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Hott and Ready (The Hott Brothers Book 2)

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by Leah Sharelle

























  Copyright © 2020 Leah Sharelle

  HOTT AND READY - The Hott Brothers Book 2

  By Leah Sharelle

  All Rights Reserved.

  Editing and Proofreading: R Corcoran

  Photography: Chic Professional Photography

  Cover Model: Dustyn Rodgers

  Cover Design: Formatting & Design by Jaye

  Interior Design: Formatting & Design by Jaye

  This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the properties of the author, and your support and respect are appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  This author writes using Australian English and may include Australian diction




  “Come on Blakey, come with me and help me feed the horses,” I suggested gently to the sad teenager who was doing her best hiding away from the main house, and all the mourners gathered at the HHH to pay their respects to Blake’s father. His passing was a surprise to all of us, but most especially to Blake.

  Jed Henderson was my father’s lifelong friend and trusted farm manager. He and Blake lived on the farm in a small cottage not far from the main horse stables, Blake grew up here just the same as Noxx and Nixx and myself. She was part of the family, and now she was in the care of my parents as Jed’s last wishes requested.

  I had to be honest, I never saw Blake like my brothers did. Their protective instincts concerning Blake stemmed from brotherly feelings, whereas mine were slightly more … distorted.

  The feisty blonde stirred feelings of frustration more than platonic, she challenged me every day not to throw her over my shoulder and keep her safe. I found myself holding my breath every time she wandered into the bull paddock or one of the stalls in the stables. Not because I was worried she would get hurt, but because I couldn’t allow her to get hurt.

  My feelings for Blake weren’t inappropriate, it wasn’t like that at all. It was more a sense of … possession.

  Blake called to my inner soft side, one look into her soft, brown eyes and all my protective instincts kicked in.

  Now, seeing her upset and obviously distraught, all I wanted to do was make her smile and wipe away her tears. Her tears affected me in such a tremendously confusing way, even more than Makena, my brother’s girlfriend, did. Her sister Mal, my bestie, never cried, so my only knowledge of feminine emotions came from those two. A fourteen-year-old and a twenty-one-year-old, two females who were as different as night and day both that kept me on my toes.

  “Can I feed Lancelot on my own?” Blake asked in a small, sad voice. “It will make me feel better.”

  My eyes narrowed, and instantly I was onto her. Blake’s main role in my life was to test me at every turn, and it normally involved the Triple H’s prize stallion. Blake loved the huge, black beast and would do just about anything to get near him, even use her grief to get me to agree.

  “Blake, the day I let you in the stall alone with Lancelot is the day I am six feet under,” I answered, shaking my head. A chill of dread ran through me at the visions my head was imagining. Blake being stomped on, Blake laying in a heap on the ground at the horse’s hooves, Blake … always Blake.

  “And just how do I accomplish that?” she sassed back at me, “I am not a kid ya know Hendrixx. I can ride nearly as good as Makena, and you don’t care if she goes near him.”

  “Don’t be a smart arse, Blake. And yes, you are in fact a kid, fourteen is not old enough to be alone with a dangerous horse,” I muttered, desperately trying to ignore the pleading in her brown eyes.

  “I am damn good with a horse, as you know, Drixx!” she protested immediately, fire spitting from her.

  Rolling my eyes at her, a smirk playing on my lips, I draped an arm over her shoulders.

  “Come on Blakey, I have a shovel and a bucket with your name on it.”

  “Hey, you said feeding not muckin’ out stalls!” Blake complained half-heartedly, her small arm going around my waist, and her head dropped to lean against my side–sending a feeling I had never felt before, right to my heart.

  What the fuck was that?

  I needed to be taken out to the back paddock and given a damn, good flogging. Maybe tie me in the bullpen and let one of the two-tonne beasts at me. Whatever was going on had to stop, Blake was in the care of my parents, my brothers and myself and I had to remember that. It couldn’t matter that her soft, cinnamon eyes pleaded with me, or the way I admired her work ethic even at her young age. Blake got home from school and jumped into her chores on the farm, she helped Fenixx with the cattle, mucked out stalls, and stacked wood for my mum, and she did it all without complaining. Blake loved living on the land, and I knew she was worried about what might happen to her after her father died suddenly from a heart attack while out checking fences. As far as I knew, she only had a handful of cousins and two aunts who lived in another state, but Blake had been on the Triple H practically her whole life.

  It was my mum who insisted that Blake’s dad make Mum her guardian just in case something happened to him. Thank god she did. Blake was a country girl all the way from her Akubra to her dusty cowboy boots, the most traffic jams she had ever seen were the ones on Friday nights when cowboys from all around the district made their way into town on payday. On those nights the main street of Cattle Ridge was littered with every conceivable ute and rust bucket possible. The drivers all hell-bent on filling their bellies with homecooked wood-fired pizza from Farron’s Country Kitchen and then going across the road to the pub to guzzle as much beer and whiskey as possible and stay there until Sunday morning.

  Of course, Blake wasn’t in the pub, but she loved going to Farron’s to grab a pizza or a sweet dessert. Blake had a sweet tooth, in fact, that wasn’t a strong enough term. Blake ate lollies and chocolate all day long, and I bet if I asked her right now to empty out her pockets, she would produce a roll of Fruit Tingles and a Cadbury Chunky bar.

  Despite my inner turmoil and the feelings I apparently had for Blake, I smiled and rubbed her upper arm.

  “Blake, no one mucks a stall like you do, kiddo.” Deliberately adding the teen pet name to remind me that she was off-limits, but no matter what I called her, I had a feeling that Blake meant more to me than anyone else ever had. Even my friendship with Mallory and our on and off again chemistry didn’t have this sense of …

  “Whatever you say, Cowboy,” Blake sassed, thankfully stopping me from silently admitting what she was to me and what she was doing to me.

  One crisi
s averted, now I just had to deal with how much I loved her calling me Cowboy.

  Jesus, I really had a serious problem.


  Slamming the car into park, I threw open the door and jumped out. The ride back to the Triple H gave me enough time to get over seeing my beloved sister-in-law bawling her eyes out all because I very innocently ate the last of her favourite chocolate treats. Though, if I am honest, that was better than yesterday’s emotional breakdown over the chair incident.

  Makena pregnant was indeed a scary thing, Makena pregnant and crying hysterically over me making a comment about how heavy she was getting? That was one mistake I will never make again.

  Dealing with Blake was much safer.

  Thinking of the blonde that drove me insane ninety-nine percent of the time, I looked around the entrance to the main stables for any sign of her. Over the last few months, I had been over at Waterford Views helping Mack get the farm up and making money again, leaving Blake here at the HHH unsupervised and out of my sight. I did not like the feelings that gave me, uneasy and unsettled and … craving to see her, to be around her. Blake had a quality about her that drew me to wherever she was. Her spunk and determination to do anything handed to her, her goddamned stubbornness to refuse help turned me on more than I ever thought possible.

  By nature, I was a protector. My brothers and Mum meant more to me than anyone, and when we found out about my nephew, Daxx, he became just as important to me.

  The tattoo on my ribs a testament to how I felt about my family.

  Life begins and ends with family

  Will Lillian Lenoxx Fenixx

  I planned on adding Daxx to the names of people I shared blood with, and the new baby as soon as she arrived or earlier if Noxx and Makena let me in on her name.

  One name I itched to add in ink on my skin was the name I probably shouldn’t.

  Blake Isobel.

  I shouted the name when she pissed me off, screamed it in frustration when I caught her doing something dangerous, and I even roared it in the privacy of my bathroom when making myself come at the image of her beautiful face in my mind. What I hadn’t done yet was whisper it to her while buried balls deep inside her, moan it low and deep as her hands traced over my bare skin, or groaned it while her mouth swallowed my hard cock. They were scenarios that could not happen, but dreaming about them, however, I could do as much as I wanted. And I did.

  Every single night.

  Those were the only times I allowed myself to indulge in my fantasies, to get away from the real life dramas of HBC, co-owning the biggest cattle property in the country and forget that my dad was a traitor.

  The past eight or so months had been a mix of joy and downright heartache for my brothers and I. Finding Mack and Mallory again, learning about Daxx, getting over deceptions and bringing them all into the family fold again, a real joy.

  Dad’s deception … fucking brutal heartache there. Lenoxx, Fenixx and I were still coming to grips with learning this new side to our dad, his hatred for the Rogers’ family, and the lengths he went to keep Mack from Lenoxx way too raw to overcome or even accept. Noxx was doing better dealing with it than me, he was busy embracing fatherhood and being back with Makena. And, since knocking her up, he was firmly immersed in her pregnancy. Enjoying every moment he missed out on with Daxx, he even relished in Mack’s mood swings, going so far as carrying around a book on pregnancy.

  I had to admit I was happy for my brother, the oldest of the three of us by mere minutes, Lenoxx seemed less intense and way less hell-bent on working himself to death at HBC, our beef export company. He even went as far as setting up a home office over at Mack’s farm, now officially a branch of the Triple H.

  Makena wanted to keep the family farm with the same name her grandfather gave it, and none of us had a problem with that. She worked hard to keep it in the family, at times too hard. Getting herself hurt, and most recently nearly dying, spurred my brother to take action and relocate over to Waterford. Noxx was all about Mack and their son, and the upcoming arrival of a daughter. I couldn’t wait to see my brother deal with having a girl, although I had to admit I was pretty nervous waiting for my niece to arrive. If she takes the path of her daredevil mother, Noxx was going to need some back-up.

  Walking further into the stables, I instantly looked for Blake. I sent her a text an hour ago, but she hadn’t answered, and I wanted to know why.

  “Blake!” I shouted as I made my past the stalls down to the one at the very end.

  I kept Lancelot away from the other horses because he was a real trouble maker. The beast, as Blake affectionately called him, found great joy in stirring up the other horses, and generally making life in the stables … noisy.

  From one of the stalls, my second in charge, Eddy, sauntered out, a headstall and a lead rope slung over his shoulder, but it was his grimace that had my hairs standing on the back of my neck.

  “What?” I asked immediately. I knew that look, it was a look all of the employees had whenever Blake was up to no good.

  “I turned my back for ten minutes to administer a drench to Molly and she took advantage of it.” Eddy shrugged as if I knew exactly what was coming next.

  Dropping my chin to my chest, I blew out a frustrated breath. “I do not need this right now,” I grumbled tiredly, “get Stash saddled up for me, will ya.”

  “Already had Joe do it when I heard ya pull up mate,” Eddy said, pointing behind me.

  “Jesus, she is going to make me grey before I turn thirty.” Turning around, I headed to the stall where my favourite horse would be waiting for me, saddled and ready. Thank god my workers knew me well, at least they understood my need for order on the Triple H, Blake not so much.

  “She has an hour head start on ya Hendrixx. She hasn’t stopped talking about them since she heard they were sighted yesterday,” Eddy went on following behind me.

  “Yeah and she knows she can get away because I have been spending so much time over in Waterford. Who the hell told her that the mob is in the area again?” I asked as I reached the stall, Stash standing on the outside tethered to the gate waiting for me.

  “I believe it was … Hmmmm can’t say I remember boss,” Eddy hedged very badly, I already knew who her spy was and when Fenixx made an appearance he was going to feel my fist in his face.

  Fenixx was just as obsessed with the mob of brumbies as Blake was, both of them had spies all over the district, letting them know as soon as the wild horses entered the valley on HHH property.

  Slamming my foot into the stirrup, I easily swung up into the western style saddle, Stash standing still letting me get settled.

  “What horse is she on?”

  “Princess is missing,” Eddy answered, ducking his face so I couldn’t see the smirk I knew would be there.

  Great, she took the second most high-spirited horse in the stables. I guess I should be happy she didn’t saddle up the stallion.

  Grabbing the reins from the gate, I glared at Eddy.

  “Tell Fenixx he better have the horses all fed by the time I get back, considering I don’t have time to do it now I have to chase down Blake,” I ordered at the same time I urged Stash forward. “Oh, and also tell him he is a fucking arsehole, and he better be prepared to get a punch in his pretty face,” I called over my shoulder, giving my horse a gentle kick breaking him into a trot. We had a rule around the stables that there was to be nothing faster than a trot until the rider was clear of the slippery brick ground. That rule pissed me off all of a sudden, Blake was an hour ahead of me, which meant she could very well already be on the mob’s trail.

  “You got it boss, tell Fenixx—”

  Eddy’s voice trailed off, as I got closer to the main doors. It was possible that I shut what he was about to say out, or it could have been because I broke my own rule and pushed Stash into a canter before the doors. Either way, my mind was focused on finding Blake as fast as possible. I didn’t want Blake to be anywhere around any of the brumb
ies, but especially the leader of the mob. The big grey might be beautiful to look at from a distance, but he didn’t have a friendly bone in his body, despite what Blake believed. Capturing him and bringing him into the breeding program like Fenixx and Blake planned was not going to happen, not while I was head of the Triple H. Fenixx might be my brother and the director of the breeding, but he didn’t know Blake the way I did, she would stop at nothing to lasso the wild horse and bring him back.

  He also didn’t care about Blake the same way as me, to him she was a little sister. To me?

  There was nothing brotherly about my feelings for her, far fucking from it, in fact.

  Sitting back in the saddle, I let Stash take off in the direction of the valley. It was good having a horse know my moods and read my body language just by a squeeze of my thighs or a barely-there tug on the reins. It meant I could concentrate on where my head was going where Blake was concerned.

  Time was up, Blake wanted to push my buttons, then it was time I pushed some of my own.

  Now that she is twenty she technically isn’t a teen anymore, which meant one thing…

  It was nearly time to make my move and make Blake mine.



  My time was limited. Finding the mob before Hendrixx discovered I was missing not working in my favour. The man was like a bloodhound when it came to me, no matter what I was doing, Hendrixx Hott found me, and then stopped me. While most of the time it amused me, today, I really wanted him to stay distracted over at Waterford to give me enough time to locate the mob and get a decent look at the big grey.

  My obsession with the leader of the brumbies began five years ago when I happened upon him and his harem of mares and offspring while out riding the valley.

  Since then, I grabbed every opportunity to ride out and attempt to get a glimpse of the magnificent beast and his pretty girlfriends, follow them as best I can and try to find where they lived.


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