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Yours Forever

Page 26

by Bella Winters

  I broke free from his hands and grabbed tightly to his back. He reached down and grabbed my ass, lifting me up in the air and moving his hips like a wave. The motion spiraled the ecstasy out of control, and he groaned loudly into my mouth as I dug my fingernails into his back.

  The bed shook and squeaked beneath us, and my short, loud screams followed along in a symphony of pleasure. I could feel Milos’s body begin to tense as he thrust deep and hard inside of me. With two more pushes, he grabbed on to my hips and pushed his face into my shoulder, letting out a deep growl. I could feel his cock explode inside my body, and immediately, my building orgasm took notice, pushing me over the edge right along with him.

  I leaned forward and bit gently down on his shoulder, and he thrusted in short bursts against my pulsating mound. I could feel my wetness engulf his throbbing erection, and we sunk slowly into each other as our muscles relaxed.

  Milos fell to his side and pulled me close to him, our faces toward each other. He kissed my nose gently as we both attempted to catch our breath. I leaned my forehead against his and smiled at the thought of our forever. He pulled me in even harder and squeezed tightly. I never wanted him to let me go. I never wanted to feel what life was like without him ever again. The bond that we had fought for had finally arrived, and butterflies flew into my stomach.

  He whispered into my ear. “I love you Adriana, and I always will.”

  Chapter 20: Milos

  I stood there next to my bride, holding her hand, as she lay on the examination table. A blue sheet draped over her waist, and the sonogram technician sat comfortably next to her. There were so many instruments around us, it looked like a torture chamber. I winced as the technician globbed some of the clear jelly she was warming in a tube on the big wand she was holding. Adriana giggled at my reaction, and I looked down at her beautiful face and smiled in awe at how far we had actually come. There had been so many ups and downs, but we were finally in a place that left us both happy, relaxed, and completely in love.

  The tech nodded her head at Adriana and rubbed the large wand across her growing belly. We looked up at the screen, but I had a hard time figuring out what we were actually looking at. Then it happened. I heard a tiny, beating drum pulsating from the speakers. It was fast and strong, and I looked down at Adriana in complete amazement. She grabbed on tightly to my hand, and I watched a tear fall from her eye and down her cheek.

  “There’s the baby,” the tech said, smiling.

  We looked up at the screen and watched as a tiny little human shimmied and shook as if it were dancing to the sound of its own heartbeat.

  “The heartbeat is strong and everything looks amazing,” the tech said. “You are doing well, mom.”

  I leaned down and kissed Adriana on the forehead as we watched our child for the first time. It was more amazing than anything I had ever witnessed. Immediately, a feeling of love and pride for my family flooded my chest. Tears burned at the corners of my eyes, and I was completely overwhelmed by the sound of our child’s heartbeat. I knew right then that everything was exactly as it should be.

  As Adriana finished up and got dressed, I sat thinking about the nursery we had been decorating together. My mother offered to have it decorated, but Adriana and I thought it was important to add our own touches and make it extra special for our first child. The colors were bright and beautiful. Every little stuffed animal, every whimsical detail added to the paint, and every soft color added to the room made me think of Adriana and how her smile brightened every room she stepped into.

  Adriana stepped out of the room and smiled as she reached her hand down to me. I stood and took her in my arms, pressing my lips softly against hers.

  “I have a surprise for you,” I whispered.

  “I love surprises,” she said with a huge smile.

  I led Adriana out of the hospital, stopping to smile at the paparazzi who were crowded around, waiting for us to emerge. It was much nicer having them chase me down for pictures of me and my wife than it was getting caught in bad places with terrible people. We hopped into the town car parked out front, and I took Adriana to one of the most exclusive restaurants in the capital. She gawked at the elegance of the place but looked at me strangely. There were no other people in the entire place.

  “I rented out the entire place for privacy,” I said with a mischievous smile.

  She laughed and walked to the back where a table was set up and ready for us. We talked and laughed as we ate the special meal prepared by the chef, dreaming about our future together. The Parliament had embraced the change in me, and I had begun making preparations to take over the throne as King of Silesia. My mother would stay on for advice, but she was more than ready to retire her crown and spend her time puttering around her garden. My father’s death had been hard on my mother, and even though she always kept her head high and a royal presence, I knew she needed to let out a deep breath and really take time to enjoy the rest of her life.

  When we had finished lunch, we sat sipping our water and discussing the ridiculous baby shower that my mother had been planning since she received the news. Adriana’s mother had gotten herself clean and sober, and we had brought her to the castle to live. She got along famously with my mother, and the two spent many an afternoon sipping tea in the garden and planning the baby shower. It was definitely going to be the celebration of the year.

  I looked down at my watch as two servers exited the kitchen and nodded in my direction. I cleared my throat and stood from my chair, motioning for Adriana to stay seated. She watched me with curiosity as the chef walked out with a silver tray. I nodded my head at him, took the small box from the tray, and bent down on one knee in front of Adriana.

  Her smile warmed my heart as she tipped her head to the side and allowed me to take her hand. I was nervous, as this would be the first real time I had proposed to Adriana. My palms were sweaty, and I laughed at my own nerves. Who would have thought I would be at this place just a few months after thinking my life had ended?

  “Adriana,” I said quietly. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met, inside and out. You are not only carrying the future Prince or Princess of Silesia, but you are also carrying my heart and soul. I will forever be in your debt for taking a man like me and turning him from a Prince into a King. I realize that the first time we got engaged, you did not get the ring you should have gotten. So, I am asking you again, today, will you do me the honor of being my wife, my love, and my Queen?”

  I opened the box, and Adriana looked down wide-eyed at the large sparkling stone inside. She clasped her hand over her mouth, and tears streamed from her eyes.

  “Yes, Milos,” she said. “Of course, I’ll marry you.”

  I took the ring from the box and looked deep into her eyes. Then I slid it perfectly onto her finger. She shook her head up and down, watching as the diamond shimmered under the low lights of the restaurant. I pulled her up from her chair and wrapped my arms around her, never wanting to let go. The servers and chef clapped, and Adriana wiped the tears from her eyes, looking around at our audience.

  “This one is real,” I whispered into her ear.

  She laughed loudly and dried her eyes with the napkin from the table. Even though we had already gone through the ceremony, I wanted her to know how dedicated and how serious I really was to be her husband, to protect her, and to grow our family. I wanted the whole thing, the children, the adoring wife, the throne, and it looked like I might just get my wish.

  We happily left the restaurant, thanking them for their beautiful arrangements and hopped back in the car waiting out front. I took Adriana to the shopping district where I told her to pick out anything and everything her heart desired. I loved to watch her eyes sparkle as she tried on beautiful clothes and allowed me to spoil her. I had more surprises for the future, but for right now, I just wanted to watch her enjoy her new life as future Queen of Silesia.

  “Make sure you pick out something tropical,” I whispered in her ear.
“Our first wedding was all stuffy and excessive, but this one will be much simpler, much more intimate, and set in one of the most beautiful places you will ever see.”

  Adriana turned and pressed her lips against mine, pulling back and smiling. She turned and continued to shop, asking me what I thought about everything she tried on before we bagged it up. Normally, the designers would come to us in the palace, but it was nice to feel somewhat normal from time to time. Before we headed home, we stopped at one last store where there was nothing but baby clothes. I truly felt like she was more excited about this one than any of the others. Together, we picked out outfits for both a boy and a girl, not sure yet what we were having. We took everything back to the castle, where we now shared a wing, and sorted through it all.

  After dinner, we decided to hole up in our room and spend some quality time together, just the two of us. I had the servants bring an array of local chocolates up, and we sat sprawled across the bed, feeding each other candy and laughing about our escapades that day. As Adriana pushed a piece of chocolate between her lips, I could feel the heat of passion and love surge through my stomach. I reached over and took the tray down, setting it on the floor and pulling Adriana close to me. She was glowing from head to toe, and she giggled at the sparkle coming from her ring as she pulled her hands to my face.

  I leaned in and kissed her hard, tasting the chocolate still lingering on her lips. As our mouths were intertwined, I ran my hands down the front of her and pulled her nightgown up and over her head. She leaned her head back and bit her bottom lip as I traced her chest with my lips. I could feel her pulse begin to race and her breathing increase as I laid her down on the bed and pulled the rest of her clothes from her body. She was absolutely perfect with her curves and the small bump across her belly. She tried to pull the blanket over her, but I pushed it to the side and leaned down, taking her breast in my mouth.

  “You are so beautiful,” I whispered.

  I sat up on the bed and pulled my shirt off, tossing it to the side with a dramatic flair, making Adriana giggle beneath me. I laid down and pulled my briefs off, releasing my already hard cock like a spring from my pants. I turned toward Adriana and pressed my face against her breasts, feeling her soft skin underneath me. She ran her fingers through my hair and scratched down my neck with her fingernails. For a moment, I sat listening to her heart beat wildly in her chest and thought of the first time we ever made love. I couldn’t think of anyone sexier, and just the feeling of her heavy breath aroused me even further. I scooted up to face her and pulled her on top of me, feeling her wet mound on the shaft of my cock.

  Her beautiful eyes darkened in the seduction of the moment, but she still held a glimmer of sass, as she always did. Between her beautiful body, the person growing in her belly, and the immense amount of passion I had for her, I could barely wait to feel me fill her up completely. I reached up and took her face in my hands, pulling her down for another kiss. As our lips met, I moved my hips, grinding against her. She moaned quietly in my mouth, and I turned, flipping her on her back and hovered over top of her. I leaned down and kissed her soft lips. Slowly, I slipped inside of her and moved back and forth gently. I could feel her body wrap tightly around mine, and we moved with our eyes locked and our lips grazing.

  “I love you, Adriana Dobromil,” I whispered.

  “I love you too, King Dobromil,” she cooed.

  And then we made love.

  Chapter 21: Adriana


  My feet were planted in the warm sands as I looked out over the crystal blue waters stretched out in front of me. Milos had surprised me with our own personal honeymoon to celebrate our “real” marriage to each other, and I had been whisked away to the South Pacific where I found myself relaxed on a small island away from everyone. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining brightly overhead, and we were able to be completely alone for the first time since he plucked me out of the club and took me to his hotel suite. This time, however, there was no secret plan or ulterior motive. It was just us, showing each other just how much we were in love.

  Behind me, some ways from the surf, was what Milos called a cottage, but I considered it more of a manor house, built to look like a beach bungalow. It was white with outdoor carpets, thatched umbrellas, and bright blue doors and shutters. The place was even more impressive on the inside with its sleek marble design and eclectic décor. It was starkly different from the castle.

  Just feeling my bare feet on the cold floors was enough to send me into relaxation mode. But it was the beach that really called to me, drawing me to its shores with the promise of warm water on my toes and sunsets too beautiful to describe.

  Once we had gotten completely settled back into the castle, life just took off, and Milos wanted to get me out here before the baby was born. I wanted to see what the surprise was before I got too big to waddle, which Milos thought was adorable, but I definitely thought otherwise. I even had a tendency to laugh at myself as I struggled to tie my own shoes, thinking back at my days on the stage. If Sveta could see me now, she’d freak out.

  My mother had gotten a lot more supportive, and I was actually excited to have her at the castle. She had become best friends with Milos’s mother, and the two couldn’t stop talking about the baby shower. It was almost driving me nuts. Here, though, under the bright moonlight, I could really relax and forget about all of that for a little while.

  I could sense Milos walking up behind me, and I smiled as he wrapped his hands around my waist and rested them on my growing belly. He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek as he let out a deep breath and peered out at the rolling blue waves. The sun had set, and the moon had begun to rise, creating a cascade of colors across the horizon. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.

  “Do you like it here?” he asked.

  “More than anywhere else I have ever been,” I said, smiling. “It’s absolutely gorgeous here. Can’t we just release our lives back home and live here like beach bums, raising our child in the surf of the beautiful ocean?”

  “No,” he said, laughing. “But we can come here anytime you want. I bought this island as a gift for us. It is the place we can come whenever we want to be alone or take a family vacation. Our own little piece of paradise.”

  “Really,” I said, turning my head toward his. “That is so perfect, Milos. Thank you. I love this.”

  “I thought it would be nice to always have a place we could go that disconnected us from the hustle and bustle of royal life,” he replied, turning me toward him. “Besides, that afternoon in the maze got me thinking.”

  “Did it?” I laughed moving in close and feeling his hard cock press into my crotch.

  “Yes,” he said, leaning over and kissing my neck. “We can make passionate love right here on the beach, and no one would ever know.”

  “I’d like that,” I cooed.

  His hands ran down my side to the knot in my bathing suit cover up.

  As Milos untied the cloth and pulled it from my body, his tongue skimmed across my neck, and he nibbled on my earlobe. Chills ran down my back, and I turned to face him, running my hands through his hair and pressing my lips against his. I nibbled his bottom lip gently, something I knew really turned him on.

  Slowly, we fell to our knees and laid down in the soft warm sands. I watched him intently as he took off his shirt. His tanned skin glistened in the moonlight, and I could feel the warm waves lapping at my feet. He pulled the small triangles of my bikini top from my breasts and squeezed my tits with his hands. The feeling of his skin against my hot body aroused me, and he pulled at my hard nipples.

  His hands trailed down my sides to the ties of my bathing suit bottoms. He pulled each string and opened up my suit to reveal my slick, bulging mound. He bit his bottom lip and growled as he softly ran his hand over my pussy lips, parting them, and rubbing his thumb against my clit. I gasped and moaned at the feeling of his skin. I untied his swim trunks and let his rock-solid er
ection burst from the opening. He took his time playing with my wetness, and I stroked his cock to the sounds of the waves hitting the shore. He closed his eyes as his fingers played over me like a piano, and my soft hands stroked his shaft.

  Milos slipped his swim trunks off and tossed them up the beach. Then he leaned forward and kissed my lips, pulling me into a sitting position. He cupped my bouncing tits in his hands and massaged them gently while his cock was still in my palm. He rolled over on his back and pulled me on top of him, looking up at my wild hair and lustful gaze.

  I slowly lowered myself down on his cock. I could feel a gush of warmth blow through me as he filled me, and I leaned my head back and moaned. The waves crashed behind me, spraying me with water as I moved my hips slowly against him. There was no rush or hurry as we lay rolling through the waves and the soft sand beneath us. The thrill of outdoor sex sent shivers up my spine as I stared up at the twinkling stars overhead, feeling his hands guide my hips toward ecstasy.

  I leaned backward, placing my hands on his thighs and riding him deep and strong while his soft groans filled my ears. I could feel his hands run down my chest, over my belly, and stop as his fingers massaged my wet clit. I whined loudly as the feeling of pleasure surged through me and my hips twisted and turned. With every movement, I wanted more. With every groan from Milos’s lips, I could feel my neediness begin to set in.

  “You like that, baby?”

  “Yes,” I shouted loudly with desperation.


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