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Romance in Vegas - Showgirl!

Page 2

by Nancy Fornataro

  She dropped her bag on the floor by the couch, and thought how scruffy she must look to Miss Stutgart.

  But the woman was preoccupied and didn't seem to notice. "This will be your room during your engagement at The Casino." She sat at the small table and placed some papers there. Dani joined her.

  She gave Dani a sharp look. "No men. If we find you are entertaining men, you will be fired. Understood?"

  Dani nodded. After her experience with Tommy, she would gladly give up men, friend or no friend.

  "This is your contract," the woman continued, "and, if I do say so, a very generous one. You are to initial all pages and sign at the end. It is an at-will contract which means The Casino can fire you at any time for any reason."

  "I don't understand," Dani said, "why have a contract then?"

  Stutgart peered at her. "To lock in the salary. You will receive two thousand dollars a week."

  Dani gasped.

  "But don't worry," she said, "you'll earn every penny of it. Another fact in the contract, you are never to date or be seen socially with any of the customers. Also, you are never to gamble in this casino. Understood?"

  "Yes," Dani replied quickly. This was unbelievable! she thought. A dream coming true.

  She initialed and signed the end of the contract with a sigh of relief.

  "Now," Stutgart said, as she gathered up the papers, "a car will escort you tomorrow to buy some decent clothes. Nine o'clock. Then Marie will tell you everything about the showgirl realm and what's expected of you. Meet her at noon in the employee dining room."

  "They feed me too?"

  "Us, try to think in terms of a team. Yes, they feed us. And just dial zero if you need a wake up call or anything else. Call housekeeping for laundry. And," she reached in the pocket of her business suit, "here is my private cell number, for emergencies only."

  "I don't know how to thank you," Dani said.

  Stutgart peered at her. "Just be the best damn showgirl ever." And, with that, she left the suite.

  Dani, after looking more closely at all the items in the room, took a long, leisurely bath. Looking down at her figure, for once she was glad for her large chest, small waist and long legs.

  And, after climbing gratefully between clean, white sheets, she whispered, "I will show them all. They won't be sorry."

  At noon, the next day, Lefty called Al. "Just reporting in, boss."

  Al sat back in his seat and relaxed for the first time that day. There were numerous problems at both his casinos, petty theft, card sharks trying to muscle in, and losses at some of his shopping centers due to shoplifters. "So what's the word my man?"

  "We took her to 'Outfits R Us,'" then the man laughed, "just kidding. We went to Por Vous and Sharkeys."

  "And what did she buy?"

  "I asked Stutgart. She said slacks, shirts, skirts, jeans and unmentionables."

  Al grew warm at the thought then he smiled. "No description on them, I suppose. That's the magic of females, they hide it and you have to use your imagination." Although, when he thought of Dani last night in the green dress, he realized it had left very little to the imagination.

  Lefty's mind ran along the same lines. "Yeah, that green number she wore last night was a pip, boss. Anyway, we brought her back and Stutgart took over."

  "Great. So she didn't abscond with the thousand dollars after all? Who owes who?"

  Lefty laughed. "No, boss, that was the age bet. You win on that one. Her license says eighteen."

  "Okay, get with your contacts at the Labor Board and we'll get her a work permit."

  "Consider it done."

  "Where is she now?"

  "Chowing down in a major way. She probably hasn't eaten for days from the looks of it."

  Al frowned at that. "Stock her room refrigerator with snacks, will you? And make sure she has a few extra bottles of whiskey, those small room bottles. Thanks Lefty."

  Dani sat in the basement employee dining room with Marie the blonde woman she briefly met backstage yesterday. She thought Marie was probably in her thirties, with short blonde hair mostly bangs, with the back cropped short. Marie seemed to limp a bit as they walked along earlier and Dani wondered why.

  The tantalizing smells were delicious in the place, and Dani had helped herself to almost everything in the buffet line.

  "You can eat every meal here if you like." Marie picked at her salad. "They're open 24-7."

  Dani nodded and continued eating.

  "They should have your badge ready soon. Today," she continued, "I'll be showing you everything but tomorrow you will participate. And, if you do well in rehearsals, you'll go on stage probably this week. Saturday's coming up and that's always a sell out crowd."

  Dani's eyes widened. "Wow." But she noticed Marie had a melancholy look. "Are you a dancer?"

  Marie sighed. "Not anymore. My career ended when my lower back went out. They could never fix it for me. Mr. Scaletti, Al, paid for me to see the best doctors. But, once your back goes, that's it."

  Still with her mouth full, and trying to guide the discussion away from what seemed like a sensitive topic, Dani said, "So tell me about Mr. Scaletti."

  Marie's eyes took on a far-away look. "Al Scaletti, every woman's dream. He took over the casino and all his father's holdings, which are huge, a few years back when the mob killed his father. There was pretty much of a mob mentality in Vegas then, but Scaletti changed all that. He's smooth and well liked in this city. And he transformed the holdings into legitimate businesses. But because of his father and a few holdovers like Lefty and Teeny, there is still the stigma of The Mob hanging over him. I know he's not happy about it either."

  Continuing, she said, "His wife died a year ago from breast cancer. None of us have seen him date anyone since."

  She paused. "It's funny, working in a casino, you get like family. If he wasn't so damn handsome I'd feel like he was my brother or something. I love him to pieces." Then, her eyes clicked back to Dani again. "You saw him last night, girl. What did you think?"

  Finishing off the last roll on her plate, Dani replied, "Well, he's very handsome. And tall. I liked the penthouse--"

  "Screw the penthouse," Marie interrupted impatiently, "what did you do with him?"

  "We talked and had half a drink then he gave me some money."

  Marie looked disappointed. "That's it?"


  "I just wondered how he was, you know, in the sack. I've heard some rumors, but I don't know if they're true. Before she died, his wife told one of the showgirls some stuff..."

  "I'm sure I wouldn't know about that." Dani flushed bright red at the thought.

  "Okay, don't get testy. And, by the way, he has you billed as the principle dancer."

  "What's that?"

  "It means you lead the show. You are the main dancer out front."

  "My gosh," Dani replied nervously, "I haven't even practiced yet." She sat back and fanned her face with a napkin.

  "It's okay," Marie said with confidence, "Nat Davis will be teaching you and he's the best in the business."

  She continued, "The only problem you might encounter is with the other girls. Lorali will be especially pissed off. She's been coming on to Scaletti like gangbusters, trying to get the lead dancing role. And she'll be mean behind your back and nice to your face. So be careful, you know?"

  Dani nodded.

  "Well, if you're done, let's head out. I have tons to show you today."

  They arrived at the backstage area a few minutes later, after walking through the hubbub of the casino.

  Dani learned that Marie was her supervisor, and Miss Stutgart was the HR supervisor. She met Nat Davis, the dance instructor, a thin man in his forties with curly brown hair and a perpetual frown.

  She met all the women dancers, who were on a fifteen minute break. They were wearing leotards, and she thought idly she should have known to buy one during her shopping trip.

  Kim Mangioni had long black hair and a friendly, t
easing attitude that Dani liked.

  Adriene Palmer, a brown haired beauty queen winner, had been at the casino for five years and had two children.

  But when Dani was introduced to Lorali Hagen, who was a blonde bombshell, she could tell Marie had not exaggerated. The woman looked Dani up and down, from her new pumps up to her pants then past her flowing white shirt until they were eye to eye. "Hello darlin,'" she drawled, "welcome to the pack."

  Luckily, Marie drew her away to meet more dancers, fourteen in all, and Dani was convinced she'd never remember their names.

  Time flew by, while Marie showed her the back stage area which was deserted now as the women practiced.

  Each dancer had her own mirrored area, complete with make-up and a magnifying mirror. As well, in a separate room, each had a costume area with La Duca heels, headdresses, evening dresses and skimpier attire for the shows.

  There was a granite shower and a bathroom area with gold fixtures, as well as a curtained small area which led to the stage.

  Marie explained the schedule. Nine o'clock in the morning, stretching for half hour. After that, straight rehearsal then lunch. One to three or four o'clock another rehearsal. Five to six, dress rehearsal. Shows were at nine and eleven o'clock in the evening.

  "Tomorrow is Friday," she said, "so the show will be a big one, well attended. And Saturday is sold out, so the place will be packed."

  Dani could pick two days off, considering the other women's schedules. She chose Sunday and Monday as those were theater 'dark' days with no performances. Almost all the women had those two days off.

  But at the end of their tour, a dapper young man came in the main room. He wore a grey pin-striped suit, grey patterned tie and black vest. His black shoes were highly polished. And, Marie began shamelessly flirting with him.

  "Vito," she said softly, smoothing his suit jacket, "it's so nice to see you again. It's been way too long."

  The man reminded Dani of Al Scaletti a bit, except he looked older and lacked the power and riveting gaze. Although, now he was checking her out quite carefully, his eyes taking in all of her. "Just came to see the new one," he said, nodding at Dani.

  "How do you do?" she muttered.

  Marie smiled broadly at him. "Vito, let's get together soon for drinks."

  "Sure," he said expansively gesturing, "let's go right now."

  "Is it okay--" Dani began.

  "Of course," Marie answered quickly with a down hand gesture to her, "Vito is Mr. Scaletti's cousin. He's the GM, General Manager of the casino."

  "Oh," Dani replied, unsure if she should be impressed or not. She felt a little helpless but decided Marie must know what she was doing.

  They ended up at The Fandango Bar on the first floor of the casino. Dani found out his full name was Vito Baroni and he was connected.

  "Don't you just love Mob boys?" Marie whispered excitedly, as Vito shook someone's hand along the way.

  "Mob?" Dani said weakly. "Sure, why not?"

  But, as they sat sipping their drinks, he asked basically the same questions Al Scaletti had asked her the night before and she gave the same untrue answers. Might as well be consistent, she thought.

  She decided to turn the tables then. "Mr. Baroni, where are you from? And how did you come to Las Vegas?" Resting her chin on her hand, she listened to his story which was long and convoluted.

  "And what is your biggest challenge as Casino Manager?" This brought forth another saga, and she wondered how she could end it politely.

  Lefty, who sat with Teeny at a back table in the Fandango, called his boss. "Ey, Vito's movin' in. And she looks interested." Curses sounded loudly in his ear and the phone went dead in his hand. He closed the phone and looked at Teeny.

  "Fireworks," the big man said sardonically.

  Two minutes later, Al Scaletti strode quickly into the bar, straightening his tie and smoothing his black suit.

  Vito, deep into his story now, didn't see him come in.

  However, Marie and Dani did and they both pushed back from the table.

  "Well," Marie said lamely, "we'd better go now."

  Scaletti strolled up to the table and Vito fell silent. Nodding at Dani, Al said, "And how did your first day go, Miss Troubix?"

  Dani stood up along with Marie. "It was just wonderful Mr. Scaletti. I have a great teacher and hopefully I'll be on stage this week."

  He nodded, ignoring Vito completely. Then he said, "I understand you have some ballet in your background."

  She held herself back from gasping. "How did you--" her voice trailed off. She vaguely remembered ballet lessons somewhere, at some time. He had investigated her. Either that or he was guessing. But, somehow, he didn't seem like a guessing man. She wasn't sure if she was angry or just irritated about the investigation. Then, he hadn't fired her yet, so she assumed she was safe for the time being. She raised her chin at his bland expression. "Yes, I do have ballet. I'm sure it will help."

  Al watched intently as a range of emotions crossed her face. And his gaze wandered to her silky long-sleeved white blouse which showed lace bra cups faintly, and her figure-hugging blue pants.

  "I'm sure there is much more you can tell her," he hinted to Marie.

  "Yes, sir," she replied and the two left.

  He turned to Vito who still sat with a sullen look on his face. "And you have work to do, Vito. We were missing several hundred on the drop last night. Someone is skimming and I want to know who. Research it with security, audit and the cage. Get back with me."

  "Right." He left for the main cage with the same brooding look on his face.

  Al looked up to see Teeny and Lefty sitting in back. Walking up, he said, "What was that all about?"

  Lefty snorted. "Vito saw her today and claims it's love at first sight."

  "Well," Al replied slowly, "he needs to set his sights somewhere else."

  Chapter 3

  They procured Dani's badge, after a picture taking session at the security department, and they decided to have dinner.

  Dani learned to swipe her badge at the buffet entrance, and again loaded her plate with ham, au gratin potatoes, salad, green beans and a dessert brownie. She was absolutely famished.

  They searched for seats in the packed employee dining area, and Marie said, "Over here."

  As they sat, Dani recognized Kim as the black-haired dancer she'd met earlier, but the other three at the table were dressed in guard uniforms, complete with guns. Most of them were smoking cigarettes.

  Matt, a tall, black, bald-headed guard said, "Hey, nice to meet you, Dani. What's shaking?"

  Marie countered, while she looked at the next table towards Lorali, "Only her behind," she whispered loudly.

  He laughed at that. "Meyow. That one's been shaking for a while now. It's pretty loose and carefree from what I've heard."

  Jason, a young, dark-haired guard, grinned. "So, Dani," he said as he chewed his ham, "Where you from?"

  Marie watched Dani's eyes roll upwards. "Guys," she said, "no third degree, okay?" She patted Dani's arm. "She's had enough for one day."

  "Hey," he said then, "you hear someone's skimming?"

  Marie looked shocked as she picked at her salad. "No way. That hasn't happened in years."

  "Yeah, way," said Candy, a female guard with short clipped blonde hair. "Scaletti's all in a snit about it. He's working overtime."

  All of them groaned, and Dani watched Marie curiously now. "What does that mean?" she asked after she ate all her ham and started on her potatoes.

  "Well," Kim said from across the table, flicking her long hair back, "that means he'll show up anywhere at any time. He'll roust the guards and the pull and security. Not to mention audit and cage supervisors."

  "What's the pull?" Dani asked.

  Jason said, "It's where they pull the boxes from the machines. The cash boxes I mean. They begin about four in the morning." He grinned at her, in a friendly way, and Dani smiled back.

  "You ever work a casino before?" C
andy asked her.

  "No," Dani replied. She wanted to say it was only her second job but that would have pegged her as a youngster so she just let it be.

  "So who do you think it is?" Marie asked Matt.

  "Gotta be an inside job," he replied. "Sometimes the pull goes so fast, we have a hard time keeping up. They jam fast on the pull team and meanwhile we're dealing with customers who think we're changing their luck and God knows what else. It sucks," he ended dourly.

  Dani had moved on to her brownie now and couldn't suppress a sigh of enjoyment. It was delicious.

  "Oh-oh," Kim said, "here comes trouble."

  Lorali walked by with her tray. "Darlin,'" she said to Dani, "you better watch those desserts or you won't pass muster in the morning."

  She smirked and walked on.

  "What does that mean?" Dani asked Marie.

  But Jason answered, saying, "Where Scaletti inspects the dancers." He grinned. "Can't remember why, but we were doing something in the stage area one day and he was checking out all the women for fat."

  Marie smiled. "People don't pay to see blubber on the stage, Jason. Besides, Al does it in a nice way."

  Dani put her fork down, afraid to eat anything else.

  "Don't worry, sweetie," Candy said, "you've got plenty of room to expand. Finish that damn brownie."

  And they all laughed.

  Dani didn't make it back to her suite until almost eight that night. Marie, after dinner, took her on a tour of the whole, huge casino, into the cage, the count room, offices, security and the various restaurants and bars.

  She was exhausted, but realized she loved the immaculate suite, with a mint on the pillow and the covers on the bed already turned down for her. And, as she threw her wallet onto the kitchen nook table, she wondered if she could find her way around the casino the next day.

  After a bath, lavender scented, feeling a hundred percent better, she sat on the couch in a white robe and thought of Al Scaletti. She could always find the soft spot in a person. His eyes were the key to him, she thought ruefully. They could be warm one minute, then steely hard the next. She sniffed, thinking that was one way to read him. To stay at the casino, she'd need to not only read him but please him as well.


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