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Incubus Master: Complete (Yaoi)

Page 3

by Yamila Abraham

  Jinady really didn’t care as Huckly stormed off. He sat down by the fire and crossed his arms.

  Incubi need sex to sustain them. These men have to be feeding them. They’re willing victims. He won’t do it. The gazelle doesn’t lie down for the lion to eat. He’s through with lying down.

  The wagon had two cabs and one ample storage compartment. After a meal by the fire they moved into the wagon to sleep. The women were put in the back windowless cab. Jinady watched them obey orders with lowered eyes and silence. He would have liked to hear what their voices sounded like.

  Jinady slept in the front cab with the other men. The bearded man, who the others called Major, slept on one of the cab’s benches. Jinady slept on the bench opposite. Huckly and the other man slept on matting on the floor. The wagon door was kept open near the fire. Jinady occasionally saw Figaru or the blond demon walk past throughout the night.

  In the morning they breakfasted by the waning fire. The women did not leave the wagon. Jinady was groggy and still emotional. He thought about leaving, but from the way Major ordered him around, it was clear they expected him to stay. He became submissive after his tantrum.

  Figaru and the blond demon, Scor, ate fire-roasted corn. Jinady didn’t know incubi ate food. He was plagued with questions, but didn’t feel comfortable enough to make conversation.

  Scor threw his cob in the fire. He stood up and took off his pants.

  Jinady’s eyes widened. The demon’s ashen yellow thighs and soft member were exposed. For a moment Jinady thought everything had been a charade. The incubi and their human accomplices were just playing a game with him. Now they’d begin a grotesque orgy.

  No one else responded to Scor’s sudden stripping. The younger swordsman kicked dirt into the fire. Huckly donned his bow and arrows.

  Scor got on his hands and knees on the dirt. He saw the demon’s strange feet for a millisecond before Scor transformed into a yellow beast so large that Figaru only stood as tall as his shoulder. He resembled a hideous lion. His eyes were pupil-less yellow slits and his snout was broad with flared nostrils. Jagged teeth protruded from his snarled lips. His wild blonde mane covered his entire back. His claws were massive and black.

  Jinady screamed. He scampered away from the monster.

  The younger swordsman seized his arm.


  Jinady looked into reassuring blue eyes.

  “Don’t be scared. Scor changes to pull the wagon. He won’t hurt you.”

  Jinady tried to catch his breath. The swordsman helped him stand up.

  “I—didn’t know incubi could do that.”

  “That’s why we brought him. Succubi have killed all the horses. I’m Eban by the way.”

  Jinady tried to smile. Eban had a thick mop of black hair that made his blue eyes more striking. He was slightly smaller than Jinady. They watched as Figaru fixed the wagon’s harness on Scor. It was doubtful any of the men could have managed the task.

  “I’ll tell you about Scor when I know you better,” Eban said.

  Jinady was puzzled. Eban smiled and winked. This time Jinady gave him a genuine smile.

  Major interrupted them. “Get a move on, soldier. It’s a five day haul to the settlement.” He took note that Major addressed the men as soldiers.

  “Five days?” Jinady asked.

  “Go in the cab, son. Piss first if you need to.” He addressed the other men. “Step to! Step to!”

  In the cab, Jinady sat with his back to Scor. He could look out the window without having to see the beast.

  Eban held a clean cistern that Jinady knew was for the women. Their cab was adjacent.

  Eban gestured to the closed door. “Were they from your home?”

  “I’m not sure,” Jinady said. “Women were kept separate. That could be my mother and sister for all I know.”

  “Yeah, it’s the same in the settlement. Regular men don’t ever see a woman once they’re off the tit. Soldiers can earn a chance to marry a woman. That’s what I’m working towards. Major shares a wife with one other officer. Lucky bastard.”

  He knocked on the door. Jinady listened for female voices as Eban gingerly saw to their needs. He was out of the cab once the wagon started moving.

  Figaru walked behind the wagon while Major led Scor. Huckly marched on the side opposite from Jinady. Eban marched near his window.

  Soon, they reached the dense forest Jinady had seen from the mountain. Now and then he jolted as Scor ripped whole trees out of their path. There was a loud thump as the wagon lurched through the shredded trees. Jinady piled blankets on the bench to soften the bouncing.

  “Isn’t it safer to stay in open pasture?” Jinady said to Eban.

  “That would be impossible. It’s not necessary anyway. With Lord Figaru we travel how we please without fear.”

  Jinady believed this. He’d decimated the whole tribe of flying Caldra with little effort. He was both relieved and resentful. The men had to rely on demons for protection from demons.

  It was shortly after a midday break that Figaru raced ahead of the wagon.

  “All stop, Scor,” Major said. “All stop!” he yelled back. “Watch your sides!”

  Jinady tensed. Eban drew his sword and scanned the woods. He saw Huckly ready an arrow outside the other window.


  Demons shrieked just ahead. He heard a series of explosions. They must be Figaru’s fireballs.

  “Rainer country!” Major yelled.

  “You got that right!” Huckly yelled back.

  The demonic howls dissipated until it was only one source. Then nothing. Figaru marched back to retake his place at the rear. One of his clawed hands was drenched in blood all the way to the elbow.

  “Right! Let’s move!” Major said.

  The wagon lurched forward.

  The moon was high before they stopped to camp. Jinady ate a meal seated near Eban at a fresh bonfire. Eban watched Major take enough food for three into the wagon. He didn’t emerge for several minutes. Jinady listened to the women’s faint voices.

  “Isn’t that nice,” Eban said.

  “Someone’s got to talk to them,” Huckly said. “Lord Figaru will just scare them.”

  “I suppose.”

  Scor materialized from the trees in his less terrifying form. He was soaking wet and buttoning his pants. All three watched him. He sat near Huckly.

  “Here’s a present for you.” Scor shook his head hard enough to spray water from his hair. Huckly angled away with an arm up to block him, giggling. Huckly’s girlish manner aroused Jinady’s interest.

  “Aw, stop it! Ha ha! Come on! That’s no present! Geez!”

  Scor relented and took to wringing his dense blond hair with his hands.

  “There’s a brook near?” Eban said. “I could go for a bath.”

  “You and Precious can wait till morning,” Scor said.

  Jinady frowned.

  Scor shoved Huckly’s shoulder enough to tip him over. “You go now.”

  “Really? Is it safe?”

  “His Majesty is there. Go wash your ass.”

  Huckly dashed away. Since Major was still in the wagon, ‘His Majesty’ must have been Figaru. Jinady’s nerves were frayed. He no longer felt like eating.

  Huckly was dry by the time they settled to sleep in the wagon. Major was still with the women. Eban was asleep on Major’s bench. Huckly straightened the mats on the floor. Jinady listened for Major and the women.

  Figaru came to the open side of the wagon near the fire.


  Huckly leapt out of the wagon. Figaru walked with him around the other side. Jinady swallowed. He checked to be certain Eban was asleep, then slid across his bench to eavesdrop through the large window. He peeked out. Figaru’s back was to him. He blocked Huckly.

  “Are you available for Scor?” Figaru spoke softly.

  “Heh, I figured as much. Of course, Lord Figaru. Always. He must be wiped out from taking that form so l
ong. Pulling the wagon. Breaking trees. Shit, he must be damn near—“

  “Follow that path to him.” Figaru pointed.

  “Well, you’ve been running ragged too, haven’t you? Battling those Rainers.”

  “Scor is the one who needs you.”

  Huckly’s voice changed. He must have lowered his head. “I’m here for you too, Lord Figaru. You could both share me. You know I’d love it.”

  Jinady was incredulous.

  “I can’t, Huckly.”

  “You always say that. But, why not? I mean—“

  Figaru quieted him by soothing his hair.

  “You know why.”

  Huckly sighed.

  “You should think of poor Scor, also. He despises me. I would ruin you for him.”

  “I guess so,” Huckly said.

  “Through those trees. Don’t keep him waiting.”

  Jinady heard the grass crunching under Huckly’s feet as he walked away. Figaru glanced over his shoulder. Jinady darted back from the window, but it was too late. Figaru saw him.

  Hooves approached. Jinady bit his bottom lip. Figaru was at his window. Jinady’s higher seat put him at eye-level with the demon. Their faces were close.

  Jinady managed to meet his eyes, but not for long. Figaru’s bearing was overpowering. Jinady felt like a little boy in the presence of an elder.

  Figaru’s skin was smooth and his brown coloring didn’t seem inhuman. It matched his features, which were unlike any he’d seen before.

  The first time he saw Figaru he was overwhelmed by his size and unusual appearance. By now Figaru was familiar to him. He was able to see that Figaru was not a monster. He was more pleasing to Jinady’s eyes than Scor, Huckly, or Major. His nose was round and broad. The bones in his face carved a striking aristocratic visage with long slanted eyes and high cheeks. His lips were right for his face, despite being fuller than any Jinady had ever seen before on a human. His hair was like carded wool: Long, soft, with luminous blue-black flecks.

  “I allowed you to overhear,” Figaru said.

  Jinady swallowed. “You think this helps my opinion of your kind?”

  “Not of our kind. Of your situation.”

  “You’re using these men for sex. I already knew that.” He refused to be daunted this time.

  “Only Huckly. He volunteered for the duty.”

  “What if he didn’t volunteer? What if none of us did?”

  “If Scor raped any of you I would kill him.”

  Jinady was quiet. His heart thundered in his chest.

  “I can sense other demons when they’re close,” Figaru said. “There’s a swan shard somewhere past the brook driving them away.”

  What’s a swan shard? Jinady didn’t interrupt him.

  “This area is clear. It’s safe for you to fetch some water.”

  Jinady’s lips parted. The digression caught him off guard.

  “Take that empty skin.”

  Jinady didn’t move. “You want me to…”

  “And fill it with water.”

  Jinady picked up the spent skin he’d been sipping water from throughout the day. His confusion made him move slowly. He started walking past Figaru towards where he thought the brook was. Figaru pushed one of his shoulder blades to steer him toward the path Huckly had taken.

  “That way.”

  Jinady lost his words. He pressed his lips together. He took two slow steps toward the path.

  “Take your time,” Figaru said.

  Jinady was too confused to glower back at him. Figaru couldn’t have been playing a joke on him. Why did he want him to see Huckly getting fucked?

  He was only a few steps in before he heard Huckly’s moans.

  My God, he’s loud!

  Jinady tiptoed. A half-moon illuminated the sky. He was easily concealed by the scant trees. Huckly and Scor were near the edge of the brook. Jinady made out Huckly’s pale body. A few cautious steps more and he was within feet of them. He could see their entire forms through a break in the branches.

  Scor was lying on his back on a blanket with his hands on Huckly’s hips. Huckly straddled him on top. He was riding him with complete abandon. He bobbed furiously up and down. Each time he rammed Scor’s full cock into him he made a gasping yelp.

  “Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! aHUH! aHUH! aHUH! HUH! HUH!”

  Scor’s bent his knees so that Huckly could brace himself on his thighs. He used his hands and squatting legs to bounce up and down. Every upward thrust up gave Jinady a quick flash of Scor’s stout yellow cock.


  Huckly’s entire body was flushed and his face was red with the deepest hue on his tensed cheeks. He was frozen in an expression of wide-mouthed ecstasy. His nipples were pointy and his fat, long cock was so hard it tilted back and forth as he bobbed up and down. It stood in a rigid, reddened slant above loose-skinned balls that bashed Scor’s blonde tuft of pubic hair with each dive down.

  Jinady looked away a moment. He was stunned by how wanton Huckly was. The man seemed so naively cheery. His moans pierced Jinady’s ears.

  He sighed and considered what to do. He wanted to just peek for a moment before feigning outrage at Figaru. Then he could find out right away why Figaru wanted him to see this.

  On the other hand, he wanted to stay and watch. If he was caught he could tell the truth. Figaru sent him there to watch them. Maybe they expected it. There were plenty of less conspicuous places for them to fuck. This might have been a deliberate show to prove how great fucking an incubus was.


  Huckly sat on Scor’s pelvis gasping for breath. Scor was stroking his hips.

  He doubted that was Figaru’s reasoning. He was trying to find excuses to watch besides the obvious. As unattractive as they were, it was a great sex show. Jinady’s body was used to frequent attention. A two day fast had him pent up. It would take an enormous amount of will for Jinady to pull himself away. His face was flush with shame.

  Scor pinched one of Huckly’s pointed nipples. Huckly squirmed.

  “Ah! Eh eh! Eee-yah!”

  He can’t be that sensitive.

  “Fucking sexy wench.” Scor clenched Huckly’s cock. He pulled it down so it was out straight from his body and stroked.

  “Oh! Ohhhh! Careful!”

  “What? You gonna come?”

  “I sure will if you keep doing that!”

  Shut up! Huckly’s innocent twang was distracting from the excitement.

  “How ‘bout this?” Scor gripped Huckly’s waist with both hands. He held him up enough to be able to jab his cock up into him.

  “Oh! Oh! Uh! Uh! Uh!”

  Huckly’s moans matched Scor’s furious battering. Scor spoke through gritted teeth. “Yeah take it, fat little whore. How you got such a tight hole, whore? Mmm…yeah, yeah. You feel me stretching you? Huh?”

  Jinady’s breathing became shallow. Scor had a raspy, seductive voice.

  “Oouuhhh! Ahhhhh!”

  Huckly tumbled his body back to fall back on the blanket. Scor’s yellow cock popped out of the red passage with a flying ribbon of fluid.

  Scor would have been too thick for Jinady to close his fingers around. He had no foreskin at the top of his medium length. His fat cock head gleamed with oil.

  “Where are you going?” Scor lunged for him.

  Huckly was still catching his breath. “Huh—uh! Aw, geez. I nearly lost it right then!”

  Jinady thought Huckly should be more apprehensive. Scor seemed displeased. Huckly was panting and smiling.

  Scor surprised Jinady by crushing Huckly’s lips under his. He saw the pink of Scor’s tongue before the gap between their mouths sealed. Scor held Huckly down by the wrists and assaulted his mouth. Huckly closed his eyes. Scor gave a long, skillful and passionate kiss that darkened the blush on Huckly’s cheeks.

  Scor moved down to nip Huckly’s erect nipples. Huckly writhed. Scor held him down fast by the wrists.

  “Aw, c’mon, don’t do that. Please, Scor? Oh! Ha ha ha! Stop it! Ha ha!”

  Jinady realized that Huckly must have trusted Scor. He showed no fear towards him. Nothing Scor did affected his cheerful demeanor. He didn’t guard his words, even after Scor’s foul talk. Huckly was enjoying himself.

  “Such a tender little wench.”

  “You bet!”

  Scor knelt over him. He lifted Huckly’s legs as Huckly lay on his back. Huckly reached forward to grab the back of his own legs. He held his thighs enough to lift his lower back from the blanket. The wanton pose exposed the split red crease of his hole. Huckly licked his lips. He was fixed on Scor.

  “So fucking sexy,” Scor said.

  Huckly smiled, but his tongue came out to glide over a top tooth. His cheeks were growing crimson again. “Give it to me.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Scor guided the tip of his cock to Huckly’s opening and thrust in. “Here!”


  Scor grabbed his hips and started ramming. Not continuously at first. He pulled out slowly, then jammed his cock to the root. Each thrust made Huckly yelp.

  “Fucking little whore. How do you squeeze it so tight? HUH?” He jabbed in.


  “I’ll open you. Mmph!”


  “Tight little whore. Mmph!”

  “Ahhh! Oh, God!”

  Scor paused. “Yah alright?” The two words rolled into each other.

  “Yeah.” Huckly was gasping. “Fuck me.”

  Jinady was incredulous. For all Scor’s rough talk he really didn’t want to hurt him.

  Scor started pumping steadily. Huckly’s moans became soft.

  Jinady lowered his eyes. He’d never volunteer to be used by Scor the way Huckly has. Still, he would have preferred him to any of the Caldra who had him. He could have endured Scor if he had no choice. If he was able to grow comfortable enough with him this kind of treatment would drive him wild.

  “Harder, please Scor, ohhhh, I’m burning!”

  Scor started ramming. Huckly met every plunge with a moan.

  “Greedy, whore. Umph!”

  “Oh! Oh! Oh! Mmmmm! Ah!”

  Scor moved his hands off Huckly’s hips and held back his legs for him.


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