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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

Page 90

by Larry Roberts

  “But Admiral the lieutenant cannot be this ships Commander. He is only a lieutenant Junior Grade and has no connections and only graduated from the stupid Nave Academy last year of all the low life schools and then he was 3,021 of 4,000. Besides you can’t be serious. I tried to save the ship from that uneducated moron. Even I am more qualified to be an admiral than he is. There is no reason why I should have to even listen to him let alone obey him while he is trying to destroy my ship.”

  “Now listen to me you little turd. That ship was never your ship Commander, it is the Navies. And someone better than you decided Turner earned his rank and as an Admiral of the Fleet he can destroy any ship under his Command if he so deems it necessary for any reason he can think up and he does not have to ask for your permission. It is also none of your business who we put in Command of any ship or boat or craft in this entire fleet and now you have wasted 1 minute of your valuable time before you are declared a deserter so I would suggest you get your fucking butt in gear and get out of that ship before I send the SP in to shoot your ass dead and don’t forget to tell the Lieutenant that he is now a Lieutenant Commander and has Command of DD-1701.” The admiral cut the connection.

  Tapping his intercom to his Adjunct. “Captain, I would like you to have someone check into the record of DD-1701’s First Officer. I like what I saw of the Lieutenants actions and how he handled the crew on Turners run here from this New Home Basestation to bring us the supplements before we lost many more crewmen. Ignore his current commanding officer’s ravings and marks I just relieved of command. I want the boy advanced to Lt. Commander if at all possible and then give him the ship. While you are at it review the flight record and give me recommendations on the crew and the flight as well as thoughts on how Admiral Turner managed to do what he did. I think you will be impressed by more than the fact that the engineer was able to get 157% thrust out of those engines without destroying them and must be some kind of record. Promote him as well. And by the way. As I said, I just dismissed the Commander of 1701. I have sent him to sickbay under guard. Please check and make sure he gets there and have him hunted down and dragged there if he doesn’t. He is now a test subject for the supplement they will be testing to save us from that fucking nutrition pill. Any questions you don’t feel like answering yourself, send me an E-mail, I am going to be a bit busy for a while. Out.” Without waiting for an answer he cut the screen.

  The Admiral sat back and found himself comparing both the hanger bay recording repeating itself and the flight across the cloud trying to figure out what was so similar about the two recordings that was tickling his mind. And then it hit him. The Admiral was using his eyes and reacting to things he saw. Not things he could see because no one could possible see anything through a ships bulkheads or tell the difference between one person and another just looking, that the Doctors couldn’t see with their sensors. No not just difference but that one out of many was so sick they were about to die. And on the wild run across the cloud he had seen what the sensors could not see long before the sensors had a clue. Impossible.

  Shaking his head he rubbed his eyes. How does one see things he can’t possible see? Then he remembered Halsey saying the kid had saved the fleet right out of the stocks the first week he was piloting when he saw a Nebula cloud bank in time for them to go over it when the sensors couldn’t see it. The very same Nebula cloud bank a week later that had so devastated TF-58. Killing tens of thousands and destroying several ships that had barely been holding themselves together after the battle.

  Then the movie flashed into his mind that had been bouncing around the Earth Entertainment Channels that was supposed to be based on the unofficially released secrete battle report of the battle that had almost captured the first Spider battleship but had rescued thousands of slaves and given Earth the first facts as to who the enemy was. Showing the hero running from deck to deck, battle to battle across the ship, always showing up just in the nick of time to save the battle or to prepare the defenses in time to slaughter the enemy making surprise attacks no one had a clue about. Always doing exactly the right thing at the right time to buy the refugees the time they needed to get off the ship with all the technology and prizes and then even rescue his own rear guard troops that had been cut off and trapped. As did everyone else, the Admiral simply thought it was pure fantasy. Only now with the back door contact established with The Rock through some Alien Republic super comm and Admiral Halsey. Then reading and viewing the reams of reports that Admiral Halsey had down loaded to him about what had happened in the War since the battle and TF-58 got stranded, he now knew most of the movie had been more fact than fiction. And again it boiled down to Turner’s seeing things no one could possible see. Even the top secret report on the Cloud battle where Turner had hunted down an entire fleet one by one always knowing exactly where each enemy ship was when he couldn’t possible have known even with control of the torpedo mines and their sensors scattered around the cloud.

  The Admiral sat back in his chair letting it recline even though that was not what he wanted it to do as he tried to wrap his mind around the impossible truth that could not be true.

  The Admiral’s intercom beeped. “Admiral, Doctor Warmfeld with Alien colleague and Admiral Turner with his Aides are here at your request sir.”

  ‘Shit!’ He had not wanted to see them together but what could he do now. If what he suspected was true, seeing the Doctor first was a waste of time if what he thought was true and only give Turner time to prepare. Even if the good Doctor believed him. Tapping the video to his reception room, the waiting group flashed up on his screen with the 5 officers taking seats. The big Green half naked Redhead alien taking up most of one couch getting a frown for a few seconds as she fanned the front of her wide open coverall open and closed several times exposing way too much.

  Shaking his head then rapidly thinking for a few minutes, the Admiral had to smile at the simple plan he came up with. Going to his book shelf and taking one of the ancient coffee table books about old Earth ships of Earth’s seas. The Admiral propped it up on it bottom edge with its hard covers and pages spread wide apart on his desk facing him. The almost two foot tall hard cover book blocked all sight of the desk in front of him. Checking to make sure there was nothing behind him that could possibly reflect the image of anything he did to anyone standing in front of the desk he smiled. Blanking his mind to make sure his face stayed deadpan he tapped the cabin recorder on and then the intercom as he glanced at the reception screen with Turner slouched down into the soft chair snoring. “Aaaa. Have the female pilot and the green redhead make themselves comfortable out there then bring the Doctors, Mr. Turner and you in and line up just inside the hatch and stand at attention until I am ready to proceed.”

  The armored hatch that completed the active electronic and sensor shielding that surrounded the cabin opened and the ship’s Chief Medical Officer and the Alien Doctor stepped in following his aid and lined up across the front of the Cabin just inside the hatch and came to attention. Turner was nowhere in sight. Looking at the reception office screen he saw the Lieutenant shaking Turner, waking him up while trying to pull him out of his chair. The Lieutenants voice coming through the open hatch telling Turner to wake up, the Admiral wanted to see him, as she slapped him across the face a few times. Turner finally stumbled through the hatch rubbing his eyes and then it closed.

  Admiral Spencer sat with his hands hidden behind the upright book for several minutes with his mind and face blank. The officers’ manor or expressions did not change, except Turner’s eyes closed as his head started nodding down and jerking back up. The Admiral recalling his days in boot camp catching a couple of winks at attention in ranks.

  When he started snoring again the Admiral’s jaw dropped. Picking up the large book he slammed it down on his desk on its back sending a gunshot through the cabin. Turner’s eyes flew wide open as he jerked back to attention. “Wake up Turner! What the hell is your problem?” Not really wanting an answer
. “Now pay attention and stop wasting my time.”

  Turner shook his head as his eyes fluttered as he licked his lips and swallowed then fought down a yawn. “Yes Admiral.”

  A few minutes later with the book back up on edge across his desk and no signs of any kind of reaction from any of the officers in front of him, Admiral Spencer slowly made his fingers walk across his desk behind the book and up the two spread pages of the book as Turner shook his head again and rubbed his face and eyes with one hand trying to stay at attention. His eyes going to the book that he had been ignoring.

  Getting pissed with his fingers half way up the book as Jack’s eyes went back to looking straight ahead to where they were supposed to be when at attention. Admiral Spencer turned his hands over and raised his middle finger curling down the others into a fist and gave two perfect universal, “FUCK YOU!” signs that no one could possible see but himself and started dancing them across the two pages of the book from one side to the other pointing them at Turner.

  Suddenly a movement out of the corner of the Admiral’s eyes caught his attention as the Lieutenant on the screen suddenly stood up and took a couple of steps staring through the bulkhead with her mouth open wide in shock. The Admiral realized she had to be looking at his hands

  Jack’s started to raise his hand to cover his mouth as he tried to stifle a yawn. Jack’s face suddenly grew a smile as his eyes glanced down and saw the Admiral with his fuck you fingers behind the thick book cover dancing. Jack froze with his hand halfway up as he finished the yawn. The other three officers remained dead pan faced though their eyes glance around the cabin and at the Admiral’s face once in a while wondering what was going on but after the first glance at the big book never looked at it again.

  Jack quickly wiped the smile off his face as he finished dropping his hand to his side but the Admirals (fuck you) fingers started crazily dancing back and forth doing the Cha Cha and several other dances behind the book and Jack turned his head to look away as another smile crossed his face before he could bight his lip and put a frown back on his face as if nothing was happening and face forward again.

  The Lieutenants head stopped with her face against the blank bulkhead next to the hatch as she stared.

  Then Admiral Spencer’s fingers started chasing each other across the desk catching and beating each other back and forth for several seconds and then they started fucking each other in turn and Jack already fighting a smile let out a chuckle as he turned his head again to look away as the other officers turned to look at him puzzled.

  The Lieutenant shook her head as a big worried smile came to her face and said. “My god the Admiral has gone crazy. Not sure who to look at as his attention turned from the Lieutenant’s words from his side screen or Turner trying not to laugh and not being very successful at it as he kept glancing at the back of the big book.

  The Admiral slammed the book shut on his desk with a loud bang bringing Jack back to attention and the Lieutenant took a step back. Slowly Admiral Spencer stood up and walked over to Jack standing next to his Aid without a comment and stared at Jack for a good minute.

  Then. “You have something you wish to tell me Vice Admiral Turner?”

  Fighting a yawn…“Aaa. Yes. In fact I do Admiral.”

  “Good let’s hear it.”

  “You must have Admirals coming out your ass Admiral. I respectfully request that I be relieved from Command of the resupply operation Admiral so I can devote the proper attention to running my ship sir. I have had to neglect my crew far too long now and their training and operational fitness has suffered because of it. I simply cannot do both at the same time. Sir.”

  Admiral Spencer’s mouth dropped open. “Are you fucking kidding me Turner? Every boot ensign wants to Command their own fleet. They think they can do a better job than anyone else. I don’t believe you only want to be a Captain.”

  “Actually you are right Admiral. The only thing I wanted when I joined was to be a battleship’s pilot. Then I found out our battleships suck purple donkey dicks.” Turner grimaced and then continued. “I have command of the best ship and crew in the fleet, the Red Pepper. The only thing better would be captaining one of the DD’s I designed, but I would trade…”

  “What the hell do you mean DD’s you designed? What DD Design. Some pathetic piece of shit you slapped together in The Game to hunt down Pirates. We are not hunting down pirates in converted armed Cargo ships Turner.”

  “Excuse me Admiral.” The Admirals Aid said still at attention. “You had me check into the background of Admiral Turner sir. The Vice Admiral is credited with designing the Ion Engines the fleet is now equipping new Battleships with according to the latest reports we have now received from Admiral Halsey. He is also credited with designing the DD’s that we lost three quarter of the squadrons of and the ones now on our outer landing decks and patrolling. Admiral. Though the DD’s Admiral Turner has shown up with have been modified.” Looking at the Admiral before returning his gaze forward. “Admiral Turners DD’s have 16 inch guns mounted on them in place of some of the mass and cargo tanks with some kind of mass scoops. Sir.”

  Without even glancing at his aid, the Admiral stepped back. “You designed both the Ion Engines and the DD’s?” Shaking his head. “Too bad the only way the DD’s could take out an enemy Battleship is to ram them at a fraction of the speed of light which most of them did. I still can’t believe most of them deliberately collided with Spider Battleships along with our half destroyed Flag battleships to buy us time to escape.” Taking a deep breath. “As for having plenty of admirals, Turner. The fleet’s flag Command ships had a lot of extra armor on them increasing their weight by 50%. Another Political decision by politicians not wanting to risk the Admirals they supported with the rest of the Battleships. Career Admirals were not given a choice as to Command ships and when the fleet was ordered to withdrawal, the heavy Flag Command ships fell behind until most of them were too far behind to rescue the crews. The heavy armor had one advantage and most of the Task Force 58’s Flag ships, which we had more than is believable, were able to survive long enough to make head on plunges to take out at least one Spider Battleship each. No, you are not the only one that has destroyed Spider Battleships but you are our only Ace. The rest did not survive their only kill.”

  Taking a deep breath and sighing. “Now. Why the hell would you want to Command a Worthless DD. You have a suicide wish Turner?”

  “Actually Admiral, I would rather pilot a DD like the Phoenix I have modified sitting outside your upper hanger or even the new ones that are just starting production. With 6 of the new 24 inch upgraded guns and new Ion engines. A fleet of them would knock the damn Spiders Battleships on their asses, without having to collide with them.”

  “Turner we already know our 16 inch guns are shit and the 24 from what Halsey has said are shit as well so you are talking shit. Even you used the damn God Guns you captured from the enemy to take the damn Spider Battleships out according to the reports I have read over the last few days.”

  “Yes and No Admiral. My 16 inch guns did just as much damage as the God Guns to the stern sections of the Spider Battleships. We have upgraded them to blow clean through the Crew and weapons section of their Battleships. The upgraded DD’s will have the speed to get around behind the enemy God Battleship’s shields and the 24 inch guns with crystal linings reducing them to 16 inch guns can destroy their week assess in a couple dozen broadsides. With a hundred advanced DD’s working together, we can take on and defeat a good sized Spider Battleship squadron. When the enemy fleet now approaching and circling the Cloud starts to break up into small 5 to 10 ships squadrons, we can take them out one at a time.”

  “Yes I heard Halsey say an enemy Battleship fleet is headed this way. But as far as your 24 inch guns doing any damage. You will have to prove that to me Vice Admiral.”

  “Very well Admiral, if you will follow me I have will arrange a…”

  “Just stop right there Turner. You think
you have changed the subject so I would forget about what you can see with your eyes. You can just bury that idea this instant. You are going to tell me the truth about just what you can see with your naked eyes and it better be the whole truth and nothing but the truth or I will have you taken out and shot and then thrown out the airlock.” Taking a deep breath as he stuck his nose against Jack’s. “Do I make myself perfectly clear Mr. Turner?”

  Doctor Warmfeld turned to Admiral Spencer. “Admiral you are sounding crazy sir. What do you mean his eyes? They are just like everyone else’s eyes Admiral.”

  “Shut up Doctor.” Without looking away from Jack. “Out with it Turner. Now!”

  “Aaa, yes sir.” Jack swallowed hard. “Aaa. But sir. Admiral Halsey ordered me not to tell anyone Admiral.”

  “I knew it.” Smiling. “Now since my last star out ranks Halsey’s by a good year and have a Combat Command and not just a Transport Command, I suggest you answer my question Turner and don’t leave anything out.” The Admiral stepped back around his desk and sat down. “Out with it.” The Lieutenant had returned to her seat glancing at the cabin off and on as she picked up a magazine and shook her head baffled but not hearing what was going on with nothing strange to see she went back to reading.


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