Advanced Studies of the Human Aura
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I posit that all communication at its core involves sensing and that the conveyance of every message involves feelings that originate in the solar plexus, flow through the heart and are expressed through the mind as emanations, which in many life forms are then voiced as emotive words through the throat. As you know, the throat center is an activator or amplifier of vibrations that the mind emits rather than the originator of the messages themselves.
In all octaves of life, communication may occur without sending and receiving sound waves when one is sensitive enough to feel the emanations of a being that are clearly present within its auric field. Thus adepts, mystics, clairvoyants and the spiritually sensitive know what is said that is often unspoken because they feel or read the aura and its vibrations.
Scientific hardware and software that both astrophysicists and cell biologists use are becoming more sensitive as mankind translates his higher feeling abilities into these instruments, which are simply extensions of his own consciousness. They will find that all interstellar and intracellular emissions are based on the very same universal principles and that many life forms, previously thought to lack conscious awareness, actually have the same cognitive abilities as other more evolved beings. Suns and cells are composed of the same divine mind stuff and operate with the same capabilities and processes, though on different scales of magnitude. Plants have a much greater intelligence and mastery of elemental forces than you realize.
There is a field of liquid-light energy, a subspace or hyperspace carrier through which all communication passes from its source to its final destination. In effect, all communication may thus be instantaneously felt, translated and understood as soon as it occurs. You may have noticed how at times, either because of your sensitivity in one moment to the vibrations of life around you or because of your strong tie to someone or something, that you immediately picked up on a major event or communication that occurred upon the Earth or in the life of a loved one, friend or associate hundreds or thousands of miles away. You felt the happening or message and later noted the exact correlation of the timing involved. Time and space as you normally experience it seemed to collapse in that moment.
What are the galaxies, the stars, the nova and the comets telling you right now? What are your cells, your mitochondria and your genes speaking to you in this moment? Through heightened sensitivity through silent meditation, prayer and reflection, you may know the inner truths within the communication of the universe all around as you live in the eternal Now within your Solar Presence.
I am ever available to assist you in realizing your Buddha nature,
Empowering Your Aura
My words fly up, my thoughts remain below:
Words without thoughts never to heaven go.
—William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Beloved Students of Light’s Miracles,
As aspiring adepts and masters of all that is manifesting within your auric field, you are moving into a level of spiritual responsibility that involves the invocation of fohatic frequencies of cosmic light. Once you have purified your thought and feeling world and become sensitized to the flow of the solar radiance from your God Presence through the nexus of your heart, you are ready to be God-taught the science of fiat, fohat and cosmic energy fields.
A fiat is a powerful directive to the divine forces that govern the solar evolution of worlds to deliver a cosmic impetus of spiritual radiance into a particular realm of activity, into a specific situation that requires a more-than-ordinary measure of intercessory light. It is usually invoked with an intense thrust of the voice whereby an upward lightning bolt of intent is sent to the Divine One to answer surely and quickly. It is like a cosmic SOS that is instantaneously communicated to the Lords of Light because of imminent danger or great peril to one or more souls or spiritual endeavors.
Fiats should be spoken from a point of great harmony within the solar plexus. For if they are to be answered forthrightly by archangelic ministrants and devas of solar joy, they must contain a concentrated focus of compassionate love, a heart-filled radiance of empathic feeling that is the pure virtue of true bodhisattvas of the Spirit. Fiats must never be uttered with angst toward the forces of evil or from an imbalanced state of consciousness in reaction to the pains and sorrows of life. They must contain a seed ideation that the great wisdom of the masters of love and light will adjudicate according to the holy purposes of God and the highest outcomes for all lifestreams involved.
Fiats contain the core elements of fohat, which are the cocreative powers of the universe locked within the seed-ideations of the Creator. The original fiat, “Let there be Light!” 1 produced an instantaneous response because the cosmic intent, desire and thrust was perfectly balanced within the Word or Logoic emanation that was behind and within the words spoken. Fohat is akin to the amperage that is carried through electrical wires that delivers the power or force of the current.
Within higher dimensions and domains of light the Elohim, the Solar Hierarchies, the Four Cosmic Forces, the cosmic beings, the Builders of Form and the seraphim and cherubim all engage in the wielding or delivery of fohatic energies to fulfill the divine directives and desires of the Great Central Sun, stepped down through many lower dimensions and domains of being. The mastery of fohat is essential in the training of ascended masters who are moving on to more cosmic levels of service where they are responsible for life beyond Earth’s auric field and the lives of its citizens.
The energy fields that are in a constant state of flux within Earth’s greater aura or geomagnetic atmosphere are monitored by the Master Cuzco and other spiritual scientists in his etheric retreat over Viti Levu in the Pacific Ocean. These great beings attend to the balancing of all forces of light and darkness that are at play upon Earth, and through a type of dynamic dance of the hours they harmonize all through the crystalline frequencies of their great Solar beings. They lovingly perfuse a high level of light-radiance into many arenas of human activity while stabilizing the four quadrants of Earth—earth, water, air and fire—through their great understanding and mastery of cosmic energy fields.
Once you have witnessed the auric emanations of the great saints of heaven who have laid down their lives for the saving of mankind and the evolution of humanity, you may be inspired to also offer your very life-essence toward the holy cause of the Universal Brotherhood of the Spirit, which works tirelessly for the God-good of all.
Again I would caution all who desire to engage heaven in the use of these more rarified frequencies and celestial powers to be careful and aware that you are fully responsible for their just use and for every iota of the energies that you invoke. Many an unwitting disciple has become a sorcerer’s apprentice through a lapse in conscious and pure thought, right motive and astute insight when the evil ones have appeared as angels of light to take him off course to serve the dark forces.
The light of God always prevails when loving-kindness, holy gnosis and faith in divine ideals are present, are front and center in the life of the discerning disciple. Make it so through your willingness to maintain the humble estate of ever being a servitor of light while also keeping the light of gratitude and forbearance astir within you.
Leader of men who would ever follow the Divine, True-Blue Will, I am
The Magic of a Mystical Master
Using your imagination and your new eyes of perception,
. . . see yourself living a new life, a new dream, a life
where . . . you are free to be who you really are.
—Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements
Blessed Students of the Sacred,
God has invested the allness of divine Selfhood within you. This investment may be realized and materialized by divine thought through harmonious feeling expressed in active alchemical projects that expand the aura and its emanations during their offering.
See now through your mind’s eye the
auric emanations of the Master Alchemist, Saint Germain, as he is engaged in the spiritual work of the ages and of this age of love-wisdom dawning of Aquarius. A powerful release of solar frequencies coalesce around his mind, heart and aura through his attunement with great celestial minds who co-create at a high level of beingness in etheric octaves and beyond. I call this sacred process the Merlin Effect.
As you also participate in numerous spiritual endeavors and assignments through your sponsoring master, you enter an auric field of presence that is the divine thought process that proceeds through your creative work. The Merlin Effect is therefore activated through holy will flowing through clear mindfulness and fueled by pure love.
As you have learned the greatest spiritual lessons in life, you have often observed it was the process through which you expanded the horizons of consciousness bringing you to beingness that was as important as the realization of your goal. Within the striving and the alchemicalization of light through your heart, as divine energies flowed through you to elicit a response from the domains of Solar beingness, you began to experience the onrush of a new level of creativity, purpose and inner peace.
The Merlin Effect, then, offers a profound level of blessing to your soul and spirit, for it allows the grace of the Divine One to merge with your aura and to blend with the oil of your own gift of Selfhood through your work. This alchemical change manifests almost as an automatic response when you are centered in your joyful beingness and as you surrender to the sacred within your work.
Every true alchemist has discovered this age-old secret—by releasing the components of the lesser self into the transmutative fires of the Holy Spirit, which burn on the altar of experimentation with light, victory is assured and the desired results are forthcoming. Inspiration often comes when what has failed to elicit a breakthrough is let go of through a resolve to maintain peace. The muses of heaven watch over you and are directed to assist only when a portal is created by your conscious love to abide within the sanctum of Spirit through identification with God’s will, wisdom and love in balance.
The Merlin Effect is cosmic synchronicity. It unfolds naturally as you live in the sacred space of love. It flows as you enter beingness in the eternal Now and live in your joy. It is the harbinger of a new wave of the Spirit that is rightfully yours when the unreal self is cast off and the true Self is accepted and allowed to manifest in your life.
The auric field of those who have utilized the Merlin Effect are naturally buoyant, luminous and expansive. They are replete with particles of expressive joy that permeate the greater auric field of their homes, communities and nations. As you realize your potential through the sacred laws of alchemy, your aura shines with a divine brilliance that is both saintly and serene, both beautiful and bounteous, both graceful and generous.
The greatest key to entering into the spirit of presence that allows this desired result is humility, blessed ones. Those who are ready to receive higher instruction and even a gentle goading from their sponsored teachers will always gain greater benefits when an expectant spirit of humbleness and true piety lead their hearts forward.
As you rise to higher spirals of Buddhic beingness and align your aura with the aura of your chosen teacher and friend of light, the nature of God will be revealed in both the subtle and the simple, in both the sublime and the serene.
I am leading you to All-Truth through the way of beingness in God’s light.
Affectionately yours,
Buddhic Mindfulness
The process of mindfulness helps us to stop running [and]
to realize that happiness is possible in the here and now.
—Thich Nhat Hanh, What Is Mindfulness
Blessed Students of the Living Truth,
God has invested the essence of himself within all created life as a seed ideation and birthright of beingness, blessedness and beauty. As this original blueprint of perfection is fulfilled within each one’s life experience, all come to the full realization of presence that culminates in an enlightened state. Evolving into this state is the inalienable right and the divine destiny of all created life.
An aura of enlightenment manifests when the true essence of one’s divinity flowers within the soul and expands upward toward the sun of beingness. In this enlightened state, the aura also expands astronomically to accommodate a new light quotient that is already manifesting within the Higher Self and waiting for the awakened soul to feel, know, become and share.
The auras of all enlightened beings tap into the coronas of pure Selfhood within the Solar Essence of the Divine One. Within this undifferentiated beingness, light manifests in an impersonal way. Yet the individual monads that have evolved through the time and space dimensions may now clothe that light with specificity and personal beingness, bringing it to fruition in a new facet of God’s expression. When one soul reaches this enlightened state, God’s essence is now realized within a new portal of Presence that is beyond the cosmic void or the unmanifest supermundane realities.
As each created being strives to fulfill its innate purpose and divine plan and reaches up to her Sun-Source for inspiration, wisdom and holy knowledge of higher spheres, many more who live within the same realm of consciousness may be inspired to also tap into the divine storehouse of this golden-liquid light to give birth to a new essence of theosophic truth, a new quality of divine virtuosity and blessedness.
What your enlightened aura exhibits will be unique in its particular expression of your Buddha nature, even as all enlightened ones’ auras display the same holy and serene quality of light, the same sparkling reality of Presence. Through the guru-chela or teacher-student relationship, many particles of Solar beingness are transferred by a divine process of guarded sharing as the disciple absorbs and utilizes the light rays from the master to further his work and expand his energies within the microcosm of Selfhood.
Holy truth and divine wisdom feed the soul with the true food of the Spirit that leads to this enlightened state. True communion consists of the consciousness of the master that is embedded within his words and teaching and is transferred as the disciple assimilates the Word and uses its wholly delectable offering for the betterment and advancement of others. The student realizes that it is not the outer personality of his guru that deserves his attention or devotion but the living energy field of God-beingness that the master offers through his auric emanations—truly the divine essence of his Oversoul.
When you pray to Jesus, Gautama, Krishna, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary or to any enlightened one, realize that the answer to your request comes as a rushing wind of the Spirit that is both fatherly impersonal (of the Godhead) and motherly personal (of the master’s specificity). A true master always offers the light from his own Source, her highest Selfhood within the Divine One.
From within this enlightened state of beingness the true fruit of all involutionary and evolutionary experience of a master may be accessed to further her work and her word, to fulfill her role and her rule, to augment her light and her love. The master always desires for her students to become her essence for a season so that the totality of her Self-mastery may be a food for greater spiritual advancement and solar nourishment. And at times some students surpass their master’s level of attainment as the master lays down her life for her beloved so that others may be saved (Self-elevated).
The givingness of the aura of enlightenment manifests through a divine process that is both mysterious and sublime, both awesome to behold and yet simple in its revelatory workings. Once one has reached the enlightened state of being, the Solar Presence pours light into all created realms in which the soul has ever experienced life, for akashic essences are left within these multidimensional planes of being and the Oversoul extends the light back through the tracings of the soul through those realms in a beautiful, artistic way. From glory to glory, the light is expanded and enfolds all beings with whom the enlightened soul has ever had interactions or exchanges of life e
It is not enough to seek your own eternality, blessed ones. Through enlightened Self-interest the path is won through sacrificial giving, surrender to holy purpose and personal selfless service to life. By raising others you extend your own auric field of blessedness to their domains, to their pathways in order to light a way for ages to come.
The examples of all who have attained their liberation and freedom are documented in the akashic records, the cosmic book of life, for serious students to read and to learn from. In more cases than not the master won her eternal beingness by following one of the primary precepts of the Brotherhood—to be one’s brother’s and one’s sister’s keeper.
As your auras are regenerated through the love fires of the Holy Spirit, know that your full enlightenment draws nigh, even as you experience its refreshing radiance in greater increments of peace within your Presence.
Attentively yours in the eternal Light,
Sacred Field of Pure Light
Between the eyebrows there is a third eye, the eye of wisdom.
When this eye is opened a fountain of joy is released,
and the whole universe seems merged in bliss.
—Swami Prabhavananda, The Eternal Companion
Blessed and Fruitful Ones,
The advanced initiatic path, when fully embraced, is a path of joy! Light is transmitted through every initiation for the uplift of the soul, the expansion of the heart and the full flowering of spirit within. And this light is pure joy, pure divine bliss.