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Page 6

by Angelica Chase

  “Okay, ladies and gentlemen, our first item…” I wasn’t paying attention as paddles flew up around me, the bidding getting more intense as the items dwindled down. I studied Nina, watching the emotion cross her face as she studied the goings on. She wanted in so badly, she just wasn’t sure how to do it. Most of my life, I’d been wealthy. I never had to fight for a seat at the table. I didn’t know what it was like to feel like an outcast. Staring at her now, I knew it was painful.

  Looking at her, I knew she didn’t belong.

  She found me in the sea of faces and I saw the resolve cross her face and knew that she would be bidding on the next item, and that she would win.

  “Okay, ladies and gentlemen, next we have an eighteenth century rubbing board. This particular piece of history...” I looked down at the auction menu and cringed.

  Oh, fuck.

  I saw her paddle go up at the bid for ten-thousand and heard the snickers around her. She looked around at the faces of the people openly musing at her and I saw her lips press into a firm line. She had something to prove and had no intention of backing down. I was thankful when Mark Thompson lifted his paddle at twenty thousand, but knew Nina had no intention of losing. The bidding went up to a surprising twenty-five thousand, and I had no choice.

  “Twenty-six thousand to the man in the black tux.” A collective sea of black tuxedos laughed with the crowd, except for one woman who was openly glaring at me. I shook my head in a firm ‘No’, pleading with her not to bid further, but of course she did, making the useless, ancient artifact worth a false thirty-five thousand. I lowered my paddle at forty grand, giving up. Nina looked back at me with a smug smile as the gavel was smacked. I closed my eyes, my head shaking back and forth, and ran my hands through my hair.

  “The lady really wanted that rubbing board, folks.” The crowd burst into laughter as Nina lowered her head at the attention.

  I was suddenly angry with her, with her inexperience, and her inability to read a situation. I fucking hated the crowd laughing at her and wanted to go and yell at her for the embarrassment she’d just brought upon herself. When the auction was over, I joined her and pulled my checkbook from my pocket.

  “Let me get this,” I said quietly as she looked up at me with a smile. “I own it, I bid on it. I won.”

  “Nina, please, just let me get this,” I said more sternly.

  “I’ve got it, Devin. Surely you know I can afford it.” It took all the strength I had not to scream at her in line.

  “Nina, I—”

  “Forty thousand dollars won’t make up for it, Devin. You can’t buy yourself back into my good graces.” She leaned in further. “Or back into your bed.”

  She took another step forward as the line moved, and the auctioneer smiled broadly. “Oh yes, the rubbing board.”

  I leaned in and whispered so only she could hear, “Congrats, you are now the proud owner of the world’s oldest dildo.”

  She froze and stilled her pen, her smile falling from her face. She looked up at me in question as I walked off and out into the parking lot. She deserved to be made to scrape the shit she’d stepped into off of her own foot. I couldn’t keep holding her hand, but damn it I wanted to. I wanted to help her, but at the same time, I wanted to keep her separate from this world.

  “Devin, I’m sorry,” she said as she caught up with me in the parking lot. Without thinking, I turned and wrapped my arms around her, pressing her to me. “For what?” I took her lips without giving her a chance to answer. I kissed her long, hard, and thoroughly. I hadn’t lied. I’d thought about her every minute of every day. When I pulled away, her lips parted as I licked mine, savoring our kiss. Suddenly her features darkened as she forgot my hold on her, her voice low with shame.

  “You were just trying to help me. God, I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life.” She buried her head in her hands and I pulled them away.

  “Stop it,” I snapped as she stood, stunned. “Those fucking people aren’t worth your worry. Most of them have never done a selfless act in their life. You don’t need to compare yourself to them.”

  “So easy for you. Tell me, Devin, why are you surrounded by them? Aren’t these your partners? Your friends?” she huffed, still reeling from my kiss.

  “They are my bread and butter, Nina. They are necessary for me. I don’t have a choice, but you do.”

  “I’m just trying to fit in,” she said in a soft voice.

  “You don’t belong here. Not with them. I’m sure there are plenty of nice wealthy people out there, but …” I pointed to the hotel we had just exited. “Those people I know, those people I do business with, and they are not those nice people.”

  “What would you have me do, Devin?” Trembling beneath her red gown, she confronted me head on, a storm brewing in her gray eyes. I gripped her hand and pulled her into my Audi. She didn’t resist as I turned the ignition and took a deep breath. She stared straight ahead as I looked over at her.

  “Nina.” Grabbing her hand, I held it in mine. Trembling beneath my hand was hers, soft and small. I held it tighter, completely unsure of what to do. I felt somehow responsible for her. I’d only fucked her once, but somehow I knew it had nothing to do with it.

  “I’m completely alone, Devin.” She looked at me then with unshed tears in her eyes and I felt my entire body go weak in visceral reaction. I pulled her to me in a soft kiss, exploring her perfect mouth as she moaned, her tears falling down her cheeks and onto my hands as they cradled her face.

  “Nina, alone is exactly what you will be with a crowd like that. Come on, let’s salvage our night.”

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To the water,” I answered as I buckled her belt then mine.

  “I love the water,” she said softly.

  “I know.” I grinned at her with a wink. She winked back and returned my smile, wiping her tears away.

  I drove to the Isle of Palms and we removed our shoes as we walked along the beach. I grabbed her hand as she stayed silent, still upset, but with each passing minute, I could feel the water working its magic, calming her. She’d told me a long time ago she grew up a water baby. All of her favorite memories were held at the beach. I understood the allure. I felt the weight of the world shift slightly as the water traced the shore. It was becoming warmer.

  She laughed out of nowhere as she turned to me. “How did you know what it was, the rubbing board?”

  “History major,” I said, chuckling with her. “Though that wasn’t in any of the books. I can’t believe that was up for auction.” I smirked, turning to her. “Planning on using it?”

  “Absolutely not,” she said on a childlike giggle. “I wouldn’t even begin to pretend to know how. I should demand full disclosure. It looked like some sort of, I don’t know. It’s made of brass and wood, how would they even begin to …” I gestured with my fingers how the women would impale themselves on the board, facing each other as Nina’s large eyes rounded and her mouth formed an “Oh” of understanding.

  We walked a bit longer and I felt her hand relax in mine.

  “Feel better?” I asked as she turned on me at the same time with a question.

  “Why didn’t you call?”

  “I can’t give you more than sex and friendship.” She didn’t hide her disappointment, and I didn’t offer her more. “A friend would call,” she said, stepping toward me. “I was planning on it.”

  “I was holding my breath,” she mouthed as she eyed me carefully. Her dress outlined her body as the excess material flew in the wind, and I felt the pull, as I always did, to have her beneath me.

  “What are you thinking?” She smiled as I let my eyes appreciate her.

  “I’ve never let a woman so damn beautiful have this much effect on me.”

  “Well, what are you going to do about it?” She put her hands on her hips, an awkward gesture for the dress she was in, but that was Nina, a square peg trying desperately to cram into the round hole.

; “I’m going to eat your perfect ass.” She took a step back and burst out laughing.

  “You won’t be laughing while I’m doing it.” Catching the lust clear in my eyes, she stopped her laugh abruptly, her eyes wide.

  “I don’t like the way you make me feel,” she said, unsteady on her feet.

  “No, you love it, and that scares you more.” I pulled her to me, tasting her and fucking her mouth with my tongue. Pulling away, she searched my eyes and I gave her nothing.

  “Let’s go.” She nodded and bit her lip. I scooped her up, running with her down the sand we had just walked. She laughed hard, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “Thank you,” she said as I slowed, lowering her to the ground.

  “For what?”

  “Trying to save me…again.”

  “One day I may succeed.”

  She smiled as I held open the door for her. “One day I might let you.”

  In the now freezing shower, I fisted myself over and over, thinking about that night and the number of ways I had violated her, carrying out my promise and doing much more. I stilled, letting go as I spilled over, the burn in my chest staying with me.


  Aiden decided to take me home in his Jeep with the top down, but not before pulling up next to Carson in his monstrosity and honking obnoxiously. Carson rolled down his window, his eyes wide.

  “I’ll be escorting Ms. Scott home tonight, sir.”

  “Please, call me Carson.”

  “Will do,” he said, knowing full well the spectacle he was making. “If I may, Miss,” Carson added quickly, “please fasten your belt.” My heart squeezed at his concern as I pulled the strap away from my chest and showed him the inch that it gave. Aiden took off like a bat out of hell and I saw Carson’s face pale before Aiden raced us out of sight.

  “Hey, you want to get along with me, better get along with my sidekick.”

  Aiden smiled as he pushed shuffle on his iPhone. “Will do, Miss.” He pulled the cuff of his shirt out of his jacket, straitening it out to tease me and I punched him in the arm.

  “Damn, woman!” His eyes bulged.

  “I had a little brother. I had to condition on the regular,” I warned.

  “I’ll keep that in mind as well.” He rubbed his arm in mock pain and I rolled my eyes. We stayed silent as we drove through the night, the moon low and surreal as the breeze whispered through the cabin of the Jeep. The Church’s “Under the Milky Way” came on and I thought it fitting. It was absolutely perfect.

  “Do you know where you are going?” I asked as he picked up my hand, kissing my fingertips.

  “Yep, we are going for a drive. We can’t waste this moon.” I nodded in agreement as he avoided stoplights and continued to drive over every bridge in Charleston. We rode for some time, Aiden always the perfect maestro, seducing me without words and a simple playlist.

  “It’s unreal what you do to me with music,” I whispered in his ear, leaning over into his seat and stroking his lap suggestively.

  “Time for bed.” He suddenly exited, heading back toward the direction of my house and I laughed loudly as I gave him short directions. Minutes later, he looked over at me and I saw his need and leaned over again, kissing his neck briefly before pulling away.

  Looking up at the larger than life moon, I lifted my phone and took a snap shot. I frowned at the picture. It wasn’t a damn thing like what we were seeing. Aiden noticed my frustration after several attempts.

  “Some things are to be lived in the moment only, they can’t be captured.” I looked over at his golden hair as it played in the breeze, his tender smile, and understood immediately.

  I was going to fall for this man.

  At home, Aiden stayed silent as he surveyed the expanse of my house. He didn’t seem impressed and walked through it with me, opening each door as I guided the tour. I finally let out a long loud breath after several minutes of silence.


  “I’m going to bet you only use two or three rooms in this house on a daily basis.” He looked pointedly at me and I nodded.

  “This isn’t the right house for you,” he said, dismissing it.

  “Well, I designed it, and I happen to love it.”

  “No, you don’t,” he said, studying me as we stood in a spare bedroom. “You defend it. If you loved it, you wouldn’t try so hard and you wouldn’t be asking for my approval.”

  I rolled my eyes and he closed the distance between us. “Don’t do that, beautiful. I’ll make you cry.”

  “What?” I said, looking into his fiery eyes.

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me. It’s disrespectful.”

  “Respect is earned,” I muttered as I rounded the corner of the room into the carpeted hall, still on edge because of his assessment. I heard the air whoosh next to my head before I realized I was on the floor with my hands pinned above me. I looked up as Aiden towered over me. “And you are about to earn mine.”

  I giggled as I fought his hold in vain and he held my hands with his one as he tore my dress away from my chest. I paused, hearing the material rip, and looked up at him in shock. He snapped the strap of my bra away and pulled the cups down, revealing my peaked nipples.

  “Still not taking me at my word, Nina?”

  I fought him hard, then turned my body and ripped my wrist free as I attempted to crawl away. He held on to the material as I struggled to move from him, my back and thong covered ass now bared to him as he won the war with my now ruined dress. I felt the sting of his slap on my thigh and screamed out.


  He lunged for me just as I was about to break free, pressing me down with one hand on my back while tearing away my panties. Seconds later, I felt his hand separate my legs easily as he lifted me on all fours. I was dripping as he landed another painful slap. I looked back to see him removing his jacket and tie as he held me in place with his hand on my hip, his fingers digging in painfully. I moved to get away when he stopped me with the boom in his voice.

  “Don’t even think about it. I already owe you for the first time.”

  I lay my head on the carpet, my ass in the air, waiting for my punishment. I felt the ache to be filled as I panted, unsure of his next move. A sudden burst of cold air hit me as I realized we were under an air conditioning vent. I moved slightly to keep the chill from my skin and screamed as Aiden bit me hard on the back of my neck. Pain washed over me just as he thrust into me from behind. My body exploded in sensation as I called out to him. Overcome by the sudden intrusion of his long, thick cock, I twisted my ass to try to accommodate his size.

  I felt the strap around my neck before the squeeze as he tightened his belt, thrusting into me full force.

  “If you want out of this, Nina, you tap the floor with your palm, understood?” His voice was raw, angry, and full of lust. “Let me see you do it,” he pushed out through clenched teeth.

  I tapped the floor with my palm and he rewarded me by tightening the belt. I was leashed now as he pounded into me, pulling on the belt for leverage. He slowed his thrusts and tightened it further, cutting off my air, but only for a few seconds before releasing the hold to slam in again.

  Thrust, thrust, squeeze.

  Thrust, thrust, squeeze. I bit my lip as the orgasm built deep inside of me. I was dizzy with lust, only able to feel him. The powerful thrust of his hips forced me to collapse forward and I was rewarded with the painful squeeze of the belt and another hard slap on my now bruised ass as he again lifted me back to my knees. With one more push of his punishing cock, I came and he squeezed and slapped as the current raced through me, leaving me completely drained. I fell forward again, unable to care about the consequences. The belt was released and I was turned over in time to see Aiden’s eyes blaze.

  “I’m going to treat you so nice,” he whispered, tracing my neck with tongue-filled kisses while his fingers eased in and out me, pulling the moisture from my orgasm. “I’m going to need to fuck this pussy well and

  “Yes,” I breathed out in reply. Succumbing to his touch and his promising words, I shuddered as he traced my folds softly with my slick juices. He pulled away, catching my eyes as he drew back, pulling my legs up around his shoulders, hooking them behind his neck while lifting my upper half off the floor. He slid into me slowly, so slowly, as I choked on a gasp, completely full of him.

  “Aiden,” I whispered hoarsely.

  His hand slid down my chest over my breasts, caressing them as he made his way down to my aching clit. “I know, baby, you still need me.”

  I nodded, knowing how desperate I seemed, knowing that no matter how good it was, I was insatiable. No matter how hard I came, I would always want more. I was addicted.

  “Watch it, baby. Watch my cock,” he murmured soothingly. I followed his eyes to where we met intimately and I watched his length go in and out, coated with my orgasm. He pushed in deep, his reach slightly painful, caressing the spot deep inside stroke after stroke. The sight of his cock covered in me had me coming again instantly and he sped up as we both watched ourselves connect. My skin was on fire as I watched his coat of armor tattoo flex with his exertion and admired the sharp contours of his chest. There was nothing but menace in his eyes as he punished me with harsh licks over and over, pushing me to the brink. His knowing smirk was sinister, as if he knew exactly what I was feeling and how to take it away.

  If this man was my knight, I had no doubt he was hiding the dark horse he rode in on.

  My body still halfway between the floor and wrapped around his shoulders, he pounded into me, slowing only to readjust his grip before rearing back and really punishing me. I felt every inch of him and he made sure of it, his body taxing mine. I felt him harden further as he rubbed me deep and I held out for him as he pushed in one last time.


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