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The Millionaire's Revenge

Page 10

by Wendy Byrne

  Was this the skeleton in his closet he’d been hiding? Was he a workaholic with no work/life boundaries? Maybe she could deal with that but only after they had mind-numbing sex, not before. And where in the hell were those sweatpants? Her thong?

  “I’m really sorry. I have to do this in person.” He ushered her to her feet, handing her the clothes that had ended up on the floor.

  Because she couldn’t think of anything else to do, she slipped them on while he tried to stuff himself into his pants. Was it wrong of her to feel vindication that he was having a difficult time of it?

  Was he married? Did he have a fiancée or girlfriend who was on the way back from the airport so he needed Grace to leave? Those were the only two plausible explanations. No way in hell did this have something to do with a client.

  Damn. She should have checked his bathroom for a supply of Tampons to confirm no woman lived here.

  “I promise I’ll make it up to you. Anything you want. I’m there.” With those final words he guided her outside and into a waiting cab, wearing his clothes and her heels. And she didn’t care. When she turned around to look out the back window, she spotted him waving down his own cab. Maybe he hadn’t been lying after all.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Luke still had the taste of Grace rolling around his tongue. Sending her off with confusion written all over her face made him feel like an ass, even while a part of him was relieved he’d dodged a bullet.

  He hopped into a cab and reread the text to regain his focus.

  Gage is drunk and throwing around money at Gator’s Bar. Said he got a bonus at work. Talking about Whitaker and someone he keeps referencing as her. I need you to come ASAP and pump him for information since the guy knows who I am.

  He remembered the cash he’d spotted in Grace’s drawer the other day. Could this be the link they’d been looking for?

  Damn, why was this so complicated and why did he have a sinking feeling in his stomach that made him wish he’d never started this charade in the first place? But not only was his reputation and the integrity of New York’s older neighborhoods on the line, Luke was beginning to suspect she was innocent, that her father was using her to cover his crimes. If that was the case, he had to nail the man, and quick, while maneuvering to save her from prosecution.

  He’d forgotten all about his mission tonight. For once, he’d started not to care about what Whitaker was doing or not doing and give in to the attraction he had for Grace. They had fun together—he couldn’t remember the last time he enjoyed being with a woman so much—and he wanted her. Bad.

  Luckily, fate intervened before he headed down that slippery slope into what would end up a clusterfuck.

  When he rushed into the bar, Sal nodded to where Gage sat, probably a hair’s breadth away from getting arrested or thrown out or both as he lobbed a steady stream of catcalls and profanity at the waitresses. Luke didn’t want that—at least until he got what he came for. He needed to know if Grace was clean or dirty and this guy might have the information.

  “Hey, buddy.” He put an arm around Gage’s shoulder and settled into a seat. Maybe having grown up with an alcoholic father had its positives, since he knew how to finesse drunks.

  “Do I know you?” The man’s head wobbled as he struggled to remain upright in his chair.

  “Sure you do. We go way back, remember? We work for the city in the zoning department.”

  “Ahh, now I remember.” He grasped his glass and slugged back another shot.

  “What are we celebrating?”

  “My bonus.”

  Luke leaned back in his chair and thought about how he’d phrase the next question. “I’ve never gotten a bonus from the city. How’d you manage that one?”

  “It’s all about loopholes,” the man slurred.

  “Cool. Maybe you need to share, so I can get the same loopholes going in my favor.”

  He shook his head, the aroma of whiskey and beer on his breath potent enough for Luke to nearly get a contact high. “Nah, it’s my secret, and I don’t like to share.”

  “Could you give me a hint?”

  “Big people have big money. If you’re nice and overlook…” He stared off into space for a minute then closed his eyes.

  Luke jostled him awake. “You were saying?”

  “Sometimes you have to look the other way and take what falls into your lap. Mr. W rewards me when I grease the wheels and get the job done. And she makes it all happen.”


  “The witchy woman, the bitch, hell-on-wheels.” Gage dissolved into laughter.

  None of those descriptors described the Grace he knew, at least. But there was that money he’d found in her drawer. No matter what excuses he made, that wasn’t normal, unless she filled the coffers of all the Salvation Army kettles on a daily basis, which he found doubtful. There had to be another explanation.

  Luke shrugged at Sal and shook his head. It wasn’t enough. He needed concrete proof to get an indictment from the district attorney. Without a paper trail, everything he suspected would go up in smoke.

  Gage’s boast confirmed that even though Luke had second thoughts about using her, he had no choice.

  Still, what a colossal waste of time coming here, although it had saved him from falling into bed with her like he’d been itching to since day one. Of course what happened between them tonight had jumped over the line.

  As long as even a whiff of suspicion still hung over her head, he needed to keep a hands-off approach.

  He strolled over to Sal’s table and sat down. “Nothing admissible. Did you find out anything more about the Hudson River Project being mixed income?”

  Sal shifted in his seat. “Nada. Nobody has been able to confirm that’s part of the plan. I’d think that would be well publicized and a main draw.”

  Could her father have promised one thing, but done another? Or was Grace lying?

  Feeling a sense of hopelessness, he hopped into a cab and headed home. The pervasive feeling only increased when he walked inside and spotted her red dress pooled on the floor of the bathroom. Lying next to it was the sexy black bra she’d complained about earlier.

  Anxious to connect with her for some reason he didn’t really understand, he shot her a text.

  How are you? Did you get home okay?

  I’m doing good. How are you?


  She placed a giggling emoji in her message. You can come by if you want.

  Nah, it’s late. Going to take a cold shower, but wanted to make sure you made it home safely. Also found something of yours in the bathroom when I went to take that cold shower.

  I was wondering where I left it after you threw me out.

  I really did have a business emergency. How can I make it up to you?

  Come to Carla’s wedding with me in Connecticut this weekend. Be my plus one.

  I’ve got nothing going on. Besides, I’ve never been to Connecticut. Luke figured he’d either have everything done and over with by then, or he’d have an even better opportunity to dig deeper.

  Thanks. And don’t be parading around in my dress in the meantime.

  Red’s not my color.

  She sent a ROFL emoji. I can rent a car and pick you up.

  Don’t bother. I have a car. I’ll pick you up Saturday morning.

  Luke put down his phone, looked over his plans for the Hudson River Project, and shuddered. They’d stolen his plans—he was sure of it. And it was her idea to buy that building. She’d brought the idea to her father’s attention knowing his insatiable need to keep his position as number one in real estate development in Manhattan. And told him to fight for it. Do whatever he could to get the building.


  He couldn’t get over the idea that he was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sexy dress to wear to the wedding—check. Sexy underwear and nightgown—check. Fuck-me shoes—check. A suite at a fabulous boutique hotel cal
led The Mayflower Grace in Washington, Connecticut reserved—check.

  Grace paced her bedroom as she finished packing. What could she possibly put in a suitcase, when all she could think about had nothing to do with the wedding? What if Luke decided to get his own room? That would be weird, but considering how things had been sort of hot and cold between them since the start, she needed to keep that possibility in mind. How could she convince him she was ready to take things to the next level—meaning, of the sweaty, naked variety? He confused her with his mixed messages.

  And on top of all her current fixations, her father had sent her some financial documents she didn’t understand. Nothing about them or the data included made sense in terms of her expectations for the project. He’d budgeted for things that didn’t seem necessary, skimped in areas that seemed to need more funds, and had a million-dollar entry for some place called Prentiss Enterprises. She’d spotted that name in his appointment book she’d mistakenly taken home. But she had to let go of that for the time being. She’d pack her laptop and hope she’d be too busy being naked to even look.

  The doorbell rang and nerves leapfrogged down her spine as excitement stoked her insides. If nothing happened between them after this, she might as well turn in her woman card because clearly she was doing something wrong.

  When she opened the door and Luke kissed her cheek looking all yummy, she forgot about her obsession. This would work out.


  “Your bags ready?” he asked, hot as hell in a pair of jeans, a leather jacket, and light-blue shirt.

  She slipped on her black leather jacket and pulled on her short black boots. “Yep. I’ve got the address of the hotel in my purse. Do you want a to-go cup of coffee?”

  “That would be great. I’ll get the bags. You grab the coffee,” he said as he walked back out the door.

  Her hands shook as she filled the cups and put cream in both before screwing on the lids and locking the door behind her. She settled inside the car and buckled her seatbelt. “Do you mind stopping at a cash station? I wanted to give Carla and Graham cash for the wedding.”

  He turned on the car. “No problem.”

  Just as he was pulling away, she stopped him with a raised hand. “I forgot about the money in my desk drawer. Carla’s mom wanted to pay for the bachelorette party, so I put everything on my charge and she reimbursed me with cash. I’ll be right back.” She raced up the stairs, grabbed a couple thousand dollars, and sprinted for the car.

  As she sat in his car speeding toward Connecticut to beat the snowstorm coming their way, earlier thoughts wormed through her brain. Why did she feel this was some kind of last stand in terms of her love life? It was weird how he fell into her life and synched up with her like he’d known her forever. She’d never felt this deep a connection before with any guy—even Garrett.

  “You’re awfully quiet.” Luke placed his hand over hers on the console.

  “Tired more than anything.” Who could sleep when she was obsessed about everything from her underwear to what to wear to bed? Maybe planning when they’d have sex wasn’t such a good idea. Shouldn’t it flow naturally from the relationship? She was making herself crazy with all this overanalyzing. This plan to test, screw, and dump hadn’t been thought through.

  “We’re getting close. What’s the address again?” His question broke through the fog of her preoccupation.

  She rattled it off as she gazed out the window. “My father has a house near here but I haven’t visited there much. He had an elaborate room decorated for me in this absolutely ostentatious house he never goes to.”


  “One of the mysteries of the universe that surrounds my father is his completely random decision making. I never know what he’s going to do—” The words stalled inside her throat as he pulled into the long winding driveway. Every tree along the graceful path was adorned with white lights until they arrived at the stately hotel. “The pictures don’t do this place justice. I can’t wait to see the inside.”

  He pulled in front of the hotel. The bellhop came out to get their bags wearing a Santa hat and an effervescent grin, while the valet took the car to the parking lot. Luke had his hand on the small of her back as they walked inside.

  “Nice,” he said as he gestured toward the sitting area on the right.

  A roaring fire sat in the middle of the room with three large couches and several overstuffed chairs. A Christmas tree touched the top of the white trey ceiling adorned with what looked like handmade wooden ornaments, while stockings hung from the fireplace.

  “It’s so homey, don’t you think?” she said after they checked in and walked toward the elevators. While waiting, they ran into Felicia and Tess.

  “Join us for a drink?” Felicia grabbed Grace’s arm while Tess took Luke’s.

  He shook his head. “You ladies have fun. I’ll go upstairs and take care of the bags.” He gave her a quick kiss and got into the elevator.

  The threesome linked arms and headed for the bar. “Luke’s looking amazing as usual,” Felicia said as they snagged a table. “I hope you’re finally getting some of that.”

  “Believe it or not, I still haven’t gotten laid.” Grace chewed her lip. “After the opera failure we went to his place—”

  Felicia held up her hand before she could finish.

  “What the hell?” Tess closed her eyes and gulped her drink.

  “I need specifics.” Felicia’s face was flushed, and Grace had a feeling this wasn’t her friends’ first trip to the bar today. “Explain.”

  “I was naked, he was halfway naked. Mountains moved and birds were ready to sing the Hallelujah chorus, but that’s as far as it went.” And the orgasm I finally thought would happen left the building.

  “Damn. What happened? No condoms?” Tess asked.

  “Don’t even tell me he couldn’t get it up?” Felicia countered.

  She shook her head. “There was some kind of accounting emergency.” Once again, her friends were speechless for a good minute, then words exploded from first one then the other.

  “Bullshit. I’ve heard of some lame excuses from men, but that takes the cake.” Tess rolled her eyes.

  “Let me get this straight. He got a text from someone at eleven o’clock at night who had an accounting emergency?” When Grace nodded, Felicia continued. “Did you get a look at the text? What exactly did it say?”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t look.”

  Tess and Felicia exchanged glances then shook their heads. “Where have we gone wrong with her?”

  “Anything that resembles a guy screeching on the brakes before getting some action requires more exploration,” Tess said.

  “What was I supposed to do say? Give me your phone.”

  “Damn right you should have. No guy gets you naked and stops before he at least gets some head,” Felicia added. “After sex I’ve heard every excuse from a sick grandma to work-related BS. There’s got to be something he’s not saying.”

  Grace had the urge to cover her ears and pretend there wasn’t something weird about his behavior. “But before I find out what it is, can’t I just have a little mind-numbing sex first? Is that too much to ask?”

  They all sat in silence for a few minutes before Felicia finally spoke. “Seduction 101 it is.”

  “First things first. What are you wearing to the wedding?” Tess asked.

  “I couldn’t make up my mind. Brought my red, V-neck dress with the thigh slit.” She chewed her lip. “But then I thought I might not be able to dance in it, and you know Luke’s an amazing dancer. So I brought my navy blue lace—”

  “That’s the one. It shows off your legs and has those buttons down the back. He’ll be thinking about unbuttoning them the whole night.”

  Grace pressed a hand to her stomach. Now that she got this close, all she could do was worry. She’d put so much pressure on her herself for believing the night with Luke would be nothing short of magical, but she feared no one could liv
e up to her expectation.

  “But that dress is so tight. And I can’t wear a bra and panties because of the see-through lace on the sides.”

  “That’s why it’s perfect,” they said in unison.

  “He’s going to figure out pretty quickly that you’re naked beneath that dress and I suspect when that happens—hopefully after the ceremony—you’ll be hitting the nearest closet with him,” Tess said.

  “Sometimes a gal has to let go of those prudish ways and let loose,” Felicia said.

  “And if the guy doesn’t jump your bones when you wear that, there’s something seriously wrong with him—not you.”

  “Just remember that,” Tess added.

  “What if he’s married or engaged?” Felicia asked.

  “He has way too much free time to be married.” Even as she said the words, he did seem a little too good to be true. He hadn’t balked once at her invitations, her tests, or disagreed with anything she’d said. Strange.

  “Are you still working your way through those stupid tests of yours?” Tess rolled her eyes then sipped at her champagne.

  “You didn’t think they were stupid when I suggested them. Remember the whole test him, screw him, and dump him?”

  “The true test is in the bedroom.” Felicia held up her hands. “Okay, I was humoring you at the time, but the bottom line is, if he passes all the other tests but can’t deliver in bed, you might as well cut him loose. There’s no fixing bad sex.”

  Felicia definitely had a point. The final test would be in the bedroom. She’d already had enough bad sex to last a lifetime. She needed another drink. Now.

  “Tonight’s the night. Even if I have to handcuff him to the bed.”

  “I like where you’re headed with that. Maybe he’s into kinky stuff and wants you to be a dominatrix or something,” Tess said.

  “That might be a deal breaker for me. I’m not going all Fifty Shades on him or any other guy.”

  “It might be kind of fun to be tied up sometimes,” Felicia said.


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