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Blood of Spain

Page 96

by Ronald Fraser

  in Angués, 367–9; total, 367; committee, 367–9; terror, 368 and n.; ‘another revolution’, 369; district centre, 369n.

  in Andalusia, 371n.

  in Catalonia, 371n., 446; failure of in Badalona, 449–50; success of UGT, 450

  UGT: Cardenete (Cuenca), 580–82; organization of, 581; money abolished, 581; family ration card, 581; distributions to collectivists, 581; culture, 582

  Los Navalmorales de Pusa, 584; and smallholders, 584; communists in, 584; CNT objections, 584

  Toledo, 583

  Collectivization, urban:

  socialization, 210, 211, 212

  cooperativization, 210

  nationalization, 211

  problems of, 232, 234

  wages in, 234, 446

  profits of, 234

  market economy, 236

  production of, 236

  committees, 446

  post-war in Levant, 394

  refusal to pay taxes, 450 and n.

  in Catalonia: decree, 209, 210, 212, 215 and n., 234; and terms of, 210; compensation under, 575; number of collectives, 227; industrial and commercial credit fund, 211, 232 and n., 234; and compensation, 575 and n.; industrial councils, 211, 231, 232; ‘pawn bank’, 211n., 230, 231–2, 578; and international capital, 216 and n., 575–7; case of Sallent potash mines, 576–7; special tribunal, 577; self-management, 210, 234; five types of, 232n.

  criticisms, 209, 224, 229, 231, 232, 233, 579; by joint CNT-UGT conference, 231; by CNT commission, 231; by CNT woodworkers union, 231–2; of wages, 232; and credit, 232; workers’ limited view of, 232; and small owners, 233; as ‘trade union capitalism’, 233; to benefit a sector of working class, 233; of ‘autonomy and commercial spirit’, 295

  Barcelona textile industry, 216–20, 221; problems of, 216–20, 230; La España Industrial, 217–20; ‘mill patriotism’, 217n.; technicians, 217–18; wage differentials, 218; pensions, 218; ‘single wage’, 218; discipline, 218; assemblies, 219 and n., 220; three-day week, 219; managing director, 219; works council, 219; union representation, 219; foremen, 220; Fabra y Coats Spinning Co., 213, 214; workers feel ‘in charge’, 215; and management, 216; compensation demanded, 575

  Barcelona woodworking industry, 221–3; and profits, 221; socialization of, 221–2; foreign currency, 222; former owners, 222; militants lost to union, 222; union ‘like large firm’, 222; assemblies, 223; ‘militants refuse responsibility’, 223; unease, 223; food exchange system, 223; ‘marriage’, 223

  Barcelona public entertainment: socialization of, 223–5; cinemas closed, 223; Durruti and Ascaso cinemas, 223; wages, 223; holidays, 223, 224; pensions, 223; cut in cinema prices, 223, 224; ‘single wage’ in theatres, 223, 224; and end of, 224; feature film production, 224; greyhound racing, 216, 225

  Barcelona armaments industry, 225–7 and n.; La Maquinista, 226–7 and n.; and production failure, 226; finances, 226; government takeover, 226–7 and n.

  Barcelona department stores, 212, 220–21; workers ‘feel themselves owners’, 220; union withdraws from management, 220; failure of federation, 220; sexism, 221; profits, 221; former owners, 221

  Barcelona barbers, 212, 233

  Barcelona fashion house: failure to collectivize, 287n.

  Barcelona flour-milling, 446; oxy-acetyline plant (UGT), 578–80; and profits, 579

  Outside Barcelona: mill owner made stoker, 447; ‘chaos’, 447; ‘egoism’, 450; Catalan railways, 453; in Reus, 227–8; and industries’ refusal to collectivize, 228; in Badalona, 228–30; textile industry, 228; reasons for collectivizing, 229; functions of, 229; wages, 229; number of collectives, 227, 230; foreign-owned mills, 230n.; and UGT, 230 and n.; production, 230

  Madrid: undertakers, 233; garment trade, 290; and PCE self-management, 290; strike in, 290

  Comorera, Joan, 230, 375, 378 and n., 447

  and assassinations, 377

  Catalan revolution, 578 and n.

  Comín Colomer, Eduardo, 102n.

  Comintern, 44, 259n., 327, 331, 346, 490, 562, 563

  ‘third period’, 557

  and united action with socialist leaders, 557

  calls for Popular Fronts, 559

  Seventh Congress slogan, 562n.

  Communist party of Spain, see Partido

  Comunista de España (PCE)

  Communist ‘plot’, to start revolution, 71, 85, 102 and n.

  believed by army officers, 572

  Companys, Lluis, 68, 69, 142, 179n., 190, 242, 377n.

  proclaims Catalan state, 535

  sentenced to prison, 535; release, 535

  decides not to arm the people, 62

  cannot rely on security forces, 110; and his concern, 110–11

  tells anarcho-syndicalists they are masters of Barcelona, 111, 142; and ‘consequences’, 215–16

  suggests Durruti lead militia force, 113

  collapse of state power, 141

  and assassinations, 146

  CNT in government, 184

  Nin’s assassination, 385

  fall of Barcelona, 481

  Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas (CEDA), 122, 176n.

  formation of, 43

  victory in 1933 general elections, 43

  defeat in 1936 general elections, 44, 84

  ‘attracts members out of fear’, 85

  policies if it had won 1936 elections, 85

  agrees to serve and defend republic, 86n.

  blamed for pre-war failures, 416

  agrarian reform, 519

  clerical-conservative parliamentary party, 553 and n.

  principles of, 553

  non-members’ views: ‘enemy of the republic’, 553; ‘social Christian dictatorship’, 556

  Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT):

  foundation of, 39

  1919 vote to ‘absorb’ UGT, 550n.; and Bolshevik revolution, 550n.

  outlawed by Primo de Rivera, 39, 547, 549

  in Madrid, 549

  pre-war conflict with UGT, 75

  ‘open war’ against republic, 42, 95, 542

  1931 divisions in, 542

  treintistas, 180, 545

  aims of, 542

  its a-politicism, 186, 336, 534

  basic structure of, 544n.

  industrial federations, 220 and n., 544 and n., 550n.

  insurrections, 101, 546, 550; and effects of, 552

  strength of, 542, 557; in Catalonia, 546n.

  hostility to land reform, 95–6, 519

  hostility to ‘authoritarian marxist’ parties, 534

  Esquerra vote, 534n., 543n.

  Barcelona employers’ attempt (1917–23) to crush, 547

  and Andalusian migration to Catalonia, 548n.

  Catalan autonomy, 532–3

  Catalan refusal to join Workers Alliance, 555; and Barcelona, 1934 rising, 551, 555

  return of treintista unions, 551, 559n.

  abstention call in 1933 general elections, 549–50

  Catalan ultra-leftism, 550n.

  allows members to vote in 1936, 83

  Saragossa Congress (1936) rejects militias, 101, 338; and calls for revolutionary alliance with UGT, 181, 551

  outline of libertarian communism, 551

  in military rising in Barcelona, 62–4, 107

  and Companys, 111

  no faith in Generalitat to deal with rising, 63

  ‘not the moment for the social revolution’, 72

  ‘leaders lack training’, 111

  prevents conscripts returning to barracks, 142, 447

  unions take over: España Industrial, 138–140; wood industry, 139; La Maquinista, 139; department stores, 139; plate glass industry, 140–41;

  and urban collectivization, 211–13, 215, 225 and n.

  woodworkers union, 212, 221; public entertainments union, 212, 223–5; commercial employees union, 220

  and compensation, 575n.

  socialization, 211–12, 215

  cooperativization, 212

  nationalization, 236n

  importance of Saragossa, 119, 120

  organizes escapes from Saragossa, 134n.

  growth in Barcelona frightens bourgeoisie, 148–9

  membership of, 151

  Barcelona federation and revolution, 111

  ‘imposition of libertarian communism’, 112–13, 181

  chooses to collaborate, 113, 138, 184

  same course as communists, 138

  joins Generalitat government, 184, 186, 376; and reasons for, 186; withdraws from, 376, 383

  and power, 179–87 passim, 215, 335

  fails to control banks, 180–81

  ministers have no ‘line’, 186–7; and appointment of, 187

  rejects plan to ‘expropriate’ Madrid gold

  reserves, 181n.

  outnumbered in Catalonia by UGT, 182

  workers’ and soldiers’ committees, 184

  and first Popular Front government, 185, 186

  proposes National Defence Council, 185, 336

  salaries, 216

  revises positions at Economic Plenum, January 1938, 236n., 357

  pact with UGT, February 1938, 236n.

  Madrid ‘tunnel’, 295–7

  national committee accepts militarization, 337

  reacts to events, 339, 501

  political commissars, 339

  relations with POUM, 340, 344 and n.; and POUM’s eviction from Generalitat, 342, 376

  and May events, 378–82; ambience after, 454

  ‘unity with PCE’, 440

  in Asturias: pact with UGT, 237, 244, 330n., 550, 551, 553; 1931 split, 549; views on revolution, 549; proposes ‘political’ alternative to 1933 insurrection, 550; miners union, 550n.; in military rising, 70; refusal to collectivize, 242; and peasantry, 243; stands for socialization, 243; socializes fishing industry, 244; wishes to stay on good terms with socialists, 244; militarization, 246; revolutionary realism of, 550

  in Aragon (see also Council of Aragon): strength of, 348; federation of collectives, 366; and agreements of, 367n.; pact with UGT, 369

  in Basque country, 194; and PNV, 190; excluded from Basque government, 192

  non-members’ views: relations with POUM, 110; growth of, 182n.; ‘admits right-wingers’, 583, 584–5; ‘cause of PSUC’s growth’, 183; ‘revolutionary inconsistency’, 183; ‘complaisant attitude’ to petty bourgeois politicians, 340; ‘makes concessions’, 184; ‘superiority complex’ of Catalan leadership, 184; Madrid, Asturias more ‘politically aware’, 184; ‘mistaken concept of administration’, 234; mistake of wanting total revolution in Catalonia, 243; Asturian CNT did not make same mistake, 243; ‘most revolutionary’ sector of proletariat, 329; never claimed ‘precedence of revolution over war’, 339; failed to make workers’ government of anit-fascist militia committee, 341; ‘no political line’, 342; failure to make bloc with POUM, 342; ‘a colossus’, 342 and n.; ‘love of rhetoric’, 342; ‘self-sufficiency’, 342; ‘keeps quiet’ over Moscow trials, 344; idea of export, 375; ‘gears into Catalan working class mentality’, 379.

  Consell de l’Escola Nova Unificada (CENU), 294n.

  Córdoba, 94n., 97, 98, 129, 132, 155, 158, 161–4, 175n., 276–7, 280, 306, 307–8, 310

  military rising, 72, 106n., 161

  air raids, 134n.

  Cordón, A., 565n.

  Cores Fernández de Cañete, A., 253n.

  Corral de Almaguer (Toledo), 583

  Correo de Andalucía, Seville, 158n.

  Costa, Joaquín, 580

  Council of Aragon, 367n., 392

  creation of, 350 and n.

  and collectives, 347, 356–7

  ‘regulatory body’ of, 350

  ‘prejudicial to war’, 370

  ‘localism’ of, 371

  dissolution of, 390

  libertarian views on, 391–2

  Council of Asturias:

  formation of, 243

  declares self-sovereignty, 422

  and resistance, 422

  evacuation of children, 433–5

  evacuation of, 412

  and petty bourgeoisie, 243–4

  and land expropriation, 243n.

  joined by libertarian youth, 244

  supervises union control of industries, 244

  petty bourgeoisie, representation on, 244–5

  two major crises, 245n.

  protests air raids, 420

  Cuenca, 117, 338, 580

  Czechoslovakia, 192, 480

  Dali, Salvador, 181

  Defensor de Córdoba (Catholic), 47, 94n., 105, 155, 270–71, 320n.

  Dencas, Dr Josep, 535

  Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya, 209

  Diario de Burgos (Catholic), 170n., 203

  Díaz, José, 101, 327, 460

  and anti-fascist programme, 558

  and sister, 271

  and revolution, 324 and n.

  ‘PCE knows what it wants’, 326

  ‘trotskyists and uncontrollables’, 373

  ‘trotskyists are fascists’, 383

  Díaz del Moral, Juan, 95n., 96n.

  Díaz Tendero, Col. Eleuterio, 483

  Díaz Varela, Major, 103n.

  Dollfuss, Dr Englebert, 85

  Domingo, Marcelino, 41, 175, 515

  Durango (Vizcaya), 396

  Durruti, Buenaventura, 62, 66, 110, 142, 146, 150, 289, 337, 380, 548n.

  and 1933 insurrection, 550, 551

  turns guardia civil away, 110

  leads militia force, 113

  and column, 119, 120, 134–5, 147, 337, 338

  in defence of Madrid, 266

  and militarization, 337, 338

  death of, 269

  pronouncements on revolution, 334, 335, 350

  ‘no Ukrainian anarchist’, 346

  in Generalitat ‘manoeuvre’, 375n.

  posters of, 456

  Ebro river, 118, 120, 121

  Economics Council (Catalonia), 211, 212, 213, 215, 222, 234

  creation of, 184

  role changed by Comorera, 578

  Echauri (Navarre), 123

  Eibar (Guipúzcoa), 189n.

  El Arahal (Seville), 158n.

  El Socialista (PSOE), 462

  Elections, general:

  November 1933, 43; right-wing victory, 550

  February 1936, 44, 89; and voting figures, 44n.; right-wing electoral propaganda, 81; Popular Front propaganda, 82; in Córdoba, 97; and abstentionism, 534n.

  Elorza, A., 43n., 525n., 543n., 548n.

  Emakume Abertzale Batza, 193

  Escobar, J. I., 126n.

  Escofet, Frederic, 62, 63n., 64 and n., 66, 67, 68, 71, 110–11 and n.

  Escudero, M., 539n.

  Espejo (Córdoba), 94, 95, 280

  Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, 376

  wins 1931 municipal elections, 40, 534

  and 1936 general elections, 83

  its agrarian reform, 518, 535

  pre-war conflicts with Madrid, 535, 555

  ‘not separatist’, 533

  and collectivization, 215

  peasantry to join single union, 326

  May events, 378–82; and consequences of, 383

  left of PNV, 530

  politics of, 531, 535

  social base of, 532

  political tasks, 534

  and working class, 534

  proto-fascist wing, 535

  and October 1934 rising, 535

  non-members’ views: ‘sabotages collectives’, 215

  Estat Català, 535

  in military rising, 107

  and May events, 378–82

  Estremadura, 92, 174, 277

  Euzkadi, see Basque country

  Fàbregas, J. P., 151n., 181n., 187, 209, 212 and n., 215

  Falange and falangists, 45, 97, 122, 161, 163, 164, 173, 179, 205, 208, 571

  foundation of, 45

  political assassinations, 45, 60, 75

  and street violence, 45, 80, 89, 92

  Mussolini’s march on Rome, 70 />
  in Montaña barracks, 75

  in Valladolid, 85

  propose rising without military, 86

  unification with JONS, 55, 86, 87

  similarities with JONS, 87n.

  leadership arrested, 89

  plans rising with military, 90; to crush socialism, 102; to redeem proletariat, 115

  militias, 117

  and revolution, 122, 313, 315

  opposed by military, 316

  impossibility of revolution, 320

  repression, 122, 165, 166, 167–8, 169, 172–173, 315

  and Hedilla, 317n.

  reasons for joining, 253, 283, 314–15

  growth pre-war, 525n.

  fusion with Carlists, 317

  Unification decree, 317; death-blow to populist elements, 317; title of new movement, 317; reactions to unification, 318–19, 320

  project for Barcelona, 484

  clandestine in Madrid, 487

  Auxilio Social, 310

  syndicalist principles of, 313, 316; and fascism of, 313–14

  critical categories of, 315

  and German-Italian fascism, 314, 315

  defends small owners, 315

  rapid growth of, 315

  attracts left-wingers, 315

  F A Ilange, 315–16

  never ‘mass party’, 316

  leaderless, 316

  non-members’ views: ‘totalitarian’, 319

  Falange Espanola Tradicionalista y de las JONS (FET), 317n.

  national council, 469, 470

  Falcón, Cesar, 94n.

  Fal Conde, Manuel, 104

  exiled, 317n.

  Fanjul, Gen. Joaquín:

  takes command of Montaña barracks, 75

  wounded, 77

  Faraudo, Capt. Carlos, 76

  assassination of, 103, 572

  Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI), 111, 142, 148, 153, 192

  foundation of, 39, 548

  aims of, 548

  ultra-leftism, 542

  and treintistas, 545, 547

  no general ‘line’, 547

  as tendency within CNT, 548n.

  importance in Catalonia, 548

  Catalans’ insurrections ‘dangerous’, 549

  ‘Barcelona against the rest’, 549

  Asturian view of revolution, 549

  in Barcelona military rising, 107

  ‘without direction’, 138

  condemns assassinations, 149

  refuses participation in Catalan government, 187

  participates in Council of Asturias, 243

  non-members’ views: relations with POUM, 110; automatic blame for assassinations, 148 and n.; ‘bloodiest of reds’, 196; ‘dominates CNT’, 187, 547; ‘acts dictatorially’, 546; ‘sectarianism’, 288; ‘responsible for republic’s collapse’, 444; protects mill owner’s wife, 446; concern over fate of, 447


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