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Romance in Vegas - Showgirl!

Page 14

by Nancy Fornataro

  He sighed now, though. They'd run through almost all the money. Beamer was a degenerate gambler and he couldn't just bet small. No, he bet bigger and bigger, and he won big then lost big, and in the end, he'd given it back to the same casino they'd robbed in the first place. Kind of funny, he thought. But not really.

  Now they had to plan this thing here, in Winner Takes All Casino. It was what Beamer wanted, he said Winner Takes All had the most money taken in, and Logan usually went along for the ride on these decisions. It was better than having to think for himself.

  Logan was a loner, too. Never had too many friends growing up and with no brothers or sisters, and parents drunk all the time, he never really wanted to get close to anyone. Until Beamer, that was. The man showed him how to steal, rob, then gamble the take, rob more, gamble more. They'd gotten close to three hundred thousand dollars in the last casino heist. And now it was almost gone.

  Also, Beamer showed him how to act like a high roller. He took on a persona of Logan Gretsky, high roller from Arkansas. He figured Arkansas because it was where he was from in the first place. Then Beamer was Gavin Lewinsky from Florida. And both last names ended in "sky" which really made them laugh, as they sat at separate tables. The casinos didn't have a clue, just kept handing out comps to both of them like crazy. Free breakfast, lunch meals, steak house meals, rooms, even hookers at some places.

  But, he almost thought after this job he would go back to Arkansas and get a regular job. The thought of getting caught in a casino robbery made him more than nervous, although he never told Beamer how he felt. That wasn't how they operated.

  Although, he thought, sometimes they'd cuddle at night together. Depending on Beamer's mood.

  Logan had known he was gay since high school and the coach that drew him out. And Logan felt like the whole rest of his life he'd spent trying to recreate the relationship he'd had with the coach. Even with women sometimes. Nothing and nobody ever measured up though, not even Beamer.

  He gathered up his chips, and wandered over to the cage, taking in everything, including the blonde he'd seen there before. She wasn't bad to look at, but not for him. His eyes took in everything, where the guards stood, the security at the cage, where they kept the money, where the safe was located.

  Anyone watching him would never guess who he was and what he was about to do. And that's just how he wanted it.

  Chapter 16

  While Al was tied up in a meeting about a week later, after she'd gone to the casino with him, she checked to see if her package came. It had, and she quickly scanned over the contents, and realized if she had her laptop in her suite, she could work directly from it and get her high school degree. She wondered, as she looked around her suite, how she could tell Al. It seemed as if he was planning on her living at his house, and then she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret from him.

  She had a desperate need for him not to know about her failure to get a degree. But then her love for him was in the way and she ended up confused. She hadn't even told Kim about her plans to study.

  Tucking the envelope in her drawer, she quickly answered the door as Al knocked.

  "Ready?" he asked, strolling in.

  "Al," she began, "would you mind if I gather up some of my things and stay here for a while? I mean, here at the casino. Like I used to, stay here in the suite."

  He stared at her for a minute without saying anything. "Like you used to do." He repeated.

  "Well," she grew nervous now, unsure of how to proceed, "you know how much I like the casino. And all the other dancers." But then she added, "We could still see each other."

  He nodded and said stiffly, "I'll send someone for your things."

  "Should I call you later?" she asked him softly.

  But he never answered that, just smiled slightly before he left the room.

  "Hey," Robert told Jerry, "look at Scaletti. Outside her door."

  They zoomed in the camera to Al's face, as he stood leaning against the doorjamb of Dani's room.

  "Looks like he lost his best friend," Jerry said.

  "He just did. She kicked him out," Robert said. "I know the look. I've had it on my face often enough." He sighed. "This is really going to complicate things up here. Guess I'll just have to wing it."

  "Yeah, tough assignment," Jerry replied sarcastically.

  Dani watched the door for a minute hoping he'd come back in. But, he didn't. She knew then she'd done the wrong thing. She'd ruined the one relationship where someone actually cared about her.

  All the nights they'd had at the house. Intimately sharing, urgently whispering in the darkness, the thrilling peaks of passion.

  Now, he was gone from her life. She pulled out her cell phone, and almost called Kim. But, she decided against it. If she could get her GED, maybe she could get a decent job, one where she wouldn't have to expose her body.

  Looking down at herself, she felt loathing now, directed at her own body. And an emptiness. Sobs wracked her body.

  Four days later, after she'd gotten settled again in her suite, and her tears stopped, she pressed the doctor into giving her a back to work slip.

  Stopping by HR, she presented it to Stutgart.

  The woman sat back in her seat, and peered at her before she waved Dani to a chair by her desk. "Kind of soon, isn't it?"

  "I miss it," Dani said simply.

  "Does Scaletti know?"


  "He's back in the penthouse, did you hear?"

  "That's nice for him. I think he really prefers it up there, as I prefer my suite. I'm getting a lot done."

  "Like what?" Stutgart said, eyeing her closely.


  She sighed. "Something is going on here. You're keeping something from me."

  "No, really. I'm fine Miss Stutgart. Say, by the way, I cut a picture from a magazine. This hairdo would be right for you. It would just be perfect."

  Dani dug around in her purse and found the picture.

  Stutgart studied it. "Not too bad. Mostly bangs it looks like."

  Dani smiled. "So if the wind blows, it still goes back into place and looks nice."

  "I might give it a try. So, when will you go on stage again?"

  Standing now, Dani said, "Nat says today. Nine o'clock is a piece of cake. Eleven takes a little more effort, but unless I try I'll always be afraid."

  The woman nodded. "A coward, you aren't my dear. Good luck to you then."

  Lefty watched his boss staring out the penthouse window moodily, with his feet up on his desk.

  Al's cell phone rang.


  Stutgart said, "She's onstage. Tonight. Both shows."

  "She have a doctor's note?"


  "Can't stop her then." He snapped the phone shut.

  "Dani?" Lefty asked.


  "You going to see her? Should we leak it to the press?"

  Al just smiled at him tightly.

  "Sugar, you sure you're up to this?" Kim asked her with concern as they prepared to go onstage that night.

  "Yes. It has to happen sooner or later."

  They took their positions before the curtain opened to thunderous applause. "Somebody blabbed," Kim hissed at her "the place is packed." But Dani just smiled her electric smile, and proceeded down the stairs.

  After a flawless first performance, they hurried to the same positions just before the curtain opened on the second one, the wild dance act. "Sugar," Kim said under her breath, "don't do this thing."

  Dani just shook her head, before she took the lead position.

  The curtain opened, again, to loud clapping and cheers. The dancers walked down the stage, with Dani in the lead.

  But, as she went to strip off the headdress, gloves and shoes, she froze. She was back on the same stage, the same night, feeling the same pain and emotions she'd felt then. She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe.

  Someone started clapping to the pounding rock music, and others
in the audience followed. She still couldn't budge.

  Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kim come up beside her. She removed her own headdress, gloves and shoes slowly, and told Dani, "Move it!"

  Dani complied, doing the same. Kim and Dani moved as if one, in a synchronized dance routine, with Dani following Kim's every movement. The audience clapped and cheered, as the two long-haired dancers flipped their hair back and forth in unison, then did a salsa routine, more hair flips, ending on their knees, arms and heads held high.

  The curtain closed, but the audience still stomped and cheered, so she and Kim walked out hand in hand and bowed to them.


  Lefty watched his boss, still sitting now, as everyone else stood in the theater to clap for the dancers. Al's hands came up to cover his face, and stayed that way for a matter of minutes, before he could show his misty eyes.

  Al pushed by him, and strode quickly towards the penthouse elevator.

  Dani, after hugging Kim, dressed slowly in her jeans and t-shirt as she waited for Al to come in. But he didn't. Her eyes filled with tears, which she quickly brushed away.

  Suddenly, Stutgart was in front of her. Dani opened her mouth, but nothing would come out.

  "So," the woman said, "what do you think?"

  "I love it," Dani gasped, "Kim! Look!"

  Stutgart looked so different, Dani couldn't believe it, like a whole different person as she smiled at the compliments from the dancers.

  Kim's cell phone rang after they'd changed into street clothes, t-shirts and jeans. "Yeah, boss?"

  She motioned to Dani then said, "You got it."

  "Come with me," she told Dani, "command performance. The penthouse."

  Dani's heart contracted as she followed Kim. This would probably be where Al ripped up her contract. 'At will,' it had said in the beginning...his will.

  They walked into his office, and Dani saw him standing by the picture window, holding a drink, gazing at the lights below. "Sit," he said curtly.

  Kim just shrugged her shoulders, as they looked at each other and sat in two chairs in front of his desk.

  He sighed deeply. "Can I get you each a drink? I have everything. I can get you anything you want."

  Kim's eyebrows shot up, as she observed Dani now.

  "Yes, please," Dani said, "whiskey." She wasn't about to make this easy for him, she thought.

  She heard a bit of humor in his voice as he said, "Straight up?"

  "Yes. Please."

  He strolled to the sideboard, made her drink, sat it in front of her on his desk, and sat facing them both.

  "What's going on, Al?" Kim asked him.

  "I'm sorry to disturb you all after a performance. I'm sure you are exhausted." He paused. "What happened out there tonight?"

  Not sure if he'd been in the audience or not, Dani said quickly, "It wasn't Kim's fault. I froze out there. She led me in the number. When I leave, you should make her lead dancer, out in front."

  His blue-grey eyes trained on her now silently. She felt a flush start on her chest and move upwards to her face. "When you leave? And where, pray tell, are you going Miss Troubix?"

  "Just let me know if I have to sign anything on my way out," she retorted.

  Growing increasingly uncomfortable under his gaze, she blurted, "I wouldn't blame you if you fired me. Besides, once my body goes, I'll be history anyway."

  "It was never about your body," he said harshly, still staring at her. "It was about your spirit, your drive to excel, your endearing qualities as a person." Then, in a softer tone, "Feelings and moments we shared. I loved it all. From the first moment I saw you. The total package. Everything."

  Dani's breath came out in a long breath, as Kim said, "Maybe I should go. Leave you two alone..."

  "No," he said, running a hand through his hair, "I want you both to get some sleep tonight. Dani, you and I will continue this discussion tomorrow. Nine o'clock sharp. Here."

  Dani nodded, and she and Kim rose and left him alone in his penthouse den.

  At four the next morning, the pull began on the floor of the casino with Maude, Linda, Freddy and Michael and the accounting team with their clipboards.

  But at four-thirty, after they'd pulled high limits pit, with boxes lined up in a neat row, three high, on the rolling cart, a figure in white caught Michael's attention as he threw a chair out of his way. "Oh, shit!" he said to Freddy, "Dani!"

  Robert, trying to get the cameras more in focus, had moved the one by Dani's room. Now, he received a call from the guard, Candy. "She what?" he yelled.

  "She's wandering around down here. I'll call base."

  "Dani!" Candy and Matt both yelled at her, but she was impervious to their shouts.

  "Base, 10-18, we need assistance," Matt said into his radio, "10-18, high limit pit." Neither of them could leave their positions guarding the money.

  Robert placed what he thought was the hardest call in his life. Al answered his cell, sounding weary.

  "Sir, she's on the floor again. I was adjusting my camera-"

  "Where?" Al said quickly.

  "High limit area five, sir."

  Logan sat at the blackjack table, watching her, the one in the nightgown, and slipped over to jar Beamer at another table with his elbow. The two left, for all intents, going to the restroom.

  In the restroom, Beamer reached inside his fake stomach, pulled out two ski masks, two sets of gloves, two extra strength plastic bags and two military issue 45 revolvers. Each had six bullets.

  "You ready?" Beamer asked him.

  Grinning, Logan replied, "Ready as I'll ever be. You first, shithead."

  "Okay, fast now," Beamer told him, "we'll be in and out before you know it."

  The two ran along the wall fast, guns drawn.

  Robert saw them first. "Base 211 in progress!" he yelled into the radio, "High limits zone five!"

  Chapter 17

  The guards saw them next. "Base," Candy yelled into her lapel radio, as she drew her gun, "211 in progress!"

  Marie in the cage saw them next, and pressed the silent alarm. "Oh my God," she breathed. "Dani..."

  Al's pager went off in his pocket as he rode the elevator down. It could only mean one thing, he thought. A robbery. The pager was set up for that sole purpose. He called Robert, "Where is it?"

  "High limits, sir."

  "Is Dani involved?"

  "Not yet, sir."

  "Call down to the cage. Have them give the money up. All of it. And evacuate the casino. Now."

  "Yes, sir."

  Logan could tell things were not right from the beginning. Two bitches spotted him, and then they spotted Beamer. His gaze found the one in the little white nightgown, walking along as if she were in a trance. No punch and run on this job, he thought.

  Perfect, he thought. And he also figured Beamer would be proud of him afterwards, thinking for himself and all. They could get the cage cash too then get rid of the girl somewhere after they left. Hell, the casino would probably give them a lift in a limo or something.

  Walking up behind Dani, he threw his arm around her neck, and pointed a gun to her head. She struggled and tried to bite his arm, but he held fast.

  The woman guard was edging towards him now as he moved with Dani towards the cage. "Get back!" he told her, "Or I'll shoot! I'll kill her!"

  Then the woman he held seemed to go limp in his grasp, and he began dragging her.

  More guards arrived on the perimeter, but he figured as long as he had the girl, he was safe.

  Meanwhile, Beamer was forcing one of the guards to open the pull boxes into the trash bag he held. "Cage!" he yelled to Logan.

  Logan thought he sensed that the woman he held was moving along with him now on her own, but he still gripped her around the neck, with his gun held against her head.

  They edged up to the cage window. "Hey sweetheart," he said loudly to Marie, "open up now. Or I shoot the girl, got it?"

  The blonde nodded, gestured to the ou
ter door to some unseen entity, and a buzzer sounded on the cage outer door, then again for the inside door.

  Exhilarated now, he looked around. "Get the bag in my back pocket. And don't try anything funny or the girl is shot."

  She nodded again, and pulled the thing out of his pocket.

  LVPD showed up outside the casino, lights flashing, sirens blaring, with a busload of Swat Team members following closely. Police and the team fanned out, covering all entrances and exits.

  Beamer looked out the back door and groaned. "Shit!" Then he yelled at Logan in the cage, watching the woman scoop up cash for his bag, "We're made! The blonde bitch tripped the silent alarm!"

  Logan came down with his gun and hit the blonde so hard she flew across a desk and onto the floor crumpled on the other side. Looking around now, he saw that the cage employees had all been evacuated. He let the red haired woman go, but still held the gun on her.

  She stood on her own now, and turned to look at him.

  "Search around for cash," he said shortly.

  But she didn't move. "What's your name?" she said softly.

  He noticed she had dark green eyes. "Look for the cash, or you'll end up like her."

  She moved around the cage, looking in and unlocking drawers, before she moved to the safe, which was open.

  "There's quite a lot in here," she told him quietly. "You'll need to take a cart."

  In the casino, patrons had been told to exit out the front door. And Al stood around the corner from the cage viewing Dani calmly talking to the thug. "Robert," he said into his phone, "what are they doing in there?"


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