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The Renegades' Reward

Page 5

by Maddie Taylor

  “No. The backhand came courtesy of Nestor.” Cobb jerked his chin toward where her abuser lay.

  His gun hand didn’t waver, only his chin moved, and no more than a fraction. He stared at the lifeless form among the splintered wood for a moment, then he grunted—sounding satisfied. His free hand extended her way. “Come to me, Daniella.”

  Startled by his deep baritone saying her name, she didn’t move, unable to. Did she take her chances here, with the devils she knew, or go with him, the devil she didn’t? Trembling with fear, she could only gaze back at him while a cold knot of uncertainty formed in her stomach.

  He took the decision from her by moving in and pulling her up with an arm around her waist.

  “Please, no...” she whimpered, wishing this nightmare would end.

  “Shh, sweetness,” he murmured, and she thought he added, “trust me.”

  But she couldn’t be sure because Rylon announced through the speakers, “He’s locked onto all life-forms in the cargo hold. He says to get out or he’ll transport everyone, and vaporize any uninvited guests upon arrival.”

  The two remaining pirates scrambled for the doors. A moment later, the prickly tingling sensation of transporting took hold, her molecules disassembling, scattering across time and space, only to come together again in a flash of light moments later. She’d done it twice in her life, and never forgot it, hating the process which always left her dazed and weak-kneed. It also freaked her out, each time expecting to wind up with an arm sticking out of her forehead or her feet facing backward.

  Nothing horrible happened this time, except her legs gave way. She didn’t puddle on the floor, however, thanks to the hold the large alien had on her waist. He went a step further and caught her behind the knees, scooping her naked body—save for her shoes—up in his arms.

  “I can walk,” she protested.

  “You can barely stand.” He stepped out of the semi-circular glass booth.

  She peeked up at him. This close, she noticed he had a blond scruff of beard, light next to his tawny skin. She wanted to reach up and touch it, to feel the texture on her fingertips, but that would be insane. No matter his handsomeness, he was a stranger and an alien. She stiffened instinctively, pushing against his chest. “What do you want with me?”

  His face angled down to her. When their eyes met, she sucked in a startled breath. His were a stunning silver shade, and, up close, better looking, something she wouldn’t have believed possible. And strong enough to lift her off the floor one-handed, and capable of saving her from the cruel pirates who’d outnumbered him three- to-one. He’d also ended Nestor without batting an eye.

  The last fact sobered her. The pirates had called him a mercenary. She didn’t know if it was true, but she had no guarantee she was any better off now than ten minutes ago. Panicking, she struggled to get free, twisting in his arms. “Put me down.”

  Her resistance had the opposite effect. Like steel bands, his inflexible hold tightened.

  “Easy, Daniella. I’m one of the good guys. You’re safe.”

  “I don’t know that.” Struggling, she found she was helpless against his strength. “And you didn’t answer my question. What do you want? Who sent you?”

  “Daniel Alltryp.”

  His answer stabbed into her heart. Her father meant to sell her to Ivar, like the pirates had to a slave auction, so she’d be no better off. “You work for him?”

  “On contract only.” He strode forward. “I’ll explain everything later. Right now, I need to get you secured. Cobb’s rattletrap is going to blow at any moment, and I don’t want you injured from any subsequent shock waves.”

  “Brace, Jaylin,” a deep voice called over the com. “Blast wave in five, four, three...”

  Her rescuer moved into action. Dropping her on her feet, he pinned her to the wall.

  “Not again,” she whimpered.

  By the count of one, the floor beneath her feet and everything around her jerked violently. This time, she felt no pain, just the pressure of his big body constraining hers while he grasped the vertical beams on either side of them.

  Having been through this one too many times of late, she freaked. Unable to suppress the frightened sob rising from her throat, she clutched at the closest thing within reach. Unfortunately, the only solid thing around was him.

  “Easy, Daniella, I’ve got you,” he murmured.

  Unlike the pirates’ ship, this one seemed sound. Though it shook, it didn’t creak and

  groan, or give the impression it would break into bits at any second. Still, the awful experience brought her phobia about being sucked into space front and center.

  Big and solid, even though he was a stranger, she wanted to wrap her arms around his waist and cling to him, like her life depended on it because, as far as she knew, it did. Except she couldn’t, not with her arms bound behind her back. Instead, she leaned into him and buried her face in his chest, hoping he wouldn’t let her fall.

  Before long, the shaking stopped, and the same deep voice called the all clear.

  “Does that mean...?” Her question came out muffled by his shirt, but he answered.

  “Yep. Cobb and the rest of his vile crew won’t bother you ever again.”

  She wilted, only noticing a few minutes later, he’d released the beams and curled his arms around her. It felt nice, and reassuring. Tipping her head back, she looked up at him.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, his low voice warm with concern.

  Sudden tears made his image waver; she didn’t think she’d ever be all right again.

  “Sweetness...” He used his thumbs to wipe the wetness from her cheeks, his touch gentle.

  Standing naked in his arms, she became self-conscious, well aware she hadn’t washed in days. “I’m fine,” she whispered, hiding her face in his shirt when she really wanted to find a corner to curl up in and lick her wounds. Second on her list, a hot shower. Except she couldn’t do any of those things, not with her wrists tied. Nor did she pull away, or else she’d expose herself.

  He leaned away, nudged up her chin, his silver eyes searching. “I doubt you’re fine, Daniella. You’ve been through quite an ordeal.”

  With his chin tucked to look down at her, she became aware of how very big he was. Tall, and thickly muscled, his chest at least triple the breadth of Ivar’s, it tested the constraints of his white shirt. With his hair swirling around his shoulders, he reminded her of a pirate of old, the swashbuckling kind from romantic tales, lacking only a sword and a scabbard. And he smelled wonderful, the opposite of the stale fetid breath of Nestor and his ilk.

  She breathed him in, having no choice since he surrounded her. When he tilted his head, peering down at her in concern, it came to her she’d been gaping at him like a smitten fool. She racked her brain to recall his last comment.

  “Uh, well...yes,” she stammered, before coming up with a response. “It has been a harrowing few days.”

  “I bet.” He gave her a squeeze. He also slid his hands down her arms and, with a snap, released her bindings.

  Moving her hands in front, she stayed close to him, concealing her nudity while also flexing her fingers, trying to restore the blood. “Thank you,” she murmured. “Much longer, and my shoulders would have been forever frozen in that position.” Her stomach growled, which mortified her on top of everything else.

  His full, sensual lips curved upward, teeth flashing dazzling white against his golden skin, and those eyes, they gleamed as he smiled transforming his face from handsome to gorgeous. And it didn’t help her schoolgirl giddiness when he brushed back strands of hair from her cheeks and forehead, tucking the long tendrils behind her ears.

  “Things are looking up for you because I see a hot shower and food in your future.”

  “Yes, please.”

  “After, I’ll have Malik check your injuries. He’s at the helm, right now.”

  “Is he your captain?”

  “No, I command the Renegade. Ma
lik is my crew.”

  “Your crew consists of one man?”

  “Yes, he’s my copilot, cooks because I’ve tried and am hopeless, and he’s also our medic. We’re lean on numbers but make up for it in skill and determination.” He slid his long finger down her cheek, and then tapped her nose. “Now, how about a shower.”

  Her face flooded with heat at the reminder. After three days, she must really stink. “I’m sorry. This close, you must not be able to stand me.”

  “You misunderstood, Daniella. You’re warm and soft against me, and your skin is very silky smooth. I’m trying to be a gentleman and not kiss your tears away, so I need to put some space between us. Your father might frown upon you standing naked in my arms since it’s not exactly part of the first-class rescue and protection service he hired me to deliver.”

  “As if my father would care,” she retorted, unable to hide her hurt.

  “He’s paying a lot of credits to get you back.”

  “Only to hand me over to the Elzorians and certain death.”

  A shadow crossed his face. “Let’s take care of your immediate needs. After you’re settled you can tell me all about it.”

  When he began to step back, her arms tightened. “Wait! I’m naked.”

  “I’m aware, sweetness, believe me. But you have nothing to fear from me, and nothing to be ashamed of. You have a beautiful body, which we, Malik and I, intend to protect to the death to keep that way.” With his back to her, he held his hand bent up behind him. “Grab hold and I’ll take you to your quarters while on the Renegade.”

  Reassured by his consideration of her modesty, she set her palm in his, amazed at how its bigness engulfed hers. As he led her out of the transporter room and into a large circular deck, she marveled at what she saw. State-of-the-art, immaculate, and in excellent condition, a far cry from the dirty, dilapidated ship where she’d spent the past few days.

  Small rooms surrounded the large center space, some stood open, others had clear double doors which allowed her to see inside. They passed a roomy galley kitchen, an exercise area with all sorts of equipment, and a smaller, darkened room with a thickly padded reclining chair, floor-to-ceiling screens on the walls, and nothing else. Beyond stood a control console in an alcove with a mini observation screen, and on it a multitude of stars twinkled in the black heavens.

  He veered right down a short hall with several frosted glass doors.

  “These are the crew quarters. Although modestly sized and nothing fancy, I think you’ll find them comfortable. Yours is at the end of the hall. I’ll give you a tour of the rest of the ship later, after you’ve rested.” He stopped in front of the last door. “Here we are.”

  He pressed his palm over a sensor near the ceiling, far above her head.

  “Will I be locked in?”

  “No, why would you think that?”

  “I won’t be able to reach the control.”

  He raised his hand again and made an adjustment.

  “Now it’s set on automatic.”

  “I can’t lock it?”

  “I’d prefer you didn’t for your safety, but I’ll get you something to stand on so you can if it makes you more comfortable.”

  “Thank you.” She peeked around him, taking in the tempting bed with its plush navy comforter, and thick blue-and-white striped pillows. So easily, she could crawl into it, curl under the covers, and sleep for a week. On the wall to her left stood a recessed door which she hoped led to a bathroom.

  “You’ll find the shower through there.” He nodded at the door, like he’d read her mind.

  When she glanced up, she decided it was because he watched her so closely.

  “I don’t have any clothes,” she whispered, crossing her arms over her bare breasts while her gaze swept the room, searching for a robe or a towel, a doily would do, anything to cover herself. Not seeing any of those things, she dashed to the bed and grabbed one of the pillows, holding it longways against her front.

  When she turned back, his eyes had become gleaming pools of silver, locked on her.

  “We have a facsimulator,” he said after a pause. “It can create whatever you’d like to wear. A dress? Trousers and a shirt? Or, I could order up a tunic and leggings. What shall it be?”

  “A tunic and leggings sounds comfortable.”

  “What’s your favorite color?”

  “It used to be blue.” After Elzor, she hated it. “How about purple?”

  “Done.” His gaze moved over her hair. “Mine has recently become red.”

  Flushing, she hurried toward the bathroom, not an easy task while walking backward and hiding behind a pillow. She didn’t miss his lips twitching with amusement.

  “How about a hairbrush?”

  “There is a cabinet inside. You should find everything you need. If not, call me.”

  When she reached the door, instead of scurrying through when it slid open as she’d planned, Dani paused. Hearing all was in readiness for her, she asked something that had occurred to her, bothered her actually, though it shouldn’t. “Do you do this often? Rescue women, I mean?”

  “We aren’t in the business of recovering kidnap victims, no. This is an all-male enterprise, all two of us. We didn’t have provisions for a woman and wanted to ensure your comfort during your trip home.”

  A heaviness centered in her chest at the word home. An hour ago, she’d have given anything to be there. Now, with what her father had done, she couldn’t imagine it. “Thank you for considering my needs and for caring. I don’t get a lot of that.”

  “You should.” The sudden sharpness of his tone drew her eyes to his face. He frowned briefly, then his features smoothed out. What had he been thinking? “I’ll leave you to your shower. Should I plan for supper in say, thirty minutes? Or will you require longer?”

  “Any longer and I might fall asleep. I’ve hardly closed my eyes since the day I was taken.”

  “And I’m sure you haven’t eaten. We’ll get you fed, have those bruises checked out, and, afterward, you can sleep clear on through to morning.”

  “Thank you, Captain, that sounds wonderful.”

  “I’m Jaylin, please.”

  “And most people call me Dani.”

  “Thirty minutes, Dani. Or I’m coming in to check on you.” He said it softly, with a kind smile, though she didn’t doubt for a minute he’d meant it as an order.

  “Yes, sir,” she replied, snapping off a salute as if one of his crew, and totally forgetting her state of undress. Her pillow slipped. She caught it before she revealed everything, but a blush flooded her face, spreading down her neck to the tops of her breasts which peeked above the blue-and-white makeshift shield. His attention dipped to where she clutched it to her chest, only making things worse.

  He didn’t comment or tease her in any way. Instead, with one last intense glance, he strode out the door.

  Chapter Four

  Busy in the galley making a meal for their guest, Malik turned when he heard footsteps. His brother’s hair was damp from a shower, and though he should be relaxed after accomplishing their mission so efficiently, he read tension and anger on his face.

  “How is she?”

  “Rattled, as any young woman would be after being subjected to Cobb and Nestor’s company for three long days. I tried to set her at ease. She’ll need your attention after she gets cleaned up. I saw bruises on her hips, wrists, and several ugly ones over her ribs. The bastards were damn rough. I would have had you see to her first thing, except she seemed more desperate for a shower, than in pain. And she hasn’t eaten or slept.”

  “I figured she’d be hungry. It’s almost ready. After she eats, if she can’t sleep, restless with bad memories, I can give her something to help.”

  “That might be a good idea, regardless.”

  Malik asked the yet-unspoken question. “Was she harmed more than outwardly, do you think? Nestor is a devout rapist, or he used to be until I scattered his atoms across the galaxy.” />
  “She’s skittish, so I didn’t press her on that yet.” A muscle ticked in Jaylin’s cheek. “They had her stripped bare when I found her, with her hands bound behind her back.”

  “Creators damn them to hell,” he growled.

  “If there is justice, they are burning there now. I’ll regret their end came so hastily if they violated her. Inquire when you examine her, Mal, but go easy.”

  He nodded, another dismal thought occurring to him. “If the deed is done, what becomes of her?”

  “I don’t know. Alltryp seemed concerned only about her bride price and the credits he’d earn in his alliance with Elzor.” Jaylin’s troubled gaze bored into him when he stated, “I can’t fathom how a father can be so cold. She’s beautiful, Malik. More so than her pictures. Young, wide-eyed, and so helpless when I found her. What could she have done to earn his hatred?”

  “Be careful, brother, your protective nature and kind heart are showing.”

  Jaylin snorted. “Both have been buried so long, I’d forgotten I had either one.”

  “This is what I was afraid of. Remember what we discussed. We can’t. I can’t. Not again.”

  “Am I interrupting?” Husky as though strained, her soft voice cut through his increasing anxiety. When he glanced at her, he understood why his brother had been taken with her so quickly. He’d seen her picture, but it in no way did her justice.

  “Dani, you look—” Jaylin paused. “I had thought to say better. That isn’t true, you just look different.”

  “I have clothes on and my hair isn’t going in a million directions.”

  He noticed his brother’s eyes run over her long, dark-red hair. And they didn’t stop there, moving on to the clingy tunic and form-fitting tights accentuating her ample curves. Fully covered from her neck to the ankle-high boots on her small feet, a lace nightgown wouldn’t have been more alluring. This didn’t escape Jaylin’s notice, either.


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