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From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time

Page 61

by Sean M. Carroll

  and free energy

  and gas distribution

  and gravity

  and inflationary cosmology

  and irreversibility

  and life

  and Loschmidt’s reversibility objection

  and Maxwell’s Demon

  and memory

  and microscopic laws of physics

  and mixing

  origin of

  and Past Hypothesis

  and Principle of Indifference

  and the real world

  and recurrence theorem


  and statistical mechanics

  and time symmetry

  and usable energy

  selection effect

  s elf-determination. See also free will

  Sen, Ashoke

  Septimus (fictional character)

  set theory

  Sexton, Anne

  Shakespeare, William

  Shannon, Claude

  Shapley, Harlow

  “simulation argument,”

  singularities. See also black holes

  and the Big Bang

  and closed timelike curves

  and empty space

  and Hawking radiation

  and information loss

  and initial conditions of the universe

  and lumpiness of the universe

  and white holes

  size of the universe

  Slaughterhouse Five (Vonnegut)

  Slipher, Vesto

  slowing time

  Smoot, George

  smooth universe

  1 Snow. P.

  Solar System

  and the biosphere

  and celestial mechanics

  and heliocentric model

  and the Milky Way galaxy

  as open system

  and recurrence in orbits

  state of physical systems

  and three-body problems

  Sorbo, Lorenzo


  space of states

  and black holes

  and coarse-graining


  evolution of

  and evolution of entropy

  and expansion of the universe

  and information conservation

  and Newtonian mechanics

  and Principle of Indifference

  and recurrence theorem

  and string theory

  space reversal

  spaceship travel thought experiments

  spacetime. See also curvature of spacetime; expansion of spacetime, general relativity

  and black holes

  and closed timelike curves


  and de Sitter space

  and Einstein

  and entropy of the universe

  and the EPR paradox

  and evolution of space of states

  and function of time

  and “gate into yesterday” exercise

  and general relativity

  and holographic principle

  and light cones

  and loops in time

  and Maldacena correspondence

  and natural theology

  and Newtonian mechanics

  and relativity

  and special relativity

  and speed of light

  and string theory

  and time loops

  and white holes

  and wormholes

  special relativity

  and acceleration

  and black holes

  and closed timelike curves

  collaboration on

  and definition of time


  and electromagnetism

  and Gott time machines

  and light cones


  origin of

  and speed of light

  and symmetry of laws of nature

  and time travel

  and uncertainty principle

  speed of light



  St. Augustine

  Stallman, Richard

  Standard Model

  Starobinsky, Alexander


  Star Trek


  state of physical systems

  statistical mechanics

  acceptance of

  and black holes

  and coarse-graining

  and entropy

  and function of time

  and Loschmidt’s reversibility objection

  and multiverse model

  and prediction

  and Principle of Indifference

  and recurrence theorem

  Steady State theory of cosmology

  steam engines

  Stockum, Willem Jacob van

  Stoppard, Tom

  stopping time

  strange quarks

  Strine, Arno (fictional character)

  string theory

  Strominger, Andrew

  strong nuclear force

  structure formation




  supermassive black holes



  and arrow of time

  and decoherence

  and entanglement

  and the EPR paradox

  and interference

  and intrinsic quantum indeterminacy

  and many-world interpretation

  and Schrödinger’s Cat


  Susskind, Leonard

  Swann’s Way (Proust)

  the swerve (clinamen)


  and bouncing-universe cosmology

  and checkerboard world exercise

  and determinism

  and laws of nature

  and multiverse model

  and nature

  and parity

  and particle decay

  and special relativity

  and supersymmetry

  and time reversal

  and time-translation invariance

  synchronized repetition

  Szilárd, Leó

  ’t Hooft, Gerard


  Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu)

  Tegmark, Max


  and anisotropies

  and black holes

  and conservation of information

  and de Sitter space

  and energy budget of Earth

  and entropy

  and expansion of the universe

  and the horizon problem

  and inflationary cosmology

  and information

  Kelvin scale

  and Maxwell’s Demon

  and mixing

  of the Sun

  and thermal equilibrium

  and thermal fluctuation

  and useable energy

  temporal chauvinism




  Théorie Analytique des Probabilités (Laplace)

  Theory of Everything

  thermal equilibrium

  thermal fluctuation

  thermodynamics. See also specific laws of thermodynamics

  and black holes

  and entropy

  and fate of the universe

  and life

  phenomenological approach

  and statistical mechanics

  and wave functions

  Thomasina (fictional character)

  Thorne, Kip

  three-body problem

  Through the Looking-Glass (Carroll)

  time. See also arrow of time; time reversal

  block time perspective

  dilation of

  and events

  facets of

  and special relativity

  and symmetry

  and timekeeping

  and wormholes

ime dilation

  time machines. See closed timelike curves

  time reversal

  ball on hill analogy

  and checkerboard world exercise

  and contracting universe

  and entropy

  and information

  and interaction effects

  and invariance

  and Newtonian mechanics

  and parity

  and particle physics

  and reconstruction of the past

  stories of

  and symmetric universe

  Time’s Arrow (Amis)

  Tipler, Frank

  Tolman, Richard


  Toulmin, Stephen




  Triangulum Galaxy

  true vacuum

  two-state system

  Tye, Henry

  “typical observer” concept

  “The Ultimate Machine,”

  uncertainty principle


  and background radiation

  and the Big Bang

  and distribution of galaxies

  and entropy

  and expansion of spacetime

  universality of nature

  “The Unreality of Time” (McTaggart)

  Unruh, William

  Unverdorben, Odilo (fictional character)

  useful and useless energy

  vacuum energy

  and baby universes

  and black holes

  and de Sitter space

  and empty space

  and entropy

  and expansion of the universe

  and general relativity

  and multiverse model

  speculation on

  true and false vacua

  and virtual particles

  Vafa, Cumrun


  and acceleration

  and electromagnetism

  and special relativity

  state of physical systems

  and time reversal

  Vilenkin, Alexander


  virtual particles

  and black holes

  and Hawking radiation

  and uncertainty principle

  and vacuum energy

  visible universe

  Vonnegut, Kurt

  Wagner, Richard

  Wahrscheinlichkeit (W). See also probability

  Wald, Robert

  waste heat


  watchmaker analogy

  Watson, James

  wave function, See quantum wave function


  weak nuclear force

  Weyl curvature hypothesis

  What Is Life? (Schrödinger)

  Wheeler, John Archibald

  white dwarfs

  white holes

  White Queen


  Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe

  Wilson, Robert

  world lines

  and closed timelike curves

  and light cones

  and the observable universe

  and time travel

  wormholes n

  Wu, Chien-Shiung

  X-ray radiation

  Yang, Chen Ning

  Yurtsever, Ulvi

  Zel’dovich, Yakov

  Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Pirsig)

  Zen Buddhism

  Zermelo, Ernst

  Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

  Žižek, Slavoj




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