deeper than Alana ever would have imagined. And, it sounded familiar.


  "You're a woman, now?"

  "Well, I saw—"

  Alana shook her head. “If you're gonna wear a woman's body, then you'd better wear her voice, too. Otherwise, it's too weird."


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