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Her Wanted Wolf

Page 25

by Renee Michaels

  His touch did that to her, and the knowledge hardened his cock even more. Drew spent hours acquainting himself with the most sensitive points on her body. Now his slightest caress on the right spot brought her to full arousal.

  Giving in to the need to draw out more of her essence, he reached one hand down to brush his fingertips over the tender skin behind her knee resting on his hip. With the fingers of his other hand, he flicked a nail over her nipple. Yes, there it was, the sensual muskiness, rife with her arousal. He dragged the scent into his lungs like a drug.

  “If I have to be good, stop toying with me,” Sabine grumbled, her cheeks flushed a ruddy pink. What really riveted his attention was her nipples bloomed into hard nubs. Hell, he loved her big puffy nipples.

  “I’m not the one who’s being bad.”

  “Bad being the operative word, you are bad. You make me want you all the time.” She frowned at him. The disgruntlement on her face elicited a laugh from him. “We should be more decorous.”

  She was a conundrum. Sabine could be wickedly wanton in his arms, willing to try anything new. Yet, she had an odd sense of propriety quite alien to the werekin’s innate sensuality and lack of modesty. Her resistance never lasted long. He loved to arouse her to the point where nothing else mattered but how they made each other feel.

  “Still shy, after all you’ve seen and experienced?”

  “Hardly. I seem to have lost my inhibitions and it’s all your fault.” The accusation belied the sensual warmth glowing from her eyes.

  “Glad to have been of assistance. Admit you want me.”

  “Whatever for? We are mated. I’ve got you whether I want you or not.” She infused her words with a studied lack of enthusiasm. Her eyes however told him another story; they were warm and filled with humor. She brushed back the hair from his face.

  “Now see what you’ve done?”

  “What have I done?” Her brow flew up, her expression a mixture of confusion and exasperation.

  “Challenged me. I simply must get you to confess that you want me. It’s a matter of pride.”

  Sabine clamped her lips shut, the glint in her eyes daring him.

  “I can make you talk.”

  “How? You’ve done your worst. There is nothing else you can do to me.”

  “Worst? I’ll have to give you my best then, won’t I?” He gathered her up in his arms and rolled them off the rocky ledge.

  Sabine yelped as they hit the icy water.

  He wanted to play. She’d had so little of it, having the responsibilities of her pack thrust on her early.

  They surfaced and the sight of her pretty breasts bobbing in the water distracted him and all thoughts of fun shifted to the carnal. Sabine’s tits bobbed in the water, teasing him to take a taste.

  Her eyes narrowed. “What are you thinking now?”

  He pulled her into his arms. “That you look a little chilly and as your mate it’s my duty to warm you up.” He brushed his fingertips over her rosy nipple.

  Sabine shivered and arched against him. A soft sound, a sigh mixed with a moan escaped from her lips, as provoking as a caress.

  Heck, he wondered if she was comfortable enough with her sexuality to make love in front of others yet. He wanted nothing more at his moment than to sink his cock into Sabine’s welcoming sheath.

  Thunder from a rapidly approaching storm rumbled overhead. The sharp scent of ozone filled the air and bright white branches of light stabbed across the darkening sky.

  Shit, sudden spring storms were dangerous. The last thing he needed was to be struck by lightning. They had to seek shelter.

  “Come on.” He hustled Sabine out of the water. The other weres scrambled over the slippery rocks into the safety of the caves behind the pounding water.

  “The weather up here is very unpredictable.” Sabine looked up at the boom as discordant whip-like cracks reverberated overhead.

  “That’s the Rockies for you.” He guided her farther into the caves and started to rummage through the moisture-proof bags, stocked with food and sleeping bags in case they wanted to spend the night in the hills.

  Drew tossed Sabine a blanket. “Dry off with this.”

  “Where did all this come from?”

  “Call us wannabe boy scouts, but we have caches of clothing and food stashed all over the forest. This camp is better stocked than most because we take the kids up here for a couple of weeks during the summer to run wild.”

  Picking through the supplies, he tossed tins of stew and corned beef into a small pile. He left the beans in the bag. No way was he allowing anybody to eat beans in this confined space. His eyes lit on the cans of peaches in thick syrup, and there was even dessert.

  “We’re going to have a real gully washer coming down out there.” A dripping wet Rafe ambled over to join them with Ishbel a few steps behind him. Sabine passed the slightly damp blanket to her sister, who took it and started to dry her face with one end.

  Rafe caught the other end and wiped the water off his chest. Ishbel tugged at the cloth, but Rafe jerked at the unintentional tether between them and she stumbled against him. She shot him a glare filled with promised retribution, which he responded to with an unrepentant grin. The incendiary heat humming between the pair was thick with animosity and sexual tension.

  Sabine let a heavy sigh and shook her head. The faint scent of her concern and her impatience at her usually cool-headed sister filtered through the air.

  Drew’s head snapped up, interpreted the state of affairs between his primo and Ishbel and snapped harshly. “Cut it out, you two.”

  Rafe released the cloth when Ishbel gave it a hard yank. He stooped to peer into a container of supplies. “Tell me someone replaced the flour. I have a yen for fresh biscuits.”

  Drew tossed Rafe sealed packages of Bisquick and several soot-blackened pans. “Here you go, Betty Crocker, knock yourself out. Someone start a fire.”

  The other weres busied themselves, unwrapping dry wood from a tarp and unbagging coal to start a fire in a corner well away from the blowing rain. Others shook out sleeping bags and laid them on the ground to set up the camp in matter of minutes.

  “I hate canned food.” Sabine looked disdainfully at the mound of cans.

  “I know babe. We intended to hunt rabbits, but it’s late. Between the stew and Rafe’s hockey puck biscuits you won’t go hungry.”

  “Hey, my biscuits are light as feathers,” Rafe protested, shaping floury rounds onto pans with deft skill.

  “In your dreams, pal.” Drew grinned as Rafe set the container on a bed of coals, covered it with a sheet pan, and shoveled more smoldering briquettes over it to create a makeshift oven.

  “Gimme those peaches, and I’ll whip up dessert.”

  Drew passed the canned fruit to Rafe. “Save some of the juice. I have plans for it.”

  He watched Rafe’s brows rise in surprise, before his primo’s eyes shifted to Sabine, and a grin spread across his primo’s face.

  “Dessert?” Sabine perked up at the mention of something sweet.

  “Yeah, he’s making a peach cobbler, of a sort.”

  Drew watched Rafe dump the fruit into a pan, topped it with batter from the ready-made mix, and repeated the process he used with the biscuits.

  It didn’t take long for the food to be ready and they dug into their supper as they watched the rain sheet down in a relentless deluge. The sky darkened into a gloomy navy and grey, broken intermittently by flashes of light.

  Night fell swiftly as it did in the hills. They tidied camp, bagging the tins in sacks to take down for recycling and rinsed out the pans. The weary weres settled on the sleeping bags, listening to the hypnotic beat of water falling over rocks. They lolled on their pallets, enjoying the heat given off by the dying fire.

  Ishbel let out a sleepy satisfied groan. She raised her arms over her head, laced her fingers together and stretched. Her breasts rose prominently, plump and lush, drawing the attention of every male were occupying
the cave. Deliberately, Ishbel got up on all fours, with her butt facing Rafe. She reached over to Dran, the young were lounging beside her, placed her finger under his chin and snapped his mouth shut. Flashing him a come-get-me-big-boy grin, she leaned in and nipped his bottom lip.

  “Oh no,” Sabine murmured under her breath. “Ishbel!” she hissed warningly.

  “What?” The feigned puzzlement in her question belied the mischief in Ishbel’s eyes. Ignoring her sister, she crawled over and straddled the were’s lap. Dran’s cock sprang to life and rose like a flagpole between their bodies.

  The mood within their shelter changed, from a lazy salubriousness, to an anticipatory eroticism. It didn’t take much for a were to get aroused, and Ishbel tossed gasoline on that banked fire. The musky odor of the male were’s burgeoning arousal sifted over them, mingling with the sweet tanginess the she-wolves emanated through the small cave.

  Rafe got up in his knees and growled threateningly at the mesmerized Dran basking in Ishbel’s attentions. However, the easygoing Dran gave him a goofy smile and a helpless shrug.

  “Drew, where’s the peach syrup?” Rafe demanded, with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  Well hell, if it was going to be that kind of night, his little mate was going to get an eyeful. Rafe was going to exact his revenge on Ishbel. She’d teased and taunted his primo all week, swishing her tail over Rafe’s muzzle every chance she got.

  Drew handed over the can with the reserved liquid. Rafe knelt behind Ishbel and gave a quick nod to Dran.

  Conditioned to obey his pack’s primo, Dran read the signal and secured Ishbel’s arms. Sabine tensed to lunge to her sister’s defense, but Drew held her back, pulling her between his legs.

  “Shhh. Shhh. Relax, they won’t hurt her. Prepare for a new experience. I think you’re going to like watching this,” Drew whispered against her ear. He fixed his mouth on her neck and felt her relax against him.

  Ishbel let out an outraged shriek when Rafe pushed her hair out of the way and poured the syrup down the side of her neck. The viscous fluid slid down her torso and back. It clung to her breasts, making the mounds glisten like dew-wet fruit, ready for the picking.

  In unison, Rafe and Dran fastened their lips to Ishbel’s neck, and she stiffened, rejection in every line of her body. The men’s jaws moved, suckling on her flesh, before they lapped their way down her body. Their tongues licked off the peachy nectar in long slow swipes. With each lave, Ishbel’s breath hitched in her throat, and the scent of her arousal rose.

  Dran covered Ishbel’s pert nipple with his mouth and suckled greedily. He let her wrists go and ran his hands over her flanks.

  Rafe reached down to the cleft between Ishbel’s thighs and caressed her until she arched back into him. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times, but she didn’t or couldn’t utter a word.

  Drew didn’t know how many fingers Rafe sank into her, but Ishbel folded like an accordion and wrapped her arms around Dran. She writhed between the two men, until Rafe removed slick fingers, lifted her, and spun her around to face him.

  Soft sighs, persuasive murmurs, and demanding grunts filtered around the cave. The commingled, telling fragrances exuded by the watching weres told Drew he wasn’t the only one affected. His arms tightened around Sabine. She pressed against him, her skin damp under his palms. The sweet siren call of her throaty mewls mixed with the elevated breathing of the aroused werekin, creating a sexy sonata.

  Rafe’s face was a harsh mask in the dim light shed by the fire, his breath huffed out in harsh pants. Rafe pushed Ishbel back against Dran, hiked up her hips, and wedged the head of his cock against her pussy. The plump folds embraced the bulbous crown of Rafe’s straining cock for all to see. The combative pair froze in position, like two gladiators on the verge of battle. It would swing either way, a sexy romp or Ishbel could cut it all short.

  Drew slid his hands up Sabine’s torso and cupped her breasts. Straddled across his lap, she fell back on him. She boldly slipped her hand between his thighs and cupped his balls.

  Transfixed, they all watched with voyeuristic pleasure, feeding off the sheer eroticism of the trio’s love play, waiting for what would happen next.

  “Do you want this?” Rafe bit out, his eyes fixed on Ishbel’s face.

  Ishbel kept her lips stubbornly shut, though she flexed her hips easing Rafe’s cock-head down to where she wanted it.

  In retaliation, Rafe eased forward, enough to separate the snug bands of muscles at the mouth of her sheath, but not enough to enter her fully. He gave her a toothy wolfish grin and Ishbel responded with a tight-lipped sneer.

  Drew’s cock hardened into a rigid bar and bulged against Sabine’s butt. He cupped one of her breasts and tweaked the nipple. She tilted her head to the side, inviting him to taste, and he clamped his mouth over the sweet spot on her shoulder.

  “What are you two waiting for? One of you to blink? Because from where I’m lying, there is just no fun in holding back.” Dex, the were he’d paired with Tija, taunted from the sidelines.

  Her voice, uncharacteristically husky, Ishbel acceded, “Fine, I want it…” Before she could finish her sentence, Rafe thrust his hips forward, and buried the upper half of his cock in Ishbel. He eased in and out of her, using his thigh to lever her up and down.

  “Can you take more?” Rafe challenged.

  “I can take anything and everything you can throw at me,” Ishbel shot back.

  “Then I’ll toss everything I’ve got at you, and when you howl for more, I’ll give it to you again.” Rafe caught her mouth in a kiss and hooked Ishbel’s thighs over his arms, opening her up more for him. Then he planted himself deep. The shift in position spread her wide in the back.

  Rafe looked deliberately at Dran and tilted his head in the direction of Ishbel’s butt. Dran dampened his fingers with spit and caressed her anus, before he slid his shaft into her in slow, short increments.

  Sabine tensed and whimpered in Drew’s arms. She turned and looked at him, uncertainty in her eyes.

  “Relax honey, they will give her nothing but pleasure.” He flicked his tongue over her lips. “Look around you.”

  He directed her head to look beyond the trio.

  Ala and Tija were locked in an embrace, and to his surprise, Jordan, the were he’d paired with Tija, wrapped his arms around them and they didn’t rebuff him. Others paired off or formed ménages. Except Dex.

  “It’s time to find ours.” He lifted her and lowered her onto his distended flesh. Drew gritted his teeth and absorbed the bliss of being inside of his mate.

  She was wet and succulent in her arousal. Hell, if it got any better his head would explode. Drew felt Sabine’s butt flex against his belly, and her sheath contract into a snug sleeve around him.

  Pumping his hips in short jerky surges, he set a rhythm, which sent her hips rocking back and forth. Her juices flowed freely, coating the length of him and seeping down his balls.

  All that sweet nectar going to waste.

  Drew saw Dex lounging in the shadows; he was perfect for his needs. The were in him wouldn’t feel threatened by Dex as Sabine’s prime-mate.

  “Ready for something new?

  “New?” Sabine chuckled, “I thought the show Ishbel and Rafe are putting on was it.”

  “No, I have something else in mind for you.”

  Drew caught Dex’s attention and motioned for him to join them. Dex picked his way through the mass of writhing bodies.

  Drew retrieved the can containing the peachy syrup, dribbled it over her crotch, and used his fingers to pull back the folds of Sabine’s vagina, exposing her clit. Dex grinned with understanding and crawled between her legs, taking the offering into his mouth.

  Sabine jerked. The muscles in her channel gripped his lance tightly in reaction to the added stimulation.

  “Drew?” The doubt in her voice tugged at him.

  “Yes, babe, it’s all good, so enjoy.” Drew held Sabine’s hips still so she could feel the ful
l impact of him planted in her and a tongue on her clit. He benefited from Dex’s long fluid swipes also, Sabine responded to each one with a squeeze on his cock while she rode him. In spasming pulses, her inner membranes clung to his steely shaft.

  She was near, her body stiffened and relaxed all at once.

  “Oh, my God,” she screamed and shuddered, losing control of her body.

  Dex eased back.” I guess my work here is done.” He moved off to sate his own needs.

  Yeah, Sabine came. Her snug depths undulated in waves over his throbbing erection as her orgasm died away. However, the night was young and he would bring her to the peak of bliss as many times as she could take, and he could manage.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Sabine watched Drew prowl around the living room with a barely leashed patience. He stopped and fidgeted with a collection of rocks, before he resumed his restless pacing. Finally, he threw himself into a chair to stare broodingly through the glass wall facing the valley below.

  The entire pack shared his agitation. During the daylight hours they busied themselves with mundane tasks, and by night, they ran in small bands to ease the anxiety of waiting. Over the past few days, Drew’s demeanor changed, from focused and hopeful, to doubt-filled disappointment at their lack of progress in locating his sister.

  They’d come in from their run tonight, cleaned up, and now she lounged on the sofa watching him pace. Sabine took a sip from a cup of hot chocolate loaded with marshmallows while she flipped absently through a visual dictionary she’d found in the library set up for the children. She was determined to put names to the unfamiliar objects she encountered on a daily basis.

  Sabine looked up to see Drew rising from his seat to circle the room yet again. She could gauge his moods as well as she did her own now. The haunted look on his face and silence told her his mind was on his sister. It hurt her to see the brooding look on his face return. There had to be something she could do to distract him, even if it was for a short time.

  Several of the electronic tags he’d placed on the Redmavens had gone dead. It was bad enough they had scattered and seemed to be taking a circuitous route to their final destination, stretching out the interminable wait to retrieve Aimee even more. Everywhere the rogues traveled, the little blips showed up on the computer. The packs whose territory they passed though kept track of the Redmavens from a distance. One week had stretched into two.


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