The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 11

by Missy Martine

  Marianne touched Aurelia’s arm. “She shouldn’t have tried this until she was rested.”

  “She knew how serious things were and wanted to try as soon as she could.”

  Marianne smiled sadly. “Take her home, Zack. We appreciate her trying her best, but I don’t want my children saved at someone else’s expense. You take care of your mate, and I’ll take care of my pups.” She opened the door. “Please, be sure and thank her for us.”

  Zack nodded and hurried down the hall. He stopped when Remus and Jeremy stepped out of the office.

  “Did it work?” asked Jeremy.

  Zack shook his head. “No, not this time.”

  Remus frowned. “What’s wrong with her? Is this normal?”

  “I’ve only seen her work once, and she was weak afterward but nothing like this. I think she tried too soon. The trip back was really stressful. Hell, I don’t think she’d ever fired a gun before, and she had to shoot at the guys trying to run us off the road after we wrecked the truck. I don’t think she’s had more than a few hours of sleep a day since we met. I’m gonna take her back to my place and let her get a good night’s sleep. We’ll be back tomorrow if she thinks it’ll help.”

  Remus laid his hand on Aurelia’s cheek and studied her for a moment. “She’s very special. You take good care of her.” He started to turn away and then stopped. “I’m supposed to tell you that Macon moved out of your apartment.”


  “He thought you’d want privacy bringing home a mate, so he packed up some of his things and moved to the pack’s guest cottage. He said he’s thinking about building himself a house.”

  “I never meant to take his home away from him.”

  “He knows, son. This is his gift to you. Be thankful that you have such a loving and understanding brother. Now, get your lady home and both of you get some rest. You can take my car. It’s parked out back. We’ll expect to see you here tomorrow.”

  Zack nodded and walked toward the kitchen. His coyote was demanding they take their mate to a safe place and care for her.

  * * * *

  Aurelia’s eyelids lifted and her tongue glanced across her dry lips.

  “Shhh, love,” whispered Zack. “Everything’s okay. We’re home now.” His hand slid down her back, lingered at her waist, and then departed as he reached for the fastening of her seatbelt.

  Startled, she met his eyes, shocked at the burning heat in his gaze. “Did it work?” Her voice was hoarse, her throat scratchy.

  “No, love. I’m sorry. You tried, but I think you were too tired. Remus suggested we get a good night’s sleep and come back tomorrow, well rested.”

  She carefully kept the pain from showing in her face, but her throat worked convulsively. Her biggest fear had come true. She’d disappointed everyone in Zack’s family.

  “You’ve been pretty out of it. Stay here while I come around and get you.”

  “I can walk.”

  “Then you can walk with me by your side.” He kissed her forehead. “Please, for me?”

  She nodded and he got out of the car. In just a few seconds he was helping her balance on the gravel drive. Keeping an arm firmly around her waist, he led her up the steps of a small porch and unlocked the door. Instead of a house, it was a series of small units with separate entrances all bundled together. It was too dark to see much, so she followed him through the door and waited while he turned on the lights.

  “This is my apartment. I used to share it with Macon, but he moved out when he found out I had a mate. For now, it’ll just be you and me.”

  She glanced around. The apartment was small and furnished in browns, creams, and oranges. There were paintings on the wall, mostly of landscapes, and the furniture had a definite country look to it. It was heavy, old, and well-polished.

  “I’ve got just the thing to make you feel better.” He pulled her toward a darkened room and continued on to a closed door. He opened it, flipped on the light, and stood back, motioning for her to enter. A moment later she found herself in a large bathroom. The vanity had one rounded sink and a collection of shaving creams, razors, and toothpaste on the scarred top. A glass set next to the faucet, holding a lone toothbrush.

  “Over here,” Zack said.

  Aurelia turned and sighed in delight at the large, sunken tub. A fluffy rug adorned the floor in front of the whirlpool haven.

  “How would you like a nice, long soak in the Jacuzzi? It’s just what you need to take the kinks out.”

  She nodded. “It would feel wonderful.”

  Zack waggled his brows. “Want some company?”

  Aurelia bit her lip and tried to think of the right words to keep from hurting his feelings. “Not this time. I need some time alone right now. Can you understand that?”

  Zack smiled and kissed her softly on her cheek. “I understand. I don’t like it, but I’ll respect it.” He shrugged. “Maybe next time.”

  He pointed to a towel rack where two, perfectly folded oversized towels hung. “Those are clean so help yourself.” He flipped a switch on the wall and a ceiling fan rattled to life, settling down quickly to a muted whirring sound. Bending, he turned on the water and adjusted the temperature before pressing a rubber stopper into the drain. “The switches for the Jacuzzi are over there.” He pointed to a small dial on the wall behind the tub. “There’s a thirty minute timer on it, but you can keep turning it to soak as long as you want. My robe is on the back of the door. Feel free to use it, and I’ll unpack our clean stuff and lay it out in my bedroom. Tomorrow we’ll drive down to Casper and see about getting you some clothes. There’s a clean toothbrush in the drawer and some disposable razors if you need them.”

  Zack pulled her close and enfolded her in his arms. “Don’t worry, love. Everything will work out. You just need to recoup your strength.”

  He reached into the cabinet below the sink and handed her a washcloth. “Call me if you need anything. I’m gonna check my e-mail.” He walked to the door, looked at her one last time, and left, closing the door behind him.

  Aurelia released the breath she’d been holding and had to grab onto the sink to keep her balance. She was beginning to remember more of her healing attempt, and what she remembered troubled her. Something wasn’t right with the child, but she couldn’t put her finger on what it was. Maybe Zack was right and she just needed a little sleep. If she could try again, and succeed, his family would welcome her.

  Aurelia’s fingers trembled as she peeled off her clothes and stepped into the blessed warmth. She sat down, dunked the washcloth, and squeezed it over her shoulder. The sluice of water down her back made her groan. She didn’t even care that her braid was getting wet. As the tub filled, she reached back and turned the dial on the timer. The water came to life, churning around her, massaging a hundred different areas of her body at once. Sighing, she turned off the water and leaned back, laying her head on the back of the tub, letting the jets of pulsing water work out the kinks in her muscles. Smiling, she closed her eyes.

  * * * *

  Zack glanced at the clock and cursed. He’d promised to give her some space, but enough was enough. She’d been soaking in the tub for almost an hour. He’d hoped she would get out when the Jacuzzi’s timer went off, but it had started back up almost immediately. Now, he was beginning to get worried. He’d not heard the sound of more water added to the tub, so he knew things had to be cooling off. He’d told her she could soak as long as she wanted, but now he just wanted her out.

  Frowning, he moved to the bathroom door and eased it open, just wide enough for him to stick his head inside. Growling softly, he found his mate sound asleep in the churning water. Hell, she could have drowned while I paced the damn floor. Zack switched the jets off and watched as her eyelids slowly opened. He rubbed his thumb lightly across the back of her hand where it rested on her stomach while she stared into his eyes, letting her hand remain passively under his. “You’re turning into a human prune, love. You’ve been in here
almost an hour. You ready to get out and get some sleep in a real bed?”

  Aurelia sighed and sat up, shivering as the room air touched her wet skin. Zack grabbed a towel off the rack and helped her stand, wrapping it snugly around her body. He took the second towel and squeezed the water out of her braid. “I keep a hair dryer here for when my sister comes to use the pool. You wanna dry your hair before we go to bed?”

  “That’d be great.”

  Zack opened the cabinet under the sink and pulled out a hand-held dryer and plugged it in. He watched as Aurelia undid her braid, the hair falling almost to her waist. When she reached for the dryer, Zack touched her hand. “Can I do it?”

  She shrugged and turned around. Zack switched on the unit and began blowing the hot air toward her scalp, combing through the brown, silky strands with his fingers. It was several minutes before it lay, slightly curled and dry against her bare shoulders. He laid down the dryer and slipped his arms around her waist, burying his face in her neck. “Let’s get some rest, love. I need to hold you tonight.”

  * * * *

  Aurelia nodded. “I’d like to cuddle up with you.”

  Zack released his hold and grabbed her hand, pulling her from the bathroom into the dark bedroom. The bed was large and took up most of the room. On a small nightstand she could see a digital clock glowing softly in the shadowy darkness. The time read four thirty.

  She turned to Zack. “You have an old T-shirt or something I can sleep in?”

  “I do, but I’d rather you sleep without it. I’ve been fantasizing about sleeping up close to your bare skin.”

  Aurelia felt a tingle between her legs and licked her lips. “Okay, I guess I can do that. I’ve never slept nude before. I was alone in the cabin the last couple of years, and I was always afraid of intruders. I didn’t wanna make things easier for them.”

  Zack caressed her cheek. “You’ll never have to worry about anything like that again.”

  She smiled and climbed onto the tall bed. Yawning, she stretched out and snuggled back into the warmth of the covers. The bed linens smelled softly of lavender and were smooth to the touch. Zack joined her on the mattress, rolled her to her side, and backed her up against him, settling his hand on her breast. Her eyelids drifted closed when he pressed his lips against her naked back. He lay with his stomach nestled tightly against her curled back, one hand under her pillow, the other cradling her breast. Feeling totally protected, she let the darkness slide over her.

  * * * *

  Zack woke to the feel of his mate thrashing in the bed. He found her fists clenched in her hair and eased them away, running a palm along her arm. He pressed his chest against the curve of her back until he couldn’t stand her whimpers any longer.

  He stroked her hair, caressed her shoulder, and braced himself to rest his cheek on the back of her head and waited for some sign that she understood he was there and she wasn’t alone. Suddenly, she gasped and sat up in the bed. She squinted and then blinked a few times before flopping backward like an old rag doll, covering her eyes with a forearm. Her quiet sob nearly broke Zack’s heart. He cradled the back of her head and forced it into the hollow of his neck and made her stay that way, her muscles quivering and straining until she gave in and he felt her fingers dig into his back.

  “Shhh, you’re okay. I’m here for you.”

  “I failed them,” Aurelia sobbed. “I wasn’t able to help the children. What good is this so-called gift if I can’t use it to save the lives of three innocent children? Dr. Jackson was right about me.”

  Zack frowned and let his hand rub up and down her back. “What did Dr. Jackson say about you?”

  Aurelia hiccupped. “He said I was a freak of nature and that I’d never be able to function out in the real world. I’d never fit in, and he was right.”

  Zack leaned back so he could look into her eyes. “He was wrong, so very wrong. You’re not a freak any more than I am. We’re just different. We both have gifts that a lot of people wouldn’t understand, but that doesn’t make us any less valuable. You’re my mate and an important member of this pack.”

  She took a shaky breath. “But I don’t have to be.”

  “What are you saying?”

  Aurelia looked away. “I won’t hold you to anything, Zack. You told me that some shifters marry when they don’t find their mates, and live happy lives. I could go back to my cabin in the mountains, and you could find someone that your pack could respect and accept.”

  Zack felt his coyote growl. Mate her! Mate her now! “You’re the only one I want to spend my life with. You’re my mate, and there will be no other for me. My pack already accepts you. Remus told me last night how special you are and warned me to take care of you.”

  “He did?”

  Zack kissed her shoulder. “Yeah, he did.” He felt his cock twitch at the same time his canines began to ache. “It’s time, Aurelia. It’s time for me to claim my mate. Will you let me? Will you join your life to mine in the way of my people? Now, tonight, right here in this bed?”

  Aurelia looked up at him with wide eyes that looked suspiciously damp. “Are you sure, Zack? You told me this is for life so there’s no going back.”

  He caressed her cheek. “I’m sure, love. Please, say yes.”

  She looked at him for a moment, a ghost of a smile chasing across her face, and then nodded once. “My answer is yes. I wanna be yours, Zack, for always. Please, make me yours, now.”

  Chapter 8

  The bed frame creaked softly as Zack moved closer to Aurelia’s body. He could hear the faint hum of the clock on the bedside table. He kissed her eyelids softly and then framed her face with his hands as he bent toward her parting lips. Slowly, they mated their tongues together.

  When Aurelia’s legs began to move restlessly, Zack moved his lips to her neck and nibbled at her throat. She made a low sound of approval and tilted her throat to give him better access. His palm rubbed her nipple through the thin cotton sheet and then closed gently around the soft globe.

  Aurelia’s hand moved experimentally, pressing down and then curling into the muscular skin of his chest. Zack slowly pulled down the sheet, revealing the soft swells of her breasts. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. He eased his tongue out, sweeping across her cleavage. Aurelia leaned close and kissed his chest, the brush of her lips sending a searing heat along his nerves straight to his groin.

  Breathing harshly, he cupped one of her breasts in his hand and thumbed her nipple. “I want you, Aurelia. So much.” Bowing his head, he laved at it hungrily while kneading the other one between his fingertips.

  * * * *

  Aurelia laid her cheek against the hard muscle of Zack’s upper arm and caught the elusive, spicy scent that clung to him. His big, warm, gentle hands eased up the length of her rib cage and hovered at the base of her breasts. She caught both his hands and pulled them up. “Touch me, Zack, please. I want to feel your hands on my body.”

  Zack traced her softness, teasing the tips of her breasts until her body trembled with the need to be touched. His work-roughened fingers created a rasping sensation against her nipple, making it stand up taut and straight. She arched her back, filling his palms with her small, firm breasts. Moisture pooled between her legs, and she could feel it begin to slick her thighs.

  Zack squeezed her nipple hard, and she could feel little tremors of excitement course through her. “Oh, God. I’ve never felt the things you make me feel.”

  “It’s only the beginning, love. You’re mine.” Zack lightly bit her erect nipples and then soothed them with his moist tongue.

  Aurelia caressed his hard, muscled chest, pausing to pinch his flat nipples before moving lower to touch him more intimately. Leaning close, she pressed her lips against his chest and then licked a path down toward his waist, breathing in his scent.

  Zack grabbed her hands and pulled her up. He cupped the back of her head and threaded his fingers through her hair, tilting her head for a kiss. “None of that, lov
e. If you keep that up, it’ll be all over before it starts.” He captured her lips with his and kissed her deeply. Abruptly, he tore his mouth from hers and rolled, carrying her with him until she was straddling his belly.

  * * * *

  Aurelia giggled. “What are you doing?”

  Zack shoved his fingers into her hair and pulled her down to his chest. “I’m loving you.” He covered her lips with his for a brief kiss and then pulled back. He trailed his tongue up to her ear to nibble on its lobe while her fingers played over the sharp contours of muscle in his chest.

  Pushing her upright, he cupped her breasts and gently squeezed, letting his fingers tweak her pebbled nipples. Leaning forward, Aurelia flicked her tongue across one male nipple a couple of times, eliciting a harsh sound from Zack’s chest.

  He pinched each nipple in turn before his mouth took over and the sucking began. Aurelia gasped and dug her fingernails into his scalp.

  “Easy, love. Did I hurt you?” Zack pulled her head down to his shoulder and rubbed her back.

  “No, you didn’t hurt me. Everything feels so good. Don’t stop.”

  “I don’t think I have the patience to carry on for long before mating you. My coyote is really anxious to seal the deal.”

  Aurelia rose up and gazed into his eyes. “Are you sure you want me for a forever mate?”

  “Damn straight.” Zack flipped her onto her back and took her earlobe between his teeth and gave it a small tug. “You’re mine, woman. Nothing is gonna change that now.”

  She ran her hands over his back and buttocks. “You’re mine as well, Zack. Forever, from this moment on.”

  Zack cupped her face in his hands and studied her flushed face. He licked and then gently bit her bottom lip before pushing his tongue inside her mouth. He took her lips in a demanding kiss as he lifted her so he could grind his erection against her pussy. Sliding down, he rubbed his cheek against her breast and then took one small nub into his mouth and suckled.


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