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Dragon Heat (Dragons of Perralt Book 2)

Page 14

by Sher Dillard

  “No, Laila, we must provide you with a prince, a suitable, acceptable prince. If you decide not to go through with the marriage. Well, that is your decision. We can’t make you. But, you must be provided the opportunity.”

  Laila’s shoulders slumped in defeat. She had thought the Queen might be this way. She glanced over at Flint, but the big man wasn’t any help. He simply stared back at her as if he didn’t even want to be there.

  Sighing, she returned to her dinner.

  “Good,” the Queen said. “You will spend some time with us. Be our guest. Gwyn will make sure you have everything you need. It shouldn’t be long before I hear back from my letters. Then, we can decide on our next step.”

  “I can show you the valley,” Thad said.

  “I will show her the valley,” Flint said in a voice that did not accept dispute. She shuddered inside as she watched the two men stare at each other. She felt for sure that they might come to blows across the dinner table.

  “Flint will show her the valley,” the Queen said, obviously, stepping in before things got out of hand. “You will be on patrol at nights,” she said to Thad.

  Thad continued to stare at his brother for a long moment, then said, “Why doesn’t Flint patrol at night? He’s the one who brought the beast here.”

  Her heart went out to Flint as she saw the wince of pain in his eyes.

  “Actually, it is my fault,” Laila said. “If I hadn’t slapped Prince Jeffery, maybe he wouldn’t have chased us.”

  Flint smiled at her, his eyes sending her a gentle, ‘thank you.’ But, then, he turned to his brother.

  “You, Thaddeus, will patrol at night because you are the youngest. Case closed. Besides, you could do with the experience.”

  Laila saw Thad wince at the use of his full name. It seemed that both of them were more sensitive than they let on. Who would have thought? Big, bad dragons, worried about something as simple as a name.

  “That is enough,” the Queen said, as she stared both of her sons down. “Thad, you will patrol at night, because you are the youngest, and because I said so. Flint, will escort Laila and show her our . Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Mother,” the young man said. He shot his brother another look that seemed to say, ‘this is not over.’


  It was the smell of lush green grass that struck Laila as they walked towards the village the next morning. An aroma of life and health. So different than the dusty, dirty, sour smells of Fifth Point.

  This is a different world, she realized. A magical world full of happiness and fairy dust.

  She turned to glance at the big man next to her. He looked different here. As if he belonged in this place.

  Flint smiled at her, then glanced at the village. A little girl screamed, “Flint,” and raced towards him, her blond pig tails bobbing behind her.

  He smiled and kneeled down to catch her as she threw herself into his arms. “Flint,” she said. “I knew you’d come back. I told Isabella Anderson, you would come back.”

  “Of course, Cupcake. I told you I would,” he said, as he hugged the little girl. “Here, I brought you this,” he said, as he removed a small wooden horse from his pocket.

  “For me?” the little girl said in awe, as she examined her new prize. The finely carved animal looked as if it were running through sunshine.

  “Oh Flint, it is wonderful, thank you.”

  Laila looked on. Lost for a moment in the happiness of this reunion. Flint looked up at her and smiled.

  “Arabella, I want you to meet a friend of mine, Laila Mason. She comes all the way from Quaster. Laila, my goddaughter, Arabella Burns. The prettiest girl in all of Perralt.”

  The little girl flushed red at Flint’s compliment. She looked up, then stopped smiling as she examined Laila for a moment, as if deciding whether she was going to approve of Flint having friends.

  Laila found herself smiling back down at the little girl, her stomach twisting a little while she waited for the verdict.

  At last, Arabella smiled and gave a small curtsy. Obviously, any friend of Flint’s was a friend of hers. Laila felt her body relax, a minor catastrophe avoided.

  Arabella examined the horse in her hands for a moment, then threw her arms around Flint’s neck, once again.

  “Are you staying this time?” she asked with all seriousness.

  “Yes, I think so, at least for a while,” he said.

  The little girl gave him one more hug, then bounced away. “I want to show Isabella my horse,” she said. And with that, the girl was away, running to show off her new toy.

  Flint stood and watched her run to her friends. Laila watched as a sad expression briefly crossed behind his eyes.

  “She is adorable,” she said. “Your goddaughter?”

  He smiled and nodded. “Her mother, Mary Ann, died during child birth. Her father, Brian, was a very good friend. He died a few years ago when a tree he was taking down, split and fell before he was ready. She lives with her uncle and aunt. They’re good people. But, it breaks my heart to think what Brian is missing. She is growing up so fast.”

  “Where did you get the horse?” she asked, trying to work out when he might have obtained it.

  “Oh, I made it several months ago. I knew I would be returning someday. And, I knew Arabella would expect something.”

  Laila’s heart stopped and slowly tore itself into little pieces. He carved the horse, himself. It had been beautifully done. This was a different Flint. Another one to add to the long list of different Flints. There was the powerful warrior, the charming host, the wild beast that could fly and breathe fire, and yet, here was a man who could feel sadness at the loss of a friend and worry about the happiness of a little girl.

  She swallowed hard and tried to gain control of the different emotions flowing through her.

  She loved this man, she realized. Even when she was mad at him, she loved him.

  Looking around the valley, it struck her. He had grown up in this magical world. A happy family, good friends. Safe, secure, the top of the social world and friends to the regular people.

  What did he see when he looked at her? The guttersnipe from Fifth Point. The girl who dressed in boys’ clothes and hid in alleys. The person, who up until a few weeks ago, didn’t even know which fork to use.

  She had known nothing, but dirt and filth her entire life. No wonder he didn’t want her.

  Turning, she wiped away a tear before he could see it. Her heart was shattered. It would always be shattered.

  “Come, I want to show you something,” he said, as he took her hand and began to lead her away from the village.

  Laila allowed herself to be led away from the village. He probably didn’t want to introduce her to his friends, she realized. One more confirmation of how wrong she was for him.

  Chapter Twenty

  Flint felt Laila’s hand in his. A tender, warm tingle traveled up his arm. She glanced at him and gave him a weak smile. What is she thinking? he wondered.

  At least, she hadn’t pulled away from him. She was no longer avoiding his touch. Did that mean she no longer found him abhorrent? Was he becoming semi-acceptable to be in her presence?

  A deep sadness washed through him as he thought about the revulsion he had seen in her eyes when he shifted. The fear had been real.

  “This way,” he said, as he led her around the corner. He twisted to watch her expression as she saw the waterfall.

  Her eyes grew huge with wonder as she watched the water tumble from the cliff above into the lake below. A double-rainbow arched across the front of the falls in the fine mist.

  “Flint!” she said, raising her voice to be heard over the roar of the cascading water. “It is beautiful.”

  “Come, on, you’ve got to see this,” he said, as he led her around the lake and into a dark tunnel.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, as she pulled back on his hand.

  “You’ll see,” he said, as he continued to gui
de her forward.

  A dim gray light lay at the end of the tunnel. The roar of the falls was amplified and echoed down the tunnel towards them.

  “Believe me,” he said, “it is worth it.”

  Laila took a deep breath and followed him, as he knew she would. There wasn’t a weak bone in this girl’s body. She’d brave the gates of hell itself if she thought it was important.

  The tunnel floor was wet and slippery. He pulled her in close and wrapped an arm around her waist, less she slip.

  Laila gasped as they passed through the far opening and onto the shelf under the falls. She turned to look at him in wonder, as if asking if it were real.

  He simply smiled, nodding his head yes.

  She looked around her, obviously trying to take in everything. A long shelf had been carved out of the cliff face. The water cascaded down in front of them in a long ribbon of twinkling silver. The rushing roar reverberated off the stone walls, acting as a physical force on their bodies.

  “There is a story,” he yelled into her ear. “That if a young girl touches the inside of the falls, she will find her true love.”

  Laila blushed and looked at him with questioning eyes.

  “Of course, all the girls in the village think it is nothing more than an old wives’ tale. But, they each come out here and touch the inside of the falls anyway, just in case.”

  Laila looked up at him for a long moment, then smiled to herself, shrugged her shoulders and reached out to let the falls tumble over her fingers.

  Flint sighed inside. Would she find her prince? Her normal man. Someone she could love? The thought saddened him, but he would do what he could for her. Not for the coin. But, because Laila deserved it. She deserved to be happy.

  After a long time, they left the falls and made their way back towards the village.

  Flint felt the beast inside of him pushing to be released. This woman did something to his insides. Pulled at every protective instinct. He watched the hem of her dress swish side to side with each step. He studied the nape of her neck, begging to be kissed.

  It took every bit of self-control not to pull her into the tall grass and take her there.

  Would it always be like this? he wondered. Wanting, but being unable to have? The thought saddened him to his very soul.


  Laila could feel Flint’s eyes on her as she walked before him on the path. A warm sensation flushed through her body as she thought about him making love to her again.

  A burning desire was building inside of her. Things had changed, she realized. Something had shifted between them. She wanted him. She would always want him. And, the looks he gave her let her know that he wanted her body.

  But, would that be enough? she wondered. Would it ever be enough?

  Unable to push the thoughts away, she hurried on. When they came to the fork in the trail that led to the village, she turned left, back towards the castle.

  Flint hurried to catch up, giving her a questioning look.

  “I just want to go home,” she said. His guilty look made her realize what she had said. “I mean the castle, my room. I’m tired and just want to lay down.”

  He pursed his lips and nodded in understanding. Taking her hand, he walked by her side as they returned to his home.

  They climbed the stairs inside the castle in silence. Each of them lost in their own little world. What was she going to do? she wondered.

  Why wouldn’t he just take her in his arms and love her? Make all of their problems disappear with a single kiss.

  Instead, the big oaf kept silent.

  She could feel a tension building between them the closer they drew to her rooms.

  Each step taking them nearer to separation and an end to a beautiful day.

  At last, they reached her door. She turned to him, unable to think, unable to move. He looked so big, so handsome. She thought of the way he smiled when little Arabella had run into his arms. She thought of the feel of his hand holding hers. Protecting, leading.

  A thousand different thoughts flew through her mind. But, most of all, she thought what it would feel like to have his arms around her.

  Their eyes met. She could smell that manly, pine, leather smell of his that melted her heart. Those large shoulders seemed to block out the rest of the world, and all she could see was him.

  He sighed slightly, then leaned forward and kissed her. She was lost. There was nothing, but Flint. Nothing but, now.

  Sinking into him, she wrapped her arms around him and surrendered to his demanding kiss.

  His lips caressed and nipped, as his hands traveled over her body.

  “Oh Flint,” she moaned into his mouth, as he devoured her.

  The next thing she knew, her door was open, they were inside, and the door was slammed shut with a loud bang. Still, he didn’t take his lips away from her.

  His hand slowly began to unbutton her dress, as her hands raced to undo his shirt. When her fingers refused to work properly, she gave up and pulled the shirt over his head, tossing it aside so that she could run her hands over his hard chiseled chest.

  He smiled as he pushed her dress from her shoulder. “Oh Laila,” he said, as he began kissing her bare skin, trailing wet, lingering caresses down to her breasts.

  She melted. Becoming a puddle of need and want in his hands.

  As he tasted and fondled, he removed the rest of her clothes until she stood there, naked, exposed, needing him.

  Flint stepped back to look at her. The burning desire in his eyes sent a thrilling shiver throughout her body. The man wanted her, wanted her desperately.

  As she watched him remove his clothes, she caught sight of the beast. There, behind the eyes. Looking at her like she was to be devoured, taken.

  She couldn’t move. Could only wonder that this man wanted her.

  Flint smiled at her. “Laila,” he said, “only you can tame the beast raging inside of me. Only you.”

  She felt her spirits soar, felt the world expand with wonder.

  This was different, Laila thought. It was daylight. She knew what to expect. The anticipation of having him inside of her was building and growing.

  The two of them stood there naked, looking at each other. Caressing each other with their eyes. His wide shoulders, that hard chest. His aroused manhood. All of it made her want more. Want now.

  Flint took a step towards her. A wicked grin creasing his lips.

  A sudden fear ran through her. What was he planning? What devilish plot was he coming up with?

  Shivering, she took a step back. He continued to pursue her until she found herself trapped against the side of the bed.

  “Relax, Laila,” he said, as his hands came to her shoulders, trapping her in place.

  Slowly, he forced her to sit on the side of the bed. That hint of merriment in his eyes made her worry, but she should, she told herself, this was Flint.

  Yes, but he is a dragon, she reminded herself.

  He was a dragon last time. You just didn’t know it.

  A thousand questions tumbled through her brain. But, then all of them disappeared into nothingness when he dropped to his knees before her and took her nipple into his mouth.

  She closed her eyes and held his head to her chest.

  Slowly, he began to kiss down her stomach until she felt the stubble of his chin rub against the insides of her thighs.

  She gasped and said, “No,” pushing his head back until she could see his eyes.

  He smiled back up at her and said. “Yes.” There was no question. This was a command.

  Looking directly at her, his finger found her core and began to caress. Rubbing up and down slowly. Making her wet with need.

  She felt herself growing, swelling with want.

  Then, he kissed her down there and her world burst into flames. His tongue replaced his finger. Kissing, caressing, tasting as his two fingers sank into her.

  “YES!” she moaned as she fell back onto the bed. “Yes, Flint.” />
  He continued to tease her, to bring her higher. To push her ever upwards. His tongue, lips, and fingers working magic.

  “Please,” she said, sitting up. Demanding him inside of her. “I need you, now.”

  His face was wet with her essence. He smiled at her, then stood up.

  His massive maleness was there. Directly in front of her. She didn’t think, didn’t hesitate. She grasped him and kissed the very tip.

  Flint moaned deep in his throat. Laila felt a sense of power flow over her. She could make this mighty man do her bidding. A caress here, a taste there, and he responded.

  Smiling to herself, she slowly took him into her mouth. Hesitant at first, she quickly learned how to drive him crazy with need. She reveled in the feeling power.

  He filled her mouth, his hands taking her head, guiding it around him.

  She bobbed back and forth, faster and faster. His breathing quickened as she could feel him fighting himself. Stopping himself from thrusting heavily into her mouth.

  “No,” he said pulling away. “Not yet. I want to be inside of you.”

  Laila smiled to herself, as she scooted back on the bed. She wasn’t going to argue the point. Not when it meant having that filling her up.

  Spreading her legs, she looked up at him, waiting.

  His eyes traveled over her body. Sending warm shivers throughout her. Oh, this man, he could melt her insides with but a glance. Could turn her into a quivering mess of a woman with but a single touch.

  “Turn over,” he said. “On your knees.”

  Laila frowned in confusion. But, then did what he demanded. Anything for this man. He could do anything to her, she trusted him fully.

  She felt him climb onto the bed behind her. Positioning himself. Slowly, ever so slowly, he rubbed himself against her opening. Pushing in just a little, then pulling away. Rubbing up and down, then inside just a little.

  He was teasing her, she realized. Looking over her shoulder, she pleaded with her eyes for him to fill her.

  He smiled, then held her hips and entered her with one long, slow, earth shattering thrust.

  “Oh yes,” she said, as her head sank to the bed. “Oh yes,” she mumbled again, as she pushed back into him. He fit perfectly. As if they were made for each other. He filled her. She encased him.


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