Book Read Free

Miranda's War

Page 17

by Eric S. Brown

  “Get us the hell out of here!” Miranda yelled at Brook. “Now!”

  “I can’t!” Brook shouted back at her. “There’s no way I can spin up to enter Void Space in this crap!”

  “Should I open fire?” Joe yelled as Strider turned on its side and flew past the corvette just in time to avoid the fire of its cannons. The Moore Colony ship wasn’t firing at them. They had just been inside its firing solution as it let loose at an Earth Gov battleship.

  Two Earth Gov fighters fell in behind Strider from above. The Deathbird-class vessel shook as their cannons pounded the top side of her hull.

  “This is insane!” Miranda shook her head.

  “Can I open fire?” Joe barked at her again.

  “Do it,” Miranda ordered.

  The top-mounted cannon of Strider spun in its turret to target the two fast-closing fighters. Thuk! Thuk! Thuk! the cannon rang out as it spat heavy rounds toward them. One of the two Earth Gov fighters blossomed into an expanding ball of flames, blown apart completely, as the other veered away from Strider, going after a fighter that had the tusked boar’s head emblem of Moore Colony painted on its sides.

  Finally Strider roared out of the edge of the battle into the stillness of the black beyond it. Brook breathed a sigh of relief but kept the ship streaking forward at its maximum speed.

  “Any sign of pursuit?” Miranda snapped.

  “No,” Brook answered. “I think we’re clear!”

  “Is there any cover we can use? I want to see how this plays out,” Miranda asked, surprising even herself. As badly as she wanted to get the hell away from the battle taking place above Moore Colony, so much of the future of the fringe worlds hung on its outcome, and Miranda needed to know which way the wind was blowing.

  “There’s a moon close by,” Brook told her. “I can put us behind it, but I can’t promise we won’t be detected there.”

  “It’s better than nothing,” Miranda said, moving to hold onto the back of Brook’s pilot seat.

  Strider took up position behind the closest of Moore Colony’s moons, within sensor range of the battle.

  “Put the battle on screen,” Miranda ordered.

  Miranda, Brook, and Joe watched the carnage as the three Earth Gov battle fleets continued to engage the defenders of Moore Colony. The few surviving ships in the fight that weren’t directly part of the colony’s defense forces were beginning to break away from the battle and make a run for it.

  A Moore Colony corvette, leaking atmosphere and with fires burning in several places along its hull, died valiantly as it rammed itself into one of three massive Earth Gov battleships. The ensuing explosion damaged an Earth Gov destroyer in the process. The wounded destroyer tilted sideways, its engines clearly offline, as three Moore Colony defense fighters rushed in, cannons blazing.

  Moore Colony’s only other corvette was destroyed moments later as a high-energy beam from an Earth Gov destroyer speared it, slashing through it from bow to stern. The corvette blew apart in a spectacular explosion, with large pieces of debris spinning away into the blackness of space.

  “This is bad,” Joe muttered, more to himself than anyone else. “This is really bad.”

  Earth Gov troop transports were entering the atmosphere of the planet, the Moore Colony’s satellite defense grid was shattered, and the few satellites that remained were too badly damaged to engage them.

  “Looks like they’re actually taking the colony instead of just wiping it out from orbit,” Brook commented.

  “You can bet it’ll cost them,” Miranda remarked. “Those that can’t get away will put up one heck of a fight down there.”

  “Should we try to help them?” Brook asked, looking at Miranda.

  Miranda shook her head. “How? We’re just one ship. There are two Earth Gov battleships out there. Either one of those alone could take us out of the fight with a single salvo.”

  “It doesn’t feel right just sitting here watching,” Brook said.

  A group of Moore Colony defense fighters made a run at one of the Earth Gov battleships. Its close-in defenses cut them to pieces as they approached it.

  “This battle is already over.” Miranda frowned. “Moore Colony has fallen. It belongs to Earth Gov now.”

  “I can’t believe it,” Joe said. “I can’t believe Earth Gov is really doing this.”

  “We all knew this day was coming, sooner or later,” Miranda reminded the sniper. “Now it’s here. Brook, spin up the drive and get us into Void Space before one of those Earth Gov vessels spots us hanging around here.”

  “Where to?” Brook asked.

  “Tanatos IV,” Miranda ordered. “I have friends there, and it’s as good a place to head as any.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Brook nodded, plotting the course.

  Strider pulled away from the small moon it had been hiding behind and shot through the black, disappearing through the Void Space portal Brook opened.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 34

  “Tanatos IV huh?” the old man asked from his seat in Strider’s small meeting room. “Interesting choice of where to run to.”

  “Honestly, I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go, Lee,” Miranda admitted. “If we headed for Holland or any of the other large colonies, we might have found ourselves in another engagement like the one we just barely got out of at Moore Colony.”

  “I ain’t complaining,” Lee said. “It’s just a strange choice for you, is all. I thought you’d planned on never going back there.”

  “I didn’t say I was happy with it, Lee.” Miranda glared at the old man.

  “Tanatos IV is where you grew up, isn’t it?” Joe asked. Brook was the only member of the crew not present. After what they had just survived, she wasn’t taking any chances with the ship’s auto-piloting system. If by some chance they dropped out of Void Space into the same sort of mess, she wanted to be there, hands on, to deal with it.

  “Yeah,” Miranda answered. “I spent a good bit of my youth there, until this guy came along.” Miranda stabbed a thumb in the old man’s direction.

  “I would think you’d be happy about going home,” Joe said.

  “She’s a freaking hero there.” The old man snorted.

  Sighing, Miranda shook her head. “There’s a lot of memories there, Joe, good and bad. But Lee’s right that I never wanted to go back there again. It’s a part of my life I had put behind me, with good reason.”

  “I see.” Joe nodded, though he really didn’t.

  “Tanatos IV and Harold’s Colony is a really backwoods place, even for the fringes these days,” the old man told Joe. “It’s still just a little farming colony, so far out of the way I’d wager most folks in Earth Gov don’t even know it exists anymore.”

  “Well, that’s good at least,” Joe said. “Odds are no one will find us there then.”

  “Dang straight,” the old man agreed, giving the sniper a double thumbs up. “As long as Miranda doesn’t have a breakdown on us, it’s the perfect place to be until we can figure out what’s next for us.”

  “I would think staying out of the war isn’t an option for us anymore,” Joe commented and hoped he wasn’t going to catch hell for saying so. He knew how badly Miranda had wanted to stay out of it.

  “The kid is right, Miranda.” Lee glanced over at Miranda. “We killed Earth Gov agents and soldiers back on Nix V, and now we’ve engaged Earth Gov ships at Moore Colony, too. You can bet they’ve got our number, and we’re on their wanted list at this point.”

  “All the more reason to stay out of the war,” Miranda snarled. “We’re monster hunters, not freedom fighters, Lee.”

  “Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, Earth Gov is the monster now, Miranda?” the old man asked her.

  “Don’t,” Miranda warned Lee. “Don’t play that crap with me.”

  “Just calling them as I see them.” The old man shrugged.

  “My loyalty lies with this ship and its crew, Lee. You are the
one that taught me that, remember?” Miranda snapped. “We’re as good as dead if we go picking a fight with Earth Gov.”

  “But, girl,” Lee said gently, “we already have, whether we intended to or not.”

  “Uh…” Joe cut in, “I realize how bad all this stuff with Earth Gov and the war is, but there’s something else we have to worry about, too.”

  Joe flinched as Miranda and the old man shot daggers at him.

  “There’s still that monster to worry about, ya know?” Joe said. “It’s still out there, and I don’t think it’s going to give up on seeing us all in early graves just because we were able to drive it away from Nix V. It’s killed three of us already, and we don’t even know why it’s after us.”

  “Kid’s got a point,” the old man grumbled. “That thing is dangerous.”

  Miranda frowned at both of them. “I know, but until it shows itself again, there’s not much we can do about it.”

  They all felt Strider make the transition out of Void Space as Brook’s voice came over the ship’s intercom. “We’re on approach to Tanatos IV. ETA in five.”

  Miranda activated the comm of her armor. “Roger that. We’re on our way.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 35

  Strider touched down just outside the walls of Harold’s Colony. For Miranda, it was almost surreal to be home again. She emerged from the ship and started down the ramp, with Lee and Joe following her. Joe carried his rifle, and the old man was packing a wicked looking snub-nosed machine gun. There was no need for the weapons on Tanatos IV, but monster hunters were inclined to make dramatic entrances, and the crew was no exception.

  Miranda wore her full combat armor with her sword. She had changed a great deal since the last time she had stood on the soil of Tanatos IV, and memories of Claus Wulf came flooding into her mind. She forced them away, trying to keep her thoughts on the present.

  There was a group of people approaching Strider, walking across the fields where she had done the same so long ago. Miranda’s breath caught as she recognized the woman who was leading them. Her name was Anna Ferryman now, and she had grown into a botanist of some renown. Miranda hadn’t heard she had returned to Harold’s Colony, though, and was deeply surprised to see her.

  The two women stared at each other.

  “Miranda?” Anna finally asked. “Is that you?”

  “It’s me, Anna.”

  “I had heard the stories, but… wow!” Anna gawked at her and the armor she wore.

  “I hear you’re one of the leading botanists in the fringes now.” Miranda smiled.

  “I was,” Anna answered, with a trace of sadness in her voice.

  “Was?” Miranda asked.

  “Laura Bergman passed on last year, Miranda,” Anna told her. “I came home because she left Harold’s Colony to me. I’m in charge now.”

  “Really?” Miranda said. “That’s…great.”

  “She would have rather left it to you, Miranda, but Bergman thought you’d never come back here.” Anna frowned.

  “Me? Why?” Miranda was stunned.

  “You’re a hero here, Miranda,” Anna said. “People still remember the little girl who slayed the monster.”

  Miranda didn’t know what to say, so she introduced Anna to her crew. “That cranky old guy is Lee, Anna. I’m sure you remember him.”

  “I do.” Anna nodded at Lee. “Welcome back to Harold’s colony, sir.”

  “And this is Joe,” Miranda told Anna, cocking her head in the sniper’s direction.

  “Nice to meet you.” Anna smiled.

  “My pleasure, ma’am,” Joe answered.

  “Our pilot is Brook,” Miranda added. “She’s still aboard Strider.”

  “I am sorry Miranda, but I have to ask…” Anna choose her words carefully. “Why are you here?”

  “We’ve had it pretty rough of late, Anna,” Miranda admitted. “Between our last couple of jobs, we’ve lost three members of our crew. We needed somewhere we could rest and get our heads together. Harold’s Colony seemed as good a place as any to do that.”

  “You haven’t been watching the news vids, have you?” Anna asked.

  “No,” Miranda answered. “Why?”

  “Full out civil war has erupted along the fringes, Miranda,” Anna told her. “You and your crew are wanted by Earth Gov for questioning. There’s a reward out for you.”

  Miranda glanced at Lee, looking to the old man for an indication of how to respond to what Anna had just told them. Lee shrugged, leaving it up to her.

  Anna saw the look they exchanged. “Miranda, you have nothing to worry about here. There’s not a single person on this planet who wouldn’t lay down their life for you. No one here will be turning you in, reward or not.”

  “Thank you,” Miranda said. “We didn’t know about the reward,” she said honestly.

  “This is your home, Miranda.” Anna smiled. “You’re always welcome here, no matter the circumstances.”

  “Even so, maybe we shouldn’t stay.” Miranda sighed. “The last thing I want to do is bring trouble to your doorstep.”

  Anna chuckled. “Miranda, there’s a war raging across the fringes. It’ll reach us here sooner or later. Whether you stay or not doesn’t matter. And really, do you have any other place you can run to?”

  “We don’t,” Lee barked before Miranda could answer.

  “Then it’s settled,” Anna said firmly. “Come on. I’ll show around. Not much has changed here in Harold’s Colony, but I imagine a look around would still be a good idea. And I’ve had Mr. Weaver here prepare quarters for you and your crew.”

  Weaver was a tall man. Gray flecked the black hair atop his head. His eyes were hard, and Miranda could tell from the way he carried himself he had seen combat.

  “Earth Gov?” Miranda asked him.

  Weaver shook his head. “Merc,” he answered with a grunt.

  “Mr. Weaver is the head of security here,” Anna said. “Bergman hired him before she passed. He works for me now and does a dang good job of keeping us safe out here.”

  “I see…” Miranda moved to shake Mr. Weaver’s hand.

  “I won’t be asking for your weapons,” Mr. Weaver informed her. “If trouble comes here, you’ll be needing them, and frankly, we’ll be needing you to have them, too. I’ve only got half a dozen trained men to defend this colony—not an army—so we can use all the help we can get.”

  “Anna, I didn’t say…” Miranda started, looking back at her childhood friend.

  “I’m not asking you fight for us, Miranda,” Anna assured her. “That’s up to you and your crew.”

  Miranda nodded and, over the comm of her armor, said, “Brook, we’re going into Harold’s Colony. Keep the ship safe.”

  “Roger that,” Brook answered.

  As Miranda, the old man, and Joe followed Anna and her people toward the town’s gates, Strider’s ramp retracted and its rear bay door closed, sealing the ship tight.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 36

  That night there was a huge celebration. Everyone came out to see the returning hero. Miranda didn’t think of herself as a hero, and all of it made her extremely uncomfortable. She shook hands, patted kids on the head, showed off her sword for those who wanted to see it, and answered questions about her life as a monster hunter. Joe looked to be enjoying the attention. Lee just drank. Although he wasn’t drunk yet, he was making a real effort to get that way as fast as he could.

  The quarters Anna had arranged for them were in a small, empty two-story house on the edge of town. It was nestled against the western wall of the colony and had apparently been vacant for some time. Miranda was exhausted, so she, Joe, and Lee finally staggered into it for the night.

  “I’ll take first watch,” Joe offered. Miranda started to tell the sniper there was no need, but then thought better of it. She trusted Anna with her life. The two of them had known each other since they were small girls, and the rest of the folks in Harold’s Colo
ny seemed to be truly smitten with them. While Miranda believed they would be safe, nothing in the universe was ever certain.

  “It’s yours then,” Miranda told him. “I’ll help Lee get settled.”

  The old man was so drunk he could barely walk. Miranda had to help him up the stairs to a bedroom where he could sprawl out and sleep off the large amount of alcohol he had consumed. It wasn’t like Lee to get this trashed. She couldn’t help but wonder why. Was it that coming back here was bothering him, too? Was he worried about Director Shelley and her people, since he had opted not to stay with them? She knew the old man felt a lot of guilt over that, though he would never admit it, to her or anyone else.

  Miranda got Lee into bed, leaving his clothes on, and the old man was snoring like a buzz saw as she left the bedroom. Miranda wished she could sleep so easily. She found a room for herself close to Lee’s. She started to take off her armor, but thought better of it. Knowing she wasn’t going to be able to sleep anyway, Miranda headed back downstairs.

  “Couldn’t sleep, huh?” Joe asked from where he sat in the center of the small house’s living room in a comfortable chair.

  Miranda shook her head. “Figured you could use some company.”

  “I’m okay.” Joe shrugged. “You should try to get some rest. The people here all love you. I don’t think we could find anywhere safer to put down for a bit if we’d searched every world in the fringes.”

  Miranda frowned, though she knew the sniper was right. “Coming back here…” she started.

  “I know it can’t be easy for you,” Joe cut her off. “Like everyone else in the fringes, I know the story of the little girl who slew the monster that killed her father and saved her colony in the process.”


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