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Fighting Our Forever (Panthera Security Series Book 3)

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by Elisa Leigh


  Fighting Our Forever

  By Elisa Leigh

  © Elisa Leigh 2018.

  All Rights Reserved

  In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used ficticiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows, and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. Suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Adult Erotic Romance.


  Cover made by KL Fast





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  Meet the Author

  Other Books by Elisa Leigh


  His Sweet Treat Excerpt


  To Kelly, who reached out and asked for this story to be told. I remember that day so clearly because of the impact it made, thanks woman. You have waited patiently for me to get my other books out while this one sat on the back burner until I was ready. Thank you for sticking by me for a year to finally get this book! I hope you love your men xoxo

  Chapter One

  Callie Reid

  “Olivia, what the hell are we doing?” I ask, exhausted as we walk along the edge of her property for the second time. The summer heat is making sweat drip between my boobs and I can think of a million other things a pregnant woman should be doing besides getting heat stroke.

  “Dr. Husband said that If I worked out, it could induce labor.” She pants.


  “Whenever he gives me medical advice I call him Dr. Husband. He has been extra doctorly lately.” She laughs, wiggling her eyebrows at me. Eww, just eww. I did not need that visual.

  “Why are you trying to induce labor? You still have a week before you’re due?”

  “Between him and Logan, I’m ready for Winnie Grace to be here already. We need more estrogen in this house damn it!”

  “I hear you girly. Near the end of my pregnancy with Layla, I tried everything to get her to come sooner. She came three days after my due date, and I was miserable.”

  “Oh God. Don’t tell me that Maci. Every day it gets harder. I feel like Violet Beauregard.”

  “Who the hell is Violet Beauregard?” I look at Maci-Kate, but she gives me the same confused look that I’m wearing.

  “You know. The girl from Willy Wonka.” Olivia says, looking at us like we’ve lost our minds.

  M.K. and I just shake our heads at our crazy, heavily pregnant, best friend.

  “The girl who blew up like a blueberry? I know that you two have seen the movie, you know who I’m talking about!”

  “You’re more like Violet than you think Liv. I think the swelling has gone to your brain.” I snicker.

  “Don’t make fun of me.” She screeches and turns to walk away.

  I stop walking and grab Olivia’s hand, stopping her.

  “What is this all about Liv? You know we love you. What’s going on?”

  Liv sits down in the sand and starts bawling into her hands. Maci-Kate and I sit on opposite sides of her and rub her back.

  “Shh, it’s going to be okay. Tell us what’s the matter so we can fix it.” M.K. coos into the side of Liv’s head.

  She looks up from her hands, with her tear-soaked face all red and puffy. “My body hurts, everywhere. My feet are swollen, my legs are swollen, my face is swollen, everything is freaking swollen! My vag feels like it’s about to fall off for Christ’s sake. I know that sucker has got to be swollen too.”

  I turn my head, not wanting Olivia to see the smile I’m unable to keep off my face and the tears filling my eyes. This shit is too good. I have no idea what to say. I’ve never been pregnant. You’d have to have had sex for that to even be a possibility. Maci Kate is going to need to step up on this one, but before she can, Liv continues.

  She grabs her tits. “My lady balls started leaking milk this morning. No, not just leaking, that’s tame for what happened to me. These suckers can squirt like a freaking lawn sprinkler. Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful my milk came in early. I read that it can be hard for some mothers but come on. When I was taking my shirt off to get into the shower my boob shot milk across the bathroom onto Logan’s chest. I shot my husband with fucking breast milk!”

  “Oh, my God!” I can’t stop laughing now. I fall back into the sand laughing. I laugh until I feel like I’ve got it all out and I’m able to control myself. Yeah, it takes me a minute.

  “What did he do?” Maci Kate asks while she fights the laughter trying to bubble out.

  Liv scrunches up her face and shakes her head. “He tasted it.” She whispers, sounding repulsed that her husband tried her breast milk.

  I bite my lip, wanting to laugh so bad, but at the same time knowing we need to rein her in before she goes crazy on us.

  “It’s not a big deal Olivia, Reece likes to drink mine.” Maci states.

  Olivia and I both look at her with wide eyes. “Say what now?” I say louder than I should. I look to Liv, but she just shakes her head at me, telling me she didn’t know they let the crazies out today.

  “Oh, come on you guys. It’s kind of hot. You just wait Olivia. Guys are curious, they want to know what it tastes like.”

  “No way. I’m not letting them do that, my milk is for the baby.”

  “Just you wait. You’re going to be in pain because your tits are swollen, and the pump just isn’t cutting it. You know you need to feed, but little Winnie is passed the fuck out after being up fighting her nap, so there’s no way in hell you’re waking her up to eat. Not only are your men taking care of you, but it’s just, gah it’s an even deeper level of intimacy you never knew you’d have with your husbands.”

  Liv hugs Maci and starts bawling into her shoulder. After a minute or so she lifts her face and wipes her eyes. When she looks at me, I can tell she’s freaking herself out.

  “It’s going to be okay Liv. When Winnie gets here all t
his stress you’re feeling is going to melt away. Your men are going to be wonderful with their daughter, all three of you will.”

  “I know you’re right. I’m exhausted and cranky, and I’m just done. I’m ready to meet this little girl and hold her in my arms. You should hear how Garret and Logan talk about her already. They are already so proud of our daughter. They are going to make the best dads.”

  Olivia won the lottery with Logan and Garret. They love her without abandon and treat her the with such reverence. You can see it in the way they speak to her and give of themselves. I would be lucky to find even one man half as good as they are.

  I get up and stand in front of her. I put my hands out and pull her pregnant ass off the shore of the lake, that is her backyard, the lucky bitch.

  “Come on momma. How about we get you inside and I’ll make you a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.”

  She moans, and I know I’ve got her. The woman can eat the mess out of some CTC since she’s been pregnant.

  Chapter Two


  I’m lying in bed reading a book when I hear someone knock on my door. Strike that, knock, is too tame of a word for what they are doing to my poor door. Beating the shit out of is better. Grabbing my phone, I see that it’s ten forty-five. Heart pounding, I wonder who would be at my door this late at night. My first thought is I’m being robbed, but they wouldn’t have knocked, don’t be stupid Callie. I jump out of bed and grab the mace out of my purse and walk to the front door slowly.

  Do you ever wonder if people can see into the house through the little peephole attached to the door? I do. I’m convinced people are watching me through that little hole. As quiet as I can be, I stand on my tip toes and look through it to see who is out there, being careful not to let them catch me.

  Who I see frightens and excites me all at once. Paul Spader in all his pissed off glory stands there staring at me… through my freaking peep hole. “I fucking knew it!” I seethe, quietly.

  “What’s that, Precious?” He says on the other side of my door. His gravelly voice seeping into my skin and warming my insides. The asshole sounds amused.

  I clap my palm over my big mouth and continue to stare at Paul, while his eyes never leave mine. Once my heart starts to beat regularly, I open the door, coming face to chest with a man that intimidates the hell out of me. Damn. His dirty blonde hair is up in his signature man bun, and he’s towering over me, all muscly, tracing my frame with his eyes.

  “Callie, what the fuck are you doing answering your door wearing that?” He barks.

  Unable to speak, I look down at my body and see what he’s talking about. I’m wearing a white camisole with a built-in bra, thank you Jesus, and pink boxers with Yoda all over them. Olivia bought me the boxers for Christmas years ago when I was going through a Star Wars phase. I still wear them all the time, the fuckers are soft. Unfortunately for me, I’ve worn them so much that they are threadbare and have a few holes. I can only imagine what he’s thinking looking at me.

  I try to speak, but nothing comes out. Nothing new on that front. I can talk to Logan, Garret, and Reece until I’m blue in the face. Put me in front of Paul or his roommate, and my coworker, Ryan Donovan, and I go silent.

  Still staring down at the ground, I see his booted feet step up to my bare ones. He lifts my chin, so I'm looking at him. His touch zings through me, and I can feel him everywhere. One touch and I’m primed for this man in ways I don’t fully understand. This is the closest he's ever come to me, the first time he's ever touched me.

  "Precious. Olivia is in Labor. We need to get to the hospital."

  Just like that, I'm snapped out of my hot guy stupor. "The hospital? She's in labor? Fuck yes!" I jump in the air, pumping my fist like the dork I am. I run back to my room and grab my phone and purse.

  "Okay, let's go."

  Paul doesn't move. In fact, he looks a little pissed. Walking up to me, he turns me around by my shoulders and leans down and whispers in my ear. "Go put some clothes on Cal. Something that covers all the parts I'll go crazy over other men looking at." He kisses me behind my ear, then pushes me in the direction of my room.

  My brain malfunctions. Paul Spader just kissed me. "Callie. Let's go darlin'. We still need to swing by Panthera and pick up Ryan. I know you want to get to Olivia as soon as possible, don't you?"

  He’s right. I wouldn’t miss the birth of my niece for anything. Olivia and I might not be blood, but she’s family and the closest thing I have to a sister. I go to my room and change into some lavender leggings with pineapples on them and a grey hoodie. I slide on some flip flops, and I'm ready to go.

  "Is this acceptable, sir?" I ask and roll my eyes. The man is simply absurd.

  He only nods but takes my hand and pulls me out the door. He locks my door with my keys I didn't know he had and puts them into his jeans pocket.

  "Hey, where'd you get those? Give them back."

  "They were on your counter Precious."

  I hold out my hand for my keys. He lifts an eyebrow but makes no move to give me my keys, taunting me to react. There is no way I'm digging in his pockets for them. I'll get them back later, somehow.

  I turn around and walk to his jacked-up truck and wait for him to unlock it, which he does by the time he's standing next to me.

  He opens the door, and I try my best to get in on my own. Fail. Just epic freaking fail.

  "You going to let me help you now?"

  I look over my shoulder at him and nod. Paul lifts me by the hips easily, sets me into the seat, and buckles me in. He closes the door and gets into his side of the truck starting it up with a big "vroom." I roll my eyes, his truck is as ridiculous as he is.

  "You have something to stay Callie?"

  Shit, he saw me, the guy misses nothing. I shake my head no and stare out the window all the way to Panthera's compound. I've been here a few times for barbeques with the Panthera family and have always felt welcome. They are a great group of people that work hard and play even harder. Maci-Kate and Olivia have told me about the type of work their men do. They must be so proud to have men like them on their side. I love every chance I get to spend time with the crew.

  Paul doesn't park but pulls up to the front door where Ryan is waiting. Instead of getting into the back seat like I thought he would, he opens my door. Rude, I have shot gun. I unbuckle my seat belt and wait for him to move so I can jump down.

  When he doesn't, I finally look up into his baby blues. Damn. He hasn't shaved in a few days, and his dark scruff looks delicious. I stare at him, unable to do anything, but stare.

  He grins at me. "You going to scoot over babe?"

  Scoot over? Like between them? I begin to shake my head no, when Paul pulls me by the waist, towards him to the middle seat. Ryan gets in and leans over kissing me on the cheek. "Wasn't really a question babe. You'll learn. You look beautiful by the way."

  With Paul's hand on my thigh, rubbing slow circles with his thumb, and Ryan plastered on my other side, I can't think straight. I've barely said a few sentences to them in the nine months that we’ve known each other. Why are they suddenly so touchy and vocal? Why am I accepting it? I have no idea what's going on. I stare straight ahead for the next twenty minutes, listening to the radio until we get to the hospital.

  Chapter Three

  Ryan Donovan

  Paul was hanging out in the surveillance room with Cash and me when Garret called to tell us Olivia had gone into labor. God, I’m happy for her and her men. They deserve this after all they have gone through in the last year. Olivia and I became close last year when she started teaching at the same school as Logan and me. She became the little sister I never had.

  When we first met, I thought she was beautiful, the kind of girl I could see myself with. I had just gotten out of a bad relationship, and I wasn’t ready for anything other than friendship though. The more we talked, the more I was drawn to her and the darkness she carried around with her. I could see myself in her shadows and
wanted to protect her from the heartache she experienced. I claimed big brother status, and we’ve been close ever since.

  Garret and Logan, whom I’ve known since Parris Island, are great friends with Paul and me. We all completed The Crucible together while in boot camp, and after that, we’ve been close. The Crucible is an exercise that takes over fifty-four hours to complete and tests you physically and mentally. One of the key factors is working together to problem solve and overcome any obstacle you encounter. In all my years, this must be one of the most difficult things I have ever done.

  All four of us were recruited into special forces and went from boot camp to Marine Corps Special Forces (MARSOC) Training. When we were done with MARSOC, we joined the same SRT. Adam Kingston was the Team Leader of the Special Reaction Team we were all on while in the Marines. Adam was like an older brother to us, guiding us through our first tour in the sandbox. It was there that we met Reece Atwood and Cash Owens.

  You get close to the guys you depend on to cover your ass and make sure you don’t get dead. We were on the SRT for over four years together, along with the rest of the team. Kings had built the team with men he knew he could count on in any situation. We all became a unit, a family of sorts, in a world where family is the friends you choose to claim. After a hard mission, Kings decided enough was enough and got out. The rest of the team followed within a few years of each other.

  I was supposed to be working with Cash tonight in the surveillance room when we got the call that Olivia’s water broke, and they were taking her to the hospital. We decided I would stay to work my shift and Paul would go and pick up Callie. It was late, and we didn’t want her driving around in the dark. Our Angel is many things, but a good driver isn’t one of them.

  We haven’t made our move, wanting to give our woman time to adjust, and slowly get close to her. She hasn’t made it easy on us. She keeps us as far away as can be. If it weren’t for Olivia telling us she’s interested, and the few times we’ve caught her checking us out, we wouldn’t have any idea how she feels. Keeping our distance, we’ve been keeping an eye on her and letting any guy that gets close, know she’s already spoken for.


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