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Snarl for Me

Page 8

by Jane Jamison


  Oh, shit. What if TJ’s men are shifters, too?

  * * * *

  Julia wanted to see the Conway men. And John Abraham. She didn’t know how or why, but she knew that much. She was in love with the Conway men, and if her gut was right, she could fall just as easily for John Abraham.

  Could she handle four men? Four special men who were more than mere men? Hell, her last relationship had been hard enough to deal with, and Robert had been a normal, average guy. What made her think she could handle real, live wild men?

  “Julia? Will you please pay attention?”

  She jerked her gaze from the beer bottle set on the table in front of her and back up to her friend. But it didn’t stay there for long. As she’d done so often, she let her gaze slip to the front door of the Whiskers and Whiskey Saloon. “Sorry. Right. I guess I’m a little distracted.”

  She still hadn’t decided whether to tell TJ about the Conway men or not. In fact, she was hoping her friend would open up about the Rogen men first. Yet, even then, she wasn’t certain what she could say. Would they like her telling her friend what they were? After all, they hadn’t actually told her yet. How could she spill a secret she hadn’t been told?

  “I saw Maitland change. Don’t you get it? He’s a real shifter.”

  “I know. I heard you before.” Julia wanted so much to confide in TJ, but she wouldn’t, couldn’t. Not until she’d seen the truth for herself. She didn’t feel right telling TJ before the men told her. It was better to change the subject. “And then to get that call from The Dick. Damn. You’ve had a hell of a time. I’m a complete shit for not being here with you.”

  “No you’re not. You’ve been having fun, and I’m happy for you. But it’s okay. You’re here now.” She tunneled her fingers through her hair. “Wow. I still can’t believe that asshole called me.”

  Yeah, I’m here now. At least in spirit. But I just can’t stop thinking about them. And about John Abraham.

  Dr. Stanley, aka The Dick, had called TJ and warned her about his possibly mentally deranged wife. “Does he really think she’s dangerous?”

  “Wouldn’t you be if you were married to that cheating jerk?” TJ shook her long raven hair. “I don’t know how anyone could put up with him.”


  “Then she’s earning every penny of it.”

  Even after getting a call from their boss, TJ had seemed bright and cheerful. But it didn’t take a genius to figure out why. Her friend was in love. Julia was only sorry that The Dick and his wife were screwing up her friend’s happiness.

  Julia bit back a smile. They were both in love. Even better, she was sure they were both in love with shifters. But what kind of shifters were they?

  I should’ve made them tell me.

  What if they’re cat shifters?

  Again the comparison came. They were still men. Men who could change into animals, but they were still human. They weren’t wild animals who would attack without provocation.

  She vowed to make them tell her tonight. One way or another, she’d make them admit what they were. And if they were cat shifters? Then she’d find out if it really made a difference.

  She bit her lower lip, forcing her thoughts back on TJ’s problem. “Damn, I wish you’d conferenced me in on that call.”

  TJ shot Julia a warning look. “No, you don’t. Hell, I wish I’d never answered the call. Either of the calls.”

  As much as she wanted to hear about The Dick and his crazy wife calling TJ, Julia had a hard time keeping her attention on her friend. Again, she tried to stop herself, but she kept glancing over TJ’s shoulder toward the front door. Besides, the last thing she wanted to talk about was The Dick. She was bursting to tell TJ about the men, about what they were, and, even better, that she’d already decided she would stay in Lonesome and live on their ranch with them. If she could handle what they were.

  I can handle it. I know I can.

  What other choice did she have? Leave and try to never think of them again? She’d have a better chance getting the moon to abandon the sky.

  All she had to do was to get them to admit what they were then ask her to stay with them forever. Of those two things she was certain.

  But what about John Abraham?

  She shouldn’t be so drawn to him. Hell, she hadn’t spent even an hour with him. Yet when she’d gotten up close and personal with him, she’d known. She had to have him. She was as drawn to him as she was to the other men.

  Now all she had to do was to get them to share her with John Abraham.

  Yeah. Easy peasy.

  “They said they’d be here, and they will.”

  Julia blinked, taking her eyes off the front door and back to her friend. Yet it didn’t last long. Back to the door went her attention. “I know. They wouldn’t lie to me.”

  “You’re really hung up on them, aren’t you?”

  Julia heard the envy in her friend’s voice. The Rogen men had wanted to spend more time with TJ, but they’d had chores they’d had to do at the ranch. Still, Julia had a feeling the Rogen men would show up soon enough. And when they did, good things would happen. Julia was sure of it.

  Her attention slid back to the door. What was the “something serious” they planned on telling her? That they were shifters? That they wanted her to be theirs? Or would they tell her she was only a plaything and send her home heartbroken?

  “Julia?” TJ snapped her fingers. “Yo. Earth to Julia.”

  Julia blinked and forced her gaze away from the front door yet again. “Sorry. Did I miss something?”

  “Do you believe I saw Maitland change into a lion?”

  I sure do now.

  Julia hesitated, but only a moment. “Don’t call me crazy, but I do. This place”—she glanced around the bar—“this town is different. I’d believe it if little green men belly-upped to the bar right now. So, yeah. I believe you saw a real werelion.”

  Besides, I’m in love with three—maybe—four shifters. Damn, how I want to tell you!

  TJ let out a hard breath. “Yeah. I did.”

  “Wow.” Yet her friend didn’t know the half of it.

  “Yeah. Wow.”

  Julia forced her attention away from the front door.

  Damn it. Pay attention to TJ. You’re being a really lousy friend right now.

  “Do you think the other guys are shifters, too?” If Maitland was a shifter, didn’t it stand to reason that his brothers, Hagan and Walker, were shifters, too?

  “I don’t know, but I plan to find out.” TJ took a sip of her beer. “What about your guys? Are they shifters?”

  Shit. She didn’t want to lie to her friend, but did she have the right to out her men?

  Julia bit her lower lip, trying to keep from spilling the truth. But she couldn’t. Not yet.

  As soon as I can, though, I will. Hopefully, TJ will forgive me for not telling her sooner.

  But all thoughts of TJ, and anyone else in the world, vanished as her gaze once again landed on the front door. A thrill rushed through her. “Look. There they are now.”

  She was on her feet and aching to rush to her men. But one look at TJ’s face stopped her cold. They’d always promised themselves that no man would ever come between them. As much as she was dying to be with the men she loved, she’d keep that promise one last time. “Nope. Not tonight. We haven’t spent enough time together. I’m staying put.”

  TJ, however, proved to be the better friend. “It’s okay. I get it. You want to be with them.”

  Julia gnawed at her lower lip even more, doing her best to come up with a solution. “Maybe we could get all of the guys together.”

  “Mine aren’t here. At least, not yet.”

  Julia saw the confusion on the men’s faces when she didn’t come toward them. Where the hell were the Rogen men, anyway? She didn’t like leaving TJ until her men arrived.

  “Go on. They’re waiting for you.” TJ waved Julia on. “The last thing I wan
t to do is be a third wheel. Or, actually, a fifth wheel. Beat it, girl.”

  “Thank you.”

  Julia couldn’t help herself. It was as though they had an invisible lasso tied around her. Letting out a little squeal of happiness, she gave TJ a quick hug and tried not to break into a dead run. That attempt failed as she hurried over to fall into Samuel’s arms. “It’s about time you guys showed up.”

  Samuel’s grin showed he wanted her as much as she wanted him. That and the bulge that was pushing against her. “We got here as fast as we could.”

  She skimmed her fingers along Tonk’s arm. Had it been only a short hour since she’d seen them at Miss Kitty’s? Every minute apart from them seemed like an eternity.

  Myler pulled her away from Samuel and brought her into his arms. Before setting her gaze on his, she saw several women giving her envious looks.

  Sorry, ladies, they’re all mine. That’s right. All three of them.

  Or was it four?

  Which, of course, led to the burning question. “Where is John Abraham?”

  Myler eased her away from him. “Why the hell would we know that?”

  “And why would we give a shit?” added Samuel.

  “We need to talk.” Tonk motioned for them to follow him then led them through the saloon and down the hallway before kicking a door open. The three men and four women, obviously festival-goers by their clothing and their excited faces, stopped playing pool as Tonk and the others barged into the back room. Three pool tables filled the space, but the other tables weren’t being used.

  “You need to leave,” ordered Tonk. “Now.”

  “What?” A young man with long, streaky hair straightened up from his shot. “Why? We’ve been here for a couple of hours now.”

  Tonk crossed his arms and tilted his head. “Then you’ve overstayed your welcome. Now get out.”

  “No. We don’t have to,” declared a girl who didn’t look like she was old enough to drink. “Besides, we just paid for another pitcher of beer.”

  “Then you can take it with you.” Tonk smiled. “Or you can leave it for us. Take your pick. Either way, you’re not drinking it in here.”

  “Tonk,” said Julia, placing her hand on his arm, “you’re acting like a bully.” Granted, it was kind of sexy in a bad-boy kind of way, but still…

  Tonk arched an eyebrow. “Okay then.” He put his attention back on the group. “If you don’t move your asses right now, I’m going to very politely”—he glanced at Julia—“throw you out on your asses.” He gave Julia another glance before adding, “Now get moving.” He sighed as though what he said next was a difficult thing to do. “Pretty please.”

  Samuel put his hand on Julia’s arm, staying her before she said anything more. “That’s the best you’re going to get out of Tonk.”

  When the group didn’t move, however, Myler added to Tonk’s demand. “My brother asked you very nicely to leave. Yeah, he can be a bully at times, but right now, we have something really important to discuss with our new mate. So get going. Pulease.” His eyes flared with bits of amber. “Trust me. We’re not going to ask you again.”

  She’d been ready to pipe up then, to tell the men she wouldn’t let them boss others around, but the word mate jolted every other thought from her head.

  Our new mate. Wow.

  “No, man. We were here first.” Still, the young man tried to placate them. “Let us finish our game and we’ll go. How’s that?”

  Samuel let out a sigh then took the pool stick out of the young man’s hand. Without using any effort and only one hand, he broke the stick in half. “Go.” His tone was low and all business, but it was the growl that came next that did the trick.

  Their eyes widened, and a couple of them gasped. Without another word, they dropped their sticks and scurried around the Conway men as they headed for the exit.

  “That wasn’t very nice of you guys.” Yet she couldn’t make her voice sound too harsh. Not when she was so happy to be alone with them.

  “Now what am I supposed to do with this?” said the pretty waitress that had just shown up with a pitcher of beer and seven clean mugs.

  Samuel shrugged as Tonk motioned for Julia to take a seat at the only table in the room. Myler waited for her to sit and then took the seat on her left.

  “Leave the beer and four of the mugs,” said Samuel. “Take the other mugs back. Oh, yeah. And don’t worry. We’ll be sure to thank those guys if we ever see them again.”

  The waitress set the pitcher and four mugs on the table. “Whatever. But you’re still giving me a tip, got it? And a damn good one. I can’t make any money if you scare off the customers.”

  “Will do,” quipped Samuel as he took the chair next to Myler.

  Julia was suddenly nervous. How could she not be nervous with the three of them crowding around her? Nervous yet turned on more than ever before.

  “We need to talk,” said Tonk.

  “Yes, we do.” She sat up straight and put her hands in her lap. If she didn’t, she was bound to tear off her clothes and spread herself over the table.

  “Yeah. You need to stay away from John Abraham.”

  She scowled at Myler. “Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?”

  “You bet.” Samuel rested his elbows on the table. “Like Tonk said, stay away from him.”

  “Don’t go ordering me around.” She looked from one to the next. “None of you. I’ll be around whoever I want to be around.”

  Tonk stood up, raking his chair over the hardwood. “You don’t understand. You’re our woman. We want you to be our mate. He has no right to you.”

  Their woman. The words were wonderful to hear but were layered with questions.

  “I think I’m the one who decides whether or not he has that right.” She kept her voice low, not for fear of someone overhearing them but to keep her irritation in check.

  Myler took her hand, his expression earnest. “No, darlin’, you don’t understand.”

  “Then make me understand.” She met his gaze. “Tell me everything.”

  Myler blinked, interpreting her intensity correctly. “Yeah. We should.”

  She hadn’t expected them to agree so easily. “Okay.” She swallowed hard. “Go ahead. Tell me.”

  Tonk retook his chair, scooting it closer. “Are you sure you can handle it?”

  She jutted out her chin. “I can handle anything you throw my way.” Besides, what she wanted was confirmation of what she already knew.

  “Do you believe shifters exist?” asked Myler.

  She almost laughed but resisted the urge. “I saw the little boy turn into a coyote. No matter what you said, I know what I saw.”

  “We shouldn’t have lied to you.”

  “No, Tonk, you shouldn’t have.”

  “It’s just that we weren’t sure you were ready.” He nodded at Samuel, who poured them all a drink. But he didn’t pick his mug up. “These things happen fast, but that doesn’t mean that’s always the best way for them to go down.”

  “Just get on with it.” She squirmed in her seat. “Quit hem-hawing around the bush and tell me.”

  Yet he still hesitated. At last, he blurted it out. “We’re shifters.”

  Hearing Samuel admit the truth still sent a jolt through her. Had part of her hoped her suspicions weren’t true? “You’re shape-shifters.”

  “That’s right, sugar. We’re shifters. Jules, we can change into lions.”

  Chapter Six

  Oh God. They’re cat shifters. Big cats, too.

  It was now or never. Either she could accept them for what they were or she couldn’t.

  Strangely, even though she’d prepared herself for this moment, Julia wasn’t sure if she should believe her ears. Rationality fought with her desire to believe in the impossible. Yet it was true. Her men were shifters. Men who could change into lions. “Lions. Like the lions in Africa?”

  “Right. We look like those lions, but we’re American through and thro
ugh. And, yeah, human,” added Myler. He leaned closer. “Are you okay? You seemed kind of shell-shocked.”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m all right.” But was she? Her heart knew they were telling the truth, and her head should have, too, but now that they’d told her what they were, she still couldn’t get the idea to sit right in her mind. It felt like someone had told her that aliens were real, and although she’d always believed in the existence of aliens, she still couldn’t quite grasp the idea.

  Telling her was one thing. Maybe showing her would make her fully believe.

  “Show me. I don’t think I can believe—not all the way, at least—until I see you.”

  “Then we’ll show you.” Myler stood, brushing the backs of his fingers along her cheek.

  The touch was almost enough for her to tell them to wait. To tell them to make love to her before they changed. The touch was almost, but not quite, enough. “Good. I need to see this. I need to see you as animals.” She swallowed. “As lions.”

  As cats.

  Tonk and Samuel began stripping off their clothes just as Myler was doing. She gripped her hands even more as each piece was removed, revealing physiques no mere men had a right to have. But they weren’t mere men. Instead, they were creatures of fantasies, men who could change into powerful beasts.

  Would they hurt her as lions?

  Her question must’ve shown on her face. “We won’t hurt you. Not now. Not ever. Even while we’re in our lion forms, we still know what we’re doing,” answered Myler. “We’re not like real animals in that way.”

  “And we’ll remember who you are,” added Samuel. “Believe that and you won’t be afraid.”

  “Okay.” Her voice was barely a whisper as their muscles flexed with each move. Their shirts were gone, and they were working on their large belt buckles now.

  She bit her lower lip. Better women than she had faced spectacular sexy men and failed to maintain control. But she had to see first. Once they’d shown her and returned to their human bodies, though, then she’d give in to the lust raging inside her. At least, she hoped so. Or would she run as soon as they became cats? She felt hot, perspiration wetting her brow and the back of her neck.


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