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Dracian Legacy

Page 12

by Kanaparti, Priya

  Really, she got toffees? What about me? I reach over to grab the box and Pey swatted at my hand before pulling it to her chest.

  Then she waved her finger up and down at Axel. “I like you already, Knight, not too shabby. Kissing my ass the first chance you get.”

  He grinned sheepishly. “Ren did mention something about being thrown under a bus. I was just trying to soften the blow.”

  She opened the box and placed a toffee in her mouth. Axel’s lips twitched the slightest. He and Landon fist-bumped before Axel took a seat next to me.

  “Hey, man, welcome to the club. You’ve got lots to learn about these girls.”

  “I’m sure I do.” His eyes turned smoldering hot.

  A loud round of laughter boomed through the entrance of the cafeteria.

  “Dude, that was inhumane.” Hunter howled, looking at Dean, awestruck. “Two hundred sixty-five pounds, on a bench press. Coach is going to be through the roof.”

  “Trying to lose weight there, porkie?” Landon shouted across the cafeteria.

  “Working hard to get back in shape,” Dean replied, obviously very proud of his accomplishment.

  “Good shit. Who ya trying to impress?” Hunter barked. “Your girlfriend?”

  Dean gave me a quick glance. I looked away, only to be caught by Axel’s quizzical eyes. I felt my cheeks heat. Damn it.

  “You noticed?” Dean made a kissy face toward Hunter.

  My head dropped into my hands. I really needed to find another table.

  “Can’t wait to get down and dirty with you, princess,” Landon said, smacking Dean’s butt.

  I couldn’t handle this conversation anymore. I stood up to intervene.

  “You guys sure you’re not gay?” I asked. Then I looked at Pey and Ella. “Are you sure they aren’t gay?”

  “Aww… Jealousy is cute on you, gorgeous.” Dean walked over and gave me a hug with a kiss on my temple, shocking me and everyone else.

  It got pin-drop silent. I swore I heard crickets.

  It took me a minute to snap out of shock and find my voice. “You’re such a turd.”

  I pushed Dean back and put my hands on my hips. Axel’s arm snaked around my waist, pulling me to him possessively, and he waited. The room heated up ten degrees in that precise moment. I saw the realization hit Dean and his eyes gave away his pain. Then his attention turned to Axel. They glared at each other. Neither ready to back down.

  “Ren, you packed up for our trip?”

  I could have so kissed Pey for the diversion. I sat back down, ignoring the unspoken primal war progressing behind me. I took a fry from Pey, placing it in my mouth, and chewed it deliberately.

  “I told my brother yesterday and he suggested I don’t do anything he wouldn’t.”

  She snickered. “Yeah, like you could ever be that cool!”

  “Just because you had a crush on him since—”

  A loud smack resonated behind me, followed by a thud like metal colliding with bone. My head snapped around to see what the hell just happened. I was horror struck.

  “What the hell?” I ran toward Dean’s bleeding head. A chair lay next to him, his fingers tightly gripping the leg.

  Did he…? Did they…? Oh dear God!

  I glanced over at Axel. He clenched and unclenched his fists like he was ready to punch Dean again. Saying he was pissed was putting it lightly. I only ever saw him that angry the first time we met at the cemetery and the Goarder nearly gutted him alive.

  “That’s strike one, rookie,” Axel said, his muscles working along his jaw.

  “What the hell did you do, Dean?” I asked, my finger tracing across his bleeding forehead.

  He continued to glare at Axel.

  “We need to talk.” I grabbed Dean’s hand and Axel took a step toward me. “Alone,” I said to Axel. Hurt crossed his features. Letting go of Dean’s hand, I stepped toward Axel, placing my hand on his chest. “Please, I need to do this.”

  Axel crashed his lips to mine and kissed me like it was just the two of us. Like he was trying to make a statement that I was his. I moaned into his mouth. Dean grunted in disgust.

  I pulled back and smiled sheepishly. He traced his thumb over my lip.

  “I’ll be close,” he whispered.

  I wanted to tell him that wasn’t necessary, but the look he gave me made me swallow my words. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him and I nodded in agreement. The sooner Dean and I talked, the easier it would get.

  I hoped. I could hope, right?

  With another chaste kiss on Axel’s lips, I spun on my heel toward Dean. “You, caveman, let’s talk.”

  Dean followed me down the hall and into the girl’s locker room.

  “What the hell was that?” I asked, pointing in the general direction of the cafeteria.

  His eyes darted behind me and back. Then he answered sarcastically, his brows arched. “A mirror.”

  I glanced over my shoulder to see what he was talking about and my eyes bugged out.

  A mirror. I was pointing to a mirror.

  I turned back. “Ha, ha! You’re a total jerk.” I hit him in the chest with my fisted hand. “Why did you attack Axel?”

  “Do I need a reason to punch a rich spoiled ass?” He smirked, not working to veil his arrogance. “Besides, I’m the one bleeding.”

  I ran my hands through my hair and tugged the ends, frustrated. I went into the bathroom and brought back a wet paper towel. I stood on my toes, dabbing it against his bleeding cut.

  “Dean, if this is about Friday… That should never have happened.”

  “Is it that disgusting you can’t even admit we kissed?” he yelled, losing his façade. “Do I sicken you that much?” He moved closer. His eyes flashed, cutting through me with anger, pain, and sadness.

  “Don’t you dare blame this on me, Dean. You’re three frigging years too late.”

  He flinched.

  “Just because someone else is showing interest in me, doesn’t give you the right to—”

  “To what?” His voice came out softer.

  He leaned in, our lips inches apart. I stood my ground. I wasn’t going to let him intimidate me. I threw back a glare of my own. A group of giggling girls walked into the room, unaware of the scene soon to combust in front of them. They froze.

  “Beat it,” Dean threatened, grinding his teeth. When they didn’t move, he yelled, “Now!”

  I watched as the girls fumbled around the locker room, making their way out. If a teacher found out I had a boy in here, I’d be in so much trouble. Shaking my head, I glanced over to Dean. His eyes flared with darkness and agony and jealousy.

  “Are you afraid of me?”

  “No,” I whispered.


  “Don’t choose him,” he pleaded.

  “Why not?” I fired back, feeling the bubble of pain crowding my chest. “Why should I not feel wanted and loved?” His eyes were dangerously challenging. My voice softened. “He’s good for me, Dean. And I like him. A lot.”

  After what seemed like an eternity, he let out a labored sigh and tilted back his head. He growled and swung his hand in my direction, into the wall behind me. I stood there, stunned, shocked, staring at the hole he left behind. I’d never seen him so angry. Before I comprehended what happened, Axel stood between Dean and me. His body guarded mine.

  “No,” I said in a crackled voice. My throat felt dry.

  “You fucking know I won’t hurt her.” Dean charged at Axel, his hand raised in a tight fist. His knuckles turned white.

  Axel stood his ground, unaffected by his threats.

  “Axel, it’s okay.” I grabbed his forearm and pulled at him, urging him to follow me. He let me haul him out hesitantly. “Dean will never hurt me.” I looked into his flaming blue eyes.

  “How do you know?” His eyes flinched slightly. Anyone else would’ve missed it.

  “I just do.” I didn’t tell Axel about the strange connection I felt with Dean. “We’ve been friend
s for far too long for him to do something that stupid.” I cupped his face between my hands. “Let me take care of this, my way, please?”

  He hesitantly nodded and leaned down to kiss me. He then whirled around and walked away without turning back. I knew he wasn’t happy with my request, but I was happy he trusted me enough to let me handle this on my own. Somewhere in the back of my mind, my conscience screamed at me for making him upset. But for now, I had bigger fish to fry. I squared my shoulders and spun on my heel, storming back into the locker room to Hulk, who apparently couldn’t keep his temper in check.

  “You listen to me—” I stopped in my tracks. “You okay?” I asked, my voice softer.

  Dean sat on the floor against the wall, his head leaned back, eyes closed.

  “I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” I said, sliding down to sit next to him.

  I crossed my legs Indian style, tucking my hair behind my ear, and started to play with my chipped fingernails. “Dean, I’m sorry if I hurt you. That was never my intention.”

  He didn’t look at me or move. I didn’t even know if he heard me, so I moved to kneel in front of him, cupping his face between my hands, forcing him to look at me.

  “I love you, Dean.” His eyes lifted to mine, big and bright. “But I love you as my best friend. Even when we were apart, I cared for you deeply. But you have to accept that I make my own choices and I don’t need another big brother to look after me.”

  “I’m not your brother,” he said with repulsion. “You don’t even know the guy, not like we know each other.”

  “We’re dating, not getting married or having babies.”

  He flinched.

  I ruffled his black faux-hawk through my fingers playfully. He grasped my hands and placed them on his chest, where his heart beat unsteadily.

  “Up until now, I didn’t have to worry about anyone coming between us. Now here is a spoiled rich kid, who’s been born with a silver spoon in his mouth—”

  “Nobody’s going to get between us. I’m still your best friend; you’re still mine.” I stood up, extending my hand to him, pulling him up. “I just ask you trust my judgment, okay?”

  He nodded, slumping his shoulders in defeat.

  “But I reserve the right to beat the shit out of him if he mistreats you.”

  I opened my mouth to respond, because he certainly would know all about mistreatment, given how much experience he had, but he cut me off before I could make a sound.

  “I’m not negotiating,” he said before walking out of the room.

  “Douchebag,” I called after him, feeling relief spread through my body.


  I busied myself with chemistry homework, while Axel worked on Dracian official business on a see-through iPad type device called a D.C.S—Defense Communication System. It was an all-in-one device that allowed the Legion commanding officers to plan and maintain tactical warfare strategies or others to use as a cell phone service. The level of access depended on the level of clearance—civilian to the king of Dracia. The really cool thing about it was Axel could conceal it as a watch.

  I slammed my book shut and looked at him—waiting. His brows creased and his eyes narrowed as he moved his finger on the DCS, until his eyes connected with mine.

  “What?” His finger tapped the tip of my nose.

  I sat next to him at the breakfast nook in our kitchen, rapping my foot on the barstool, wondering how I should tell him what I wanted.

  “I’m thinking it’s time you teach me self-defense.”

  He stiffened.

  I pushed my book aside and looked through my lashes. “Knowing what I know, hanging around you, and my track record to attract trouble, I’m bound to run into some kinda mess. I don’t always want to depend on you to rescue me.”

  He sighed and minimized the DCS, placing it around his wrist. He laid his hand on my cheek and his eyes drilled into mine. “I’ll keep you safe, Ren.”

  “What if you can’t? You can’t watch me twenty-four seven. You’d have to move in with me.” I hopped off the barstool and moved closer to him. I brought my lips to his ear and whispered, “Besides, training can be fun…”

  “There’s nothing more dangerous than a half-trained rookie who thinks she can defend herself.”

  Damn, he’s stubborn.

  I placed my hands on his thighs. My lips landed on the flesh under his jawline. He groaned and I smiled, knowing his resolve was weakening. His breathing became labored. My inner goddess was wickedly giddy. I rose on my toes and moved up to kiss his lips lightly and pulled back to see his reaction. He sat up straighter, adjusting on the seat. Suddenly, I was pulled into his lap. The corner of his lip twitched the slightest and all kinds of bad thoughts ran through my mind. I flushed. I bit my lip, hoping he couldn’t read minds.

  “Maybe I need more convincing.” He suggested before he dragged his lips from my cheek to the base of my throat. It was my turn to moan. Then he pulled away. I pouted.

  “Damn, that’s sexy.”

  “If you’re trying to kiss up to me instead of begging for forgiveness, it’s not working. Try again, Mr. Knight.” I attempted to dismount.

  He picked me up and placed me on the counter. He jumped off the barstool, pushed my knees apart, and stood between my legs. His fingers found their way under my shirt.

  I gasped.

  Fireworks exploded as he playfully caressed my waist. As if he were a snake charmer and I the snake, I found myself leaning into his gaze, wanting a taste of him. A smile formed on his lips. He nuzzled his nose into the curve of my neck and pressed his lips against the sensitive skin under my ear, raising gooseflesh with his taunting feather-light kisses. My head fell back and I trembled as heat coursed through me, desire consuming my every nerve. His lips curved up into a smile. Then he pressed them against mine, caressing, massaging them between his teeth, before letting me go. I moved my head forward and was ensnared by his painfully stunning glowing blue irises.

  “So, what were we talking about?” I panted, my eyes darting to his swollen lips.

  “How I’m dying to teach you how to defend yourself.”

  “Right.” I took a deep breath. “Let’s start training tomorrow, then,” I said, giving little pecks on his lips between each word.

  “I’m looking forward to it, Meus Aeterus.” He buried his face into the hollow of my shoulder. Warm succulent kisses soon trailed wherever his lips traveled.

  “You’re really good at this.” I whimpered.

  “Anything that pleases you, my goddess.”

  “My Alexander.”

  “Always and forever yours, as you’re mine.”

  I placed my fingers under his chin and tilted it up before I settled my lips over his. What started slow and methodical soon became a scorching hot fire that neither of us could control. I giggled when he pulled me to him, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed, anywhere and everywhere, but my mouth.

  “You’re a tease,” I complained.

  “All in good time, angel.”

  He trailed lower to my collarbone before conquering my mouth, like he needed my kiss to survive. He let out a deep rumble that I felt against my mouth. He walked backward into the living room and fell onto the sofa with me on top of him.

  “Now, who’s got the upper hand?” I asked devilishly.

  I looked directly into his eyes. I ran my hand under his shirt and traced out his chiseled body. His eyes closed and a visible shudder moved through him.

  “That feels amazing,” he whispered.

  I leaned into him for another peck. He had other plans and wrapped his arms around my waist, tugging me closer.


  Axel and I stilled. I squeezed my eyes shut, praying I just imagined the sound. Axel peeked over my shoulder and let out a nervous laugh.

  Don’t let it be my brother. Don’t let it be my brother.

  I pushed myself off Axel and looked over my shoulder and… let out a sigh
of relief.

  “What were you doing?” Cassie asked.

  My body blazed like it was lit on fire. “Um, studying?”

  Axel got to his feet and she stared at him. He shifted his weight from one leg to the other, dodging her eyes.

  “I’ll see you later.” He leaned down as if to kiss me on the lips and paused. He tilted his head up and kissed my forehead instead. “Bye, Cassie,” he said, waving awkwardly to her.

  “You know the rules, Ren.” She turned to me, her hands on her hips.

  She had that look my mother used on me right before I was grounded.

  She’s pissed.

  “We weren’t doing anything—”

  “That didn’t look like we weren’t doing anything…” Her eyebrows rose high in disbelief.

  I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled it forward until it covered my face.

  “Listen, Ren, I know how it can be. I was a teenager once. If you want to talk about sex…”

  I cringed.

  “…I’m here for you, okay? I trust you to be responsible.”

  I nodded.

  She smiled. “So, I was hoping you could help me with something. I need your opinion.” She waved the magazines in her hands, taking a seat next to me. “I’ve narrowed down the invitation designs to these three.” She looked at me sheepishly. “Since our color is tea rose pink these seem to fit best.”

  She passed the three catalog cards over to me. I slid down to the floor and laid them on the coffee table. We soon got lost in the details of the wedding plans. After a few hours of itemizing, only one thing was left.

  “And… which one?” Cassie asked, holding two floral arrangement designs in her hands.

  Her favorite flowers were lilies, but the designs in her hand were gardenia bouquets in different arrangements.

  “But I thought you loved lilies?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Then, why gardenia as the main flower?”

  “Because these were the flowers your parents had at their wedding. They might not be here, Ren, but this will be a little reminder they’re always with us as long as we keep their memories alive.”

  “Oh, Cassie.” I fought back a sob. “I love you so much!”


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