The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 10

by Missy Martine

  Aurelia turned and looked at Zack, her expression troubled. “You have to promise me something, Zack.”

  “Anything, love. Just name it.” She looked out the window, and Zack wondered what she saw. To him, there was only blue expanse peppered with billowy white balls.

  “Promise me you won’t let them take me.”

  Zack wrapped both arms around her. “What are you talking about?”

  “The men that are after me. I want your promise they won’t get me. I can’t go back, Zack. I just can’t. I’d rather be dead.”

  “Can you tell me what happened to you back then?”

  “You never saw the lab?”

  “No, I was never allowed inside the building. I was always on guard duty outside. We were housed in a separate location.”

  “I may have already told you some of this, so forgive me if I repeat myself. I was only eight when I made the mistake of healing my brother’s pet where my father could see. He was afraid of me after that, but I could also see a kind of glow in his eyes whenever he looked at me. For the next year he acted really strange, and we had a lot of visitors to the house.”

  “Where was your mother?”

  “She took off after my brother was born. I never heard from her again.”

  “What happened after the year your father acted strangely?”

  “One of the guys that my dad confided in had government contacts. They came to see us and basically made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.” She turned to the window and gave a brittle laugh. “Don’t get me wrong. He made out pretty well. He got some money, and some property signed over to him. All he had to do for it was prove I could do what he said and sign over guardianship to the lead doctor in their facility.”

  “How did he prove what you can do?”

  “My brother accidentally shot my neighbor’s cat with a BB gun. He didn’t kill him, but the poor thing was in terrible pain. I healed him, not knowing that my father was filming me from the upstairs window of our house. It was only a few days later when they came for me.”

  “Who came?”

  “Military types. Guys in uniforms with guns at their sides. At first, they treated me pretty special. They gave me all my favorite things to eat and a room any little girl would die for. There was television, and movies and books. There was even a tutor that came several times a week to keep up with my schoolwork.”

  “When did things change?”

  Aurelia sighed. “I’d been there for about three months when the doc started paying me daily visits. Up until then they’d taken some blood several times, had me pee in a cup or two, and done a bunch of X-rays. Dr. Jackson wanted more.”

  “Dr. Jackson?”

  Aurelia nodded. “Dr. Conrad Jackson. He was the head of the facility where they held me.”

  “I never met him. I was under Sergeant Brian Davidson’s command at the time we met.”

  “He wanted to do tests while I was using my gift.”

  “How did he manage that?”

  “He used himself as a guinea pig. He’d make little shallow cuts on his arm and then have me heal it. There’d be a technician taking blood from me while I was doing it. Apparently, that didn’t give he what he wanted. He started having them hold me down so he could take tissue samples, but it backfired on him.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He thought I would bounce back quickly. He hadn’t realized yet that I can’t heal myself. It doesn’t work that way.”

  “Man, he sounds like a real piece of work.”

  “You don’t know the half of it. It didn’t take him long to figure out that the amount of healing energy I expend is directly proportional to the injury. He wasn’t gonna get much data from his little paper cuts. He had to up the stakes.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He started bringing in people with injuries. At first, they were legitimate accidents. Some of them were even servicemen. That’s how I met Alvara. He’d received a nasty burn when he dropped a pan of hot water in the mess hall. He was awake for the healing, so they let him stay on as my guard.”

  “You said at first they were legitimate accidents. What changed?”

  “He wanted to know what types of things I could heal, so he started injuring people and bringing them to me. When I refused, he brought in a little girl around five and told me if I didn’t get back with the program and continue with the experiments, he’d break both her legs every day until I agreed. He said it would also tell him if I had any limits on how many times I could heal the same injury.”

  “No wonder you wanted to escape.”

  “My decision to leave came from a startling announcement from Dr. Jackson. Remember, I was only fourteen years old, and a little behind in my development than other girls my age.”

  “What did he announce?”

  Aurelia turned and gazed into Zack’s eyes. “He wanted to reproduce my gift. He planned on taking my eggs when I reached puberty and having them artificially inseminated into some volunteer from his staff.”

  Zack growled and pulled her harshly into his arms. “What kind of monster was he?”

  Aurelia clung to him and laid her head on his chest. “Is, not was. He’s still alive and running the program. At least he was when I left. He’s only in his early fifties, so he could have a lot of years left in him.”

  Zack snuggled her close, burying his nose in her hair and inhaling deeply. “I promise you, love. I will never let him get his hands on you again. I’ll keep you safe, Aurelia. That’s my solemn promise.” He pressed her head against his shoulder. “Get some rest, love. We’ll need to head to the alpha’s home as soon as we get back.” The rhythmic movements of the plane were soothing, and soon he could hear the even timbre of his mate’s breathing as she dropped off to sleep. No matter what, he’d keep his woman safe.

  * * * *

  Conrad looked up as the chief of security for the Wentworth Lab strolled in. Cecil Woods was a no-nonsense kind of man who had absolutely no scruples when it came to getting any job done. He’d been with the program since its inception. He was, in Conrad’s opinion, the perfect employee.

  “What is it, Cecil?”

  “Subject 2274 is back in the States, Dr. Jackson.”

  “We’ve had this discussion before, Cecil. The young lady is more amenable to the tests if we exhibit a more personal approach. I expect you to use her name and not her file number.”

  “Very well, Dr. Jackson. Miss Salazar is back in the States.”

  “When can I expect delivery of the little princess?”

  “There’s a problem, sir. The men tailing her did not make it onto the same plane. They were able to notify us in time, and we had people waiting for the plane to land.”

  “So, what’s the problem?”

  “She has quite a bit more protection than we anticipated. She was taken from the United flight and placed aboard a private jet that took off within moments of her arrival.”

  “Where was it heading?”

  “Flight plan sent it to Casper, Wyoming.”

  “Who owns the plane?”

  Cecil scratched his head. “That’s where it gets strange. It’s registered to a corporation called NCSA. I was unable to find out what the acronym stands for. The CEO is a man called Robert Mavers. Pretty much a recluse. I couldn’t find anything on him at all.”

  “Get some people out to Casper and find out where she goes when she leaves the plane. She’s in our grasp now, and we’re not giving up so easily.”

  Cecil nodded. “Right away, sir.”

  Conrad shut the door behind Cecil and took a deep breath. “You’re coming home, Aurelia. You owe me a few years after running off. I promise your room will be all ready when they bring you in.”

  Chapter 7

  Aurelia leaned against Zack in the backseat and tried to relax. Zack’s brother Macon had picked them up from the airport with orders to drive them to the home of Alpha Remus. The tall, blond-haired young man looked handsome in his
double-breasted business-gray suit. He’d driven like a maniac, throwing the car into gear and racing down the airport entrance as the scenery blurred outside her window. Frustrated, he’d slammed the butts of both hands against the steering wheel each time they’d been caught by a red light. Outside was dark, but the vague light from the dash illuminated his profile as he entwined his fingers behind the steering wheel and distractedly tapped a thumb upon it in time to the country music tunes coming from the radio.

  The purring of the engine and the faint vibration of the road lulled her into a place halfway between sleep and wakefulness, halfway between worry and peace. Zack’s arms came around her, keeping her from falling to the floor when Macon stepped on the brake so hard her seatbelt jerked tight.

  “We’re here, love.”

  She wanted to get out of the car and run back down the gravel hill. Anything to keep from disappointing these people. When she got out of the car, the wind ruffled leaves in a small tree nearby. It was quiet. Not even the sound of traffic intruded and she savored it, trying to let it calm her. Her eyes darted to Zack’s face and discovered he’d been watching her.

  Smiling, Zack took her hand. “It’s gonna be fine, love. You’ll see.” She nodded and gripped his hand tighter.

  Macon motioned toward the back of the house. “Remus said to come on in no matter what time it was.”

  “Are the pups here?” asked Zack.

  Macon nodded and glanced nervously at Aurelia. “All three of them are sick now.”

  “Then let’s get moving,” Aurelia said. “I’ll do what I can.” She held tight to Zack as they walked around the house. Macon opened the back door and went in first, with her following close behind. The house was spacious with a farm-size kitchen dominated by a claw-foot table surrounded by ten chairs. A woman with a clean, wind-blown appearance and fresh complexion hurried into the room, her brown hair swinging with the force of her movements.

  Zack moved forward and engulfed the small woman in a hug. “Aunt Maddie, it’s good to see you.”

  Maddie patted his cheek. “You, too, Zack. Congratulations on finding your mate.” She moved closer to Aurelia and held out her hand. “I’m Maddie Wind River, the Alpha Femm of the Wind River Pack. Welcome to our family, Aurelia.” Before Aurelia could say anything, she was pulled into a crushing embrace. Maddie leaned back and drew in a deep, swift breath, her nostrils flaring. “You haven’t claimed her yet.”

  Zack chuckled. “We’ve been running for our lives for the past three days, Aunt Maddie. There hasn’t actually been time.”

  Maddie sighed and took Aurelia’s hand. “I’m happy you’re here, girl. Please, make yourself at home.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Wind River. I’m hopeful I can be of some use to your family.”

  “Please, call me Aunt Maddie, or Maddie. And you don’t have to prove your worth to this family. You’re already an important part of it. We’re gonna have to have a party to introduce you to the pack.”

  Zack grinned and slipped his arm around Aurelia’s waist. “See, I told you.”

  “There will be time for chatting later,” said Maddie. “Remus is waiting in his study. Zack, you and Aurelia go on back.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Zack took Aurelia’s hand and led her down the hall, stopping in front of a large, double door. He knocked once and waited for a response. It wasn’t long in coming.

  A gruff voice from inside called out. “Come in.”

  The large book-lined room had a single lamp burning. It spread light over the gleaming mahogany desk. The faint scent of lemon oil hung in the air. She caught movement in the corner of her eye and turned to see the most powerful man she’d ever seen. He was well over six feet tall, and his long brown hair hung loose around his shoulders. His dark chocolate eyes narrowed beneath his bushy brows giving him a formidable expression. He held out his hand. “Welcome to my pack, Aurelia Salazar. I’m Remus Wind River, alpha of the Wind River Pack.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you, sir.”

  He motioned for her to sit down which she did. Zack stood behind her chair, his hands softly massaging her shoulders.

  “I know the two of you must be exhausted, but I have no choice but to ask if you could see the children tonight. Their fevers have worsened, and Tehran is becoming quite concerned.”

  “Who’s Tehran?” asked Aurelia.

  Remus smiled. “He’s the pack doctor. He went to medical school and has been treating our family for more years than you’ve been alive.”

  “Is he okay with my taking a look at the children? I’ve run into problems with doctors before.”

  Remus growled softly. “We’re all in favor of anything that could possibly help the pups. Just tell me what you need.”

  Aurelia smiled. “I just need to see the children. It would be better if the fewer the people as possible stay in the room. I need full concentration.”

  “What about the parents?” asked Remus.

  “Can we keep it to just the mother? Her presence will probably have a calming influence on them.”

  “No problem,” said Remus. “We’ve had them staying here since they were found in the cave. They’re down the hall in the guest room. If you’re ready, I’ll take you there now.”

  Aurelia stood. “Okay, let’s get this show on the road.” She followed Remus down the hall with Zack close on her heels. She became conscious of the frightful thud of her heart and worked hard to steady her breath and calm her nerves. When Remus reached for the doorknob, her heart beat in the high hollow of her throat as she held her breath. It rushed out in a powerful puff as she walked into the room.

  The guestroom held a four-poster bed in oak, with huge ball legs and a headboard and footboard complete with carved floral motifs. A crystal light on the bedside table was the only light in the room. A man and a woman hovered nervously around the bed where three little girls moved restlessly.

  Remus cleared his throat. “Guys, this is Aurelia Salazar, and she’s gonna see if she can help the girls. Jeremy, I want you to wait outside with me and Zack.”

  “No,” said Aurelia. “I want Zack to stay, please.”

  Remus studied her for a moment and then nodded. “Marianne, do whatever she needs to help out. We’ll be in the kitchen if anyone needs anything.” He turned and quickly left the room.

  Marianne turned to Aurelia. “What can I do?”

  “Which of your children is the sickest?” asked Aurelia.

  Marianne glanced at the bed. “They all have fevers, but it seems to be hitting Celia the hardest.”

  “Then please bring Celia to the foot of the bed and make a cocoon with pillows and blankets. I need her chest bare, but the rest of her should be covered so we can keep her warm.”

  Zack stepped forward. “You get the blankets, Marianne, and I’ll move Celia.” He picked up the little girl and kissed her softly on her tangled hair. Aurelia helped Marianne place the pillows where the child would be lying right next to the edge of the mattress within easy reach for her touch. Once they had the child in place, she pulled over the chair from the corner and sat down next to the bed.

  “Marianne, I want you to stay on my left. When Celia wakes, it should be your face she sees first.”

  “Okay,” said Marianne. “Can I ask a question?”

  Aurelia turned to smile at the distraught woman. “Sure! What do you wanna know?”

  “Will this hurt her?”

  Zack smiled. “I can answer that. We had an accident on the way home, and I was hurt. Aurelia used her abilities to heal me, and I didn’t feel any pain at all. There was a warm, comfortable, safe feeling that seemed to flow all through me.”

  Aurelia shook her head. “I’ve never had anyone complain of pain from my healings before.”

  Marianne’s shoulders relaxed, and she smiled. “Thank you. And I wanted you to know that my husband and I are both grateful, no matter what the outcome. Alpha Remus told us it might not work, and we want you to know we appreciate your efforts no matter
what happens.”

  Aurelia blinked back tears and turned to the small child. Light-blonde hair tangled around a face that sprouted a series of freckles across a pale nose. Her small chest heaved in and out with each difficult breath. Closing her eyes, she placed her hands on the child’s dry, hot chest and focused on the heat snaking up her fingers.

  * * * *

  Zack watched his mate take a deep breath and then sink into an almost trance-like state. After a moment, the orange glow worked its way around her fingers where they spread out over Celia’s chest. Marianne gasped, her hand rising to her mouth. Zack smiled, trying to give comfort and remain silent at the same time. They should have told the poor woman what to expect.

  He watched Aurelia closely for any signs of stress or fatigue. After ten long minutes, the smudges under her eyes became defined, dark circles. Her breathing became erratic, the color from her cheeks fading. He reached for her and then drew back his hands when she began swaying precariously in her chair. Through everything, the child’s condition seemed unchanged.

  Suddenly, Aurelia’s head rolled upright and her eyes opened. For a few seconds, her gaze appeared unfocused, and then her eyes rolled back into her head. Zack caught her as she slid silently to the floor. The very tip of her tongue showed between her teeth as her head lolled against his chest.

  Marianne rushed to Celia’s side and pressed her hand against the child’s head. “Fever feels the same. Is the poor girl okay?”

  Zack scooped Aurelia into his arms and walked toward the door. “I think she’s exhausted, Marianne. We were attacked several times on the journey here, and she hasn’t had any time to wind down.”


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