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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

Page 67

by Larry Roberts

  If the Admiral had been able to have a heart attack, it would have happened right then.


  Zoote flashed back into the Battleship Station’s Point defense targeting systems and promptly dumped all the crude attempts at fixes to what she had not had time to finish. Now she went to work adding every finger core scattered around The Rock and then the Battleship Hulks alien computers to help her as she immediately over clocked them all to a hundred times their rated processing speed. She knew they would burn out in only seconds but that was all she needed. Or at least all the time she had before the Torpedoes started hitting. She quickly finished the Battleship’s point defenses and as they came on line she noticed a channel the Gunsleds were using to coordinate their targeting on the torpedoes. Jumping in, she added the input from the Station’s point defense systems, greatly increasing their accuracy and hit probabilities. Then went up the Comms to the Red Pepper and the new combined ship the Bounty and reprogrammed theirs, getting rid of the dead wood programs that slowed things down. Turning the 5” and 3” guns on the sides facing Ditzen’s Battleship Squadron onto their point defense missiles launchers as the fighters and Destroyers rapidly circled Ditzen’s squadron as they fired their own upgraded 8 inch weapons into the Battleships 24 inch turrets.

  It took a fraction of a second (much too long in her mind) to find the channel to the Destroyers but she made it and gave the ship’s crew panic attacks when their weapons stopped working with a burp and then came back on. They were too busy to notice that it became easier to find and hit the 24 inch gun turrets as well as the point defenses they needed to take out to survive. The DD’s turret mounted 8 inch reduced to 7 inch guns (8/7inch) started jumping from turret to turret much faster, knocking out 24 inch guns as fast as they could fire instead of waiting precious seconds for slow target locks. The Captains of each of the Destroyers watching the big guns slowly turning toward the two unarmored transports while the smaller 5/4” (127/105mm), 3/2” (76/50mm) and 1” (25/20mm) guns took out the point defense guns and missiles with the help of the stern guns of both the Red Pepper and Paprika and bombers that suddenly got a lot more accurate and faster as well. The center mass tank positions on the DD’s that had been reserved for the big 16inch guns and their generators that were not ready, had been replaced in the last minutes with short range missile pods that were now firing hundreds of the small 2.75 inch diameter point defense missiles. Over whelming the Rogue Republic Battleships Point defenses.


  “Point Defense turrets and missiles back on line Captain!” The tactical officer shouted. “I don’t know why and I don’t know in hell how. Over 95% percent of the programing codes have been deleted and the new program is less than 5% the size of anything I have ever seen for a targeting program. The system should not even be able to run let alone target anything.”

  “Fifteen seconds until the wave of torpedo’s hit Captain. Way too many for us to take out even if the damn Point defenses are working as good as ever. Most of the hundreds that are left are past the gunsleds and too far away from the Red Pepper, Bounty and the fighters to help and are going to get through Captain.”

  Jack watched the mass of gunfire and point missiles streaking out toward the incoming torpedoes and said a little prayer to Godstar, keeping it simple. He could do nothing else. He couldn’t move the ship, slow or speed it up or turn away. All he could do was sit and wait for the end.

  Even noticing that the mass of fire flooding down around the ship had stopped. Now wishing it would resume in the hope it would have taken out at least a few of their own torpedoes as they crossed it but know even that little help was not possible. What was worse was that the gun fire not directed at them would be directed at the refugee packed ships.

  “Well this is a damn good mess you have gotten us into this time Turner.”

  Jack wiped around to see Pan and the Lieutenant walking into the bridge.

  “I thought we had him when he moved his squadron into the perfect place directly over the Station with the shield decks between the body of the Station and his squadron. I don’t know why we didn’t think he would use the same attack you pulled back at the first Hulk we assaulted some 7 or 8 months ago.” The Lieutenant said as Jack continued to stare at her. “Close your mouth. I said I was not leaving and I meant it Jack. I said I was going to follow you everywhere you went from now on. At least I don’t have to worry about you ditching me anymore after this.”

  Pan just stood staring at the screen. “It has been one heck of a fireworks show Captain and getting better by the second.” As the mass of torpedo’s rapidly closed as missiles continued to die at a rapid rate.


  Admiral Halsey looked up as the screens came back on and Zoot appeared draping a bare leg across the corner of his desk. A mass of torpedoes were headed for the Battleship Hulk only seconds away but at least the Red Pepper and what was listed as the Bounty were still in one piece without any signs of damage. He sighed with relief as he took a close look at the Battleship squadron. He could not believe that the 8 Battleships of Vice Admiral Ditzen were not firing any big ordinance as hundreds of bombers circled the squadron. With the destroyers drifting slowly between the Battleships picking off point defense gun turrets smaller than 3inch that were all that was left. The small point defense turrets spewing out streams of shots that did not seem to bother the destroyers as their turrets were picking them off one by one.

  The Bounty and Red Pepper were far behind the fighters chasing the torpedoes that were already fare from and rapidly pulling away and still accelerating toward the Battleship Hulk Station. Though now the Station was at least defending itself as he watched torpedo’s die by the hundreds in the last few seconds before the remaining torpedoes hit. Grimacing as tears came to his eyes.

  Suddenly Explosions ringed the Base Station from all sides blotting out all sight of it in their huge bright fiery star bright flashes.

  The Admiral buried his face in his hands knowing when the huge explosions disbursed there would be no Basestation left.

  “Admiral. The Station was not hit.” Zoote said with her voice dripping with disbelief.

  Halsey looked up half in shock that the AI sounded emotional and that she had to be wrong. Nothing could live through those black hole explosions. He had seen the tests on old Republic Navy hulks and asteroids himself. The Black Hole warheads never left enough behind to see after sucking everything within hundreds of yards into it before the coils finished collapsing leaving the explosion to distribute the Energy of all the mass that had been sucked into the artificial black hole to explode out like huge anti-mater bomb.

  “Admiral.” Zoote Continued. “As the hundred remaining torpedoes approached in the last fraction of a second, they seemed to be deflected away from the ship itself. The warheads hitting the cleared metal ring on the bubble around the ship or simply pushed away, around and back out into clear space where the defense guns took the extra fraction of a second to destroy them. If the point defenses had started even another half a second sooner, none of the torpedoes would have gotten close.”

  The Admiral stared at the still standing Basestation atop a mile round bright green bubble at its base as Zoot continued. “The 23 torpedo Blackhole warheads hitting the metal ring covering the main bubble around the ship seem to have created hundred foot wide craters clear down to the bare diamond surface of the bubble leaving incredibly bright hundred foot wide beams of light shining out from the bubble. The slightly concave surfaces are focusing most of the beams into spots thousands of feet from the bubble with the different mettles where each warhead had hit etching various colors into the Diamond crystal creating rainbow colored beams on most of them with some a bright solid single color. Admiral, none of this is believable. I must have over heated my cores and I am processing the information wrong. I must let my cores cool down before I can analyze what has happened and explain it Admiral. Not being able to do anything el
se for the moment, I have to admit for the first time that I am amazed for lack of any other word to describe it.”

  “I was afraid something like this would happen.” Jack’s voice came from the screen showing the Bridge or now Control center since it was no longer a ship but a Base Station. “The damn grav-mag rings incasing and containing the black holes in the warheads, allowed the damn navigation screens to deflect the damn torpedoes. I was afraid of this. The fucking torpedoes are worthless except for demolition charges.

  The Admiral sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. “Thank God for that little miracle.”

  Chapter 16; Saluting until it comes to Attention

  “You knew all along the damn torpedoes were useless.” The Lieutenant who had hugged him just before the torpedoes had hit, started beating on his chest tears streaming down her cheeks. “You knew all along we weren’t going to die.”

  “No I didn’t. But the issue did come up when we were designing the warhead but we had no better ideas at the time and we needed something. Though I have since come up with a few possibilities that just may work even better since then but I have not had a chance to pursue them.” Hugging her back. “I am sorry but I really did think our asses were cooked.” Turning to the Comm officer sitting with her hands shaking like a leaf. Get me that puke Ditzen on the screen when you can.” Jack wiped the Lieutenant’s cheeks with his hands and then sat down in the Command Chair. “Aaa. Lieutenant, think you could get me some hot tea. I need something to calm my nerves before that ass hole sees me shaking or something worse.”

  “You want your nerves calmed? I can always stun your butt and calm you down fast. I am going to be a wreck for a week.” She turned and stomped off toward the hatch. One of the crewmen ran over and puked sticking her head down the waste chute.

  “Captain. Captain Glenn, wants a situation and, a damage report Sir.” Her voice kept breaking as she found it hard to talk.

  “Put her on the screen Lieutenant.”

  The Lieutenant reached over with hands that were not quite shaking as bad and put Captain Glenn on the main screen.

  “Captain Turner how much damage have you sustained. We are headed that way to assist.”

  “None Captain. The Torpedoes where repelled by our shields and missed.”

  “What the hell? I saw the biggest explosions I think I have ever seen Captain. I am surprised any of the ship is even left yet… Aaa yes, I see the station sitting there seemingly undamaged but I don’t know how or really believe it.”

  “The armor seems to have protected us from the blasts but we will have to take a better look when we get time. Right now we have to continue with Plan C unless you think one of the others would work better. We have pulled the claws of the wolf pack and now we need to separate the leaders and save the pack if we can. Now how many casualties have you had while disobeying orders to frag the son of a bitch?”

  “Vice Admiral Ditzen on hold Captain.”

  “Surprisingly the Battleships never got a shot off at either of the ships or as far as the destroyers and bombers, no dead but 16 are wounded with two in surgery as we speak. One critical I am sorry to say. A couple of the bombers are damn near totaled. We may have to junk at least one of them but the Chief will take a look at them later. The destroyers have only minor damage. The 20 feet of armor on the knife edge of the arrow shapedhull with that new Ceramic Diamond coating, sloughed everything off with only a few point defense turrets damaged. Plan C does sound about the best with the Assault ships still undamaged. I wonder why they did not participate in the attack. A Squadron of our fighters went right by them within spitting range and they did not even track them with their defense turrets. They could have knocked a couple dozen out at least if they had wanted to as close as some got. I am glad they are acting friendly but with at least 20,000 Marines in them, I am keeping my ship as far away from them as I can. I gave the same orders to the Red Pepper. Returning to the cloud where I can track them and keep an eye on the Battleships.”

  “Yes they did seem to get farther away from the squadron while I was talking to the Vice Admiral. Assault ships usually stay as close as possible to the heavy’s for protection. I hope that means the ship’s Captains aren’t part of this and were just following orders. We will find out shortly. Out.” Glancing at the Lieutenant that was no longer shaking but looked exhausted. “Put the Admiral on the main screen Comm.”

  “I am filing charges for attacking a Republic squadron and a superior officer Captain. You will surrender immediately and turn over the Gama Station and all the slaves to me.”

  “I am sorry about your losses Admiral but you fired first as you well know which we recorded. We had no choice but to defend ourselves. We have more advanced medical facilities than yours using technology from the ex-slaves if you will allow us to shuttle your most critical patients over before you dock when our inspection teams arrive. It will take you at least 12 hours for your maneuvering thrusters to get you here with your main engines knocked out.”

  “Fuck the wounded. I ordered you to surrender and turn over the Station and the slaves to me immediately. I will decide what technology we use from our new slaves. Traitor. As for your recordings, they will not survive long enough for anyone to see them. I control everything that goes in and out of The Rock. Now surrender before I send my two Marine divisions down there to take the Station.”

  “Enough with your crap Admiral. I am coming up there with the inspectors and if you are Vice Admiral Ditzen and your ships are Republic ships, then you can dock and your squadron and marines can take shore leave as long as they conduct themselves in a civilized manner. This is Vice Admiral, acting, Jack Turner; Commander of the Gama 13 Basestation. Your superior officer while you are in the Transport Basestation’s Control zone. Out.”

  The screen went blank and Jack got up and headed for the hatch “You have the aaa Station Number One. Make sure everything is ready for Plan C, though I was not planning on having to go up and do the damn inspection. I am not going to allow that ass hole to let his own crewmen die from lack of care.” As the Lieutenant turned to follow. “No, stay here…” He said to her.

  “Like hell I will. You don’t have the authority to disobey Admiral Halsey’s Orders Vice Admiral, acting. It is stupid for you go up there by the way, where he can arrest or even kill you.”

  Jack rolled his eyes and continued out of the hatch. “He shouldn’t have anything that can touch our new battle suits. Don’t worry. We will take a few of the new Mechs and remote bots with us just for show. I have not included them in any of my reports yet since we just developed them so they should be quite a surprise for the little Napoleon. Besides it should make quite an impression on the Battleship’s crew without risking any of ours for them to kill or providing possible hostages.”


  Jack looked out the ports of the Assault Shuttle’s little bridge as they approached the Admiral’s Battleship the Detroit Epsilon and realized that it and the squadron were the new built battleships that copied the Spider ships with armored decks in the forward half and the gun decks at the stern. He had heard about them but had yet to see one but then he noticed that each of them had little differences in their designs. On some the forward decks were the same size as the stern gun decks while on the majority of them the shield decks out front were wider than the stern offering more protection. Even the number of guns seemed to be different on the two basic classes of ships.

  Jack could only shake his head as he made note that not one battleship had the squadron markings on it of any of the other battleships. Though he had already known that, the mechanical differences of the 8 ships just brought that home. Seeing it just drove home how desperate and far out on a limb the Vice Admiral had to be. Command would have sent a single full squadron of at least 12 ships with all the ships the same build to make maintenance easy and that had trained together enough to not be scattered as haphazardly around the area as these were. Command would also have
included at least an Assault Carrier with support fighters and at least a section of Cruisers to go with them and the Assault Transports that did not even have a Dock landing ship for the Assault boats needed to assault anything substantial. Not even a combat supply ship to supply the marines for operations that lasted longer than a few days. No this smelled like someone’s clobbered up fiasco though even then it had to have had some kind of support at The Rock.

  The Destroyers were just finishing deploying between the Squadron drifting where their engines had been knocked out and the 4 Assault Transports with their 20,000+ Mech Marines that had not moved since the Battleships engines had been taken out. Hundreds of Human and Ex-slave piloted Fighters and Torpedo bombers were flying in squadron sized formations scattered around them for additional intimidation. Not that the Republic Mech Marines would be any match for Jack’s Spider God Mechsuits. He just didn’t want any additional complications or the risk of having to kill Republic marines that would be needed in the future. Hundreds more fighters and bombers along with the 910 armored Gunsleds with thousands of Apes and Human marines had already landed back on the Newly enlarged Basestation to get where they needed to be if the expected guests started arriving early. Weather they came as fiends or foes.

  Jack looked back at the Basestation still surprised that it was still there. Though it looked even more like an umbrella at the beach with the much widened table top armored decks the exslaves had been working on for the last month. The armored decks having been widened from about 2000 feet across to almost a mile (5000 feet) wide using material from hollowing out each of the 50 foot thick solid armored decks with several personnel decks honeycombed into them. The lower half of the top deck (with the upper 25 feet remaining solid armor was in the process of being made into a commercial retail deck 20 feet high. Jack was still in awe of how fast the 5 lower mile wide decks where hollowed out with each solid 50 foot thick deck now divided into four 10 foot high or two 20 foot high sub deck compartments, since they were not needed as armored decks anymore. The use for the new decks as well as the now 100 foot high space between the main decks was still being debated. With heated arguments about what to use the mile wide decks for. Most felt that using them for farming was a waste of space with the huge mile wide bubble scabbed on between the big 100,000mile wide bubble and the Hulk Basestation providing plenty of crop space that was still only half used, though it was expanding rapidly as earth plants to feed the humans was added. They wanted to turn the ex-shield decks into warehouse and factory decks for the ship docking births Jack was having added to the outer edges. While others pointed out that the two hulks once attached with the Ape hibernation decks turned into living quarters, they would need the additional farm decks to feed the hundreds of thousands of inhabitants (possible a million) even though at the moment they had far less than a hundred thousand with the bubble providing plenty of farm space for all including the humans once crops started harvesting.


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