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Hott and Ready (The Hott Brothers Book 2)

Page 10

by Leah Sharelle

  I don’t know how he managed it, but his fingers on my nipples took my focus from the stretching going on down between my legs. So much that my core started to throb but this time with something other than a stinging pain.

  As if on their own accord, my hips started to gyrate back and forth, each wriggle taking more of his cock inside me.

  “Fuck Blake, this is the most perfect moment of my life,” Hendrixx moaned, his eyes never leaving mine as he caressed my boobs, watching me for any sign of discomfort.

  Always looking out for me.

  “Kiss me, Hendrixx, please kiss me,” I begged, pushing forward to reach his mouth and, by doing so, took all of him into me, surprising both of us. Before I could even register the pain of his cock breaking completely though my body’s natural barrier, Hendrixx took my mouth in an open-mouthed kiss full of heat and passion, distracting me in the best way possible.

  “Never beg me, baby, anything you want all you have to do is tell me, and it is done,” my Cowboy promised ardently as his lips moved over mine, making love to them.

  “Anything Blake, for the rest of my life.” His vow melting me and cementing my love for my sweet, growly Cowboy.

  Choking back a sob, I held his face in my hands, not needing to hold myself off him any longer. He was fully seated inside me, and while I felt overwhelmingly full, it was also the most amazing sensation.

  “I will never forget this Hendrixx when things get hard, and I feel like giving up, I will come back to this moment in my mind and remember the magic of you and me, right here, right now,” I vowed, nipping at his lips, his chin and down his throat, placing small open-mouthed kisses along his skin.

  “Me too, sweetheart. Are you okay for me to move, or would you rather stay like this, because trust me I can come just from staying still inside you, Blake.”

  Smiling at him, I gave him a wink then moved my hips in a rocking motion, moaning at the indescribable joy that was spreading through my core.


  “It’s kind of like sitting in a saddle when cantering,” I observed, astonished that the pain was completely gone. “Whatever the reason you got the piercings, I applaud you for it,” I joked, making Hendrixx laugh.

  “Five months of pain totally worth it,” he agreed, “let me show you why.” Taking my hips in an almost bruising grip, Hendrixx lifted me off his dick then slammed me back down, the whole eight inches of his pierced shaft dragging against the walls of my pussy, caressing it. Sensations like I have never experienced before booted up my arousal each time he lifted me then pulled me back down.

  “Oh god, Drixx, fuck, yes,” I screamed out, my hands going from his face to the back of his neck to fist the back of his short hair, holding his face in the valley between my breasts.

  “Fuck, Blake, fuck, fuck, fuck!” His chants were feral, his teeth nipping at one globe then the other.

  An explosive wave lit up inside me, and it was a different feeling than the one I got from when he licked me out. This one was more like a freight train speeding to its destination and there was no way I could control it.

  “Hendrixx, it’s … oh god … it’s coming!” screaming his name, my internal muscles contracted deliciously, pulsing around his shaft, and I could feel what felt like a waterfall of wetness leak from my core, coating his dick. Stars danced behind my eyelids as more and more tremors racked my body, stealing the air from my lungs.

  “Fucking beautiful,” Hendrixx growled, his hands bruising at my hips, holding me down hard on his cock, his hips thrusting forcefully up at the same time.

  “Oh yesssss, fuck yes, I’m coming.” Hendrixx let out a roar of my name just as I felt strong jets of cum spurt from the tip of his cock, bathing my walls and core with his release.

  Two strong arms wrapped around my back, his hands on my bottom, holding me and rocking me on him in a desperate attempt to hold onto the bliss of our joint orgasms. His breathing rough and out of control against my wet breasts, his body jolting and jerking in the aftermath of what I could only describe as one powerful orgasm.

  “Hmmmm, that was … not too bad at all,” I joked, then shrieked when he pinched one butt cheek.

  “Don’t annoy me now, cowgirl, not when my dick is still quivering inside you being choked by your virgin pussy, a pussy that belongs to me and only me.”

  Uncurling my fingers from the death grip I had on his neck, I sat back on his thighs, the water still cascading down on us if just a bit cooler now.

  “If my pussy belongs to you, then your massive, magical-pierced cock belongs to me, yes?” I asked him, then moaned when his hips thrust up.

  “Yes, my magical cock is yours and only yours,” he wisely agreed, smirking at my description.

  “Then, I suggest…” Leaning over, I pressed my lips to his as if to kiss him then at the last second sank my teeth into his bottom lips, gently grazing it through my teeth. “… you don’t hold it back from me ever again, because now that I have had it, I am going to want it a hell of a lot more. Understand Hottie?” Smiling sassily at the man who just rocked my world, taking my virginity in my shower. The same man who stole my heart with his sweet, caring, annoying protection and caveman possessiveness.

  “So, now I am just your plaything, hey?” There was a tone of teasing in his question but also I sensed some unease in him.

  Did he have reservations that I wasn’t in this with him one hundred percent, that I only wanted sex now? The notion was absurd, and I wouldn’t have him thinking that.

  “You are so much more than that, Hendrixx Hott,” I whispered, placing my hand on his chest where his heart lay. “I want to own this too.”

  Not giving him time to reply, I kissed him for all I was worth, but Hendrixx being the alpha male he was, had to have the last word as always.

  “It’s yours, Blake, it always has been,” he breathed into my mouth, making me melt.

  My world well and truly rocked.


  “Why are we going through this shit again? And why isn’t Noxx here helping, this is his domain, not ours,” I complained, shoving the collection of papers in front of me to the other side of the table and reaching for another pile.

  “Because somewhere in all these documents may hold the answers to Dad’s betrayal. Noxx isn’t here because Makena had some contractions yesterday that turned out to be indigestion from too much spicy food, but he still thinks she shouldn’t travel,” Fenixx explained in a bored tone, he too going through piles and piles of papers shoving them to the side when finished.

  We had been at it for hours, and we were still to find any kind of proof of correspondence between Dad and his mate Buchanan, who was now a former investigator for HBC. Lenoxx fired his arse days after we found out from Makena of his involvement, and even offered the prick a ten thousand bonus in his payout for information as to why our old man got him to set up Noxx and keep Mack and him apart for so long. What surprised my brothers and me more than anything was Buchanan refusing the thinly veiled bribe. Obviously, his loyalty laid with only one member of the Hott family.

  “I don’t know Drixx, maybe there isn’t any proof on paper, there aren’t even any expenses for the trip he took to Queensland to confront Mack. Dad wasn’t a stupid man, and he didn’t make the Triple H a success by not having smarts.”

  Nodding my head slowly, I agreed, “So, why are we going through all this?”

  “Dad might have been smart, but he was frugal. He always said keep your receipts and squeeze every cent you can from the taxman. He was also arrogant as hell; he ruled the farm and his family with an iron fist and called it love. No way did he not put pen to paper to formulate his revenge against old man Rogers, no way. Somewhere in this office or this house is a detailed point driven plan, you knew Dad, Drixx, knew how he did things.” Fenixx leaned forward, his elbows on the papers he’d just shoved away,

  “No way mate, Dad wouldn’t be able to help himself but see it written down. Gloating and patting himself on the back f
or a job well done.”

  Fenixx was right. Dad always had to be in control, ruling over his minions and his sons, keeping the perfect wife who wore pearls and could ride a horse like an expert horsewoman. If a local farmer had a grand entrance, Dad made sure his was bigger, grander. It was if he hated someone having something better than him, being more successful.

  “Okay, so we keep looking, but not today,” I said, pushing up from my chair.

  “Got somewhere you need to be brother, maybe seek out the whereabouts of a certain blonde cowgirl who has a nose for danger and a body for sin?” Fenixx asked, smirking knowingly at me. I shook my head at his pathetic attempt to get me to tell him about Blake and me.

  “Her body is none of your business dickhead, especially for someone who is too scared to admit to a certain restaurant owner he is lusting after her. You’d do better to concentrate on your own non-existent love life rather than being jealous of mine.”

  “I am not jealous, Hendrixx,” Nixx scoffed, his eyes narrowing, “my love life is just fine, thanks.”

  “Is it really? Funny, you go out for pizza nearly every night of the week, but you come home alone and smelling of nothing expect wood-fired pizza. Not perfume and no Farron.” I knew bringing up the name of the woman that Fenixx was in love with would hit the right spot to get a rise out of him. For a long time now, Nixx has been carrying a torch for the owner of a wood-fired pizza joint in Cattle Ridge. He went in every night, sat down ordered pizza, ate it then left. Not once did he approach the lovely owner Farron, never spoke to her, nothing.

  “Don’t talk about shit you have no idea about I have it handled Hendrixx, let’s drop it before I knock that pretty face of yours in, then Blake won’t want to look at you anymore, maybe she will turn to Joe—”

  Striking out my fist, I land an uppercut right on my brother’s chin catching him by surprise, knocking him off his feet and into the edge of the table.

  “Fucking prick!” Another punch followed my roar, but Fenixx had righted himself and saw it coming. Blocking my blow with his arm, he rushed at me head down, hitting me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me and both of us to the floor.

  “Fuck Fenixx, get the hell off me,” I grunted, taking an elbow to the ribs.

  “Ahhhhh, brotherly love,” Lenoxx laughed from the doorway, halting mine and Fenixx’s wrestling match.

  “You know my four year-old-son is more mature than you two idiots,” Lenoxx admonished, “now cut it out before Mum sees you and wraps Fenixx in cotton wool.” Noxx stalked in, grabbed Fenixx by the arm, and dragged him to his feet.

  “He started it,” I muttered, climbing slowly to my feet, my ribs and stomach protesting.

  Damn, Fenixx hit hard, the mongrel.

  “What are you? Five? Jesus Drixx, you know—” Fenixx yanked his arm away from Lenoxx, anger and annoyance written all over his face.

  “He knows Lenoxx, fuck everyone knows not to hit me in the chest. Jesus Christ, I’m not six years old,” he yelled angrily, pushing past Noxx and me, and stormed out of the room, leaving us to stare opened mouthed after him.

  “Fenixx, wait,” I called out, but he was already heading down the hall.

  “Shit, I didn’t mean to belittle him,” Lenoxx muttered, looking at the door Fenixx left through.

  “You didn’t Noxx, and you know how he gets when we remind him about being careful. I know the doctors said he was in the clear, but—”

  “He is a part of us and we worry,” Lenoxx finished for me, reading my mind. It was a trait the three of us possessed, to know what the other was going to say, what we were thinking. We also felt the other’s pain, and right now, Fenixx was not in a good place.

  Noxx shook his head, I could feel his concern for our younger triplet radiating off him.

  “I can’t help but worry; he pushes boundaries in everything he does like bull riding and bucking broncs. He is becoming reckless, and I am worried he is going to go one step too far and will really hurt himself.”

  “I know, but we can’t hold him back, mate. Out of all of us, Fenixx is the most stubborn, the more we push, the more he will do what he shouldn’t. Nixx has been trying to prove he can keep up with us his whole life, and I have felt so much guilt it happened only to him and not us,” I admitted, knowing Lenoxx had the same mindset as me.

  “Triplets share everything, at least we have, but we didn’t get the curveball thrown at us he did,” Lenoxx agreed softly.

  We stood there quietly but not in silence, our unique bond speaking volumes as we both thought of our brother’s turmoil.

  After a few minutes, I started straightening up the papers knocked off the table, sorting through them now held no appeal, and I had no time. Blake had been alone for long enough, and honestly, I missed her. Our first time together had only been two days ago, and since then she had barely been out of my sight. We shared breakfast, lunch and dinner, and every minute in between. The best part being the nights, two nights of falling asleep with Blake wrapped up in my arms, sweet sweat glistening on her skin from our lovemaking. And best of all, a happy glow spread on her beautiful face.

  It didn’t get any better than that for me.

  Blake was mine, but it went deeper than that. She was my other half, my girlfriend, yes, a new phase in our relationship that made me happy as fuck. It was new, but at the same time, we were still the same friends who had worked side by side for years. Each of us passionate about taking the Triple H further, growing the areas of the farm my dad didn’t really take seriously. He had been a cattle baron, beef, and breeding, but with Blake, I was working on expanding the horse side and it helped that she saw my vision and lucky for me it was the same as mine.

  Now, all I wanted to do was get out to the stables or wherever she was right now, and kiss her.

  “Dad’s shit?” Lenoxx asked, looking over the desk with a concerned frown.

  “Yeah, Nixx and I are trying to find something documented about his dealings with Buchanan, but we seemed to have underestimated our father,” I replied, pissed off that I’d come up blank after hours of reading boring and useless documents.

  “Dad was crafty, and we’ve gotta think like him if we are going to make any sense of his decisions.”

  “Agreed. Okay, I am done, I’m going to go find Blake where ever she is,” I announced, shutting off the desk lamp and motioning for Noxx to go.

  “She is outside with Makena and Daxx.”

  “What are you doing here, anyway? I thought you had Mack on lockdown,” Noxx laughed as we headed out of the office and out to the main part of the house.

  “She threatened me with bodily harm if I didn’t get her out of the house, then she started crying great, heaving sobs. After that, I agreed to anything she wanted.”

  Slapping Noxx on his back, I chuckled at my brother. “Now you can see why I am staying away from your wife until she gives birth. The woman is crazy.” I shuddered, remembering the last time I saw Mack coming at me with a leather belt for taking her food.

  “She isn’t crazy, she is pregnant,” Noxx argued, glaring at me, “ and I am enjoying every second of it. Missing out on seeing her pregnant with Daxx and his birth, trust me when I say I am soaking up every single mood swing, even the tears.”

  “Good for you, but I am staying over here for the next month. It’s safer dealing with Blake.”

  “You will be laughing on the other side of your face after you knock Blake up, mate, something tells me she is going to put you in an early grave dealing with her pregnant.”

  My smile instantly fell from my face, all the humour of ribbing Noxx suddenly evaporated and was replaced with blood-chilling terror.


  Me? A father?

  Fuck a duck.


  I hurried down the front steps taking three at a time, ignoring the outright laughter coming from my brother behind me. My only concern was finding Blake and asking her if she wanted kids.

  Blake was my forever. Of that, I
had no doubt. We may be in a new relationship, but we were very familiar with one another. Shit, I have known Blake her entire life, there wasn’t much I didn’t know about my beautiful, blonde cowgirl, except for one thing.

  Did she want kids?

  I loved the shit out of Daxx, loved being an uncle. I also loved handing him back to his parents at the end of the day after the little bugger ran me ragged and talked my ear off.

  I didn’t cope well with tears, vomit, or any other bodily fluids. Innocently asked questions such as how did Mummy get a baby in her tummy, made me break out in a sweat.

  A week and a half into my relationship and I had to deal with this shit.

  Losing Blake was not an option, I finally manned up and made her mine. If she wanted children of her own, she wasn’t going to carry anyone else’s kid. Not a chance in hell.

  “Big tough Hendrixx Hott is scared of something after all,” Noxx challenged, still laughing like a hyena as we strode over the cobbled courtyard and rose garden that separated the main house from the rest of the farm. When Dad first built the homestead, Mum insisted she wanted the house to look perfect, like out of the pages of House and Garden, not Stock and Land. So the Triple H ended up with two entrances, one for the SUVs, Mercedes and Porsches and one for the utes and cattle trucks.

  Vaulting over the fancy, wrought iron gate, I continued down the dirt road that led to the stables. If Mack was here, then I would find her with a horse, and where there was a horse, there was Blake.

  Kids! Jesus, give me strength. I had enough trouble keeping up with Blake and her stunts, let alone a mini clone of her.

  I could see it playing out in my mind, a little girl with blonde ringlets scolding me for not letting her ride Lancelot’s offspring, or climbing a roof and refusing to get down.

  Breaking into a jog, then faster. I had to get to Blake.

  Practically sprinting down the hill, my feet skidded to a stop when I saw Blake standing with a very pregnant Makena, Daxx there too, dancing around his mother’s legs a toy car in his chubby hand.


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