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Changing Gears

Page 7

by Roseanne Beck

  “Hey. So, uh...” I ball my hands into fists and gulp down the rising nerves. “I was wondering if maybe you wanted to test out those hands-on teaching sessions tonight. With me. Unless you have other stuff to do?” Shit. What if he has other stuff to do?

  Jake nods, his grin widening. “Yeah. Absolutely.”

  “Absolutely you want to do the session? Or absolutely you have other stuff to do?”

  “The first thing.”

  “Oh. Good.” I blow out a breath. One step down. The problem is, now we’re onto step two. And if I was that nervous with step one, step two’s liable to make me pass out. And poor Jake wouldn’t even be much help. Unless I need CPR.

  Ooh. CPR. The kiss of life. Well, in that case, maybe unconsciousness wouldn’t be so bad. Does mouth-to-mouth count as a first kiss?


  I blink, the mental image of Jake’s lips on mine fading away as reality takes hold. “What?”

  “I asked if you’re okay over there.”

  “Oh. Yeah. Sure. Great.” If you don’t count the fact that I’m an awkward nutjob who’s hot for an employee.

  “Alright.” He juts his chin toward the front of the store. “Kylie still here?”

  “Nope. It’s just you and me.”

  Jake nods, silence filling the space between us.

  “Unless you don’t want it to be. Should we wait for Kylie?” The words burst out of my mouth before I can stop them.

  Confusion mars Jake’s features. “No. Not on my account. Unless you want to wait for Kylie?”

  “No. I’m good with just the two of us. As long as you are, of course.”

  Jake’s features soften. “Me too.”

  “Plus, she already knows this stuff,” I add, waving my hand toward the bike in front of him.


  “So it makes sense for it to be just us.”

  “Of course, it does.”

  I study Jake, trying to figure out if he’s mocking me, agreeing with me, or placating me. Probably some combination. But right now, I’m not all that sure I care. Because Jake’s free, we’re alone, and it’s time to get this show on the road.

  Oh, boy.

  Jake grins again and tilts his head, nodding me closer to where he’s seated. “I’m ready if you are.”

  I gulp, my heart tap dancing in my chest. Okay, Lauren. Time to learn some stuff about bikes and figure out a little more about what makes Jake tick. Time to see if he’s simply being nice and helpful, if he’s just being a big flirt, or if he’s really into you.

  Please let it be the last one.

  Let’s see... What the hell did hell did Megan say? Something about touching. And listening? Or was that when she was trying to teach me how to flirt? Crap!

  Jake clears his throat. “I think it’ll be more effective if you come over here.”

  A nervous laugh tumbles past my lips, and I will my body across the floor, planting myself next to him. On the plus side, I’m no longer distracted by his sparkling eyes or his kissable lips. On the down side, he smells really good. Like a mixture of citrus and the forest after a rainstorm. It’s both relaxing and stimulating all at the same time.

  Argh! This is gonna be torture!

  Jake points to the bike on the stand in front of us. “This guy, here, is in serious need of a new chain.”

  “Oh, no.” Maybe this wasn’t such a brilliant idea after all.

  “Yeah. He really is.”

  “No. I mean, chains and I don’t get along.” Usually it’s my fingers that end up getting pinched or cut, but there were more than a few times when Dad’s or Kylie’s digits took the brunt of my ineptitude. Shoot. I should’ve thought of that before going all gung-ho. Poor Jake can’t really afford to sacrifice any more body parts.

  “So what we’re gonna do,” he continues before I can lodge any further protest, “is pop this one off and give him a new one. Nothing to it.”

  “Yeah. Speak for yourself.” I stare at my old nemesis, my brain working overtime to find additional reasons why this is a bad idea. “Wait. So, if we show the customers how to do this type of stuff, why would they keep coming back to have us do it?” Damn. I really should’ve thought this through a little more. Here I’d been so eager to spend more time with Jake that I didn’t stop to think about what his idea might actually do to our business.

  “Simple.” Jake winks. “Convenience. People might want to see what I’m doing, but rarely are they actually gonna decide to do it for themselves. Think about our culture—it’s all convenience these days.”

  He does have a point there. Plus, there is the whole possibility that people might come specifically to watch Jake work. I mean, I definitely would.

  “So, anyway,” Jake continues, “first order of business—pop the old chain off.” He plucks a tool from the bench next to him and hands it to me. “Okay. Show me what you’ve got.”

  What I’ve got is a sinking feeling that tonight is going to be a lot more work than I’d bargained for.

  “DAMMIT!” EVERY TIME. Why can I never remember how to thread the new chain through the rear derailleur? It’s like my kryptonite.

  “Okay. Easy there, killer. Slow down.” Jake places a hand on mine, preventing me from continuing to trying to yank the chain in a way it clearly doesn’t want to go. “This part can be tricky. Just take your time.”

  I blow out a breath, trying equally to maintain my cool over the stubborn bike part and to keep my heart from thudding through my rib cage. Because little tingles of pleasant electricity radiate from our points of contact.

  “Want me to help?”

  I nod at Jake’s question, not trusting myself to open my mouth right now.

  “Okay.” He shifts beside me, his good leg resting against mine.

  Great. Even more points of contact to turn my brain cells to mush.

  “What you want to do...” He leans over and places his free hand on my other one, then shakes his head. “That’s not gonna work.”

  “Why not?” On the contrary—I’m all for three points of contact.

  “I’m liable to pull a back muscle that way. Hold on. I’ve got a better idea.” He stands up and maneuvers behind me on his crutches. “Okay. Let’s try this again. Gimme your hands.”

  Ooh, this is definitely a better idea. The solid muscles of Jake’s chest press against my back as his strong hands take mine. His breath whispers soft caresses across the ultra-sensitive skin of my neck.

  Full body contact for the win.

  He guides my hands through the remainder of the task, and despite the fact that he’s keeping a running commentary on what he’s doing, there is no way I’d be able to do it on my own. My brain cells are currently on vacation, doing lazy laps in the hormone pool.

  And they’re loving it.

  “See?” Jake says. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  “Definitely not.” My muscles relax into him, craving even more contact. “I could stay like this all day.” Wait. Did I say that last part out loud?

  “Oh, yeah? Well, I can’t.” Jake shifts behind me, and before I know what’s happened, he’s tugged me around. He repositions his crutches, his gaze darting back and forth between my eyes and my lips. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, and he licks his lips and oh, holy hell, is Jake about to kiss me?

  The pressure of his lips on mine drives away any further questions. Unless you count the one about wondering if I’ve died and gone to heaven. Because I’m pretty sure this is what heaven’s like—Jake’s mouth slanted across mine, his lips equal parts gentle and demanding. His tongue darting out as if it’s on an exploratory mission in search of new and exciting treasures. His calloused hand gently cupping the back of my neck. Pleasure tingles erupting like little celebratory hormone fireworks.

  Okay. I was wrong before. This is how I could spend all day.

  Kissing Jake.

  Our new employee.

  In the back of our shop.

  Our family shop.
br />   Just like Kylie and AJ.

  Oh, God. What have I done?



  OH, YEAH. THIS IS MUCH better.

  Don’t get me wrong. Having Lauren leaning into me, guiding her hands through the remainder of the new chain tutorial was great, but it was driving me crazy. That same damned whiff of vanilla shampoo or body lotion that makes me want to do some very naughty things with my tongue. The curves that fit so nicely against me. The way she trusted me and seemed to relax and enjoy herself.

  But the way her lips part for mine, inviting me in. The way her tongue caresses mine, almost as if in tentative greeting. The little breathy moans of pleasure I’m not sure she knows she’s making.

  This is the good stuff.

  Except...wait. Why is she tensing up all of a sudden? And why did she stop kissing me?

  Lauren’s eyes pop open, and she pulls her hands off me like I’m a hot engine. “We shouldn’t’ve done that.”

  I fight to keep my balance, my center of gravity thrown off by her sudden distance. Or maybe from the kiss. Possibly both. “Why not?”

  The pink on her cheeks deepens, and her eyes dart around the room. “Uh...”

  Shit. She’s doing that thing she does when she’s uncomfortable. Did I move too fast? Or maybe I really have been reading this whole situation wrong. Kylie’s words about Lauren and her type zoom through my brain like a biker headed for the finish line.

  Dammit, Jake. You’re not her type. And she’s your boss. Way to leap before you look. Again. You are so getting fired.

  My typical bravado deflates like a leaky tire. “Lauren—”

  Her eyes snap to mine, and she holds up a hand. “Wait.” Her bottom lip disappears between her teeth for a few beats before she seems to steel herself, her spine straightening. “Why did you kiss me?”

  “Is this a trick question?”

  Her hair swings as she shakes her head back and forth.

  “Uh...” Crap. This still feels like a trick question. But Lauren doesn’t seem like someone who plays games. And I don’t either. “Because I like you.”

  “You do?”


  She rolls her lip between her teeth again, this time, a smile tilting the corners of her mouth.

  “But don’t worry. I won’t kiss you again.”

  Her eyebrows lower, the hint of a smile disappearing. “Why not?”

  “Because you just said that we shouldn’t.”

  Her mouth rounds into an O before something that looks like regret washes over her face. “I’m your boss.”

  “Uh-huh.” For now, anyway. Until she fires my ass.

  “And Kylie and I made a pact that we wouldn’t date employees.” Her face reddens even further. “Not that you and I would ever date. Just... You know...”

  “Yeah.” I know. My typical M.O. is more like a sprint. Never been a marathon-type guy. Plus, she should be with someone smart. Not someone who barely managed to graduate high school.

  “And even without the whole Kylie-AJ thing, workplace romances are a bad idea.” She winces.

  Her words roll around in my head like they’re circling a training oval. Huh. Of all her protests, not a one involved her not being attracted to me. Interesting. “Well, for the record, I happen to agree with you.”

  Disappointment flickers across her face. “You do?”

  I nod, my bravado slowly regathering steam. “Yep. Workplace romances are a bad idea. In fact, I’ve avoided them up to now. Of course, that could be because the guys on tour don’t smell nearly as good as you and have a little too much body hair for my taste.”

  Lauren dips her head, the flush returning to her cheeks as she fights a smile.

  “And I totally get the whole wanting to play by the rules stuff. I do.” Kind of. From her standpoint, anyway. “So just say the word, and this never happened.” As much as I would love to pick up right where we left off, I’ll leave her alone if she wants me to.

  God, I hope she doesn’t want me to leave her alone.

  My words hang between us as Lauren’s hands ball into fists, her shoulders rising and falling as she takes several deep breaths. Closing her eyes, she swallows, then latches her gaze onto mine with one final exhale. “No.”

  I do my best Professor-X impersonation, trying to read her thoughts, but come up empty. “No, what?”

  “No, I don’t want that to have not happened.” She gives her head a quick shake. “I mean, I’m glad it happened. I’m tired of being the good girl. Always playing by the rules.” A mixture of hope and uncertainty gathers on her features. “I’d like for it to happen again.”

  My misgivings fall by the wayside, and I can feel the grin spreading across my face. “Happy to oblige.”

  I lean in again, but she places a hand on my chest. “Seriously, though. I am gonna need to draw something up HR-wise.”

  “Not a problem. Just tell me where to sign.”

  “And you cannot tell Kylie.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t.” Don’t need to get on her bad side. Not with how long she holds a grudge.

  Desire flickers in her eyes, and she swallows. “Okay, then. As long as we’re both agreed...” Her eyes dip to my mouth, and before I can blink, she’s pressed against me, her lips and tongue picking up where they left off. This time, with a little less hesitation and a little more assertiveness.

  Sweet yet decisive.

  I like it.

  What I don’t like is the fact that as Lauren leans more of her weight into me, my good leg starts to protest, and my precarious balance gets even more squirrely. If I don’t do something now, we might both end up on the ground. And not for the reason I’d like us to wind up horizontal. “Uh... Lauren?”

  “Hmm?” she all but purrs.

  My leg wobbles, and the hand still on my crutch tightens around the handle while the hand threaded through her hair drops, redistributing some of my weight onto her shoulder.

  She blinks, our lips now unlocked, confusion slowly replaced by an expression somewhere between apology and chagrin as my crutch clatters on the ground.

  I take a few small hops in an attempt to regain my balance. “I really don’t want to break up this party, but...”

  She winces. “No, I’m sorry. I might’ve been a little overenthusiastic.”

  “Believe me. That was just the right amount of enthusiasm.”

  She helps me crutch-hop to the stool, and I sit down while she gets the fallen crutch. “And for the record, I am totally pissed at my body right now.” I mean, I practically cockblocked myself. How is that even possible?

  “Well, to be fair, it has been through a lot lately.”

  “True.” I roll my shoulders and try to stretch out my back. While several parts of me enjoyed what just happened with Lauren, the muscles in those areas weren’t among them.

  Lauren gives me a shy smile, the stain on her cheeks intensifying. “If it helps, I’m really good at backrubs.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Uh-huh.” She wiggles her fingers. “Kylie and Megan say these things are practically magic.”

  Oh, holy crap. This woman’s gonna be the death of me.

  But at least I’ll die a happy man.




  First you’re kissing Hot Jake. Now you’re giving him a back massage. What the hell has gotten into you?

  I bite back a laugh, but apparently not well enough, because Jake turns his head. “Everything okay back there?”

  “Yep.” If you don’t count the fact that I may or may not have suffered a complete mental breakdown. “How about with you?”

  “Fantastic.” Jake hisses out a breath as I dig into yet another knot.

  “Yeah,” I say, my fingers pausing. “Sounds like it.”

  “Seriously. It’s great. Don’t stop.” He dips his head, and the muscles under my hands expand as he takes another breath. Silence hangs in the room,
punctuated occasionally by Jake’s contented sighs, until he speaks again. “You know, if I wind up going back on tour, I may have to take you with me.”


  His shoulders bunch, relaxing as he lets out a sigh equal parts weariness and disgust. “Yeah. I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to ride again after this.” He pats his cast.

  “Why not? I mean, it’s early yet, right?”

  “Yeah. But I’ve known other guys who’ve messed up their legs, some of them not even this bad, who couldn’t make it back. Plus, I’m old.”

  “No, you’re not. We’re practically the same age.”

  “Yeah. But in Motocross years, I’m kind of over the hill.”

  “Well, you look really good for your age.”

  He huffs a soft laugh but otherwise remains silent.

  While part of me wants to offer additional encouragement, I also don’t want to offer false hope. Especially since I know nothing about his world. And I can’t even imagine what it would be like to have to give up your livelihood. Well, I mean, I can. I kind of did. But I had a choice. Sort of.

  “Anyway,” Jake says. “Enough about me and my future. Or lack thereof. I want to hear more about you being done with the whole ‘playing by the rules’ thing.”

  My hands still on his neck. Crap. Did I let that part slip, too? Should’ve known he was paying closer attention to what I said than I was.

  Jake swivels, angling so he can see me. “You know, if you need some help in that department, I know someone who might be interested.”

  Dammit! Why does he have to be so attractive? And funny? And nice? Why can’t I just get it through my head that this is a seriously bad idea and walk away?

  Probably because Jake’s attractive, funny, and nice.

  It also doesn’t help that things have begun to niggle at my brain like little insects trying to find a home. Like the fact that it’s not fair that I’m always the one to do the right thing. Following the rules and staying out of trouble growing up. Coming back to work at the shop after Dad died. Helping at the Pedals & Medals event so Kylie wouldn’t have to.


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