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The Assassin's Revenge (The Hybrid Chronicles Book 2)

Page 9

by Shana Vernon

  Quinn ruffled the boys hair, and he grinned up at Quinn, little fangs sliding down from his gums.

  The boy clapped at hand over his mouth and looked apologetically at his mother. “Sorry.”

  Quinn knelt to the floor in front of the boy. “Never apologize for who you are. Ever.”

  The boy nodded.

  “Is your name Aurek?”

  The boy nodded again.

  He returned to his feet. “There are those that wish to keep hybrids a secret from the general population, so they make it their mission to take out anyone with knowledge of them.” He gestured at all of us. “We’ve been working to stop it from happening, and I believe my friend Lenna, has worked out a way to help you hide safely.

  I inclined my head. “Yes, we’ve set up safe houses in different cities around the world where you can live. We will also help you with new identities, so you won’t need to stay locked inside forever.”

  A single tear ran down her cheek and her hand blurred as she wiped it away faster than I could blink. She stepped forward and clasped my hands in her own trembling ones.

  “My son has been living in fear his entire life. It’s all he knows. What you have all done for us today will never be forgotten.” She smiled at her son before returning her gaze to me. “I owe you a life debt.”

  I heard Max inhale sharply, making me wonder just how much a life debt was worth to vampires.

  “We plan to continue our mission and save as many hybrids as possible. If there are any other families with young children, perhaps we can send them to stay with you so Aurek can meet more of his kind,” I said, my voice warm as I smiled at the boy.

  “There are more halflings like me?” Aurek’s small voice asked.

  Quinn leaned down and ruffled his hair. “We call them hybrids, and yes. There are, but we don’t know how many.”

  I gestured for Max to come forward. “This is Maximus, he will help you decide where you want to live and arrange your new identities.”

  I left them to it and went to talk with the others, looking them over for injuries. My energy levels were dangerously low and would completely deplete if I didn’t do something about it soon. I needed a long nap or a giant coffee.

  Ryder had blood dribbling out of his nose but looked fine otherwise. I’d already healed his more serious injuries, so I knew he was alright. There were scrapes all along Quinn’s arms and face from the vine girl, and I could see him wince each time he took a step.

  I reached out and grasped his arm, feeling the strain in his ankle. I pushed some warm energy into his body and felt his ankle heal and his scratches close before my gaze went to Luka.

  The Guild members had come prepared to face vampires and had been fighting with iron weapons. He had a long gash to the side of his ribs, but he was doing nothing to staunch the flow of blood that was dripping on to the floor. I wondered if he’d even noticed he was injured, or if the high of the fight was still pouring adrenaline through his body, soothing his pain.

  He was sitting on one of the only surviving chairs which he’d turned upright, his honey eyes watching as I approached him. I placed my hand on his wound, his bare skin warm to the touch. He focused on the rose healing light which flowed around his body, stitching his wound. His eyes widening as I worked.

  I finished and backed away, taking in my surroundings. The carnage from the aftermath of the fight shouldn’t have shocked me as much as it did. There were body parts strewn about the house and blood soaking through the floorboards. Almost all of the furniture was demolished and soaking wet from the snow brought in by the air manipulator. The serpent girl had shifted back into her human form which was torn apart from her pelvis to her chest, her innards lying outside her body.

  There were seven members still alive. The three I’d knocked out in the beginning, the air manipulator, Marcus, the vine girl who was sitting on the ground whimpering quietly, and another one Max had taken out. All of them were bound. It seemed like Ryder’s idea was a success because Marcus was still unconscious, drool dribbling down his chin.

  Not looking so hot now, huh?

  I sidled up to Sofia, my movements sluggish after expending so much energy. “What do you think we should do with them?” I gestured with my thumb over my shoulder.

  She didn’t answer.

  She was too busy staring down at her wrists, the scars from when she’d tried to take her life after losing her brother had disappeared.

  I blanched.

  I must have pushed too much healing power into her in my desperation to save her from the poison. Her face was blank as she held her wrists in front of her.

  I couldn’t tell if she was happy they were gone - to be rid of the reminder - or sad that she no longer had proof of what she’d overcome. My chest constricted as I waited for her reaction, tightening the longer I stood there.

  She finally looked up to me. “They’re gone.”

  I nodded. “I’m so sorry, Sof.”

  “Sorry?” She asked. “What for?”

  “For taking away your scars, I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

  “You saved my life, you have nothing to be sorry for,” she responded.

  “Actually, Max did most of the work. He sucked the poison right out of you.”

  Max flinched from his position next to Kalina. He met Sofia’s gaze with a worried expression, as if he’d somehow done something wrong.

  She smiled warmly at him and mouthed ‘Thank you’.

  His face relaxed as he returned the expression.

  Two people walked through the door and I whipped out my gun, pointing it at the newcomers, before noticing a familiar head of bubblegum-pink hair. She wore tight leather pants and a tank top, her tattoos on display, despite the freezing weather. It seemed as if she’d done it deliberately.

  Her companion had skin the color of ebony that contrasted beautifully with his long, white hair, which was tied back in intricate braids down to his waist. He too, was dressed in leather and a short-sleeved shirt, the same ancient language inscribed on his body.

  They stopped in the entrance and his gaze flickered to me, my hand still gripping my gun. I got momentarily lost in the depths of his forest green eyes, bright and soft all at once.

  Utterly captivating.

  He glanced between my face and my gun, which I promptly lowered.

  “Hey! It’s my new favorite human,” Nikita said, sending a grin my way.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, holstering my weapon, and walking to her side.

  “I called them,” Luka said, striding over to join us. “They are going to bring the Nagy’s to their new location and pick them up new identities on the way.”

  I reached a hand out to the newcomer. “Hi, I’m Lenna. Thanks for your help.”

  He shook my hand with a surprisingly gentle grip. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lenna. My name is Treval Blackheart, but you are welcome to call me Trey,” he said, the timbre of his voice soft like velvet.

  “So you tell him your name, but not me? And here I was thinking we had something special,” Nikita said, a faux wounded expression on her face.

  “Sorry, I’m not used to trusting people my name. Force of habit. Now that I know you’re friends with Max, I’m more comfortable sharing.”

  “Why wouldn’t you tell people your name?” Trey asked, his brow furrowed.

  Quinn saved me from answering by his approach with the Nagy’s, Kalina’s posture relaxed as she held Aurek’s tiny hand in her palm.

  “Are you all set to go?” I asked her.

  She gestured toward a few packed bags of luggage I hadn’t noticed before.

  Must be nice having vamp speed. Certainly, a time saver.

  Once they helped the Nagy’s to their car and sped off, a warm, euphoric feeling invaded my mind as I watched their car disappear into the night. Not only did we help innocent people from being murdered, but this was also contributing to avenging Papa and continuing his work.

wrapped an arm around my shoulders and gave me a squeeze. “He would be so proud of you, Solnyshka. Terrified for you, but so proud.”

  Chapter 11

  We all stood around the immobilized Guild members, some of which were giving us death glares from their placements on the bloodstained hardwood. A few of them fidgeting with their bindings.

  “You have two options, humans. Either you can allow me to replace your memories of this night with different false events, or we will kill you. It’s your choice.” Luka said plainly, his arms crossed over his chest as he stood in front of the Guild members.

  Replace their memories? Is that even possible?

  I thought back to my experiences with Max. He’d temporarily taken away memories of him, but they’d always felt like blank spaces, not replaced memories.

  “If you try any of your vampire voodoo on me, you’re going to be in for a world of pain,” Marcus, who had regained consciousness, said from his position on the floor, hands still tied behind his back.

  How original.

  “I really don’t see how you are in a position to follow through on any threats. What with you being tied up and all,” Luka smirked. “Does that mean you choose to die?”

  “I’d like to have my memories replaced,” said the girl Quinn had detained, quietly. Streaks of mascara lined her face from where she’d been crying, and her eyes were still red and puffy. It was no wonder why she’d choose to forget this night.

  Seeing Quinn’s power in action, more than the small amount he’d used on me, was impressive. She’d had absolutely no control over herself with just one simple touch from him. I could only imagine how much more powerful he would be if he could project his gift without the need for physical contact.

  “Alright, you will be spared as promised. Who else?” asked Luka.

  “You are all fools if you accept a bargain with these vampires. They will turn on you the moment you give them a chance. They are no more than simple-minded beasts that must be put down,” Marcus said, his voice dripping with revulsion.

  There would be no convincing him. He was a ball of hate wound so tightly; he would crack at any moment. I was surprised the Guild hadn’t done something about him yet. He was too volatile. Though, after thinking about it, they probably sent him on these missions hoping he’d be killed.

  I pulled out a dagger and flung it toward him, unblinking as it embedded itself into his skull.

  Max jumped and whirled around. “Lenna!”

  “What? He said he wouldn’t let Luka into his head. Plus, his hate rhetoric was getting on my nerves.”

  Luka looked at me, his honey eyes full of amusement. “What about the rest of you?” He asked, returning his attention to the others, one of them inching away from Marcus’s fallen head.

  The rest didn’t object, likely after seeing how nonchalantly I disposed of their colleague.

  Luka approached vine-girl and put his hands on either side of her face.

  She flinched.

  “Don’t worry, you won’t feel a thing. Just relax if you can,” Luka said before closing his eyes, his brows furrowed in concentration. A glazed look came over her eyes before they rolled up, losing consciousness. Luka laid her down on the floor and moved to the next person, who recoiled.

  “What did you do to her?” He demanded.

  “I altered her memory to say that you killed the Nagy’s and during the encounter, the house lit on fire and you all went outside to get away from the heat. She is simply sleeping. I will do the same to you. It will not hurt; I give you my word.”

  He was one of the three I’d taken out before the fighting started. “I’m supposed to blindly trust you?” He said with a bite to his tone.

  Luka shrugged. “It’s either that or be killed. I’m assuming you’re relatively attached to your life, correct?”

  He didn’t answer but moved forward hesitantly.

  Luka continued on, editing the memories of the remaining members.

  I stepped over to Max. “Is that something all vampires can do?”

  He shook his head. “Luka is… special,” he said, tentatively.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I saw Luka’s head turn infinitesimally in our direction.

  Max sighed. “It means he is skilled. Anything more than that is his information to decide whether or not to divulge.”

  I nodded. I understood all too well the need to be secretive about abilities.

  Luka finished up and began lifting the sleeping bodies to bring them outside. “We need to do this quickly, before they wake up and see us all here.”

  We all helped by laying the bodies haphazardly around the yard, while Max zoomed around inside, lighting small fires. Soon, the building was ablaze, and we filed back, watching as the house went up in smoke.

  Poor Nagy’s. At least that little boy will have a chance to grow up.

  Quinn stepped forward and held his hand out toward Luka. “Thanks for coming today. I’m Quinn.”

  We all made our introductions, Max still looking slightly timid around Sofia.

  “What’s wrong, Max?” I asked.

  “It goes against everything I believe in, to drink from someone without their permission.” He turned his gaze to Sofia. “I sincerely apologize for violating you and not receiving consent.”

  She laughed. “I was fucking dying, dude. No apologies necessary. If anything, I should be thanking you.”

  He looked surprised but bowed his head slightly. “I was happy to do it.”

  Luka stepped up to me while pulling out a familiar dagger, before kneeling on the ground and placing it at my feet. It was the blade I’d impaled him with during our first encounter. I almost closed my eyes as I breathed in his unique autumn scent.

  I didn’t move a muscle.

  “In my culture, we do not directly hand a weapon to another person unless we wish to issue a challenge.” He looked up into my face, his eyes shining. “We do, however, place a weapon at the feet of someone who has earned our respect in battle. It was an honor fighting alongside you. Though, I would appreciate it if you would avoid stabbing me again in the future.” He finished with a wink before returning to a standing position.

  I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and stared down at the blade, unblinking. Nobody, in my entire life, had ever done something like this before. I wasn’t entirely sure how to react or feel. I knelt to the knife and picked it up, sheathing it to my leg.

  I returned his gaze with a smirk. “Can’t make any promises.”

  I’d almost fainted on the way to my car, so it was decided that Ryder would drive back. I sat with my head leaning against the window, watching as the houses blurred past once we re-entered the city.

  Sofia leaned forward from the back seat, her seatbelt barely containing her. “Guys! I can’t believe we fucking did it! We kicked ass and saved the Nagy’s. I don’t know about you guys, but I feel pretty damn awesome about this.”

  We all grinned widely at each other.

  “BBBB’s first successful mission!” Quinn said as he lifted an invisible glass. “To many more victories!”

  “Cheers!” We chorused.

  “How are we all going to get back into the Guild without making anyone suspicious? We look terrible,” Ryder asked after our laughter settled down.

  He wasn’t wrong. We were all covered in gore and our suits were littered with rips and tears. Nobody would buy the reconnaissance story if we walked through the doors like this.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t have the energy levels to keep us all invisible, so that option is out,” I said, returning my gaze out the window.

  All I wanted in that moment was not to have to worry about the aftermath and just go back, take a long shower, and fall right into bed. I was too tired for anything else; emotionally and physically.

  “As long as we aren’t seen together, I don’t think they will be suspicious. Half the Guild members walk through the halls with wounds dripping blood. The floors are stai
ned red in certain areas,” Sofia said.

  “True, you should see the infirmary,” I added.

  Quinn yawned. “I’m with Sofia on this. Our appearances aren’t unusual for the Guild, so let’s just go in at different times. We’ll go in at five-minute intervals.”

  I shot my hand up. “I call first place!”

  Nobody argued with me, so when Ryder pulled over a few blocks from the compound, I exited with a wave and trudged up the road.

  I rubbed my neck as I walked. My abilities might heal my injuries, but they did nothing against utter exhaustion. The compound came into a view a few minutes later, the ancient stone overrun by ivy as it climbed its way up the sides of the building.

  I passed by the rows of sunflowers, the sight giving me another dose of satisfaction as I stepped up to the door and pushed it open. I saw Cade, casually leaning against the wall as he chatted with a few members.

  He saw me and his mouth dropped open, and it took me a second to figure out why.

  Oh yeah, I look like I stepped out of a horror show.

  He quickly finished his conversation and jogged up to me, his eyes roaming over my body, no doubt checking for injuries.

  “I’m good, just dirty and tired,” I said as I continued toward the initiates’ quarters.

  His muscles unclenched as he relaxed and pulled at my hand. “Come, I’ll clean you off,” he said with a wink. “It was so nice last time.”

  I barely had enough energy to lift my lips in a smile. “As wonderful as that sounds, I might pass out from exhaustion any second. I think I just need to shower and sleep.”

  “Shower and sleep sounds good to me,” he said, returning my grin with one of his own.

  “I just have to stop by my room first,” I said, too tired to argue.

  I also needed to leave a note for Sofia so she wouldn’t worry about my absence again.

  Hailey and Brielle were sleeping, their arms wrapped around each other. Hailey was looking too thin and pasty. A twinge of regret blossomed in my chest for a moment before I banished it.


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