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A Daring Affair

Page 2

by Tremay, Joy

  “Thanks, sir,” she mumbled lamely, feeling self-conscious and flustered. He took away his hand and she looked up at him shyly.

  “We’re not at the hotel,” he said, looking around the small storage room before settling his gaze on her again. “Please, call me Eric.”

  “Oh, um, sure,” Mia said, trying to breathe normally. His large presence made the storage room shrink.

  The room was a cluttered mess of large cardboard boxes, clothes, accessories and hangers. She had attempted to tidy it up earlier, but had been too lazy. Now he was here to see the mess - wonderful.

  “How, why,” Mia started, then sighed. “I mean, is there something I can help you with, sir, er, Eric?”

  “Ben told me where you worked. I hope you don’t mind,” he answered smoothly.

  Mia’s head spun. Why in the world would he have asked Ben where her mother’s store was?

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  Mia’s eyebrows rose at his statement, and he calmly looked back at her.

  “Please, follow me,” she said evenly, trying to maintain a look of composure as she left the storage room.

  “Interesting choice of music,” she heard him mutter behind her, making her wish that she had chosen classical music instead of hip hop.

  She hastily turned off the music before she walked over to the counter and sat on the stool behind it. She didn’t think her suddenly shaky legs could hold her up anymore, and she felt safer having the glass counter between them.

  Eric studied her from across the counter with an intensity that made her nervous, but she met his gaze directly.

  “I’ll be overseeing the final touches on a brand new hotel, and I’d like you to be my assistant.”

  Mia’s eyes widened until she thought she might actually start looking like the puffer fish she had likened Mrs. Newberry to.

  “I’m sorry, what did you just say?” she asked, not sure if she had heard him correctly.

  “Ben recommended you and assured me that you would make a great assistant. Would you be interested?”

  “Well, I…I,” Mia stuttered, completely thrown off-balance by his question.

  “The new hotel is in Hawaii, Maui to be exact,” he added.

  “Really?” Mia asked, trying not to look as excited as she felt.

  Now was her chance to leave Edmonton’s frosty, blustery winter. She hesitated, knowing how much her mother depended on her to mind the store.

  “Your salary would double, and all travel expenses paid, of course,” Eric added, watching her carefully.

  Mia’s jaw dropped. “Are you kidding?” She stopped herself and said, “I mean, why me?”

  Ever since her cousin Mandy had recommended her for the job three years ago, it had never entered her mind to aspire to anything but the front desk position. She had never been interested in climbing the hospitality ladder, mostly because she knew how many tedious daily meetings Ben was forced to attend as front desk supervisor. She wasn’t keen on corporate meetings, and was certain they were deathly boring.

  Eric leaned against the counter, and she couldn’t help but notice how broad his shoulders were and how utterly masculine he was. It was disconcerting to her that her awareness of him was rapidly increasing.

  “Because, according to Ben,” he said, answering her question, “you’re prompt, diligent, and very personable.”

  Mia inwardly preened at the praise. Bless Ben for his compliments, although the prompt part was stretching the truth a bit. Since her shift began at half past six in the morning, she was occasionally tardy by a few minutes.

  “He also said that the hotel guests are always impressed by your warmth and consideration.”

  Thanks to the two large cups of coffee loaded with sugar and cream she rushed to grab from the hotel kitchen every morning. The chef and wait staff parted like the Red Sea when they saw her coming for her coffee. She couldn’t be perky and patient without them.

  “I’m flattered,” Mia said, “Still, I’m not sure I’m the best candidate for this job.”

  Eric leaned over the counter, causing Mia’s heart to pump faster. His face was only a few inches away and his gaze locked with hers.

  “I need an assistant, and I want you,” he answered bluntly.

  Mia gulped, feeling her stomach lurch at his bold and shocking answer.

  “I…see,” she said softly.

  She knew it was just a matter of time before he found out that she had more than just a little crush on him.

  * * *

  Eric hoped Mia did see, because he had been intensely attracted to her since he had met her several weeks ago over a spilled bowl of apples. Her pretty face, sparkling, light green eyes - framed by long, dark eyelashes - thick and shiny auburn hair with red highlights, and alluring figure had captured his attention immediately. Since then, he had found excuses to visit the Edmonton hotel more often.

  The Hawaii property was almost finished and he had been asked to oversee the last phase of construction. He had requested an assistant, and had decided that Mia would be an excellent choice. Ben had recommended her, and he trusted the other man’s judgment. Despite his attraction, he had no intention of crossing the line by mixing business with pleasure. He just wanted her to be with him, and he refused to delve deeper into his reasoning.

  “It’s a six-week assignment,” Eric said, leaning back from the counter.

  “Six weeks?” asked Mia in surprise. “But Ben already has trouble filling in the front desk position when one of us calls in sick. I don’t think he can do without me for that long.”

  “I’ve pulled an employee out from the Calgary hotel to fill in your position during those six weeks. Ben is also hiring an extra person, so he doesn’t have to work front desk when someone calls in.”

  Mia wrinkled her brow thoughtfully. “I see,” she said slowly. “Can I think about this?”

  Eric fixed her with an unwavering gaze. “I’ll be leaving for Maui on Thursday morning. You’ll have until Monday afternoon to let me know what your decision is.”

  Mia blinked at the rushed timeline.

  “Have you ever been to Hawaii?” he asked.

  Mia shook her head. “Unfortunately, my only experience with Hawaii is from watching movies and reading travel books.”

  “Well, I guarantee you that you’ll have an unforgettable experience.”

  Was it her imagination, or did she see a promise in his eyes?

  “Have a good weekend, Mia.” Eric smiled, making his rugged features more handsome than ever.

  Mia watched him walk out of the shop, leaving her feeling more than just a little confused and, if she was honest with herself, secretly thrilled.


  The following evening, Mia relaxed in the house she shared with her cousin Mandy. It was Sunday night, and Mia had spent the entire day mulling over Eric’s job offer.

  She watched Mandy place a large cupcake-shaped pillow at her back and recline against it on the sofa. Mia reached down and took a pizza-shaped pillow off the floor and hugged it to herself.

  “Brrr, it’s been such a frigid, long winter and now spring is just as cold,” complained Mandy as she draped a brown, faux fur blanket over her legs.

  “Your mom needs to stop ordering us stuff from the Air Mall magazines,” said Mia. “These pillows are kind of crazy.” She looked at the sushi and ice cream sandwich pillows scattered on the floor.

  “Well, you’ve perfected your aww, you shouldn’t have response over the years,” Mandy said with a grin.

  “I know Aunt Bethany means well. She just doesn’t have time to shop, except when she’s traveling on a plane. I think she’s spending too much money on us, but I did like the portable bed bug sleeping cocoon she sent on my birthday a few months ago.”

  Mandy snorted. “That was a better gift than the skeleton gnome garden sculptures I received for my birthday. They freak me out.”

  Their house was partially furnished by Mandy’s mother, Betha
ny. The purchases were all selected from Air Mall magazines during Bethany’s trips. Since she spent a lot of time on planes, she shopped for all of Mandy, Mia and her sister Victoria’s gifts from the airline catalogues. The piano cheese board and the two tiki sculpture side tables were just a few of the gifts the girls had received in the mail over the years.

  “Well, what have you decided about the assistant job?” asked Mandy.

  “I really want to go, but I’m not sure,” Mia answered, holding a cup of cocoa. Mini marshmallows bobbed on the surface, and she took a quick sip.

  “What’s holding you back? It’s six whole weeks in paradise, not to mention that you get to work with a hot boss.”

  Mia laughed. Her cousin Miranda, Mandy for short since Mandy hated her given name, was more like a sister to her than a cousin. Mandy had spent more time living with Victoria than with her own mom, since Bethany was busy traveling the world as an award-winning photo journalist.

  Victoria had first taken Mandy under her wing as a child during the summer months. When Mandy turned fifteen, she had come to live with Victoria and Mia full-time. As she was only a year younger than Mia, the two had become closer than sisters. The only time they were apart was when Mia visited her father and half-siblings in Arizona.

  Mandy’s shoulder-length, strawberry blonde hair and green eyes drew much attention from the opposite sex, but Mandy couldn’t have cared less. She was much too focused on her writing. Her wardrobe consisted of sweatpants and over-sized sweatshirts, which hid her svelte, willowy figure. Mia bemoaned the fact that she was four inches shorter than her cousin, but she was glad that they at least had one thing in common—the light green eyes they had each inherited from their mothers.

  Victoria had long ago given up on making her niece a fashion diva like herself, but she was grateful that Mandy had graduated from wearing colorful macramé shawls and gaucho pants to sweatpants and hoodies. Mandy had conceded to her aunt’s wishes that she at least wear sporty sweatpants that hugged her legs and the occasional yoga pants.

  Victoria had developed the habit of always muttering “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” whenever she became frustrated with her niece’s fashion choices, referring to Mandy’s mother’s own simple fashion style.

  Victoria’s younger sister Bethany had been and still was a tomboy. She preferred wearing jeans and T-shirts, and would rarely be caught wearing a dress or skirt. It was why Victoria had named her boutique So Not My Sister’s Closet.

  Mia knew that her mother and aunt loved each other deeply. It was unfortunate that Bethany’s career took her to far-flung places most of the year, but whenever Bethany was back in Edmonton, the two sisters bonded until Bethany had to travel to a distant locale again.

  “How do you know Eric is hot?” asked Mia curiously. “You’ve never met him.”

  “Elaine told me, and according to her, he’s the ultimate crush-worthy boss,” Mandy replied with a grin before taking a sip of her cocoa.

  “You and Elaine gossip too much.”

  “We can’t help it. Besides, I don’t gossip…she does. Remember, I worked with her for three years.”

  “Too bad you don’t work there anymore,” said Mia, crossing her legs while she tossed a red fleece blanket over them.

  “I couldn’t stand those hotel uniforms,” said Mandy with a grimace. “If they had allowed me to wear my sweatpants and sweatshirts, I would’ve gladly stayed.”

  Mia laughed and remembered the day when Ben had looked horrified when Mandy had suggested a new uniform style - uniforms made out of sweatshirt material. Even though Ben disliked the look of the hotel uniforms; as manager, he was allowed to wear his own stylish suits. He loved his suits so much that last Christmas, everyone chipped in to buy him a zoot suit and a matching fedora.

  “How is it that when I wish for something, I usually don’t get it, while you don’t even have to make a wish, and you get something wonderful placed on your lap?” asked Mandy.

  “It’s been a fairly brutal winter so far. Maybe my fairy godmother took pity on me and decided to fly me to Hawaii.”

  “I think my fairy godmother went somewhere tropical and forgot all about me,” grumbled Mandy. “Tell me again why you’re not jumping at the chance to leave this frozen tundra?”

  “I’m hesitating because I’m sort of attracted to Eric,” Mia admitted reluctantly. “My imagination would make a porn star blush.”

  Mandy’s eyes widened at her cousin’s statement. “Whoa, easy girl. It’s kind of dangerous to have X-rated fantasies about your boss, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, I know, it’s really stupid, but I can’t seem to help myself. Eric is just too attractive and sexy. I wish I had more time to sort through my feelings, but he said he wanted my answer by tomorrow afternoon,” Mia said, gulping down the rest of her cocoa. “Besides, what about the store?”

  “What about it?”

  “If I’m not around, who is going to manage the store during the weekends while you’re in class?”

  “Don’t worry about the store, Mia. Your mom will be back in two weeks and I doubt she’ll mind closing it temporarily on the weekends until she returns. I can handle the store during the week until she comes home.”

  “Are you sure?” asked Mia, feeling guilty.

  “I’m positive,” reassured Mandy. “Just go. You’ll regret it if you don’t.”

  “Will I? These fantasies have been plaguing me lately. I know I need to stop them somehow,” Mia said with a sigh.

  “Your fantasies might just turn into reality. Be careful. Never underestimate the power of attraction.”

  Mia bit her bottom lip. “See? This is why I’m hesitating. You know I sometimes plunge into situations without thinking.”

  Her cousin nodded but sighed. “Like the time, right after college graduation, when you quit your first job and decided to take off to Europe for a month. You came back home completely broke.”

  Mia grinned. “But it was such an eye-opening experience - better than that desk job.”

  “Anyway,” continued Mandy, “you’re a big girl, and I trust you won’t get into too much trouble. Right?”

  “Right,” said Mia, brightening. “I’m going to act professionally but dream wildly.”

  Mandy laughed. “Bring back some Hawaiian warmth and sunshine.”

  “I’ll bring you back a tiki keychain.”

  “Just please don’t order anything from the Air Mall magazine on the way there.”

  Mia laughed and felt excitement course through her body at the decision she had made. She didn’t know if she was making a mistake, but it was impossible to say no to Eric. She just hoped he wouldn’t suspect how attractive she found him. That would be downright humiliating.

  Mia went to work the next morning and immediately asked Ben about the assistant job. Ben assured her that she was qualified for the position, and that Eric was a good boss. Still uncertain about her decision, she asked Elaine for her opinion. Elaine was thrilled for her, although she admitted to being slightly jealous.

  “I’ve been here for six years. Why didn’t I get the offer?” asked Elaine plaintively.

  “Because you whine too much,” Ben answered.

  Elaine playfully stuck her tongue out at Ben, who just rolled his eyes.

  “I’ve never been to Hawaii before,” mused Mia as she scanned the guest lists on the computer screen. Ben and Elaine stood next to her at the front desk counter, re-arranging tourist destination flyers.

  “I’ve been to Oahu but not to the other islands,” said Ben. “I’ve heard that Maui is beautiful. It’s awesome that Bliss Hotels is opening a hotel there.”

  “Will Eric, I mean, Mr. Greyson be managing the hotel in Maui?” asked Mia curiously.

  “I’m not sure, he’s just overseeing the opening as I understand it,” answered Ben. “But they can transfer me over there any time. I wouldn’t mind living in a tropical paradise. Beats living here with snow seven months out of the year.” />
  “Imagine the hunks you’ll see walking around with no shirts on, especially one particular hunk,” Elaine said slyly, winking at Mia.

  “Which hunk?” asked a smooth voice from the lobby, making Mia, Ben, and Elaine snap to attention.

  Eric stood behind them, looking as handsome as ever. His piercing gray eyes honed in on Mia and he gave her a lazy smile that made her toes curl.

  “Good morning, sir,” Ben said politely. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine, Ben. Mia, may I speak to you alone?”

  Mia’s pulse leaped at his question.

  “Of course, Mr. Greyson,” she answered coolly, masking her excitement.

  Striving to maintain a look of calm, Mia left the front desk area and followed Eric down the lobby to a half-furnished office space. She watched him sit behind a large metal desk, and she looked dubiously at an old office swivel chair that had seen better days, placed in front of the desk.

  “Please, have a seat. I apologize for the state of this office. It’s only temporary, and I’ve instructed Ben to make it more of a storage room.”

  Mia sat on the chair, her posture straight and her hands clasped in front of her.

  “Have you decided about the job offer, Mia?”

  “Yes, I have,” she said, nodding. “I’ve decided to accept your offer.”

  “Good,” Eric said, and Mia noticed the look of deep satisfaction in his eyes. “I’m sure we’ll work well together.”

  “I hope so, sir,” she said. She just hoped her fantasies wouldn’t get too X-rated in his company.

  “Now that we’ll be working closely, why don’t you just call me Eric from now on?”

  Mia cleared her throat nervously. “Of course. Eric it is.”

  “By the way, how old are you, Mia?”

  Mia stared at him for a few seconds before answering.

  “I’m twenty-six. Why? Do I look like I need parental consent to go to Hawaii?” she asked half-jokingly.

  “No, I was just curious,” he answered, an unreadable expression in his eyes. “I’m leaving Thursday morning, so you only have two and a half days to pack and get ready. I assume you have a passport.”


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