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Incubus Master: Complete (Yaoi)

Page 11

by Yamila Abraham

  “Once I was on the other side of the shard light a giant succubus harpy swooped down from a tree and grabbed me. It was lucky she was a flyer. Leatha had gone back and got Van to order the shard covered up so she could chase after me. Van went with her. They trailed us from the ground.

  “I thought the succubus was going to drink my soul in the air and just drop my dead body. It turned out she was bringing me back to her young. She flew for two days without stopping. The wind just ripped at me. I was so thirsty, and my arms felt like they were going to fall off where her claws dug in. She came to land on this big nest up on a cliff. Van blasted the edge of the nest so that it fell down. The succubus dropped me on the rocks to dive after her baby. Van blasted her again and killed her. I passed out.

  “When I came to Leatha was feeding me water. Van was lying next to us exhausted. He was pale and could hardly move. Leatha was weak too, but Van was the worst. I felt so awful. I crawled over to him. I said I was sorry. I held his hand. He was so weak. When I looked back at Leatha she had fainted. I started crying. I crawled into Van’s arms and kissed him. He rubbed my hair. He kissed me back. He made love to me gently. He was kind, even after everything I’d done.

  “Our lovemaking revived him. He was strong. He pushed me into Leatha’s arms. I couldn’t even tell she was awake, but she held onto me. She kissed me and begged me to never to run away again. I promised I wouldn’t. I said I was her husband. She was my wife. I’d never leave her again. That was the first time we made love. She had sex with me while I was lying on my back. She kept saying, ‘My sweet husband,’ even though she was putting her cock in me.

  “I felt better after the two of them were strong again. We started on the long trip back. Leatha walked holding my hand. Sometimes she carried me on her back. It was going to be days to get back. They had to find food and water for me. Van warned her he was going to have to feed but she told him to go on to the settlement by himself. He said he couldn’t. Leatha got angry. She said we were married now. Neither of us was going to have sex with him. We were only going to be with each other from now on.

  “Van said the reason I ran away was because Figaru wouldn’t let me become an Available. He could approve my application for me. He’d make it so only the two of them could use me. I’d get out of Figaru’s house and live in the cabins. I said yes, that’s what I wanted. Leatha said, ‘Can’t you just be with me? I love you.’

  “Then Van said, ‘I love him too.’”

  “My God,” Jinady said, riveted.

  “That settled it. They both used me on the way back. The last night, when they could tell they were getting near the shards on the border, I had the three of us make love together. Leatha inside me, and me inside Van. I made them kiss over my shoulder. I didn’t want Leatha fighting him anymore. I snuggled between them afterwards. Leatha said to Van, ‘Just you. You’re the only one I’ll share him with.’ Van said yes. He promised he’d keep everyone else away from me.

  “I was made an Available that only Leatha and Van were allowed to use. I got what I wanted. Maybe Leatha had no pull with Figaru, but Van was his top general. He had to let him have me.”

  “Wow,” Jinady said. He surmised this had to be some time ago, since Scor was still imprisoned then. “Is it still the same situation now? Are you an Available who only Leatha and Vandrel can use?”

  “Is it still the same situation?” Rowan said. “No. No it sure isn’t. But if you care to know, Van and Leatha are still using me as though it were.”

  Jinady tore some dead skin off his lip. Leatha, Vandrel, Scor, and Figaru: the four demons were tangled in knots around Rowan. Jinady would have to write down everything he knew to get it straight.

  “My break’s almost over. I wish I could stay here all night.”

  “I really like talking to you too, Jinady.”

  “I want to ask about Scor. I don’t think I have enough time left.”

  “I’ll save it for you for tomorrow. That is, if you’d like to visit with me again.”

  “Wild boars couldn’t keep me away,” Jinady said, “but I’m not sure what will happen tomorrow. I’m done with the shortened version of initiation they gave me. I may be going on a mission.”

  “I got to ask you something, then.”

  “What is it?”

  “I’m the son of a demon who serves in the Glowing Mount of Justice. I can tell you about that story later. Anyway, I used to go to the aviary to send notes there every few days. I would get notes back. It was kind of nice knowing someone out there cared about me.”

  “Oh,” Jinady said. He wondered how there could be incubi in the mountain. The top half of the mount was made out of swan shard.

  “Course now I can’t do that anymore. Do you think you could take a message for me?”

  Jinady hesitated. He didn’t know why. He forced some saliva into his dry mouth and said, “Sure.”

  “Come get it from me.”

  Jinady stood and faced the boarded window. He put in as much of his hand as would fit into the opening.

  “No, silly. Come in the cabin. It’s not locked.”

  Jinady’s feet became heavy. Some odious intuition made his skin crawl. He tried to force out an excuse not to go in there. Words failed him.

  The bell for night exercises rang. Jinady expelled a sigh of relief.

  “I have to run. Hand me it through the wall.”

  “I can’t. It’s alright. You go on and run.”

  It didn’t matter how kindly Rowan said the last sentence. The words gave Jinady a chill. “I’ll come back tomorrow—if I can. I’ll do my best.”

  “I know you will, Jinady. I greatly appreciate it.”

  Jinady ran toward his drills while biting the rest of the dried skin off his lip. He wasn’t sure how far he wanted his curiosity to lead him. He hadn’t seen Figaru since they parted ways outside the border. If he wasn’t going to be his mate he didn’t have any reason to find out more about him. Rowan was trouble that he should probably avoid. He should just finish his required time and have a simple existence in the settlement. If he continued to visit Rowan he was certain that would no longer be an option.

  Chapter 13

  The next morning, Jinady was instructed to continue with his normal training routine. An officer said they were looking into his guardian. Someone would see him after the midday meal.

  Jinady only half-remembered this as he ate lunch with two friends. He’d heard one border was still open, but everyone seemed to be taking their meal break at the same time. The long mess hall was full to the brim. When all the men sprang up in unison Jinady’s heart skipped. He stood just a moment slower and imitated their stiff postures. He hadn’t been taught about whatever they were doing right now. He leaned forward surreptitiously to see who had just entered.


  Jinady’s lips parted. He locked eyes with him several moments. The large entryway of the hall barely framed his giant form. He stood with gleaming dark muscles, sweeping cape, and regal visage. The air seemed enchanted by his presence.

  The first flush of recognition Jinady felt was painful. Longing radiated through his whole body. A whispery scratch of doubt breached these emotions. He looked down. It wasn’t safe to fall under Figaru’s spell.

  Jinady hadn’t even noticed the scrawny man with the shaven head next to Figaru. “Shard gatherer Jinady,” the man called. His voice lacked the booming authority of an officer.

  Jinady climbed out from the bench clumsily. All the men still stood in attention, but their eyeballs were on him. He walked up to Figaru.

  “Jinady,” Figaru said.

  The deep demonic voice revived the longing. Jinady opened his mouth, but then froze. He didn’t know if he could address him as he had in the past. He realized he didn’t know which army custom to follow.

  Figaru saved him by placing a hand on his back to lead him out. The touch was light, but Jinady felt tingling bliss on his skin.

  They walked outside. The lanky ma
n waited at the double doors of the mess hall.

  “I’m sorry you had to be drafted.”

  Jinady looked at him. They weren’t touching as they walked.

  “If you hadn’t decided to become a teacher I would have figured out some other solution.”

  Jinady was puzzled.

  “There’s unrest among my demon ranks right now. I needed to get you away from Leatha discreetly.”

  Oh. He remembered what Vandrel told Leatha the night he was being trained. Figaru had assaulted Rowan and put him in the stockade. He must have suspected how Leatha would react.

  Figaru led him to the open area where he’d done training exercises. He stopped on the edge near the offices. Jinady stood facing him.

  “I haven’t forgotten about you, Jinady.”

  Jinady couldn’t look into his eyes. Things were even more complicated now than when he’d been rescued. He couldn’t confess the same to Figaru. It would encourage him when there were still so many unknowns.

  Jinady sighed deeply. Figaru turned his head away. This slight gesture stung. Jinady needed to say something. He didn’t want to reject him outright. It may have been the best course, but he clung to a hope things would work out.

  “Figaru. I’m not angry about the draft anymore. I didn’t really want to be a school teacher. I don’t care about that.” He was struggling to find more words.

  “I’m glad,” Figaru said. “I want you to stay in the army, Jinady.”

  Jinady would have been affronted if anyone else made these requests. Figaru’s natural authority made it seem as though anything he wanted must be right.

  “I don’t know about that yet.”

  “You’ll know once you complete your first mission.”

  “Maybe. Someone was going to talk to me about a guardian.”

  “Yes, Jinady.”

  Jinady swallowed. He sensed what was coming.

  “Will you accept me as your guardian?”

  Jinady was shocked, but also touched. No other shard gatherers got such special attention.

  “Aren’t you too busy for this?”

  “I’m making time for you, and…” He paused. “I don’t want another demon escorting you.”

  “Of course you can be my guardian.” Jinady blushed. He lowered his head to conceal it. He couldn’t say no. His yes had come out too enthusiastic.

  Figaru took one of Jinady’s hands. Jinady still couldn’t lift his head. He wished his misgivings didn’t amplify his awkwardness around Figaru. He let Figaru hold his hand without meeting his eyes. Goosebumps shot up on his arms and legs. He closed his eyes.

  “I’m fond of you, Jinady.”

  “I’m fond of you, too.”

  The plaintive words came out before Jinady could stop them.

  “Are you sure of that?”

  Jinady finally looked up. He took the chance to amend his confession.

  “I want to get to know you better,” Jinady said.

  A soft smile formed on Figaru’s lips. He appeared serene and reassuring. Jinady felt a sweet pang in his middle.

  Figaru brought one of his hands to the side of Jinady’s face and stroked back the loose strands of glossy hair. Jinady closed his eyes. The touch was heavenly.

  “You’re beautiful, Jinady.”

  A shiver ran down Jinady’s spine.

  “I’m a monster compared to you.”

  Jinady opened his eyes.

  “Nearly everyone in this settlement adores me. And yet, the only ones who’d consider being with me are lascivious or tainted. I’ve set my gaze on a lovely, charming creature. I can’t force myself to consider anyone else.”

  Figaru closed his arm around Jinady’s back before he could respond. “I want you.” He leaned over and kissed him.

  Jinady was momentarily tense before he settled against him. His head was tipped back for the moist sensuous mouth that sealed over his own. His legs lost their strength. He clutched the side of Figaru’s large arm. The hand on his face moved to his back to pull him tighter. Warm euphoria washed over his body and he relived the feeling of losing himself. He was helpless in Figaru’s arms—the demon consumed his will.

  Figaru broke their lips, but not his embrace. He looked into Jinady’s eyes. Jinady clung to him, flushed and dazed. It was a heady moment.

  Figaru was close enough to whisper against Jinady’s lips. “If you have any doubts, don’t be coy. It will take more than weak protests for me to let you go.”

  Jinady’s voice had almost no sound. “Understood.”

  Despite saying this, if Figaru swept Jinady to his quarters right now weak protests would be all Jinady could muster.

  Somebody hooted, breaking the spell.

  There was applause as they parted to look at the soldiers crowded in front of the mess hall. The soldiers clapped and cheered. The lanky one with the shaved head was clapping with them.

  “Oh my God,” Jinady said.

  Figaru stroked his hair. His gentle smile was back. “They mean no harm.”

  The notoriety made him blush.

  There would be a delay of at least two days before Figaru could escape from his duties for the mission. Jinady was encouraged to continue his physical training, but no longer risked demerits if he missed an activity. He skipped exercises before dinner to rest in his cabin.

  Eban was dozing on one of the lower bunks with his arms propped behind his head. Jinady had to look twice before he realized who it was. The dark-haired man was wearing his chainmail vest and still had his broadsword and dagger on his hip.


  He opened striking blue eyes and sat up. “Jinady. Look at you. You’ve gotten skinnier.”

  Jinady clasped hands with his friend and sat on the bunk across from him.

  “I just returned from a mission,” Eban said. “It was a far away fortress. Maybe it was yours?”

  “Really? Our fortress is built into a hill with a pentagon with three turrets in the front.”

  Eban tsked. “Nope. Wasn’t yours. This was just two towers and a barbican.”

  “Oh.” Jinady’s excitement faded.

  “My friends here tell me Lord Figaru was seen kissing a boy. A fresh face in the camp. I knew it had to be you.”

  Some of the heat from kissing Figaru returned to his cheeks. “It happened.”

  Eban smiled. “So you figured out your head, right? You’re going to be his mate?”

  Jinady looked downward.

  “Don’t do this to me,” Eban said.

  “Eban, the first night I came here Figaru hurt Rowan and locked him in the stockade.”

  Eban’s brow twitched.

  “I found Rowan in a nearby cabin. Figaru put a blood chain on him. He warned me that Figaru has a dark side.”

  “Fuck. So now you’ve got this holding you back? Don’t listen to that idiot.”

  Jinady stifled his jubilation. “There’s something to it. He really is locked away.”

  “I’m sure he deserves it. I didn’t want to say it before, but Rowan is deranged. The bullies in school would make him do gross things and he’d pretend that he liked it just for the attention. His only friend in high school was the teacher. Lord Figaru made him his housekeeper because he felt sorry for him. Of course Rowan was going to fall in love with him, but Figaru could never take him as his mate. Rowan’s too stupid and awkward. He’s not worthy of Figaru. He went with Scor because he knew he had to set his sights lower.”

  Jinady soaked in the words. He spoke while staring at the bed beside Eban’s knees. “It’s not just Scor. He’s got three demon lovers.”

  “Right.” Eban was still ranting. “Weird Ms. Leatha, who always used to whisper to Rowan in class with that creepy smile, and General Vandrel, who had a thing for Leatha, and elbowed into her ‘marriage’ so he could stay close to her.”

  “You know about everything, don’t you?”

  “Gossiping is my bad habit.”

  “So Vandrel was in love with Leatha.”

>   “She could do worse. She did, in fact.” Eban steered his eyes upwards to remember. “Vandrel was always coming around after last bell. Once, I had detention and it was just me and the two of them in the classroom. Vandrel was flirting like crazy. He kept trying to touch her hair, and she kept batting his hand away. He gave her a present wrapped up with a muslin bow.”

  It hadn’t been by chance that Leatha got Vandrel’s help when Rowan ran away. Rowan must have expected her to do it.

  ‘Maybe Leatha had no pull with Figaru, but Van was his top general. He had to let him have me.’

  Had Rowan manipulated them?

  Jinady flopped onto his own bed. “I’m glad you came to see me.”

  Eban laughed. “I haven’t even been to my own cabin yet. Look, I didn’t even get my armor off. I almost burst when I heard Figaru kissed you.”

  “Everything about Figaru feels right,” Jinady said. His eyes took a far off gaze. “When I tried to forget about him I was despondent. I didn’t see the point to doing anything. When I saw him again I tried to keep my head, but I couldn’t. I just wanted to…melt into his arms. I wanted to forget everything bad I’d heard.”

  Eban squealed. It startled Jinady.

  “You’re in love with him already. It’s finally happening. He better be your guardian. I don’t care how busy he is.”

  “He’s going to be.”

  “Of course.” Eban hugged a pillow. His smiling face was flushed. “Shard gatherers always become mated with their guardians.”

  “They do?”

  Eban squealed again. “Ah ha ha! You didn’t know? Riley and Arth, Quince and Shindra, Hornby and Coocoo—oh wait, only Quince and Shindra are left now, right? Anyway, your guardian protects you, bonds with you. He takes you on that long journey to the mount, sacrificing himself for you all the way. When he’s all weak and beaten by the end of trip you’ll cry and crawl into his arms. You’ll give yourself to your courageous protector.”

  “You sound like a damsel.”

  “Weren’t you just talking about melting into Lord Figaru’s arms?”


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