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Sophie's Journey: A steamy adult romance (Eternal Flame Book 1)

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by A. J. Milton

  “Oh yes, Alex… mmm….” she said and I felt her orgasm flow gently through her.

  We lay there for a while still feeling so at one with each other and with nature. “I like this sort of sunbathing,” she giggled.

  “You’re just damn hot anyway,” I replied. We stayed in that idyllic spot a while longer, just talking and enjoying the moment. Then we retraced our steps. Luckily, we didn’t come close to any other people because we hadn’t thought to bring any tissues and had to wait to get back to the wipes in the car. So, Sophie left her panties off and was going commando under her short denim skirt. The last of my juices were still obeying gravity and trickling down her lithe tanned legs. I did offer to clean her up with my tongue, but she laughed and said it made her feel well used in a good way.

  “I’m your exclusive personal little slut,” she grinned.

  “You are a wicked brat,” I said. “But I think you mean just a little bit more to me than that!”

  She playfully punched me on the shoulder, and then held my hand as we walked slowly back to the car.

  A traffic jam on the motorway delayed us a bit, but we passed the time reminiscing about our diving holiday in Dahab and all the nice dives that we had shared. I asked Sophie if she had been in touch with Yvette, and she said that they had exchanged a few emails but that was it so far.

  “She seems nice, and I know you enjoy practicing your French. Keep in touch with her,” I suggested,

  “Yes, I plan to. And talking about other women… Are you up for meeting Suzie sometime if you come to our house? Be warned… interrogation will not be optional!”

  I laughed and assured her that I was quite happy to meet Suzie and face a cross-examination.

  “Oh good. If you do it might just calm her down and reduce the endless nosey questions I’m always getting!”


  We finally got home in the early evening. It had been a lovely couple of days, but it’s always nice to return to the warm comfort of home and one’s own bed. I got some fresh fish fillets from the freezer and popped them into the oven for dinner. Once we had washed and changed we sat down for a nice simple meal and a bottle of cool, crisp white wine. I put Sophie’s birthday music onto my iPod and chose the softer playlist while we ate and talked.

  We retired to bed early and enjoyed some gentle and pleasurable mutual oral sex. Then we cuddled and talked until it was time to sleep.

  Chapter 8


  ~ Sophie ~

  I arrived back at my student house around lunchtime. It was quiet and nobody else was around, which saved me from Suzie’s questions for a bit longer. I loaded the washing machine and then went upstairs to check my study schedule and do some preparation. I ended up daydreaming for half an hour or so, revisiting the weekend and my continually developing relationship with Alex.

  It’s just perfect! Is it too perfect? We’ve never had a row yet. Can it be normal to be so in love and have no negatives at all? OK, I’m still ignoring the fact that I must tell my parents sometime soon, so maybe that counts as a big downside. And the sex has been perfect… how can that be? Can I stay this lucky for much longer?

  Come on girl, snap out of it. Time to get some work done.

  I loaded up my laptop and concentrated on researching my next piece of coursework. A while later the sound of the front door and loud boisterous voices announced the return of my housemates. I guessed the girls had been out at the pub or the student’s union. I carried on studying for a while, but when I snuck out of my room to put my washing in the drier, Suzie pounced.

  “Gossip is mandatory on Sunday’s,” she insisted. “I need your next instalment now!”

  I groaned as she dragged me into her room and almost threw me onto her big beanbag while she lay on her bed and looked questioningly at me.

  “C’mon then, what’s your Colonel Brandon been up to now?”

  “Suze, this is not a Jane Austen story, it’s the twenty-first century and it’s all happening in real time! I’ve had a great weekend with him and enjoyed myself. So, what else exactly do you want to know?”

  “Every detail of course! Rach and Fiona haven’t done anything new and exciting for weeks. You are the hot topic around here… so tell me all about your weekend.”

  I knew I wasn’t going to get away without giving her something, so I gave her a rundown of the weekend without too many of the most intimate details. Suze, you are certainly not going to hear about my sexual ‘firsts’ this weekend. In the end, she was more put out by the fact that I hadn’t shown her my new Little Black Dress in advance and demanded a quick viewing.

  “Oh gosh, you do look gorgeous in that. No wonder he was impressed by it,” she said. And she was particularly pleased that he had agreed to meet the girls when he next visited me here.

  Having finally satisfied my nosey best friend, I could get back to my studying until dinner time. Although I did have to repeat a watered-down version of the weekend to the other girls while we were eating. But he is so worth it. The rest of my week was quite tough work. I had a new lecturer for one of my courses. He seemed all right but was clearly the sort to push the students fairly hard. I suddenly realised that he was close to the same age as Alex, but there the resemblance stopped. I couldn’t remotely imagine fancying him. Which I guess is a good thing!


  I tried to get to the gym at least three times, as part of my new-found enthusiasm for keeping fit so I could enjoy even more outdoor pursuits in the future. The week suddenly vanished and it was Friday afternoon. Alex was coming around tonight and was going to have to face young Miss Marple in all her persistent nosiness! I closed my study notes, but I had some time to spare so I wrote an email to Yvette to ask how she was and tell her that Alex and I were still going strong. I wrote it half in English and half in French and asked her to correct any grammatical errors that I made. Then I closed my laptop and went to get showered and ready for my man.

  Suzie and I were sitting in the kitchen sharing a beer when the doorbell rang. The other girls were going to some themed night at the student’s union and were upstairs getting changed. I gave Alex a big kiss and invited him in. Here we go... lamb to the slaughter. Suzie said hello cheerfully but was otherwise quite polite and restrained. Alex was his normal relaxed self and didn’t give any hint of feeling like the rabbit in the headlights, but then he didn’t know Suzie as well as I did!

  We walked round to the local pub, which was decent if uninspiring. The food was good value although it was mostly burgers and barbeque as the pub catered largely to the local hard up student population. We ordered some food and found a table. A couple of our student acquaintances gave us a strange look as if to say, ‘Who’s the older dude?’, but nobody bothered any more than that.

  Alex finished his half a pint and ordered a coke.

  “Oh no, none of that,” said Suzie. You can’t make us look bad drinking that stuff. Have another pint!”

  “If I do, I’m not going to be driving home tonight,” said Alex.

  “Sorted,” insisted Suzie. “We can find you a bed for the night, can’t we Soph?”

  I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, yeah, thank you Suze!”

  “Good,” said Suzie. “Let’s do some real drinking and talking.” We talked about various stuff while we were eating, but once we were finished and on our third drink, Suzie started her interrogation. She asked him about his work and his family, and then she asked if he had been out with any other younger women.

  “No, this is my very first time with a noticeable age gap.”

  “Hmm…” said Suzie, “so what’s the youngest girl you have ever slept with?”

  He looked her straight in the eyes and replied, “Younger than both of you.”

  Suzie’s jaw dropped, “What !!!?”

  “You did ask.” He kept a very straight face. “Actually, it was long before you were born, and I’m not going to share any more details about losing my virginity tonight.” And then he
grinned at me and we both burst into laughter at the look on Suzie’s face.

  “I suppose I did deserve that,” she said ruefully. “OK so long as you are good to my girlfriend here, then I guess you are OK with me.” And after that, we went back to much more casual and mundane conversation until closing time.

  When we got back to the house, the other girls were still out. Suzie, as usual, was slightly the worse for wear after having one extra drink too many. She hugged me goodnight, and then ‘whispered’ in a loud voice, “He’s OK, but no screaming too loud tonight girl.” And then she staggered upstairs. We looked at each other and smiled. We sat in the kitchen and waited a few minutes for Suzie to finish in the bathroom. This house does have a downstairs WC, but only one bathroom. Debt-laden students can’t afford executive housing! Even what used to be the dining room was now Fiona’s bedroom.

  I hung my ‘Do NOT Disturb’ sign on my bedroom door. We had just two sacrosanct rules in that house. One: you don’t take any labelled food from the fridge, and Two: you never ever ignore the ‘do not disturb’ sign unless the house is on fire. Anything else was fair game and household chores followed the rota but could be modified by bribery, blackmail, or anything else that devious young minds could dream up.

  Suitably secure in my bedroom fortress it was time for some one on one bonding with my lovely man. It was going to be a cosy night because my bed was only a large single. I needed the space to make room for the desk and other furniture. But if that meant enforced close proximity to Alex, I would just have to grin and bear it.

  I squeezed out of my tight jeans and then chucked the rest of my clothes on the chair, and slipped into bed. Alex did the same, turned off the light and we pressed up close to each other. I tenderly wanked his cock and his hand slipped between my legs to tease and explore. We hardly needed any foreplay that night, as we were both wet and lubricating in just a minute or so. I opened my legs for him and guided his cock inside me. We have normally left some light on previously so we could watch each other, but this time we were in almost total darkness. Just touching and listening gave a different perspective to our lovemaking.

  I was so horny anyway and my first climax came in just a few minutes. I don’t know how he makes me come so easily but this chemistry was just awesome. It was one of those soft and gentle but relaxing orgasms, and I purred like a contented and well-fed cat feeling him inside me, listening to his passionate breathing, and running my hands over his body. He kept moving slowly inside me and I was just floating on my back in a warm gentle ocean swell of pleasure and love. A little mini orgasm made me hold him tight and whisper my love into his ear. Then he started thrusting a little harder as his own passion tipped over the edge. We came together at the end as he planted his seed deep in my quivering pussy.

  Just as we were snuggled up together ready to drift off to sleep, we heard Rachel and Fiona arriving back at the house. There was some muffled laughter and shushing as they got ready for bed. And then the house was quiet again.

  In the morning, Alex stayed for a coffee and a slice of toast before he left to go home. He briefly met Rachel over breakfast, but neither Suzie or Fiona made an appearance. Well, it was Saturday and still before lunchtime!

  ~ Sophie ~

  The next few weeks passed quickly. I was truly stuck into my coursework, but I saw Alex whenever we could get together.

  I exchanged quite a few emails with Yvette, and we were getting on well. She repeated her suggestion that Alex and I should visit her in France. I replied that it would have to be during the summer vacation period, and I would talk to Alex and let her know nearer the time.

  But as the summer holidays were getting closer I had something entirely different to worry about. I had a feeling that this coming weekend was probably going to end up as a major stress-out. It was getting close to the end of the term. Last year I had gotten a temporary job near my parent’s house and stayed there most of the holidays. I knew my mother would expect me to do the same again this year, but instead, I was hoping to be spending time at Alex’s house and maybe even going away with him somewhere for a trip, as well as maybe going to France. So, the ‘seeing Alex again’ conversation was inevitable, but I doubted that spending so much time with ‘cousin’ Alex was going to unremarked. Under her soft exterior, my mum is quite a sharp cookie and when I arrived home it didn’t take her long to ask the question I had been dreading.

  “Sophie, dear. When are you coming back to stay for the holidays?”

  The trouble is that I’m basically an open and honest person. I had obscured the truth from my mum on that previous occasion. I didn’t want to lie outright to her, so I knew that the time had come.

  “Uh… I’m not sure Mum. I’m probably going to stay with Alex for a while in the hols. So, I may not be back here for so long this year.”


  “Yes… We’ve become friends, very good friends.” I could feel the heat in my face. And my throat was dry.

  “Sophie, I know you too well. What are you not telling me?”

  “Oh Mum, don’t be mad, please. But I’m in love with him, and we’re… sort of together now.”

  “Stop. Wait. You mean Alex. Katrina’s husband, who you went on holiday with?” Her eyes were wide and her mouth set in a straight line. I sighed inwardly.

  “Yes, Mum. He’s a really nice guy. We have lots of common interests and we get on really well.”

  “But… he’s twice your age. Or more! He’s probably older than me. Did he take advantage of you when you were away? What sort of a man does that to a young girl?”

  She was getting very worked up now. I tried to calm her and give her a reassuring hug, but she pushed me away.

  “Sophie Peterson, what on earth do you think you are doing? Surely you can’t defend his actions?”

  “Mum, please. I’m a grown woman now. I can make my own decisions. You’ve never questioned my choice of boyfriends before.”

  “But this is a married man, twice your age who has clearly enticed you on holiday, and… well… what exactly did he do?”

  By now we were both upset and I was getting exasperated. Why couldn’t she just listen? I was trying hard to restrain my tears while explaining yet again to my mum that I was a fully-grown woman and that I was capable of living my own life and making my own mistakes. But that this wasn’t a mistake because I was in love with Alex, and neither wild horses nor irate parents were going to change that fact.

  “Mum, we know the age gap is something that is difficult for everyone to deal with, but we are going to make the most of here and now!”

  But these arguments continued to fall on deaf ears. She was still fixated on the idea that Alex had lured me on holiday to take advantage of me. I had to almost shout at her to shut up. And I had to be brutally honest.

  “Look, the truth is that I came on to him. I seduced him! It was me, and I knew what I was doing,” I said.

  I went on to tell her that since we had got together, I frequently instigated sex with him, and that he gave me the best orgasms that I had ever experienced. But the sex was only the icing on the cake. I told her that I loved all of him.

  I dabbed the moisture from my eyes, as my emotions started to well up.

  All she said in response was that I had better not give my father quite so much information. I told her that I was damned if I would tell my dad anything at all, because if she was going to be so negative I stood no chance with him. Then I stormed out and went to my room to have a mini meltdown. How the fuck am I going to sit down to dinner with my parents tonight?

  I texted Alex “Had to tell my mum, sh*t hit fan. Think of me. I love you. Sophie xoxox”

  He replied, “I’m here if you need me. text, phone or meet you anywhere xxx”

  I heard my dad come home, but I couldn’t face him right then. After a while, I heard raised voices with my father sounding angry and my mother sounding upset, although I couldn’t actually hear what was said. I guess she told him then.
Deep breaths, stay cool and get your head together.

  I usually help prepare dinner or at least lay the table, but tonight I stayed in my room until I could smell the food and heard the sounds of the table being laid. I composed myself and walked downstairs to the dining room. My mother had just finished serving, so I sat just sat down. I looked directly at my father and raised an eyebrow.

  “Well?” He clearly found it hard to look me in the eye.

  He said, “My first reaction was to throw you out of the house for being deceitful and lying to us, but your mother persuaded me otherwise.” My mum didn’t say anything. “But I can’t understand or accept your behaviour.” A short while later he looked at my mum and said, “Mary, I will be having words with your cousin about this.”

  I didn’t speak. I just felt totally numb inside. I had known that this would upset them, and I hated doing it, but it was also unfair of them not to listen or try to understand. We ate our meal in silence. I skipped dessert and got up from my chair.

  “I love you both and I’m really sorry to have hurt and upset you, but I also love Alex and that is not negotiable. I will be gone in the morning.”

  Back in my room, I phoned Alex. “Can I come to your place tomorrow morning, please?”

  “Of course, darling,” he replied.

  “Thanks, I don’t want to talk about it right now, but I’ll tell you tomorrow.” We exchanged more words of love and then I got into bed and cried myself to sleep.

  Sunday morning, I got up early and threw all my clothes into the car. My dad wasn’t up but my mum gave me a hug as I left, although we didn’t actually say anything.

  It was still quite early when I got to Alex’s house, but he was already up. He came out to meet me and I hugged him very tight without saying anything. The coffee was already brewing as we went inside and I realised I had missed breakfast, so I headed for the toaster. Over breakfast, with slightly misty eyes, I recounted the previous day’s events and how I was now sort of estranged from my parents, at least for a while. He said how sorry he was, and he hoped they would come around to understanding at some point.


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