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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

Page 35

by Larry Roberts

  Jack smiled. “And that is why it is taking them so long to take each system. The larger the army the slower it travels. Especially if you have to constantly find reaction mass for most of it.” Glad that a million ships were not going to run out ahead of the fleet leaving their one and only remaining Factory ship to be taken or destroyed.

  But then in the darkness of the lightless cockpit, he started seeing troubling things inside the hulks.

  Chapter 8; Lost Transports

  Admiral Halsey looked up from the report on his desk as the Comm chimed. “Yes! What the hell is it now?” Being an Admiral and Captain of a miles long Super tanker/transport called the Red Dwarf was a pain in the Ass when it came to getting Admiral Shit done.

  “Captain, the replacement Battletransport for the Tomato has arrived from its shakedown cruise around the system and requests a clear lock to come aboard to report and turn the ship over to us and the crew report in.”

  The Admiral/Captain turned around to look out the screen taking up the entire hull bulkhead of his office. The replacement Transport was hanging a couple miles off the Port bow of the Super Tanker/Transport. Shaking his head he still could not believe the stupidity of the Construction and Development Counsel of the Congress that had taken over the responsibility of designing battleships since half of the fleet was wiped out 6 months before. The Republic Congress blaming the Naval Design Borough for the battleship faults even though Congress had been micromanaging Battleship designs for decades know. Congress had insisted on taking full control of copying the enemy’s Battleship design as much as possible with the new Battleships coming off the production line that included several post Rim Battle changes that finally resulted in ten 50 foot thick solid laminated, 400 foot wide armored decks stacked 50 feet apart (totaling a thousand feet long), slapped onto the bow of the 300 foot wide 1,000 foot long Weapons (500 feet)/engineering (500feet) section of the battleships with Sixty, 24 inch guns on twin telescoping turrets that would peek out from around the fat shield decks to fire. The Battletransports had the same exact hull as the Battleships to speed up production but they had only 12 of the battleship’s heavy guns in a single ring at the stern with the rest of the gundecks turned into troop or refugee decks. The 50 foot thick solid armored decks had been hallowed out with hundreds of additional small 44 foot high cargo holds inside each deck. (‘At least they had listened to something he had suggested’. The Admiral had said to himself when he had first seen the new design before it was built.

  The new Battle Transports were just a cheap unarmored version of the same basic hull to reduce production costs. What the Admiral objected to was that the damn transport’s cargo carrying sections used the same 400 foot wide template for their 1,000 foot long cargo deck section even if the cargo decks were hollow and made from the standard light weight foam steel instead of armor and could carry twice the cargo of the original 300 foot wide Transport/Tankers. The fact that tankers were no longer needed with the Turner Drive did not help though the ship sitting in space before him had been made into the Transport version simple to cut the cost of producing the normal tank bulkheads that honey combed the tankers to keep sloshing reaction mass from changing a ships course. The problem was that the damn new Transports had only about 25 feet of clearance all the way around getting into the Docking/Maintenances Locks. But at least they could carry a lot of cargo.

  The only good thing about the new Battleships that had been coming off the production lines for some 3 months now was that with the new Turner Drive that required virtually no Reaction Mass, 75% of the ship did not have to be devoted to hauling reaction mass. Though the damn Guns were still little better than flashlights against the enemy Battleships no matter what the engineers kept assuring the Congressional Weapons Board about them being more powerful. Ignoring the fact that the damn guns kept burning out after only a few shots if they didn’t simply explode. Though the engineers had at least come up with a way to change barrels rather quickly.

  But then The Admiral could not get rid of the feeling that the Congressional Construction Procurement and Design Board that had taken over Battleship production after the massive losses 6 months before seemed to have something different on their minds than taking on the Enemy Battleships. What that was he had no idea.

  Shaking his head the Admiral could not believe that anyone could look at all the evidence Turner had transmitted to them from his battles and come up with the conclusions they had. After actually boarding an enemy Battleship hulk and even capturing one of them and rescuing tens of thousands of slave crewmen, the Lieutenant Commander had earned the right to tell the Republic what they needed to do, to defeat these monsters and yet the Congressional Construction and Procurement Board treated the information like it was the fantasies from a child and insisted in using only what even they admitted was information from scout ships and conjecture from before the disastrous battle over 6 months ago and the lying excuse ravings of the very Admiral that was responsible for the destroying half the Republic fleet. Even ignoring the information from the Navies own intelligence department and returning ships that survived the slaughter of the Fleet that confirmed Turners conclusions. Any moron could see that head to head slugfest battles were not winnable when they were so outmatched against the Enemy’s Battleships.

  The Admiral had to restrain himself from getting sick at the very thought of all the waste during the battle. Only the Battleships that had been equipped with the Turner drive upgrades using Gravity Coils stripped from the tanks of the Super Tanker/Transports like the Red Dwarf or married themselves to the Dwarfs had survived the slaughter simply because they did not run out of reaction mass when the Attack Fleet was finally ordered to retire. The shame as far as Admiral Halsey was concerned was that the Fleet Admiral’s Command ship had not been one of the casualties. But his was one of the first Battleships to get the upgraded engines and had stayed more than far enough to the rear to escape even if it was slower.

  This was the first time Admiral Halsey had seen any of the new Battleship and Battle Transport configuration with his own eyes and not just a vid. Bringing back his shock when the news of the massive defeat and loss of the fleet had finely settled in as reality upon reaching The Rock some 6 months before. Only days after he had managed to get his small fleet of surviving transports (he had brought back to pick up new grave coils to upgrade the engines of the entire fleet as well as the new 24 inch high temp weapons to rearm the entire fleet), through the blockade of an enemy Battleship fleet that had surprised everyone. Thanks to a kid that had spent 10 years growing up playing The Game and was a Tactical Genius that most people would dismiss as a simple Nerd. The kid had first ambushed an attacking squadron from a group of Battleship hulks and then set up multiple traps around the nebula cloud entrance. Giving the Republic their first and so far their only Victory’s.

  The news of the Republic fleet’s great slaughter had leaked only a week after they reached The Rock, sending the Republic’s government and population into panicked shock that they still had not seemed to have recovered from even though the enemy had not taken advantage of the massive win to quickly take over the rest of the Republic and had continued its slow march forward taking only two other systems in the 6 months since. Systems that the Red Dwarf and its sister ships had just finished evacuating.

  To say that the Admiral was a little pissed at the sight of the new Transport when the Red Dwarf’s First Officer continued was to say the least.

  “We were not expecting them for another week and the locks are still filled with most of the 824 Destroyers we picked up at Earth’s Asteroid reserve StorageStation and the new transport boats we picked up at the factory.” Shaking his head. “I still don’t understand why they didn’t man the DD’s with all the recruits we picked up Even if they are Earth trained. Or why they are just storing the DD’s away in one of The Rock’s Crevasses?”

  The Admiral turned back to face his First Officer shaking his head sadly. “The Destroyers were built
to help mollify the Republic’s star systems Presidents, Representatives, Senators and the populations into thinking that they were being defended even though all the Battleships were pulled out of their home systems. Each system now has all the Destroyers they have home defense reserve crews for at the moment with the Factory production out running the rate of the home defense crew training around the Republic. Having hundreds of brand new mothballed destroyers floating around a publicly accessed storage yard they don’t have crews for, even if it is in Earth System’s Asteroid belt, is not good PR.” The Admiral got an even worse look on his face. “As for the Earth trained crewmen, I wouldn’t even man the DD’s with them. They only have 3 weeks of Earth Bootcamp with no space training at all. Supposedly Earth’s Unions objected to more than 3 weeks of Bootcamp training.” Almost growling. Fact is all the Bootships have been mothballed at Q-19. The Colonies are no longer sending recruits for training. Congressional orders. They are using only Earth trained crews now since Earth has an overpopulation problem and needs to lose a few million of them.”

  Glancing at the Battle Transport again. “What can you tell me about the Captain on that Transport? I have not had time to look at his jacket yet since he is early.”

  The officer on the screen took a deep breath as he accessed his screen. “The Captain is Lieutenant Commander Burns, 24. He was the Boat Officer on one of the lost Battleships. Except for Task Force 58, most of the crews from TF-52 with only the old reaction mass engined ships managed to get to one of the Dwarfs during the retreat when the Battleships ran out of reaction mass. It seems he was a second Lieutenant at the time and was instrumental in getting the crew to safety with his Ship’s Captain recommending him for the Congressional Medal of Honor and promotion. He locked out the life boats from deploying without orders when the order to abandon ship was given since the lifeboats could not make the Dwarf on their own. Then in command of one of the shuttle Transports he made multiple trips to the Dwarf browbeating other pilots to do the same and even physically expelling pilots that refused to make runs back to the Battleship while refueling on the Dwarf. Then on his last trip back he programed the Battleship’s Auto pilot to turn around and collide with the enemy Battleship that was in the lead catching up to the fleet that had already destroyed several retreating ships. He also unlocked the lifeboats having had the crewmen waiting for transport, load them with heavy equipment, junk, and decoys. Programing them to launch and target the approaching enemy ships as the battleship launched the last of its missile decoys and was almost left stranded when he was late getting back to the shuttle from the auxiliary bridge.”

  “According to a report I read, one of the marines had to hold a pistol to the pilot’s head to make him wait for the Lieutenant. His shuttle landed with only a couple hundred pounds of reaction mass left and packed with over 500 sailors and marines. The Battleship and many of the life boats collided with the lead enemy ships but no one can confirm if any of them were destroyed though no other ships were lost due to direct enemy action after that. ” Shaking his head. “Though he has a few minor disciplinary entries, the promotion was approved, this is his first command.” Looking down as he tapped his screen the Commander frowned. “Over half of his crew are raw recruits fresh from Bootship A-schools or Spacehead Ensigns from ROTC Collage programs. Hell Captain, I wouldn’t let him dock without sending over a docking crew to hold his hand even if we had an open dock. He was in the replacement pool on The Rock and how the hell he got this assignment is beyond me. The ship should have gone to a Commander at least.”

  The Admiral closed his eyes taking a deep breath. “Get me Captain Burns on my screen and by the way how long has he been in command of the transport and on the shakedown cruise?”

  “Aaa, given command two months ago while still outfitting and 3 weeks on the shakedown cruise that was just around The Rock. Hell half our crew are more qualified than he is Admiral.”

  “Not for long Number One. You know we have had the last of the Bootship recruits training right next to ship’s company on the voyage here from Earth.” The Admiral shock his head with a sigh as he looked back down at his desk and the orders he had just received. “We are losing 90% of our experienced crewmen over the next couple of weeks.” Shaking his head. “I just got the orders an hour ago. They have decided to assign experienced crews early in battleship production trying to speed the battle ships deployments. Our experienced crews will form flying crews to teach the Earth Dirtbags how to be Spacemen. Transfering from ship to ship as they come out of the yards until they have finished their shake down cruises and leave The Rock’s Ocean (the space that was relatively clear of the cloud surrounding the Netted Dwarf, The Rock orbited). I am afraid I am going to hold on to you Number One, simply to make my life easier. You would not get your own Battleship anyway. Congressional Captain’s and Officers from Earth are taking Command of all new Battleships and have been for months from what I understand.”

  The Admiral took a deep breath. “Eventually I maybe be able to get you a Dwarf if they finally finish the 10 they have under construction. The old battleships that survived the last Rim Battle are still crewed with navel Captains, Officers and crews but are scattered around The Cloud to protect The Cloud. Though when I am able to get Turner Drive Engine upgrade kits for them, I have been using them as transports to Earth and the Colonies. With their Mass tanks empty they make decent transports. I am even starting to have them tear out tank bulkheads each time they get near a yard making them better transports. Though after having several in the Betelgeuse System ship yards at the same time having bulkheads torn out, I was given orders not to have more than 3 of them in the same system at the same time or even convoy them since they can defend themselves. Which worries me. The fact that they are not sending the Battleships to the Colony systems to protect them is starting to make my hair and skin crawl. Something is going on that is just wrong.” Shaking his head as he looked back up at his First Officer. “Sorry but I really need you here Number One.”

  A, none too happy, First Officer turned as someone off screen said something and then back at the Admiral trying not to sneer. “Captain Burns now sir.” He was getting to the point where he would even take the Command of a Transport. Though with the Admiral as the Official Captain, he was technically the Captain of the Red Pepper, just without the name or rank.

  The First Officer disappeared and the bridge of a Battletransport appeared with a dumpy looking, stringy kid with big black plastic rimmed glasses that did not look like he was 23years old, sitting in the Captain’s Chair. “Reporting as ordered, Admiral.”

  “You are Captain Burns?” All the Admiral could do was shake his head no in disbelief.

  “Yes Admiral. My orders say to deliver the Tomato to one of the Red Dwarf’s docking locks and turn the ship over to your skeleton crew Admiral Halsey.”

  “We do not work that way on the Red Dwarf or my fleet anymore. We found out the hard way, putting together a crew every time you want to launch one of the auxiliary transports takes too long even if you have a skeleton crew permanently assigned. Besides with the new massless engines, dragging perfectly good light speed Transports along in the Dwarf’s docks is just a waste of space. We are now set up for carrying 500 of the new 400 foot long Shuttle Transport boats and I plan on keeping it that way unless we need the Docks for repairing damaged ships. We can transfer cargo from the ships on the ramps outside the locks through new cargo tubes in the lock’s hatch a lot easier than having the ships in the locks themselves. Using the lock’s fold down decks for cargo handling. I have assigned permanent crews to the Dwarfs other 5 Battle Transports and I will do the same to the Red Tomato. So I don’t need you to dock inside one of the locks of the Red Dwarf. Fact is with the locks still full of DD’s and cargo boats you can’t even dock on the ramps right now.”

  Captain Burns frowned turning to the side. “Comm next drop time to The Rock please.” Taking a breath. “Very well Admiral, then we will be returning back down to The
Rock and the assignment pool again.” Looking around sorrowfully. “Well, this is a good ship Admiral. She will serve you well.” The Captain spotted something to the side of the bridge that made him chuckle, then turned to the Admiral. “One second Admiral. With a new crew it is best to take care of things before they turn into bad habits. Especially if I am turning the crew out to other ship Commanders.”

  Turning away Captain Burns took a deep breath. “Ensign Lot, what are you doing?” Captain Burns listened for a few seconds and then. “No Ensign, you calibrate the positive and then the negative side and don’t get in such a hurry. That is when mistakes are made. Follow the check list, you forgot to lock it in even though you were wrong.” Another couple of second’s as Burns watched the Ensign and then. “Not so much Ensign, back off a good 30% or our ship will get sucked up into the Dwarf when we land on the platform. Remember it is just for stabilizing the ship with the Dwarf. We are not starting a gravity field fight or jousting.”

  Turning back to the Admiral. “Looks like we go back up to the Battle-damaged Orange Dwarf they are rebuilding in orbit ahead of you and do it again Admiral.” Turning to the other side for a second as someone said something to the Captain before turning back to the Admiral. “You will find the Tomato in slip 43 Transport section G Admiral. We have time to make a few more practice dockings on the Orange Dwarf before our scheduled drop corridor opens up back down to The Rock. No sense in wasting good training time for the crew Admiral. Even if they are just going back into the pool.”


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